April 10, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 10, 1975 |
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Editor, Huckleberry Herald:
What do they want from ns,
By JO TESTU anyway? The county is short of
--------------------~---------------------~-~~~-~-~-~-~~-~ road funds. Probably to improve
I RACK young players reach I 1 th or I 2th GOLF
In their tirst league track grade, there should be a real
meet. against Peninsula, the boys' strong team.
Ilack team lost with a final score
,d Peninsula 80, NM 63. Nabbing
tirsls for the Bulldog team were
~;ar} Scott in the high hurdles
with a time of :l 6.43: John
Butrcll in the mile with a time of
4 5 2.5 ~ the mile relay team,
consisting of Brad Veach, Dan
Washburn, Mike Zech and John
Burrell, which took a first with a
time of 2:41.0 and Gary Scott
took another first in the high
lum p, clearing six feet. Also
adding points for NM in second
plates were: Don Zech in the
tOO-yard dash: ,Mike tluson, pole
vault; Ron Battles, Richard
Phipps,Vernon ('lark and Mike
Zctll. 440-yard relay; Dan
Washburn, 440: Dan Washburn,
Irmle lump: Ratliffe, 880; Zech,
220: Ratliffe, 2-mile. And there
x~clt, also third places, taken
t~v Washburn, long jump;
Iohnson, 880: Veach, discus;
Johnson. 2-mile.
As nroved by their team
~cores, this Bulldog team's season
is a building one. With only one
~enior playing tennis, Ken ~ott;
six sophomores, Dave Buxton,
Mat t lestu, Dan Lane, Mark
Ituxford, T~rrj' Barrow and Dave
Bonney. and two freshmen, Jeff
Ilannan and Luis Garrido, the
team is struggling to regain its
strengthafter having half the
learn graduated. In their first
match against Peninsula, they lost
all five matches and went on to
lose to South Kitsap, winning
~mly one out of four. This win
was credited to Dave Buxton,
who) look first singles. Coach Stan
Kriegel feels they'll face hard
limt's still to come, but as all his
The baseball team split a
doubleheader with South Kitsap
on April I, losing the first 0-4,
taking the second 8-2. Bob
Blevins and Ken Aries allowed
only five hits, but errors hurt the
Bulldogs as they allowed four
runs, all unearned. Dan Sullivan
and Todd Hauge were the only
two to collect a hit.
ab h r
Aries 2 0 0
Medeiros 3 0 0
Sullivan 3 0 1
Presley 3 0 0
Olson 3 0 0
Blevins 2 0 0
Burrows 3 0 0
Hauge 2 0 1
Tobin 1 0 0
Smith 1 0 0
Total 23 0 2
In the second ballgame, Aries
ripped two home runs to pace the
Bulldogs' 8-hit attack. In the
second inning he hit a home run
over deep left centerfield, and in
the fourth inning he knocked a
3-run homer and also added a
single. Milo Smith and Aaron
Olson did pitching duties with
Smith being credited for the win.
Stan Presley and Bruce Medeiros
both collected a double hit.
ab h r
Aries 3 3 3
Medeiros 3 1 1
Sullivan 3 0 0
Presley 2 1 1
Smith 2 0 0
Burrows 2 0 I
Watson 2 1 1
Hauge 2 1 1
Olson 0 1 0
Tobin 1 0 0
"Fore" came the cry of the
NM golfers as they met up with
Yelm for the first golf match of
the year. Later, the cries of the
NM golfers could be heard as they
lost to Yelm, 16-19. First man,
Tim Reid, lost to his opponent
4-9. Second man, Mark Lincoln,
tied 4-4; while third man, Dennis
Shirk, overtook his man 5-3. Last
man, Brad Baselt, also tied with
a score of 3-3.
Clothing left unattended in a
dryer of a local laundromat was
reported stolen Mar. 3 I.
Three poodles, two black and
one white, were reported missing
from their Tiger Lake home Apr.
roads to new real estate
And school assessments?
And a sewer system on the
South Shore, where the land is
suitable for development, but not
on the North Shore, where it is
too steep to start another
Levittown instant slum at the
taxpayers' expense.
This would be followed by a
big tax increase for those unlucky
enough to be on the sewer
system, and assessments for a
water system, sidewalks,storm
drains, and any other trap that
can be piled on.
All to bring business to a very
few people, and penury to others.
It might be possible to afford
one thing - school tax, sewer tax,
extra real estate tax, water tax,
but not all.
So, I'm voting no on them all.
Keith Olson
MARCH 1970
Belfair Pack Rats were looking for a place to park a building which
had been donated to the group by Belfair Community Baptist Church.
Following a story in the Herald, the group received several offers but
chose a site near the corner of the Old Belfair Highway and North
Shore Road, donated by Rosie Rosenau.
The faculty play, "The Pirates of Penzance," was performed for
two evenings to raise money for the annual scholarship program of the
North Mason Education Association.
Seventh grade basketball players at North Mason Upper Elementary
(this year's seniors) were celebrating a no-loss season.
A drum and bugle corps for children was organized by a local man
but the group disbanded after only a few meetings.
APRIL 1970
Testing of five lakes in Mason County was begun in a program
directed by the Mason County Co-operative Extension office with
samples of water sent to Washington State University for testing. Lakes
being tested were Mason, Limerick, Phillips, Cranberry and Island.
Work parties were in progress as volunteers began construction of a
community youth center building adjacent to Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
A second attempt to pass a school levy failed and the local school
board meeting was well-attended as the board made cuts in the budget
for the following school year's austerity program.
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528'
Telephone CR5-6680
LeD DONNELL ..................................... Editor
CAROL WENTLANDT ............ Advertising Manager, CR5-6259
l'~Jbhshed by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton,
Washington 98584; telephone 4264412.
A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal.
Serving falllilleS
m thts
since t909
5303 Kitsap Way Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836
Lester M. Lewis, Sr. Lester M. Lewis, Jr.
0 0 0 0 ,qIlP 0 0 0 qmlll~ ~1~ ~II~ "qlmb 0 0 0 0 0
By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421
.,mira,..,mnm..imp..~lm~ .,mm~ ~mm...,mmm..~mm. 4tomB..mmm- ~m~- .qmb .tim~ .1ram. ~Im- .,Ira,. qmm.-
The urge to travel merged the week to visit their son and
happily with spring vacation for
many Belfairites. I;orty-five
people, more or less, took
advantage of the early Easter with
excellent weather to ski at Sun
Valley, Idaho. Contributing a
goodly number to the group were
Earl and (;Ioria Lincoln with
Mark, Marie, Tim, Amy and
Jenny with friend Kim Shearer.
Norm and Nan Sanders arrived
with Tom. Randy Peterson,
Cyndy (('at Track) Carton, Mike
Amacber were present. Stan and
Alice Kriegel added more with
David and Susan and a nephew.
Don and Sally Anderson with five
children, the Jim Jesfields with
three children and Jill Satron,
Diana Shirk and Paul Wing all
were represented. It was .reported
that all had a wonderful time and
no one broke so much as one leg.
Bill and Mary Wing took off
for Aloha Land as did Wally and
Nita Baselt. Though both couples
stayed at Waikiki their paths did
not cross. However, the Wings
were hailed while walking on the
beach by Karl and Camilla Matts
who were attending a bridge
tournament in Itonolulu. The
Wings and Baselts reported that
they were rained on only once
and returned home tanned and
Allan and Ardis Shirk took
wife in Albuquerque, New
Mexico. Mary and Lance
Thurston went to Reno. The
Elmer Meeks and son visited
Disneyland. Bobby Johnson flew
off to Ketchikan to visit friends in
a snowy city. To name a few...
To make up for this mass
exodus of Belfairites, 1 21
campers spent Easter weekend at
Belfair State Park. There were
2,100 daytime visitors.
Staff Sergeant Larry Hoem,
son of the Charles Hoems of the
North Shore, has been visiting
here since Mar. 22 with his Thai
wife, Bacalm, and three children,
Nopadon, five; Lancimon, three;
and Mary, two. This is a great
break-through for Larry who has
been trying for six years to get his
family into this country. He has
been stationed mostly in Thailand
but has had tours of duty in
Korea and New Mexico. ltis next
station will be New Mexico where
he can finally have his family with
him. While here they visited
Larry's mother in Coupeville. She
has been staying with a sister
there during her recent illness.
North Shore residents will be
saddened at the death last Friday
of Eckert Swanson who served
this area so long and faithfully at
the North Shore Store.
" ea.rtll tone
estaurant & lnn
4312 Kitsap Way, Bremerton
A n Experwnce in
the Art o/Dining.
tn the "Ember Room",
organ & piano for your
evening entertainment.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Dinner: 4 p.m. - II:30 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Restaurant: ES 7-5531
Inn: 479-2132
For Chevron Heating Fuels-
Modern Heating Equipment -
Complete Housewarming Service . . .
"Just Call"
Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair.
1318 Park Ave. Bremerton, Wa.
CR5-3345 to
Hours: Wed. thru Sunday, 9 a.m. $ p.at,
For our anniversary sale during the month
of April, 10% off on all items $5.00 over.
Bear Creek
Mini MaN
Hours: 1 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. - 7
JELLO o, ......................... 15ca
KooI-Aid .......................... 10¢a
Totino's Pizza .......................
Fishing supplies & licenses
Homo . .. gaL $1.40
20/0 ..... gal. $1.35
!O/o skim.., gal. $1.29
Recj ....... gal.
Supreme .. gal.
Come In for a FREE CHECK-UP
of your entire exhaust system. We
have your muffler in stock and
TION for Chevys, Fords, Plymouths,
BuIcks, Pontiacs, Cadillacs and all
other G.M., Ford, Chrysler, Ameri- instc,,
can Motors and Foreign cars! Most
Grover's North Shore Garage
~.msmo, ceNTre,, c~,r~n equally loW
t If I Wonder Muffler or Tail pipe should
use, for as long Is you own your car, It will
FREE at any Wonder Muffler Center. No installItlon '
$600 Worth of
Gift Certificates
to be given
One Coupon Per Family
2 - S 1 00.00
2 - $so.oo
8- $2s.oo
10 - $10.00
5/8"' shop T 1-11
4x8 ....................
3/8" shop T 1-1 1
4x8 ....................
1/2" CDX 4x8 Graded Reg. 5.75 Now ..........
1/2" Particle Board 4x8 graded, reg. 3. 15 Now ...
90-lb. Rolled Roofing 100 sq. ft., reg. 8.50 Now. •
15-1b. Felt, 324 sq. ft., reg. 8.25 Now ............
Pre-Hung Mahogany
All sizes Reg. $26.50
Sheet Rock
2x4 8' KD
stand. & better
2 ft., reg. 36.20 Now ........
4 ft., reg. 54.70 Now .......
10"x20"x 108"
100 WATT
All the pO
in the
Int. Flat Latex Was Now ........ "0":
Int. Latex Enamelwas 880 Now 0,'
Redwood Fence & Deck Stain o""
W0odlife Preservative Was 6.00
8 CoPper
250 - FT. COIL
Hours: Men. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Sat. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: CR5-1090
Belfalr, Wash.
Sun. l0 a.m. to 3 p.m.
I'.,q,. 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - April 10, 1975