April 10, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1975 |
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Mobile Homes Mobile Homes Mobilo Homes Mobile Homes Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal
1971 LAMPLIGILITER, 12x60 NOTICE expenditures as hsted below: NOTICE OF NOTICE TO CI
with 4x12 tipout. $5,850 where NO. 348 Supplemental Programming TRUSTEE'S SALE NO. 4.=
is. Other used mobile homes from IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF for L-800 Bookkeeping Machine NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THE SUPERIOR
$800. 426-1086. M4/3-24 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Modtf "$5,598.00 that the undersigned Trustee will WASHINGTON I
IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF " ]cationof present on Friday, May 2, 1975, at the COUNTY _.
CASH FOR your mobile home, MASON Program 720.00 hour of 10 o clock. A.M., at the IN THE MAT
paid for or not. Olympia Mobile IN THE MATTER OF THE Purchase of 2 additional Front entrance of the Mason ESTATE OF (
;: Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. ADOPTION OF LLOYD GLENN Cassettes 3,880.00 County Courthouse, in the City HENSEL, Decease1t
456-8890. Oll/14tfn . SECREST and CATHERINE Purchase of 1Memory Unit of Shelton, State of Washington, NOTICE IS HE
NANCY SECREST, Minor 1,100.00 sell at public auction to the that the undersig
LARGE STOCK of used mobile Children. $11,298.00 highest bidder for cash, payable at appointed and ha
homes from $2,495, easy terms. To: Lloyd G. Secrest Less 10% discount on two time of sale, the following personal represen'
Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 (nonconsenting parent) and to all above items
Pa c i fi c Lacey. 456-8890. whom it may concern: -498.00 described real property, situated estate. Persons
in the County of Mason, State of against the decease
Oll/14tfn " You are hereby notified that Plus Sales Tax on two aboveWashington, to-wit: to serve the same,
there has been filed in this Court items +224.10 Lot 9 in Block 20 of Hillcrest on the undersi
TRAILER HITCHES, all types, a Petition for the Adoption of the Addition as recorded in Volume 2 attorney of record
Trailer wiring. Sway control, above-named, praying also that TotalS11,024.10 of Plats, page 39, records of stated below and
jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, there be first an adjudication thatTHEREFORE, NOTICE IS Mason County, Washington. with the Clerk o
i 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150. the consent of Lloyd G. Secrest HEREBY GIVEN: That the Situate in Mason County, together with pr
H11/28tfn • to such adoption is not required Board of County Commissioners Washington. which is nowsubject service within four
by law. will hold a public Hearing at the to and described in that certain March 27. 1975, or
A hearing for such purpose hour of 2:00 P.M., Monday, April Deed of Trust dated January 3,be forevel: barred.
"" will be had on the 9th day of 21, 1975, in their office in the 1974, recorded January 7, 1974, /s/Vivian Mar ie.J
May, 1975, at the hour of 9:30County Courthouse, to consider in Reel 111 of Mortgages, at VIVIAN MARl]
a.m., at the Courtroom of saidgranting said emergency budget Fr723 under Auditor s File No.Personal RepreSl
A really unusual house publiatio.s Superior Court at the Mason extension in amount $1],024.10.285796, Mortgage records of JOHN C. RAGAN
County Court House, or to suchAny interested person may attend Mason County, Washington, fromAttorney for Estate ...
other department of the Court to said Hearing, to be heard either Allan I. Grandon and Rose V. Title Insurance Bulld=~
Crn._, lam l }liq i ~:::~[' ,,,, .... NOTICE TOMEMBERS and there transferred, when and which said matter may be then f°r °r against the granting °f the Grand°n as Grant°r' t° 122 Railr°adAvenge~ Emergency Budget Extension. ~ransamerica Title Insurance Shelton, Washington~
OF CLASS OF PENDENCY where all persons interested shallDATED this 1st day of April, L.ompany as trustee, to secure an' el,
OF CLASS ACTION appear and show cause why such 1975.
Ir j'-~l iltlU~_~l obligation in favor of Coast,
NO. 12073 adjudication should not be made, BOARD OF COUNTY Mo rtgage Company, as'
D IJINI1 I|Y El it IS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF and why, if made, such petitionCOMMISSIONERS OF Beneficiary. Transamerica Title! --"LI
I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON should not be thereafter heard MASON COUNTY Insurance Company, as Trustee,' NOTICE OF/~rr,
FOR MASON COUNTY forthwith and the prayer thereoWASHINGTON. ' has resigned as Trustee thereunder TO APPR..O.PA~.I
and John E. Sloan has been PUBLIC W~-I
W A L K E R , L E W I S C. WITNESS, The Honorabe Auditor & Clerk appointed Trustee under said STATE OF WA~
• Beamed ceiling . • FWired for electric dryer s JAMES L. WALKER, JOY L. granted. I /s/Ruth E. Boysen
of the Board.
H A T F I E L D, E V E L Y N Hewitt A. Henry, Judge of said The Deed of Trust provides in TAKE NOTICE: I1~~
HATFIELD, MORRIS G. Superior Court, and the seal of 4/3-10-2t Deed of Trust. DEPARTMENT %r
MONSOS, IRENE MONSOS, said Court hereunto affixed this its terms that the real property FOSTER of Kent,."
L ESTER J. SM ITH, JEAN 8th day of April, 1975. described and conve ed therein is June 30, 1974 unDO=
ELLEN SMITH VERNON /s/BettyThompson, NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. not used prinYipally for No. S 2-23586 f iled.~'
H A R L A N A N I~' JUNE G. Deputy Clerk T h e R e s i d u e S t u d y agricultural or farming purposes appropriate public v~L
HARLAN, Plaintiffs, vs. JOHN W.Gerald I' Whitcomb Inc., P.S. Administrative Use Sale (5407)DEFAULT: A default has to existing rightS, ',
HUSON, FRANCES R. HUSON, Attorney at Law scheduled to be sold to Simpson occurred under the terms of the Lake, tributarY o~
DONALD R. HUSON AND Suite 2, Angle Bldg., Timber Company on April 28, said Deed of Trust which by the Creek in the am~
MYRLIS HUSON, HIS WIFE, and P.O. Box 869 1975 is hereby cancelled. Thisterms of that instrument makesc u b i c feet Pe.fh
JOHN ROBERT HUSON AND Shelton, Wa 98584 sale will be readvertised. Dated operative a power to sell, in that continuouslY, e£r~ll
JANE DOE HUSON, HIS WIFE, 426-5524 April 4, 1975. Wynne M. Maule,Grantor has failed to pay whendomestic supply. _,,
Defendants. 4/10-17-24-3t Forest Supervisor, Olympic due the following amounts whichthe proposed ap~
TO: ALL OF THE OWNERS __ National Forest. 4/10-1t
OF PROPERTIES IN THE PLAT are presently in arrears: located within Lo.~-
ARREARS: The monthly Lakes Estates. u'¢i
KNOWN AS SHOREBROOK IN NOTICE OF installments for the months ofTownship 21 ~"-.r;t
M A S O N C O U N T Y , WARRANT CALL May through November, 1974 in W.M, in Mason COU,'."
WASHINGTON. Notice is hereby given that the amount of $154.00 each, and i~rotests or,,~
Y O U A R E H E R E BY the following Mason County NOTICE
NOTIFIED of the pendency of Warrants are called for payment The Hood Canal Parent Child late charges of $6.16 for each of approval of this.=~v.%!
the above-entitled action sat the office of the Treasurer of Cooperative Preschool will notandthe thesaidsumm°nthlYof $32.66installmentS'advancecl includethe basisa fordeta!l'e~-'~i"~oDl~,'~;
commenced on October 9, 1974 aid County, and that interest will discriminate against applicants to pay balance of 2nd half 1974 must be accompan~
and students on the basis of race. real estate taxes, dollar ($2.00) rec~
wherein plaintiffs above-named,ceaseApril 10, 1975: This policy includes, but is not T I M E T O C U R E filed with the.h~
purchasers from defendants of EQUIPMENT RENTAL & I i m i t e d t o, r a c i a I I y
lots located within Shorebrook,REVOLVING FUND, Warrant
non-discriminatory administration DEFAULTS: In order to cause a Ecology, 50% k
have commenced a class action Nos. 8420 to 8473 inclusive;
for alleged violation of restrictive BOARD OF EQUALIZA- by the chairman as to enrollment discontinuance of the proposedOffice, Olymp. ',,.~,
or any activity that is a part of sale, the default referred to above, within thirty (30) Dot.
covenants limiting the sale a~dTION, Warrant No. 162; the school's regular program, and any subsequent defaults under the 3, 1975.
use of lots in Shorebrook, failure PORT OF ALLYN, Warrant similar activities. Hood Canalterms of said Deed of Trust, and
to form a Community Club and Nos. 764 to 776 inclusive. Parent Child Cooperative will not the Trustee s fees and accrued
to account for substantial funds /s/John B. Cole maintain separate classes, separate costs, must be cured by May 2,
collected on behalf of said club, TREASURER OF buildings, separate sections in the 1975, being the date of sale. _
sale of the right to use the water MASON COUNTY eating area, or other separate PR NCIPAL OBLIGATION: ,,,~T,,-= -rO cRP-
II HIWAY 101 AT TAYLOR TOWNE It 426-5252 systems to persons outside the STATE OF
Shorebrook Plat, failure to WASHINGTON 4/10-1t facilities, along racial lines. The sum now owing on the ~u"~'='~/457(
c o m ply with Federal Karen A. Louch, obligation secured by the Deed of a~t -r,,c C=l'pF'l~lOR.
• iiI /I IV.-- ..~./e~-- [
Truth-in-Lending, and deceptive Chairman, Hood Canal Trust ts $17,478.68, together Tuc c-r^-rc OF W.
practices. . Parent Child Coop 4/10 It with mterest thereon from April~nD uAc,~N C
1, 1974, and such other costs and ;~',:,'~,^'~:L-'"- .
You are further notified tha~ NOTICE OF CLOSING feesas are.provided by statute, r-r~.~ MAI".~
you may be excluded as a OF REGISTRATION BOOKS No action is pending on the ~-'~'~E NEI~u
member of the class by NOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLIC HEARING BY THE obligation secured by said Deed ~,o~=~o~v,.- _.,
submitting a written request to be
so excluded to the Clerk of the GIVEN: That the Registration OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION of Trust. ~"~,~',~c IS HP-I~
Mason County Superior Court, Books for Eells, Hoodsport, CONTROL AUTHORITY ' The abovedescbdrl e rea.l '~"~'=- ' i,=="
County Courthouse, Shelton, Lilliwaup, Potlatch, Skokomish, On May 7, 1975, formal property will be sold to satisfythat .the unders~;u
Union and a portion of Northside, hearings will be held at 120 East the expense of sale, and the appoln(eo a~Ure~'erlta
RalI~.GlaclnST4Ec2o~{~4t;.SC~)~/Td/bS~H 4G~6N~~jE~L0Tax ServIce' NF~)T/ONsALLFEORESTL TIMBER Washington, on or before May 22,1975. lying wholly within the State Avenue, Olympia, obli at]on secured bf r . y said Deed Estatel~ers°nalof rUPNEI~U-^p
You are further notified that boundaries of School District No. Washingotn, commencing at o ~ ust as provided by statute ...... II I~
aeceased tna~ =
• -- GARDEN ROTOTILLING. Call NATIONAL FOREST, RESIDUE those requesting exclusion will be 404, Mason County, Washington, ]0:30 a.m. for the purpose of Said sale will be made without " " ; inst said
will be closed for ORIGINAL considering the granting of a warranty, express or implied, claims age edtOf~
FRESH MILK goat, 1=/; gallons Senior Center, 426-2568. D4/3tfnSTUDY ADMINISTRAT/VEUSE precluded from sharing in the
I~r day. tested. 426-5286 after 6 .... (5407), located witnin 1. zzr~.,benefits of the judgment if it is R E G I S T R A T IO N S A N D Compliance Schedule extension regarding title, possessionor nereoy r.eq.u~ on tile
I~.m. J4/10-|7 CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, R;..6 a .n¢l, .TW., T..22N., R. 6 ar~l. favorable to plaintiffs and will not TRANSFER REGISTRATIONS and/or increments thereof whichencumbrances Duty vertTleO, ..t
/w, w M, pa~lally surveyea be bound by the judgment if it is ON April 13, 1975, LIntil the dby will lead to compliance with,the Dated tl~lis 20th day of °~dhie~Ssa~te(~rneYst°tf~f.f
following a Special Election to be emission standards of Regulation November, 1._974. same with the
HORSE FOR sale Lar ....... e sorrel accurate, precision grinding. Now Pubhc' notice" "" IS" hereby gi'ven that" adverse to plaintiffs, held by School District No. 404 I of OAPCA at the end of said /s/Jonn P. bioan ....... .,itn
- g at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest... .... , +.. +~. ....~ .... f You are further notified that
elding, ]0 years old very gentle Phone 426`4602 1 15tfn p,,r?,,on,, ..... . ~,rv;t=l ..... court, togem~, -;.,
~ut needs exoerienced riders. - __26-4602. ]/15tfn Section ~) of Puolic Law 273, the judgment in this action, on Tuesday, May 13, ]975. Schedule. Persons submitting a TRUSTEE . . . fou,
DATED this 7th day of Aprd, request for a compliance schedule STATE OF WASHINGTON, service wtthtn , ~,~,
$12,5;, Call 426-z~537 after 6 p.m. PRESERVE THOSE precious old 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16,whether favorable or unfavorable 1975. extension in the Shelton area are COUNTY OF PIERCE, ss. after the d.ateO;t'l~~"
~.,~/, u .... photographs with fine art copies, t.ooperauveU'S'~'" 583-583i,~ reememSUp" 4) Torand theme tOmembersPlaintiffS,of theWillaforesaidincludeclassall Ruth E. Boysen Simpson Timber Co. only. Any On thts day oersona II_v OT tnis noucu
-- Twenty-five, . years expertence. Mane ement ofI the Part~clpatmg • • who do not request exclusion. Auditor & Registrar for person interested to speak for the appeared before me- JOHN E barred .... ,
426-12FREE46PUPPIESB4/10 to love. Call Dean s Studio. 3/7tfn For~ P'roper[ies, ........ in me bnelton You are further notified that Mason County, Washington4/]0_it grantingpUrp°se Ofof objectinga Compliancet° the SLOAN,individualtOdescribedme knownin tOandbewhothe ~pril" Date3, 197b._of t,~'. o~1
............. ~ ---- - ZIIITt~ ~Z~I~aTI~JP. ....... hi= Cooperative Sustained Yield Unitplaintiffs are represented by Hay Schedule extension is invited to executed the within and foregoing /..s/Richard~el~"~
HEY, HORSES, want a I ft? p'rice's.VAIs'o'tr'ai'ler's"etc'"A'll'work entere