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1603 Olympic Highway North
Former NBA player to speak in Shelton
Chris Herren had it all.
He had a glorious high school career, scor-
ing 2,073 points and an NBA contract, but he
soon had something he hadn't bargained for: a
drug problem.
The Fall River, Mass. phenom was the
Denver Nuggets' second-round draft pick in
1999 but by 2004 he was in prison, charged
with possession of heroin.
He was playing for the Boston Celtics and
the arc of his professional career was just be-
ginning to rise.
"The little known secret at the time was
that he was abusing alcohol and began us-
ing drugs and his career came to a premature
end. He actually did some prison time and
now he's dedicated his life to helping young
basketball players," Chief Deputy Dean Byrd
The Sheriffs Office and other area law
enforcement agencies are helping the Shel-
ton School District bring Herren to the Little
Creek Casino Events Center on May 15 to
talk to students.
"His message is very inspirational, if you're
on drugs there is hope," Chief Byrd said. High
school and junior high school students are en-
couraged to attend and the public is welcome.
Herren will speak from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Courtesy photo
Former NBA player Chris Herren
will speak from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on
May 15.
and while there is no charge for the event,
donations are being sought to help defray the
cost. The checks should be made payable to
Shelton School District/Herren Event and
mailed to 700 S. First St. Shelton, or Oakland
Bay Jr. High 3301 North Shelton Springs
Road, Shelton, WA 98584.
A sampling of our
Volunteers, from left:
Socorro Villeda, North
Information Desk;
Carolyn Parker, North
Information Desk and
the Gift Shop; Diane
Deason, H u man
Resources; Skip Angel,
Surgery Waiting Room
Desk; and Margarita
Hernandez, Administra-
tion andThe Birth Center.
People in Action
Thank you to our Volunteers for taking the time
to care.
At Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics
we love our Volunteers, who help in many ways.
Every day, Volunteers help MGH & FC staff with
many tasks that are important to patient care.
In honor of this nationwide celebration, MGH &
FC wants to recognize all of our Volunteers.
"Thank you, Volunteers, for your gift of
time and compassion. We appreciate you!"
-MGH & FC staff, physicians, and
Mason General Hospital
& Family of Clinics
Mason General Hospital
901 Mountain View Drive, Shelton, WA
For information: (350) 432-7705
Call 426-4412 to Subscribe
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Nov. 18, 2012
The sheriffs office Drug Search
private partnership.
Courtesy photo
team is funded through a public-
F d fered to pay $40,000 a year. entities, have helped us
an s Now we are able to keep maintain our current level
Continued from page A-1 an officer up there almost of staffing. It's also allowed
full time. They pay us on us to target areas that here-
"We've continued a pub- an hourly rate so that pro- tofore have not received the
lic-private partnership with vides us with an incentive attention they need. We are
Green Diamond Resources to keep an officer work- also receiving interest from
for a forest patrol officer, ing there. There are times other homeowner associa-
A very large portion of our when we have emergencies tions so they can adequately
county is forested and most elsewhere so that allows us fight the crime in their ar-
of that is owned and oper- to be called out of that area eas," Byrd said.
ated by Green Diamond Re- if needed for other duties. It He also noted that reas-
sources. That helps reduce allowed us to fund a patrol signing duties has helped
their losses due to theft, officer and it lowered the with maintaining officers
vandalism and garbage crime rate there to almost on the road. The depart-
dumping," Byrd said. zero," he said. ment assigned a patrol et-
A new partnership with The sheriffs office hasricer as a boating officer.
the Lake Cushman Home also entered into a $15,000 That allowed those wages
Owners Association, he annual contract with the to be paid through a state-
said, has shown results. U.S. Forest Service to pa- funded program and the of-
"They were having sig- trol federal land. ricer is now patrolling the
nificant crime problems "These contracts that Puget Sound and the coun-
but we weren't able to have we've been involved in,ty's inland waterways.
people up there so they of- through public and private
Boot camp
icts sees resu
STAFF REPORT ful than just putting people elect to enter the program
in jail. Our recidivism rate prior to their sentencing. It is
Drug abuse is a deeply is 22 percent. The problem a multi-disciplinaryprogram,
seeded problem in Mason we have is that we only have Byrd explained.
County. ' 12 people in the program," "They have to get a job,
"It probably contributesByrd said, noting that the get treatment, get their
to 90 percent of the crime," program's budget can accom- drivers license, do all those
Chief Deputy Dean Byrd modate up to 15 people, things needed to be a citizen.
said. "Every crime we make "It's such an intensive They're given the tools to deal
an arrest on, either alcohol or program that some of our of- with their problems without
drugs can be traced to it." fenders are not to the point in the use of drugs," he said.
When a non-violent of- their lives where they want Some candidates may
fender is charged, they may to change," he said. need detoxification and inpa-
have the opportunity to enter The Mason County Drug tient treatment, others need
a program that Byrd said, Court Team identifies a non- outpatient treatment and
has seen great success, violent drug offender and if some can just come and start
"It's so much more success- they plead guilty they can the program, he said.