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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1975
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IHHIIIIIlUlWMUlIIlUlIflHBIIIIImlBIBIB Bowling News ~T. T*.~ ~-. ~-.~.':T.~.NIBIImMII#II GUYS & DOLLS Men's Hi Game: Curt Snyder 206 Men's Hi Series: Harold Redman Jr~ 557 Women's Hi Series: Betty Johnson 492 Women's Hi Game: Betty Johnson 187 Standings: SIo Rollers 38-22, Woodchucks 37-23, Heehaws 34-26, 4 Fords 32-28, Sandbaggers 31-29, Dumb Bells 3]-29, Dead Woods 30-30, Carpetbaggers 29-31, 4 Kyds 28-32, 4 W's 25-35, Smokin 23V2-361/2, Jim Pauley Two 21 z/z-38%. Four Fords 3, AIlene Stepper 430; Carpetbaggers 1, Judy LaMont 447; Smokin 0, L C. Leman 509; SIo Rollers 4, Jim Johnson 544; Woodchucks 3, Carl Niwa 505; Jim Pauley Two 1, Rosemary Hilburn 4].0; 4 W's 1, Jim Williams 494; Heehaws 3, Curt Snyder 556; Four Kyds 2, Betty Johnson 492; Sandbaggers 2, Harold Redman Jr. 557; Dumb Bells 4, LaVerne Tallman 516; Dead Woods O, Dick Wood 491. HOUSEWIVES Women's Hi Game: Patty Brown im swa Ima Coach AI Hopp's Highclimber tennis team wants to make some waves of its own in tile Highdimber sports program. Judging from its first three matches (two of them practice) it is doing just that. Last Monday night at Elma was no exception as the netters recorded their first Black Hills League victory of the year, a 5-0 shut-out. Dale Campagna got ttopp's crew going with a 6-2, 6-1 win over Keith Lawton, Ehna's number one seeded player. Wes Stockwell defeated the number two seeded Gregg Smith 6-0, 6-0. Line Miner duplicated that men with a 6-0, 6-0 whitewash over Bob Lambert. Mark Jarls, the transfer student from Argentina, put away Elma's Dave Hosbruck 6-2, 6-1. Dave Wicken, Hopp's young freshman hopeful, completed the singles sweep with a 6-3, 6-4 win over Mike Smith. In doubles competition, Bruce Dorcy and Dave Hanson trounced Watts and Dick ttamilton 6-3, 6-2. Rounding out the clean sweep, the team of Pual Skipworth and Jim Teberg defeated Elma's Feeser and Ropp 6-0, 6-0. Sheiton is the overwhelming favorite to repeat as BHL champions. THE SHELTON NIMROD CLUB recently presented a $250 contribution to ysh Ifi I 205 Women's Hi Series: Patty Brown the Mason County Little League organization for use in the Little League ore go ng go s 528 program. Shown here, left to right, are John Watkins and Fred Wood, pl......iwyy Julie Coleman picked the 3-7-10 representing the Little League; and Glen Stewart and Tom Ogden, stc Ff season's split. Standings: Witcraft & Swope representing the Nimrod Club. 38-18, Clark & Relier 36-20, B&R The She]ton Bayshore girls re Rosemary James and Alma Oil 32%-231/z, Manke & Sons braved hail, snow and rain on Zaiodech., 31V2-24½, Hoodsport Sears 30-26,~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 11 and played golf. " " Aprd j was ...... nladen hole day Endicott 29-27, Ells Body 25~,-30, Knudsen 25-31, Log . . . Winners for 18 holes for low with Pat Beatty winning for 18 Cabin 25-31, ManRe & Orr Bowling Results Statistics net were Anita Kimbel and Billie andbll ya drs Mohrnlan., 21tb-34½. Col. Sanders 21-35. Broughton. Nine-hole winner was - "winner. Himlie 21-35. Manke & Sons 4, Sally ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marion Hembroff. April 8 play was for putts Graham 443; Himlie 0, Sharon On March 18, low net winner Doris Christey had 31 putts for WeaverH°vt 362: B&R Oil 1 ~hiriRv490; Log Cabin 3, Pat WomenWOMEN'S COMMERCIAL, s HI" Game: Glenda Etthn• SUNDAY NIGHTMIxED, FOU RSOME Women'sTHURSDAY TRIOHi Game; Joyce was Hazel Durand. lind for9hl8 holes and Ruth Wotten won Noreen 443; Col. Sanders O, Patty 207 , Men,s Hi Game: Joe Brown 226 Lewandowski 209 March 25 play was for b" ales. Brown 528; Clark & Relier 4, Women s Hi Series: Glenda Ettlin Men s Hi Series: Ran Allen 564 Women's Hi Series: Millie Nelson partners, with Helen Rice and The first two-ball foursome is Mary Lou Nault 527; Endicott 2,543 Women s Hi Game: Char Tobin 512 Donna Coleman 456; Hoodsport Millie Nelson 2-9-10 split; Nancy 246 Standings: M&O 34-14, Hut Betty Olson teaming up as scheduled for April 20. Sign-in Sears 2, Judy Krause 435; Manke Johnson 6-7-10. , Women's Hi Series: Char Tobin 30-18, Arnold & Smith 27-21, winners for 18 holes. Nine-holers time: 3 p.m., and tee off at 3:30. & Orr 0, Ellen LaBresh 376; Ells 'Standings: Brown s 39]b-16V2, 549 Harry's 26-22, Bob's 26-22, Body 4, Louise Bittle 458; Ogden s 37-19, Bechtold 37-19, Standings: Salty Dogs 42-18, Fuller's 24-24, Clary's 23Vv24Vz, Knudsen 3, Shirley Byrne 427; Fullers 32-24, Lumbermen's Odd Balz 40-20 H20 Kgs Nye's 23-25, Vingard's 21-27, Aid uL ,,,b uJ,,I" Witcraft & Swope 1, Marge311k-24½, Certified 28-28, Les 37'/z-22'/z, .,., .;o,,,, ve,, ,.,0 er too me a st Witcraft 524. Fields 26-30, Ming Tree 26-30,Farmers 32-28, Hot Doqs 31-29 Petty's 14)b-32Vz. SATURDAY JUNIORS Gel. Valley 25-31, Bayshore DingALingsJl-29 4BVs29-31' Fullers l, LucileFarmwald i Vi gi i th 19.37, Harrison's 19-37, OlsenMoonshiners 23~/z~36V2 Totems 501; Wingard's 3, Frankie Barnes Men s Hi Game: Mill Stansell 205Furn. 15-41. 211/2-38Vz, Lakers 21-39~ Rookies 455; Petty's 2, Judy LeVant 428; S r n a Brass Men's Hi Series: Mill Stansell 568 Women's Hi Game; Cathy Pieines Lumbermen's 4, Debi Harvey 18Vz-41Vz. Vets 2, Ellen Andres 405; Hut 3, ' Alderbrook Colt" and Yacht Jenkins, Joyce Pentony and 539; Bayshore Gravel O, Peg DingALinqs 3, Pat Bond 510. Nita Tinsley 453; Makoviney 1, 181 Knutzen 427; Olsen Furn. 1, Farmers 1, ~Nayne C arv 558" Kathi Durkin 431; Arnold & Club women s golf group started Mildred Boyd. Women's Hi Series: Cathy Pleines Carolyn Ramsfield 415; BechtoldMoonshiners 3, Edith Walter 515: Smith 3, .Milli.e Nelson 512; 447 , Bldrs. 3, Karen Baxter 468; M]ng 4 Bs 1, Walt Barnes 448; Happy'Ha.r,rys l,. Linen ~; April activities with a The first Tuesday of each Standings: Villas 44-12, VFW 35-21, Hembroff 27Vz-28]/z,Tree 3, Joyce Lewandowski 429; Hookers 4, Sonja Pearson 4~-5; BaD s, 3, .Lorraine r~u_Der ,~o~,; three-personbest bail. month is a shotgun start, with Verne's 27-29, Lloyd, s 27-29, Hut Les Fields 1, Cecilia Gunter 43~,; Rookies 0, Mike Clary 403; Hot ~mry s ].LOUiSe.Clary^ 4/z;INyes Medalist for the day was play followed by a luncheon and 29-29, Lumbermen s 26=/2-29½, Fuller Coast. 4, Peggi Mead 4~4; Dogs 4, Ran Allen 564; Lakers 0, 1.., Lee t=mluno 41,'; M~U ~, Virginia Braseth and two teams business meeting. Yearbooks were Joslin's 26-30, Merv's 25VP30½,Harrison Hdvv. 0, Betty GrindleFloyd Fuller 511; Salty Dogs 3,uiana UTrerdal 465. 407; Certified 1, Millie NelsonGeoree Witcraft 540• H20 K9s ] tied for the best ball prize. The distributed to the members. A&W19.37.25-31, C&C 24½-31½, MCS 507; Ogden's TV 3, June Loving Joe ~own 554; Totems 0, Char TUE, SDA.Y NITEMIXED . ,. team of Evelyn Stifling, Do]tieFrances Johnson acted as C&C 0, Debbie Coleman 425; 487; Brown Bros. 2, Mary Lou Tobin 549; Odd Balz 4, Del ~n]e{] s rlt ~ame: uoo L.namDerlm Hflderman and Virginia Braseth chairman for this committee. Millo's 4, Tracy Ridout 513; Hut Wicken 507; Gel. Valley2, Hartwell Sr. 532 .............. I, Paul Skipworth 513; HembroffGlenda Ettlin 543. Men s rll benes: uoo ~namDer,nscored 62. The same score was Covers were designed- by Flossie 3, Butch Carr 469; A&W 3, Mill ur~t-uaJu'rc WOMEN'S CITY 580 Stansell 568; Lloyd's 1, Vicky ............. Women s Hi Game: Char Tobin Women's H" Game: Ma ie Vcto turned in by the team of Ruth Cady. Men s Hi ~ame: I-(olan(] L.UZlCK 183 199 Chapman 373; Lumbermen s 0, 212 ................ Women s Hi Series: Char Tobin Women's Hi Series: Marie Victor Tracy West 365; Josiin's 4, Jill Men s i-n ~erles: I.[anoy ~.nurcn,,, 453 473 Wheelchair Games Barnes 378; Merv s 0, Bill Lang 580 ...... Standings: Fir Cone 35-25, Standings: Fir Cone 40-16. 496;V erne'sMCS1,4,RodRandYschuffenhauerSmith 413; =-,,~ ~ ~=:~ r a n a~i= n g~u~= om~s: rl a nr ~...-,.is o n s Lum bermen s' 30-30, Morgan s' Veil Chev. 33-23, West Realty .............. 28-32, 40&8 27-33. 3 1-25, Ma at. 31-25, Land & .~ b Z t, /~ :~ .~Z ZO,, ury :~orr 490; VFW 3, Dave Danielson 448. 30" 26 ~illin~ton's 28 28 Morgan's 1, Char Tobin 453; Homes 31-25, Ruffner Elect. .0....o.w..,.o. w,,.oo ..0,, entrants sou--ht Boy s Hi Series: Jeff Likes ...... '~'- ' ....." "~' Cone 3 Santa Cochran 450- Pauley Mtrs. 28-28 Waterboys ........ ' ......... Lumbermen s 1. N~ta Tmsley 448.23-33, McComb 22-34, Binder 'Boy:s Hi Game; Eddie Nelson ~aMac z~-~-" v~sser s z~-~, u. ' , . • ' ' wooos zl-~:), ~lawarna la-~a. 1o ":17 rh,-i.,,,o , .., .wu= .a, ,,uwvusu v,. ~ e=~,' I~lrtrak 4J~F,. Wilenn 1 la:n D=+*,. r~u[rnerz//2-z4/z, ~-auley MIrs. q : Women s Hi Series: Nellie 172 , Women s Hi Series: Sonja Pearson Nitehawks 1, Chub Nut[ o4v; ".:.'~':'. "':."" "'::'"'- "-'~":' '.~"~ 24-28 Waterbnw 21-~1 Mr('omh p.m. May 25 in the Sandpoint Rossmaier 454 • ~c/; West Healty ~, uernoe La ' "" - ' , ...... B&R 1, Fred Snelgrove 580; Got] a-m ng 21-31, Binder 18-34, Chris 17-35 .~ missions ....... Standings: Agate Two 36-24, 469 3, L C Leman 586; Stewar~ a, -" .............. " ~om u U~Hcers Mess ~ • • . • . _ o~noer ~, t~OD L.namDernn ..... • Skok 32 b-27/z, Agate One 32-28, Sonja Pearson 5-7 split. Jack Stewart 559; A~rport ~, Joe . 489- Pauley Mtrs 3 Mike Whalin Icntry ]arms and intormationMatlock 31-29, Progress 31-29, Standings: Loaders 37-19, Anderson 558 Certified 1, BaD ° ' " ' , - B0wU,--u,mA,, DAII 463; McComb 0, Ralph Ervin sheets for wheelchair games P°m°na17Vz'42tk- Loggers 30-26,Railroad23-33, Haselwood 585; Photo 3, L/oyo nIi~ ii~i~vi nvii 474; Waterboys 4, John Denison . Progress 4, Bob Florek 458; Shops22-34. Clark 599; Walden 4, ~ary ....... - ....... ........... WUM~-N ::)a~" fir 5, uave P_ichhorn contestants are available from Pomona O, Paul Challender 493; Loaders O, Betty Russell 410; Woloen b:~b- verne su, uan "-'- -----' ........... __. ' ................. ou~; w,son z, ~nu~e wneeler Christy Hunter, King County Park Agate One 0, Lyle Auseth 430; Loggers 4, Sonja Pearson 469; Brown .~04. LU uaue Z~.~-Z~-ZUZb4u A~. rh.:=' ~ o=n,.,~ w;.-,... A~n. Railroad 1, Georgia Coleman 409; , J. Hartweii 182-193-203578 W~est Rea~ty'l "~arenl~laa~] ~'~: recreat,on" spec,al,st" " for the SkokAgate Two1, Bill4' LorenHibbertMercer 482;463; Shops3, Vi McGee 452. WOMENS 12:30 MaryWicken 199-178-193 570 Land & Hom~ U Uo,~', Tin-vail' physically disabled; Juanita Matlock 3, Nellie Rossmaier454. Women's Hi Game: Donna D. Coleman 219-180-170 569 ~- Veil r~ ~'~ ~h~,,, Coleman,219 D.C. 213-179-175 567 ~'ow'nsend 5"1"6~," Ru'ffne'r"Z~, Women s Hi Series: Donna S. Pearson 244-140-178 562 Rosemary Jones 504; Maint. 0, - ' Coleman 563 Patty Brown 176-187-193 556 Gerry Hart 544. The NEW professional quality chain saw for homeowners Standings: Mason Garbage 32-20, Bob's 32-20, Sh. Glass 26-26, Nell's 14-38. Mason Garbage 1, Julie Coleman 456; Bob's 3, Donna Coleman 563; Sh. Glass 3, Shirley Stites 476; Nell's 1, Marlis Monger 410. MEN'S TR IO SCRATCH Men's Hi Game: Leo Nault 246 Jane White 164-167-205 536 M. Witcraft 166-189-177 532 J. Her]well 157-160-210 527 MEN M. Mclnelly 210-191-201 602 Lloyd Clark 181-200-218 599 Wayne Clary 184-215-191 590 L. C. Leman 212-197-177 586 B. Haselwood 194-197-194 585 R. Churchill 158-]98-228 584 Men's Hi Series: Mac Mclnelly F. Soelgrove224-]84-172 580 602 Bill Hibbert163-202-215 580 Standings: Pile Drivers 117~, R. Churchill205-204-171 580 Salmon Smackers 96Vz, Timber Doug Wicken 186-210-181 577 Bowl 74, Misfits 72, Nault's 35. Smackers 12, Wayne Clary 590; Drivers 7, Jack Frost 561; Nault's 6, Leo Nault 565; Misfits • 10" bar and chain 4, Jim Johnson 549; Bowl 4, Mac • Easy starhng Mc Inelly 602. • Lightwe~ht- SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED 72 lbs Men s Hi Game: Ken Knight 224 Men's Hi Series: Steve Watts 559 xouW°men,s HiGame: Peg McGee te~ bar an~ cha,n Women s Hi Game: Peg McGee . : I Beautique - , ge ...%,, Knudsen 22-30, Boring .'~-~x, Simp. Bldg. 19-33. Beautique 4, Steve Watts 559; Engens 0, Joan Engen 408; Simp. Bldg. 4, Ken Knight 54]; ( Knudsen 0, Steve Anderson 394; ~S~ Boring 0, Tony Musgrove 500; Tackle Shop 4, John Lowell 451; West. Farm. 0, Mel McGee 542; • ,, • Settles 4, Curt Stracke 48,0. Ikmeger Motor Ihop on Hillcrest "we service what we sell" Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April ]0, SIMPSON SWlNGSHIFT Men's Hi Game: Dave Wood 213 Men's Hi Series: Dave Wood 569 Standings: Veneer 41-15, Hemlockers 28-28, Mill Four 25-31, Mill Three 18-38• Mill Three 0, Dan Sanford 455; Hemlockers 4, Dave Wood 569; Veneer 3, Tony Musgrove 516; Mill Four 1, Gary Kunnanz 504. An example of School Costs and the Special Levy During the 10 years from 19(~ through 1975 the non-school ~ortion of the property tax on .my home has increased by 227 percent, wh.ile the ~hool portion nas.increased by 436 percenL In 1966 the SChOOl portion was ~b percem of the total tax; in ]975 it is 61 percent. In short, the non-school tax has a bit more than doubled, while the school tax has more than quadrupled, and I assume that the situation of other property owners is similar: In all~ the verbiage spilled out by the school board and ts representatives, I have yet to hear any satisfactory explanation or justification for the school tax increase being double that of the non-school tax... ,, The old bromide of you want a good education for the kids, don't you?" has been thrown at us for years. It no longer carries much weight with an ever-increasing number of parents, who feel that .their children are not being exposed to anywhere near the stanoaro of education of lO to 20 years ago. Yet school demands skyrocket. Why? Some substantive reforms ano compromises had better be instituted promptly if levy failures are not to increase to the point of actual strangulation. Perhaps, if the school system would get out of the ,transportation, dietetic, psychiatric, babysitting, mothering and so on business, we will be able to afford a stronger and less costly educational program. VOTE NO Pd. for by John C. Kneeland I I I 975 The deadline is to qualify for BPAA House Qualifications for Wash. State Men's & Women's Handicap Tournament. Men's First Prize Women's First Prize One out of every six teams that qualifies locally goes to Everett for the finals at no extra cost. Qualifying leaders to date: t yansen's Plumbing 3083, • I Airport GrocerY13086 Monthly Single Sw,)eper !ast of 74/7~; Seriesl Th,s Saturday 6:30 p.m. As the last event of the season, this sweeper is open to ALL league bowlers. Call today for more information. lrintber 633 South First, Shelton 426-8452 II I I I Tips and By HERB WI Finding the right depth to fish can be one of the things for success in the spring in our lakes. Trout can be right off the boltom or close to the can change their depth during a fishing day. If you're trolling and aren't familiar with a lake, if you don't get much, move out about 15 feet and adding a split shot or two to your line. Keep on movin a little weight until you find fish. Sometimes you'll pick up a fish when turning. If the the rod on the inside of the turn, that indicates that deeper or slower, because as you turned, that inside line and settled a little deeper, if the hit is on the rod on the turn, that usually means you should speed up or fish For as you turn, the line on the outside speeds up and wilD] up a little closer to the surface. When anchored and fishing with bait, unless you nearby who is catching fish to tell you how deep, here'S~ find fish. Start lishing right off' the bottom. If you ge~ up halt" a dozen turns and fish that depth for a while. up until you find fish. By counting the turns on your reel, it s easy to d same depth after landing a fish by dropping to the bo~ tip quickly. , This won t solve all your problems, of course, for tl of bait, leader size and where you're anchored in a lake. have everything else right and ate fishing the wrong d~ get many fish, so depth is vita . Changing the brands of oil you mix with the ga outboard can cause trouble, according to the mechanic my Inotors. He pointed out that outboard motor oils are bt~ formulas and, even though they have detergents ha engines clean, there is bound to be a certain amount impurities inside your engine• He said that if you've used one particular brand o period, then switch to anolher, the slightly different break down those deposits quickly, which in tmn c( plugs. This can happen when you take a trip and the rna where you stop has a different brand. So stock up on the when you take a trip and prevent trouble. TAPE ON EASY DOUBLE HOOK SNARP£NER $/ ALL 141[ PIECE OF ~/ATERPROOF 5N~IP SOP,(Ttt%KS ~Jttl[~ PII~PF..~ /~(5 & C,OOD HONE FOR FOIt. Ilk~-~(4, A~1" Y¢ KKIEP IT HANDy, TAP[ n" oN I . HIKRP.tI~ Or4 F-P'C'M t~.,~