April 10, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1975 |
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Applicalion has been received
by tile Sealtle tl.S. Army Corps
of Eugineers from Ihrohl J.
Craytor, Federal Way, for a
Dcpartnlent of Ihe Army permil
in accordance wilh Seclion I0 of
the River and Ilarbor Act of
Ma,'ch 3, 1899 and ~clioi) 404 of
Ihe Federal Walcr I)ollulio,)
Control Act for work in Ih)(KI
Canal near IIo(~lsporl.
The work is Io collsllucl a
conclcle hoal ralliI) aild I)ulkhea(I
autl i)lace lill. Io i)rcvenl crosio,I
of ul)lamls a,=d i)rovide i)rivale
heal launch facilily.
Tim al)l)licali.,l In,s agreed all
COllSll'uction debris will hc
disposed on land in such a ma,lner
Ihal il camml enler navigahlc
waler and work in navigable waler
will he do.e Io mi.imize
Board meeting planned
The Thurston-Mason
Community Drug Program Board
will meet Monday, April 14 at
7:30 p.m. in Room 214 of" the
Thurston County Courthouse
The Thurslon-Mason
('ommuniiy Alcoholisn~ Prt.gram
Board will meel Wednesday, April
16 al 6 p.m. at Seven Gables,
1205 West Bay Drive in Olympia.
Members should note Ihe change
of meeting place for this =nonlh.
h,rhidily which lends h, degrade
w;.,Icr qualily aml (lam;,ge a(ll,;,lic
The (lecisio. whelher h) issue
a I)e,mil will he h:~,wd (-I an
ev;duali-,= of the i)rohahle iuq)acl
of lhe Im~po.~d acliviiy ,m the
l)uhlic inlercsl. Thal decision will
rellecl Ihe nalional coucern for
bolh i),olccli-n and ulilizalion of
imlmrlanl resources. The henelit
wh ic h rcvsonably may be
expecled h) accrue from Ihe
propmal nmsl be balanced againsl
ils rcasoi)ably foreseeable
detriments. All factor~ which may
be relewml Io Ihc proposal will he
considered; anmng Ihose are
conservation, economics,
aeslhelics, general environmenlal
concerns, hisloric values, fish and
wildlife values, fl(~xJ damage
p revcnlion, land classiticalion,
navJgalJon, rcc realJoll, Wll tel
SUl)l)ly, waler qualily aml. in
general, the needs and welfare .f
the l~ople. No permit will he
granted unless ils issuance is
found Io he in the public interest
lheliminary delerminali.ns
indic;,le lhe issuance of u. pernlil
will m)l he a significanl federal
acliOl) and an environlnenlal
impacl slale,nenl will nol be
The evaluation of lhe impact
of the activity on lhe l)ublic
interest will include application of
the guidelines promulgaled by lhe
Administralor, El)A, under
aulhorily of Section 404(h) of
lhe Federal Waler Pollution
Conlrol Acl.
Any person who has an
illl¢lcxl wIlh It Ill;l\ hc mk¢~.,
allech.'d by lhc I'-,,.ii',i11~c ,,l 3
l)Cl lllil lllJV l,.'qllq",l ;I p~ib!i
hearing,Irh¢ ~¢qltc'4 Iml,,l ~,,"
~,llhmilted ill ~,~ilin~ t*~ l',~c
d isl riot enginee~ within lhi=!v
days ~1 Ma~ch 3 I, lUTe. aml m~,!
clearly sol lorlh lhc iulcl~ I
which may he ad~e~wlv :lih'c~ i
and Ihe mare=or In ~vl.~h If-'
ilHeresl may he adw'~cl:~ ',file( I~ t
by lhe aclivily.
('()llll]lellIS ()11 lhesL' facl,,
will be 'accepted and made pro! ,~
lhe ~e~,,(l and will l)e ~_,msith'~,
iul tlelerv~mivlg whclher iI '~,~,;.i
he it= the hesl public irltL'[c'~;l :
granl a l)Cllllil. ('~IVlllIelll~, xhIHi
reach the Seattle ('(, p,, ~,tticc r~ ,
later than April ~,() h, iw,,,,
c(mside rail(re.
earned by Shelton residents who will walk, jog or ride a bike for pledges per
mile in a project organized by the Key Club. Participants will depart from
the Grant C. Angle building at 9 a.m. Saturday to proceed along a
Well-posted and well-patrolled nine-mile route. Pictured left to right are
Liana Ford, Gerald Lester and Gary Lyon.
)Wing railroad
April 17
n Coun ty
meets in the
at the county
.meeting, starting
~s open to the
executive, will
ashington in
latter film
is in sound and color, showing to inspect the area where a
well acquainted with Mason Jerry Smith, S'helton,
County h,ggipg outfits, chairman o f the county
l,ast fall hepresented thisBicentennial Committee,
programat the annual dinner will make a progress reporttothe
meetingof the Lewis County society on tentative plans to
llistorical Society. establish a logging museum and a
Leo Livingston, Belt'air, permanent historical exhibit as
Mason County Society president, part of the nation's Bicenfennial
said his group chose the celebration.
ti!i~grom:ds meeting site in order
Model RB777
• Self-Clean oven
cleans itself automatically,
• Rota-Grill rotisserie
• Oven timing clock
• Super-Matic 3100-watt
3-in-1 surface unit
• Infinite-Heat
surface unit controls
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Thursday. April 10. 1975 - Sh~.ltnn-I~.~,nn Cn,,nf,, In,:m~l . D~,~ 1 -"