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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 10, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 10, 1975
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Ill North Mason High ichool News By BARB VAN BUSKIRK Lisa Kronquist joins a variety of girls vying for the title of "Girl of the Year" for 1975. Lisa was voted "Most Talented" for her artistic talents, such as: pottery, photography, sewing and cooking. Congratulations, Lisa. The mysterious "Merlin, Man of a Thousand Mysteries," performed a matinee April 4 in the high school gym for both the senior and junior high schools. He demonstrated his amazing talents in the area of 50-cent pieces, and even invited helpers from the audience. At 8 p.m. that night members of the community enjoyed a full magic show, during which Merlin hypnotized and read minds of assorted volunteers from the audience. With one subject as an example, Merlin had one boy eating an onion, thinking the entire time it was a peach. He also made his subjects feel the sensations of heat and cold, by telling them it was 40 degrees below zero, then 140 degrees above zero. On April 26 music from a live band will be heard while couples are swinging away, jiving around. The event: the junior-senior ball which will be the last formal dance for the graduating class of 1 975. As the exciting date approaches, it is necessary for the guys to grab a partner and sign up in the office, NOW! It should be the best ever. Mark John Testu, a North Mason junior high 7th grader, will take the place of Jeff Hannan as Bobby in the drama department's production, "The Skeleton Walks." April 24 the students will perform their play at a matinee and later that night for all the members of the Belfair community. Joining the ever-increasing list of available scholarships are the Evergreen and Beachcomber Garden Clubs and the NMEA. Hurry, seniors, and apply; the deadlines approach. Along the By ELEANORA FEOEN CR 5-2774 Old Belfair Highway Joey is a purebred black poodle watchdog, full of wiggles and love for children. He has a ten-year record of good behavior in the house and on vacation trips. His companion of these years is unable to take Joey with her to her new quarters, and wants him to have a good home. Call me if you want to know more about a free, ready-made pet. Easter Sunday was an extra special day as the Herman Nelson backyard was filled with cars. Thirty-four guests including brothers, sisters, parents and friends on the invitation list for dinner. And there were lots of eggs hidden for the 18 younger guests to find during the egg hunt on the front lawn. Air Force Sergeant George Stoltz is doing very well in communications. He has returned to the States for one month of schooling at Kansas City to learn new electronics communication equipment. George has written that he likes his work in the communication branch, and looks forward to his return to the London station that has been the home to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stryker of Allyn. It would be nice to send him some of our snow. State Patrolman F. L. Stoner of Mission Lake had it again. This is his second time around to be hit from behind by another car while sitting in the patrol car. Each time he has been in the hospital for neck injuries. First time around he was filling out an accident form and was hit by a car that spun out on the ice. This last week he was with Sgt. C. E. Dorsey and both were injured when their car was hit while stopped at the traffic light at Gorst. Mr. Stoner is questioning his own "good luck" after reports that each of the other cars was a total loss in the crashes. Thank you, Mrs. June Wilkerson, for the special assist on your pictures of the Karen Beeson shower. Time almost ran out to get the pictures developed and to the H. H. on the deadline for the column. June made a special trip in the evening to pick up the pictures and get them to Lou. The sad moment for all of us was that message center for the diplomatic the colors weren't compatible to ....... newspaper printing needs. ~~~~__--~ ~~ visits of Kissinger and oth:: countries. His wife did not retu Our Chiquita announces her Canal life.., for this short schooling period; four "better mousetraps are she remained at their home in ready to move into new quarters. By MAC MCKINNEY =| / London, England. They are all colors, seven weeks 898-2989 $our snore Several North Mason students old, and for free. have our best wishes as they enlist March went out like a lion on and dinner in Port Orchard April in the armed forces with plans to Cliff's Easter Sunday. The waves washed 19. continue their schooling while Cycle Cerlteff over my 12-foot boat and I had to swim out to turn the boat around to take the motor off. Clarence Ingle lost a raft at Potts of Gold camp, but found it the next Tuesday. The Improvement Club of Union met Tuesday evening at the Union firehall. The speaker was County Extension Agent H. Van De Riot of Mason County Co-operative. His subject was gardening. Harlan Blake, Curt Grout and Bruce Cowan drove up to Canada to check on Mr. Blake's cottage. They found three feet of snow on the ground and had to crawl fifty feet to the cabin. Blake had his first snowmobile fide. Lots of snow but everything was okay. Many of our ladies are still down with the flu. Mrs. Vera Bishop was taken to the hospital last week but is back home and we all wish her well Larry Scheel and his wife are back home. Many homes on South Shore are having TV cables installed. Mrs. Jeanne Reed and Lois Beckman had as a guest Mrs. Edythe Woodworth of Spokane. She enjoyed the sights along the canal. Two Hood Canal Lion members are sporting new cars. Don't forget the Lions social hour II Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... Morning Worship 9:45 a.m ...... Sunday School 11:00 a.m... Morning Worship 5:00 p.m .......... B.Y.F. 6:15 p.m ......Junior Choir Practice 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship COMMUNITY P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone- CR 5-6262 I "1 HOMELITE Chain Saws For Sales & Service learning a special trade. Michael (Mike) Stoltz left Mar. 26 for Lackland Air Force Base. He has written to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stoltz, that he is taking training in mechanics. Mark Stryker left for Army training on Mar. 5. His four-month training is to be in a combat unit at Fort Polk, La. And, wouldn't you know, he tells about hot weather in his letters Knobby Mr. and Mrs. H. Louch spent an enjoyable vacation with their folks in Chico, California. They had car trouble on the way down. Glad to see them home again. Neither snow, hall or rain stops the hummingbirds from feeding. We have four hummingbird feeders at our place and the busy little birds are surely enjoying the syrup. TIRE SALE GARDEN CLUB TO MEET Evergreen Garden Club will meet Apr. 17 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Richard Baertschiger on North Shore Road, with Mrs. Floyd Williams as co-hostess. Mrs. Walter Bridges will bring the design for the day and Mrs. Edward Harris will bring a special gift. Some of the simple basics of flower arranging will be discussed during the afternoon program, led by Mrs. William Moyer. Two new members will be welcomed into the club. CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair Service of Worship & Sunday School 10 A.M. C'OME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided CR 5-3354 275-2297 Belfair i It happens often to small businesses Let Uncle Sam get his fair share. but to make sure your business gets all the breaks allowed, call me Perry Baunsgard 275-6737 Belfair, Wash. 325xl $14.95 275xI~ ........... $14.95 300x18 $15.95 400x18 ........... $18.95 420x!8 $19.95 460x18 $20.95 350x19 $18.95 400x19 $19.95 CLIFF'S CYCLE CENTER Gorst 373-7444 Ill I • Rototillers for rent • Garden tools • Trash barrows 1001 Items- Sell or Rent 275-3525 BELFAIR TRADING POST CORNERN.SHORE RD. & OLD BELFAIR HIWAY I i I nl I North Bay Oxbow Custom Cabinets . JOHN C. DALBERG The Finest In Oak Cabinets 275-3109 Ally n, Wa. I I PL YWOOD$, INC. OPEN MON.-FR I. A 7:3o-s:ao ES7-335S Rg.TAt~- SATURDAYS "AkP00~" IAM-12:00 BEt.FAIR HIWAY HARDWOOD - DOORS- CASINGS wtsv ot GOnSV I II ! Nudnsts are people who wear t t one-button suits!! ! j Tidal Wa, Beauty Shop CR5-2509 1 I "~ I I HOOD CANAL CUSTOM PAINTING Spray. brush, or roller. Interior and exterior staining and. prefinishing. Lowest cost, free estimates, insured. Tex S.N. Schouvillier Star Rt. I, Box 855 (Twanoh Falls) Belfair, Wa. 275-2807 Between 6 p.m. and 9. p.m. _ EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE J • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory I ES7-7648 Bremerton, Wa.. II ' - I -" 1- I II 5505 Kitsap Way I [11~1 II 1 I Ill I I Ann ALL 1/2 PR CE • Dolls & Andy • Party favors • Candles • Much more • Records • Boxes of cards I • Much more 9-7 Weekdays 9-8 Friday 1 0-4 Sunday I I I I I I Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - April 10. 1975 275-6161 PERMIT REQUEST A request has been received by the Army Corps of Engineers from Roger D. Lovitt and Associates of Shelton on behalf of Keith Archer for a permit to install boundary stakes to mark the boundary of a privately-owned oyster bed in Case Inlet on property in Victor. Comments from interested persons must be received by April 30 for consideration by the Corps before a decision is made. NECKLACE FOUND A necklace was reported found in Belfair on Apr. 6. Lazy living, cozy 2-bedroom, close in, community swimming pool with Hood Canal access. Perfect for working couple. Only $19,950, terms. Reid Realty 275-2868 - Belfair 426-6572 - Shelton Menu For North Mason Schools April 1 4 thru April 1 8 MONDAY: BBQ pork on a bun, whipped potatoes/butter, buttered carrots, pudding. TUESDAY: Tacoburger, buttered spinach, whipped potatoes/butter, cake. WEDNESDAY: Bean soup, grilled cheese sandwich, fruit, cake. THURSDAY: Fishsticks, French fries, hot roll/butter/jelly, fru it. FRIDAY: Sloppy Joe, mashed potatoes/butter, peas, dessert. Sound The hometown bank. TOOL DEPARTMENT Rockwell V4" $ DRILL ......... Rockwell 7;/4" Circular $ SAW ...................... Rockwell ZIG ZAG ................... Black & Decker Finishing Sander ........... $16.99 2-SPEED DRILL ..................... $12,00 Cold Process Roof TAR ............ ,.,. Sl" WHEEL BARROWS .................. -- ,,, $19" ix4 Rough Cedar 6' ......................... ., 36' 1x6 Rough Cedar 6' Redwood ....... .~ 69' 6' Heavy Steel Posts--6' ................. .~ 2" BIRCH ....... '4" VINYL ....... '2" Rio Grand .... • Perk SPECIAL PAINT SALE---Fixall Marine Gallon .... S5o° Quart .... $1es Pint ......63’ ,/, Pint... 'GOOD FOR BOATS' OLYMPIC STAIN GARDEN CI! IT|I • Flower, Grass $4 OFF Per Gallon Garden Seeds _. Redwood Stab Only • S peclal'Tuaic Ili= ="~==" White Overcoat $3 Off Toro MOWERS '--" o,'40 t New Armstrong KITCHEN CARPET Ix8 SHIPLAP Sl| New Leek in Caell~t Cram .................. " LINOLEUM s2" SquereYerd 2x4 COMM ... . . . . . .... . . . . . • • . . . . Armstrong's Tile, Place 'n Press ............... ,. ,. 33' Greenhouse & Storage HOUSE 8x8..... 8x !0 Storage $275 PYREX ............. - DYNAWARE. -,q MON.-FR I. 8-6 SATURDAY 8-5 BETHEL H IGHWAY 876-2903 & HOME CENTER SOUTH pARI(~ CLOSED suNO~ SOUTH! Occasional From 3 Piece From II I II 5 Piece From 3 different groupings Hex, square & coffee 7 Piece From Several Colors Several Styles Priced As Low As ping Freight You are