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April 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 12, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JOURNALEDITORIAL With the weather turning for the better, flowers have begun to appear in our yards and on our trees. Every spring, flowers appear on our light poles, too, thanks to the hard work of the Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce and donations from community members. The chamber Beautification Project, sponsored by Kiwanis, Hood Canal Communications and Comcast, brings color to our dusty streets every year with flower baskets decorating all of Shelton. The project also hangs the street- light banners and town Christ- mas decorations, and does all of this work on a volunteer basis. The project relies completely on donations from businesses and individuals alike but has sadly had to cut the number of flower baskets to 75 from 106 in previ- ous years. The baskets cost more than $200 each and fundraising has fallen short. The Shelton-Mason County Journal is doing its part with a donation to the project, and would like to encourage other businesses to do so as well. Inserted in this newspaper is a donation form. Please take some time and money to give to the chamber Beautifica- tion Project. An effort of this scale does not come cheaply and any amount helps. LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR PAPERBOY It's like lasagna but with potatoes The first time I had Dauphinoise (daw- fin-WAZ) it had been recommended to me by a well-heeled friend who was sitting close at a fancy country club. "Really?" I asked and • he nodded and rolled his eyes as if in a drunken stupor. Admittedly, it was a press association board meeting so he probably was in a drunken stupor. It is the best potato dish I've ever eaten and I'm Irish so trust me on this. Legend has it that Dauphinoise pota- toes were created as a way to encourage the young Dauphin (the French prince who be- came King Henri II and who later raised Mary Queen of Scots) to eat his vegetables. The truth is that the dish was actu- ally created in the Dauphin6 region of' France and consists of thinly-sliced potatoes, mixed with milk, cream or creme fraiche, By TOM MULLEN and cheese, garlic and seasoning. That is to say it is a peasant dish, made of, by and for the poor people of France as it has been fbr five centuries. My friend suggested at the time that one of life's greatest adventures is in trying to decide where lies the better food, north- ern Italy or Southern France. Dauphine is on the French/Italian border and while I've been to neither I like to pretend I'm somewhere in that region when I find myself making the stuff. When the dish arrived on my plate (alongside a marvelous steak) I could only describe its taste by snfiling and rolling my own eyes as if in a drunk- en stupor. Thus began my days as a cook and herein I share what I have discovered about the dish. You must locate the ~bllowing: Yellow potatoes for eight people (Yukons bitten into make your are best and the smaller eyes roll backward in the better), half a stick delight. So use a mortar of butter (French if you and pestle or use the side can find it), fresh garlic of your knife to crush the cloves, one-half pound salt and pepper into a of Gruyere cheese (you coarse and delicious (not may substitute processed) inconsistency. a mixture of Sprinkle the pepper and aged cheddar, salt upon the sliced pota- aged swiss and toes. aged parmasean And now for the gar- -- but don't), lic -- this is the best part a small carton because when you're all of cream (the done your fingers will heavier the bet- smell of garlic and butter ter), sea salt and and what smells better pepper grounds,than that? AS for the cor- a baking dish rect amount, there is no or slow cooker,such thing as too much a mortar and garlic. Dice the garlic by pestle, a big, sharp knife hand and spread it with and a cutting board, love over the first layer of You may not use grat-potatoes. ed cheese nor a grater as Now slice the cheese the whole point of this into what will resemble dish is to put your soul shredded cheese on ste- into its preparation. You roids and sprinkle those may listen to music or delicious shoestrings watch a favorite movie ever the concoction. Then during the 45 minutes it throw a tab or two of but- will take you to prepare ter (just to make it all the this dish. more healthy) on top. After you have washedRepeat this entire and scrubbed the pota- process two, three or four toes (the peels are left on times until you run out of -- it's a peasant dish for ingredients and then fill gosh sakes) gather ev- the dish with cream up to erything around you and the level of the potatoes. begin by buttering the Bake it covered at inside of the dish. Then 325 degrees (or in the slice (by hand) enough slow cooker on high) for potatoes to cover the bot- up to four hours. Un- tom of the pan and then cover the dish the last grind enough salt andhalf hour of cooking so pepper to cover them.the cheeses and cream Do not use salt and pep- turn golden brown -- if per shakers or grinders served to people of Irish because it is the inconsis- descent, fighting will tencies of this dish that ensue. make it perfect. It is also It will serve four to 12 those barely crushed pep- people and there won't be per grounds that whenany leftovers, guaranteed. of Mason County Fire District 2 support levy Editor, the Journal Remember to support the upcoming EMS levy to ensure our service level re- mains as good as it is today. Our department leaders have proposed a reasonable budget worthy of a "yes" vote for the next six years. Jim LeBlanc Retired firefighter MCFD 2 as other ballot issues such as election of officials. It may take five years to move these dates and maybe by that time our elections will be paperless (which still has large related costs) but I challenge the au- ditor to investigate and see if a program could be put into place to combine these levy items to reduce the expense of paper, printing, mailing, calculating results and other related costs. Carolyn McClain Belfair Let us make positive change with Editor, the Journal Negativity is like rain. It falls down in black sheets and (if we let it) can saturate our sense of community spir- it. Since moving to Shelton in 1990, I've seen amazing and beautiful things here: in the woods and waters, on the streets and from the people - especially the young people. I've also heard or read about many very real difficulties, problems and challenges fac- ing our county. Over the past couple of years, I have also stood in theses same public meetings and thought, "It's great to know what we're against; what are we for?" A few of us are starting a discussion.., to imagine, or to visualize, or to dream about what Shelton and Ma- money, combine levies Editor, the Journal In light of budget deficits nationally and locally I have a common sense suggestion that may help Mason County save money. Yesterday I received in the mail another "official ballot." I received one six months ago each with one issue on the ballot. I am not denying the importance of content I just wonder if a plan could be put in place to have levies for fire protecffon and schools get on the same fiscal year, perhaps the same In the letter to the editor titled "Water line not needed" the Journal mistakenly typed that the State Patrol had purchased property for the Port of Shelton. son County could become. To ask '~Vhat are the quali- ties of the Mason County we want to see?" What could we see in our county that would improve our lives and would create a thriving legacy for our children and grandchildren? What kinds of jobs do we want? What businesses do we want to own or frequent? What will be the qualities of our family, cultural, or reli- gious life? What will define our relationship with the environment and natural resources? What could learn- ing look like or education or schooling? What essential public services do we need? What would help us become the state's healthiest county? What opportunities will bring us together for commu- nity, for civic engagement, for recreation, for artistic expression or enjoyment? What options and activities will our children have tomor- row, that are different from today? ......... I invite you go answer theses questions, or other ones I forgot to ask. What do you see, hear and feel in your vision for Mason County? I don't know where this discussion will lead. At this point, I'm hoping to hear some ideas from folks and I promise to send another let- ter to the editor in a month or so, reporting on peoples' responses. If you would like to con- tribute one or more elements of your vision send an email to imaginemasoncounty@ Greg Williamson Shelton The State Patrol did not purchase prop- erty for the port, it purchased property from the port. The Journal regrets the error. WORDONTHESTREET According to Mason County Gernie White "I'm not surprised re- ally. It's their choice. Maybe those who do will want to quit. Now's a good time, springs a good time to clear lungs and get fresh air." Shelton-Mason County F USPS 492-800 survey reported adults smoke. What Lori Crossan "l think they're low. I think more people smoke. I was a smoker for several years but I quit six years ago through hypnosis. You see people all the time smoking. It's a really bad habit and it gets ahold of people. She~ton-Mason County Journal is a member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. the Journal, do you think of Patty Hughes "I think it's probably true because ] see an awful lot of people smoke and at the busi- ness I work for I can smell it on people when they come in." percent of the results? Randy Roughton "I'm surprised it's that high with the price of cigarettes." POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: County Journal. P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. $37 per year for Mason County addresses, Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. $51 per year in state of Washington but Outside at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • www.masoncounty.corn Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Joumal, Inc Kari Sleight, publisher Advertising: Dave Pierik, Sr. Acct. Executive Newsroom: Harvey Morris ad representative Jesse Mulien, editor Sharee Miller, ad representat ve Kevan Moore, reporter Front office: Natalie Johnson, reporter Emily Hanson, spor~s reporter Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper Adam Rudnick, copy editor Margot Brand, circulation Cricket Carter, mailroom supervisor Composing room: William Adams, graphics Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan, production manager Travis Miller press operator Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 24, 2012