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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 12, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2012 HOME GAMES DOORS O|: EN GAME STARTS 7PM vs, Vancouver Volcanoes vs. Portland C:, VlS, Salem Soldiers Thurs. 24th vs, Portland Chinooks "We Make House Southsid student wins state writing competition By NATALIE JOHNSON Southside fourth- grade student Lea A1- baugh won a statewide essay contest last month with a unique perspec- tive on what it means to be an American. Lea took the top prize last month in the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) La- dies' Auxiliary Youth Es- say Contest by answering the question: "What is an American?" "You don't have to be born in America to be an American citizen," she said.."I wasn't born m America." Lea, who was born m China, was adopted and does not remember her na- tive land, but understands that for her, being an American citizen has spe- cial meaning. Lea won the local con- test early this year, com- peting against other area elementary schools including Bordeaux El- ementary, Mountain View Elementary and Pioneer Primary. She then competed in a district wide tournament, including schools from Grays Harbor and Thur- ston counties and won that as well. Next, Lea won the state- wide competition. "I think it's kind of cool," she said. Local VFW Ladies' Aux- iliary president Shirley Schober was impressed by Lea's essay. "It's really good - she has a little different per- spective," she said. The local VFW post pre- sented Lea with an award on March 22 for her essay. Lea's teacher at South- side, Frank Ehresman, said he wishes he could take credit for her suc- cess, but he was on vaca- tion when she wrote the Journa pno[o sy Natahe Johnson Southside fourth-grader Lea Albaugh won a statewide essay competition. essay. Guest teacher Me- lissa Wood taught the class while they wrote the es- says. "I am just lucky to be their teacher. Despite the challenges of a large class- room they're really enthu- siastic," he said. "I've got to give all the glory to Me- lissa. Last but certainly not least, Lea's mother Kim A1- baugh beamed with praise for her daughter's accom- plishments. "We are very proud of her," she said. "She has a very big drive to become successful. She's a very sweet and loving girl but she's very much on track and she knows what she wants." While Lea excels at writing, as shown by her award, her favorite subject is math. "She really likes math, it's probably her favorite subject, but she loves to read," Albaugh said. "She could read before she was in school." Albaugh said Lea pushes herself to excel and wants to go ~o college and become a teacher someday. "She is a blessing to us," Albaugh said. Your New Roof for as low as $5000 per month O.A.C.* Your Full Service Roofer Since 1959 • Year-Round ONE DAY Services inmost cases I" m "1 Need a roof? 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Roy TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2012 Health Continued from page A-1 state average at 24 and 11, respectively. The county's teen birth rate is 46 "per 1,000 female population, ages 15-19," higher than the state aver- age at 33 and more than twice the national average at 22. The ratio of residents to primary care physicians amounted to 2,220:1 in Ma- son County and 736:1 state- wide. Additionally, 18 percent of Mason County residents have no health insurance compared to 15 percent state- wide. However, Mason Coun- ty matches state numbers for percentages of diabetic (84 percent and 85 percent. respectively) and mammog- raphy screening (68 percent and 67 percent, respectively). "You can see by the rank- ings that having health in- surance is important but much of what affects our health occurs outside the doctor's office," Kirkpatrick said. Mason County competed favorably against other coun- MLE PRICE ~ ~7~ Ask About The Les Schwab Revolving Credit Plan ~i~!:i~ i~ ~ MORE THAN A TIRE STORE, AUGNMBtlS • BRAKES • SHOCKS * BATTERIES * SIPING • WHEELS Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton Mon.Fri 8 a m..6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.m.:5 p.m. ties in "Social and Economic Factors" and "Physical En- vironment" sections of the survey at 24th and llth, re- spectively. At 81 percent Mason County's high school gradua- tion tops the statewide aver- age of 73 percent. According ~o the study, the county also had less "Air pollution particulate mat- ter days" and "Air pollution ozone days" than the state average. While Mason County ranks low compared to other Washington counties, Kirk- patrick said Washington compared favorably to other states. "The study shows that overall Washington state counties are healthier than many other places in the nation." she said. "There are other places in the na- tion that have considerably poorer health outcomes than what we do in Mason County or even in the state of Wash- ington." JOEUS LANDSCAPING. Commercial, residential, full maintenance. Rock & block walls. Paver & flagstone walks. Sprinkler installation. Fences. Moss control & fertilizer. Brush clearing. Year round service. Free estimates. J. Garcia 360- 432-1900. Lic #JOELSL938N7. G4/12-5/31 RENTAL - 3 BEDROOM, salt waterfront home, fantastic view, 2 miles from downtown Shetton. $1,100. Owner/agent 360-432-0102. Tiny dogs okay. Printed in Shelton, WA, USA '~ ~. N4/12 using US-made ink and US-made ~J~i ~DROOM, 2 BATH manu- newsprint with the highest ~} ~ factured home close to Shelton. percentage of recycled content ~,~;~!~:, Cable available. Deposit re- in the industry • " " Printed With quired. $925 monthly. 360-426- Thank you for recycling. SOY INK 2015. E4/12tfn