April 10, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1975 |
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EISEL and the Golden-Heirs Trio will present a
at the Shelton Assembly of God Church at 7
The Canadian group has appeared in many
. ghout the United States and Canada. They are
British Columbia. In addition to their
es, they have recorded eight albums.
s the one!
I Pump•
I Pump Co.
Service • All types of water pumps
Expert Installation
Xperience in Mason County
those with real "kid appeal." I
honestly believe some of those
small pairs of eyes hardly blinked
nor a muscle moved for a period
The third annual Art Fair will
be held this week at the Pioneer
School. Entries of any and all
varieties and categories are
welcome. Participants are asked
to bring their items for display on
Friday or prior to 9 a.m. Saturday
morning. The Art Fair will start at
10 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
Refreshments will be served. Export of unprocessed logs
from federal lands would be
Bert Miller, sixth grade outlawed by a bill introduced by
teacher, held his showing of the Congressman Don Banker,
Rose Bowl films. The films D-Wash., and two other
included highlights of the 1974 Northwest members of Congress.
Rose Parade, the 1967 Rose Bowl The bill would further tighten
game, and backstage preparations c o n t r o I s o n e x p o r t s o f
of the parade. The spectacular unprocessed timber by banning
beauty and ingenuity of the floats the practice of substitution and
in the 1974 parade drew oohs and by reducing the maximum legal
aahs from the audience. (There's a dimensions of a cant, a partially
job I wouldn't have on a bet -
judging those gorgeous creations!) processed export log.
The ban would apply only to
For the sports fans the Rose Bowl logs harvested from federal lands.
game was fun reliving. But the "Exporting raw logs is
film that had the most all-around tantamount to exporting jobs that
interest appeal was the third one, American workers desperately
giving a look behind the scenes of need," Banker said.
what makes the parade of the "We must begin, instead, to
year come off with clockwork export rmished wood products,"
precision, each and every year. he added, "and I am confident
From the unique engineering to that there is a market abroad,
create each float, to the namely Japan, that will buy our
painstaking and time-consuming finished products."
effort that goes into applying the A permanent ban on federal
zillion flowers and/or petals to log exports will also relieve, he
each float (each float must be at said, pressure on small mills that
least 90 percent fresh flowers) often cannot compete with the
and last, but not least, lining up higher bids major export buyers
entries for a three-hour parade are willing to make.
that travels five miles, it was a The proposed ban on
very educational film. After substitution, which occurswhen a
viewing this film, most parade company exports its own timber
watchers will now have a greater in a given area and then purchases
appreciation for any parade, and federal timber for use in the
the Rose Parade in particular, company's mill or mills, will
By being at the show both tighten export controls, Banker
days (the family went Friday said.
night; Lisa and I attended And reducing the maximum
Saturday to lend helping hands), I side dimensions of a cant from
was able to spend most of my 8-1/2 inches to 5-1/2 inches, he
time observing a number of added, will insure more domestic
spellbound younger viewers watch work on partially-processed
the beautiful floats, especially timber that is sold abroad.
.of several minutes, as one
beautiful float after another
passed before their eyes on the
Banker bill would
halt export of
It was a valiant effort by
local firemen, Simpson
employees and residents that
saved the day on the Shelton
waterfront Sunday, March 30.
The fire at the Simpson
Timber Company Power Plant
could have been far more
serious than it was. Instead of
relatively minor damage to the
Power Plant, several plants and
hundreds of jobs could have
gone up in smoke.
But prompt and effective
response by,nearly 100
persons contained the fire
within an hour, in spite of gale
force winds.
We particularly want to
say "thank you" and pay
tribute to men from the
Shelton Fir6 Department, Fire
District 4, Fire District 11, the
Simpson Fire Brigade, and all
individual volunteers for their
fine work.
They and everyone in the
community can be proud of
their effort.
H.P. Sandstrom
Vice President - Northwest Operations
Introduction of the measure,
Banker noted, carries through on
his long-standing opposition to
log exports from federal lands.
Other sponsors include
Congressman James Weaver,
D-Ore., and Congressman Lloyd
Meeds, D-Wash.
The bill would continue in
distinct federal statutory language
the log export limitations that
have been written into annual
appropriations bills in recent
years. Passage would signal
success against the adverse effects
of federal log exports after a
seven-year struggle that began in
1968 when Wayne Morse, then a
senator from Oregon, was able to
limit log exports from federal
lands to 350 million board feet a
year. •
The existing log export ban
will expire June 30.
"To cover any gap between
then and passage of the log export
bill," Bonker said, "we have asked
Sidney Yates, Chairman of the
Appropriations Subcommittee on
Interior and Related Agencies, to
include the export ban language
in either the new appropriations
Auto Repairing
-- Major Overhauls
-- Brakes & Ignition
--Welding & Tune-ups
219 So. 1st 426-1212
-- Helena Rubinstein
-- Cosmetics
-- Prescriptions
-- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics
5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327
Mike Gibson
Back Hoe Service
Septic Tank Installations
Bonded & Licensed
Dale Fleshman 426-3073
After 5 426-8896
Farm Slaughtering
• Cutting & Wrapping
• Curing, Sausage
• Sharp Freezing
Kamilche 426-1643
Music Lessons
• Piano • Classical Guitar
• Accordian • Music Theory
a Oriental Rhythms
30 years experience 426-1858
-- Complete Hair Care
-- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches
-- Merle Norman Cosmetics
-- Pennyrich Bras
6th & Laurel 426-4582
• Building • Remodeling
• Cabinets
Rt. !, Box 598 " 426-3657
Mason Lake Drive, Grapeview
Floor Covering
-- Linoleum -- Carpeting
-- Tile -- Formica
Mt. View Ph. 42(~-2292
Furniture Repair
* Paintings * Photo Art
* Gifts * Jewelry Boxes
Custom made Furniture
* Handmade Picture Frames
* Specialty Antique Restoration
Shelton Furniture Repair
and Art Studio
RL i, Box 168 426-1858
Wall Papering. Signs
Prehung Prefinished
Doors & Woodwork
Licensed & Bonded
Free Estimates
Heinitz Painting Co.
Chuck Heinitz 426-484 !
will receive the bill in the
International Relations
I almost believe we are all of us
ghosts! It is not only what we
have inherited from our father
and mother that haunts us. It is
all sorts of old, dead ideas, all
kinds of old dead beliefs, and so
forth. They have no life, yet they
cleave to us, and we cannot Shake
ourselves free from them.
Henrik Ibsen
How About You?
Landscape Design
Shrubs • Rock • Waterfalls
Lawn Sod or Seed
426-47 18
• Trailers
• Lawn & Garden Tools
• Complete Painting Equip. & more
Open every day 8:00 to 5:30
1209 Olympic Hwy. S. 428-1091
- Ready-mix Concrete
-- Concrete Culverts & Blocks
--Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone
-- Fireplace Screens & Tools
7th & Park 426-3344
How About You?
Rental Service
Almost Anything Anywhere
Folding Banquet Tables
& Chairs, Hospital Beds, etc.
2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731
in recent months, a variety of factors
largely beyond our control have driven
up the cost of providing you with
reliable electrical service.
Construction costs for steam generat-
ing plants have jumped 42% in the last I
five years. A decade ago, new genera-
tion facilities cost about $100 to $150
per kilowatt (one kilowatt = 1,000.
watts). Today that cost has nearly
quadrupled, to about $500 per kilowatt.
Overall construcffon costs increased
substantially in 1974, and are expected
to increase, greatly in 1975.
The cost of building transmission and
distribution facilities has increased by
more than 44% during the same .period,
Some items are really soaring. For
instance, in the five year period 1969-
1974, the price of treated pine utility
poles increased 89% ; overhead con-
ductors for electrical transmission
were up 137% ; and the price of under-
ground conductors for electrical
distribution increased 142%.
Increased fuel prices are a serious
problem in our continuing effort to
provide reasonably-priced electric
service. According to U.S. Bureau of
Labor statistics, the price of coal for
utility use increased 74% in one year
(June, 1973 to June, 1974). The price
of oil shot up 175%, and the price of
natural gas was up 42% during the
same period.
idt, d...
Just as it's costing you more to finance
that new car or home, it's also costing
your electric utility a great deal more
to finance the equipment and plant
necessary to provide first-rate electrio
service. Electric utilities require huge
amounts of capital~much more than
most ordinary businesses. Therefore,
high interest rates affect us more than
most other businesses.
The post World War II interest rates
of 2-3% on municipal bonds have risen
to 6-7% in recent years.
/ms than
While you pay more for electricity to-
day, chances are you are also using
more than you did five or ten years
ago. In fact, the price you pay for
electricity has actually lagged behind
sharply rising prices for most other
consumer goods and services during
the past decade. Between June, 1964,
and June, 1974, the consumer price
index increased by 58.3%, while the
average price for electricity increased
by about 10% less, or only 46.6%.
... is to continue to provide you, our
consumer-owners, with first-rate elec-
tric service at the lowest possible cost•
We set electric rates at the lowest
levels that will ensure a financially
sound operation and continued, rell-
able power supply for the community.
Like you, we're not happy about
increases in the price you pay for elec-
tricity. And, we're doing our best to
hold down future costs. Your wise use
of this valuable servant, electricity,
will help us in this effort.
Edwin TaylorHarold W. Parker
M. D. Parrett Jerry Samples. Manager
Thursday, April 10, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15
bill or in any continuing
..... Cable TV
resolution his committee adopts. Insurance -I Refrigeration ]
I I Tired of shopping? l
The bill has been referred to I Let us do it for you! / [ Expert Service /
the house committees on For Service Call I Auto-Home-Boat-Life-Health / IIG.E. eFdgidaire eGIbson I
I Business-Preferred Risk? / I * HotPoint • Whirlpool • Coldspotm
International Relations and I 426 1691 , w.,o~.,.,~.,ow..,~o~,. ,, o..-,,.,,.,.,m I
Interior and Insular Affairs. I Insurance is our only business, l
Bonker is a member of the I INSURANCE AGENCY / [ 426-5108
International Trade and | 117E. Cota 426-3317|
Commerce Subcommittee that