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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Eckert Swanson of Id Village dies Swanson, 70, of Allyn, died Memorial was born Sept. rarren, Ark., and state in in the Hood 1954 and owned Swanson's Grocery Hood Canal iaeraber of the Hood F. and A.M., Elks. by his wife, family home; a Portland, Ore.; his mother, Mrs. Rosa Swanson, Port Orchard; a brother, Albert E., Portland; and two grandchildren. Private funeral arrangements were under the direction of Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home. PLANTS NEEDED Donations of plants are being sought for a spring plant sale to be held May 9 and l0 in Belfair by North Mason Friends of the Library. Persons with plants to offer to the fund-raising event which will help build a library building in Beifair, are asked to call Christina Mathiasen, 275-2047. Church Welcomes You ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:15 a.m. ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday i 1:15 a.m. AS YOU ARE • Mechanical Work • Painting • Windshield Installation .... _ZLs+_ze?_ _Hom ......... ! 24 Hour Light & Heavy Towing CR5-2201 OHunting & Fishing License • Fishing Tackle • Frozen Herring • Ammunition QVeryday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, or later!! 5 Minutes from Belfair in Allyn Ishington couple, now California residents, e but comfortable vacation housing on salt a month between mid-July and September r Hood Canal between Union and Twanoh. In area April 14-16. Please write to George Spitzer c/o Hugh Davidson Spitzer 270! First Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 , elfa,r F, replace Shop 30" Olympic Franklin With grate & spark guard Was ,43S NOW $ 375 • Free Standing Fireplaces • Custom Built Fireplaces • 275-6165 I~XT TO BELFAIR HOME CENTER ,+ ONCE A YEAR SALE Up to $90 off on some models Color - Black & White Many models to choose from Belfair TV WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL .._ 275--6244 .............. SENIOR CITIZENS I 5' Off of Each-Gale of Gas Relfair Arco Station I~ff.. Clip coupon and bring in. +" good Tues. & Thurs only to May 1st. 275-3211 • .............. BOAT BUYS h.p. & E-Z loader ......... $1,395.00 h.p ....................... 2,695.00 65 h'P. & trailer ................ 795.00 ].80 HP & E-Z Loader .......... 7,995.00 E-Z loader, used 40 h.p ....... 1,995.00 & trailer ................ 225.00 '!~ h.p. & E-Z loader ............ 8,500.00 ~;_ MerCruiser and Mercury outboard repair QME D BOATS IN STOCK S at Belfair 275-2297 Doin's By DOROTHY TOBEY and ANN WESTBERG Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Rupe are back in this area visiting with their parents, the Stanley Catrons of Allyn and the Fred Rupes of Shelton. They had lived in Columbia, S.C., during the past year and a half. Mitch leaves on Apr. 22 for a ten-month tour of duty with the U.S. Army in Korea. Dianne and "the grand-dogs," Cricket and Charlie, will be staying with her parents. Besides enjoying their visit with their parents they are also enjoying renewing acquaintances in the area. A special reminder to all members of Fair Harbor Grange! There will be a Friendship Meeting at the Skokomish Grange Hall on Apr. l i at 8 p.m. with Fair Harbor and Southside Grange members being the guests for the evening. Cars will leave the Grapeview firehall at 7 p.m. Transportation will be available for anyone who doesn't want to drive. Cyndy Catron spent her spring vacation at Sun Valley, Idaho. She went with a group of friends from Belfair for a wonderful week of skiing. Arriving on Friday to spend the Easter weekend with the Eacretts were Bob Eacrett's sons, Michael and Steven, and Michael's friend, Sandy Large from Oak Harbor. Also coming from Seattle for the weekend were the Bob Eacretts' daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaddis. A progressive dinner group consisting of Margaret and Morley Bernard, Barbara and Stan Catron,-Alice and Gone Hursley, Patt and Jim Shrout, Merge and Clem Hall and Lila and Ed Frodel has\been meeting once a month on a Sunday afternoon with travel among four homes. Much eating, talking, etc. usually consume 4 to 5 hours. Two of the more memorable meals were an old-fashioned clambake on the Catron beach and a Mexican evening with the Halls doing the honors with tamales. They try new types of food on each other with varying results. Sounds like a very congenial neighborhood! (Corresoondent's comment). Mr. and Mrs. Odie Allen of Home, Wa., came to help Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mathis celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary by going out to dinner at the Robin Hood Lodge on the Hood Canal. Odie is a brother to Mrs. Mathis. Enjoying Easter Sunday at the Mathis home were their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kandle of Puyallup. Mr. and Mrs. Clam Hall have arrived home from their winter vacation south of the border where they hung their sombreros at Manzillo, Mexico. Fred Davis of Seattle and a former Grapeview resident spent three weeks with Merge and Clem in Manzillo. On their return trip they visited with Evelyn Ilyson Garcia of Santa Cruz, Ca., and Mrs. (;rocker (the former Mrs. Wilbur Reeves) of Soquel, Ca. Both ladies were former Grapeviewites and are remembered by those of us who have lived here awhile. We have been writing about birds in our previous columns so today we have a Bee Story. A "first" for the season! Bryan Rauschert was stung by a yellow jacket last week. ~--- _---_-~ ~-;-~,~.- -- -- : Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Wentlandt NEW OFFICERS John Matson, commissioner of the Belfair Fire District, was elected president of the Mason County Association of Fire Commissioners at their meeting held Apr. 3. Fire chiefs and secretaries to the board are included in membership of the association. Other officers elected are Gone LaBerge, commissioner of Grapeview Fire District, vice president; Richard Knight, chief of District 5, treasurer; Earl Kisler, commissioner of Belfair Fire District; and Donald Clark, commissioner of Southside Fire District, trustees. KEYS LOST A key ring was reported lost in Belfair Mar. 29. GOLF NEWS Newly-elected officers of the Men's Golf Club at /akeLand Village are Tom Shirbish. president; Russ Schillinger. vice president: and Morley Bernard. secretary-treasurer. A Hole-in-One Contest for men and women will be held a~ LakeLand Village golf course o~+ Apr. 19. On Apr. 26 the club will hold its first Twilight Golf potluck dinner. ITEMS STOLEN A complaint was received Mar. 3 ! in the sheriff's office of a cement statue and pagoda lantern stolen from a yard in Allyn. D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-47113 Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Wentlandt of South Shore will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on Apr. 15. The couple was married in Seattle on April 15, 1950. She is the former Carol Pedersen of Seattle and he was from Elmwood, Wisconsin. The Wentlandts lived in Sealtle until moving to Belfair in 1964. Mr. Wentlandt is employed at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard as a welder special in Shop 26. Mrs. Wenthm(II i~ advertising manager for the Huckleberry Herald. They have one daughter, Brenda, a freshman at North Mason High School. A pro-anniversary trip to Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii, was enjoyed by the couple in March. An anniversary party for the Wentlandts and several of their friends who also are celebrating 25 years of marriage in 1975 will be held at the Wentlandts" waterfront home this summer. Pancake Breakfast April 20th 7 to 1 p.m. • Hotcokes • Ham • Eggs at Mason-Benson Club SPONSORED BY MBC CLUB DRAPERY SPECIAL Will be closed, April 22rid thru 29th Belfair Cleaners 275-6110 Across from May's Belfair Electric Hours: 8:30 to 5:30 Tues. - Fri., Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. closed Mondays Snyder & Sons 275-2031 -- 3 Seed Racks -- Bulk Seeds • Peas • Corn • Beans • Potatoes ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m.- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. By LENNIA CATES -- CR 5-2245 Took a trip to Seattle last to visit ailing Bob Miller. Ed says No job too small or too large ~1¢~1~!ol~1¢~)1~I¢11¢~1¢*~k~1c~1~*)1¢***~,~ week and that s all it took to Bob is recovering nicely from an understand why those from there operation late last fall and, Slabs, sidewalks, foundations " and other metropolitan areasalthough still quite weak, hopes curb & gutter swarm out to the toolies at their to get hack to his and Ina's home first opportunity. The weather sometime in early May. Inn CR5-3315 Belfalr ** Make great gifts[ ** that particular day was one for all doesn't drive so this will have~ ~ ~. seasons. Fortunately, the sun s some bearing on his ability to "3(" $ 25 "X" turn came around during most of make the trek north here. Your ~rvi .~ For only i per box the hour it took us to get there, friends hope it will be on Ba ew Mobile Homes . . Were fortunate, too, in thatschedule. .~ ....... , ,,~ the Coast Guard,picked that day Due back from their home The Largest Selection of Mobile Homes "X- "X" for the trial run of their new away from home around the 20th Quality Rex-Biltin the Northwestsingle and Double WJdes Always ....... US coming west as we headed east correspondence from Mexico l and she's really a sleek beauty, indicates they've enjoyed the on Display. Consult with Jim Yoest, Burt Wold or -X- ii'i . skimming across the waterleaving winter down south. Reluctantly, AI Logan. "X" very little wake behind, their renter dislikes leaving the "~" ........ ~:: "J(- Then we docked and the funimmediate area but has found a Open daily except Sunday 9 to 6 (you gotta be kiddin') began, place in Seabeck for the summer. "~" ii~Ti~ "3[" Come fall, he II be back again. GORST 377-4461 1: One-way streets, two-way streets, enter, don t enter. Think the only i ~ "X' "It" sign they don't have in the big Bill Grayum hosted an -~ [[~]'~ ,~. anniversary party for Jim and "3('i city is ' deer cr°ssing'" Als°, °dr Kathy Astengo at his parents' "X" i~:~ ':~ van must be allergic to green, home last Saturday night. It was • Repair * ** Seems like it hit every red light the couple's first year of married I "~" : ")(" thereremindedWas meandoftimewisethe one eachat Gorst°ne bliss.Jim, ComeKathy Septemberand "babyit willmakesbe • Remodel .... ! when going to Bremerton from three.' 1~[~ here. • New construction * . Business taken care of there, When you get Candy, Ran ; Ctof drove to Tacoma for more, then and Terry Sills all together at the headed for home. Don t caresame place at the same time there Call ~ where l g°' that °verpass just must be a reas°n" YeP' parentSBob and Gladys celebrated their I ~~..~ 275 e e~ ,net outside of Belfair always looks liken halo. Not to heaven but to 25th wedding anniversary last ==q 13;I . MARY WRIGHT PHONE 275-2033 Saturday night. Ron came up the haven of Hood Canal and from his Navy duties on the coast home. Back from a short airline here. Terry with his bride, Merci, ll~j~j~j~jl~l 1I jaunt to L.A. is Ed Pohl. While up from his naval duties in • Service in the area since 1968 VVUUt'~U there on family business Ed took California, and Candy from time out for a trip to Long Beach Seattle. It was the first time k'll PLUME ---- they'd all been together for over a S~~ F ....... "Hanover Shoes q year so it made the celebration an State Certification A3195 even more than happy occasion. ) since 1899" t It stirred me when I read it; the STIHL OI5 14" bar & chain The greatest,shoe ~ perhaps it wiil you, too. "Fear An,er,ca's . 1 Value ,t, a weekend chain saw S . value on earth! i knocked at the door - Faith Charles R. Hoem i answered, and there was nobody ( 275-6129 | there." __ /' STIHL's Woodcutters Spec~ai mcludes: n,,~a. P,.c~. 1 STIHL015 with 1,;"r~3rocket nose bar $15095 2 Handsome, durabi~: carrying case 13 95 3 Extra 14"cutting chain 15 95 4 Grease gun for sprocket nose bar 3 75 5 Six pack of 8 ounce STIHL oil 3 O0 6 Fde and handle for culting chain t 40 7 Combination bar wrench ~nd screwdriver 345 8 Instruction manual w~th spare parts list 1.00 Total $19345 SAVE $30.00 Br=nq th~s coupon to the STIHL serwce dealer listed below and save $30 on the SflHL 015 Woodcutters Special NAME S & R Small Engine Repair RIGHT IN BELFAIR Hours - Man. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 275-2211 FFA CHARTER April 26th Peninsula Arena Starts at 12 Noon ., i Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D CR5-2195 CR5-2113 For more information Call Heide Furseth 779-3516 at4'a BELFAIR ELECTRIC CO. LOCAL LICENSED ELECTRICIANS GUARANTEED WaR K Wiring... Lighting... Electric heat FREE ESTIMATES SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YOUR MAJOR APPLIANCES We are franchised General Electric Dealers Special Pricing -- Factory Service Terms- Free Delivery We take trade-ins. 275-2020 tb BLOCK NORTH OF THR IFI"WAY • Vacuums your lawn as you mow. it, • Tough, dependable. • Fingertip controls. • Instant depth adjustments. • Large capacity bag between the handles. All Snappt, r m