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Local musicians take part in adjudications
The Mason County Chap- tion play-off that is held prior Students participating in
ter of the Washington State to adjudications. Adjudications were:
Music Teacher's Association The winner of the chapter
(WSMTA) held its annual ad- educational association corn- Students of Alice Johansson
judications on March 2-3 at petition will perform at the Camden Amundson
the Shelton United Methodist WSMTA State recital in Bell- Claire Arbaugh
Church. ingham the week of June 18- Caleb Bautista-Brown
The adjudicator was Robin 22. Sam Boobar
Chadwick, a private piano in- Ashley Dahlstrom, student Hana Chappell
structor from Centralia. of Kathryn McLin, will repre- Joshua Dohring
The adjudications is a proj- sent Mason County chapter at Katie Kealy
ect that is designed to provide the state conference in Bell- Carisa Kunkle
an educational experience for ingham. Carley Kunkle
piano students which encour- The alternate representa- Bethany Spear
ages goal setting, persistence tive is Bethany Spear, student Kierina Spear
and creativity, of Alice Johansson. Kris Woods
It also provides a perfor-In addition, bothDahlstrom
mance opportunity for stu-and Spear will perform at the Students of Kathryn McLin
dents where an objective eval- District recital, which will be Frank Chapman
uation of each student's skill held May 6 at the First Naza- Ashley Dahlstrom
and musicianship is made by rene Church in Centralia. Brittin Jones
an impartial, competent adju- Students receiving an un- Jimmy Ye
dicator, ranked honorable mention Molly Ye
Students are required to were: Kierina Spear and
memorize two songs in order Carisa Kunkle (students ofStudents ofAnne-MarieNakhla
to participate in adjudica- Johansson), Frank Chapman Anna Liljas
tions. (student of McLin) and Lexi Jamie Nakhla
Students of upper lev- Nakhla (student of Anne-Ma- Julian Nakhla
els may participate in therie Nakhla). Lexi Nakhla
WSMTA State recital competi- Max Nakhla
Courtesy photo
Bethany Spear, left, alternate
representative (student of Alice
Johansson) and Ashley Dahlstrom,
Mason County chapter representative
to the WSMTA Music conference
(student of Kathryn McLin) took part in
the Washington State Music Teacher's
Association's annual adjudications.
with area ties
basic training
Army Pfc. Ashley B. Renz
has graduated from basic
combat training at Fort
Jackson, Columbia, S.C.
During nine weeks of
training, the soldier stud-
ied the Army mission, his-
tory, tradition and core
values, physical fitness
and received instruction
and practice in basic com-
bat skills, military weap-
ons, chemical warfareand
bayonet training, :drill and
ceremony, marching, rifle
marksmanship, armed
and unarmed combat,
map reading, field tactics,
military courtesy, military
justice system, basic first
aid, foot marches and field
training exercises.
Renz is the daughter of
Cassie Martin of Shelton
and Karl Renz of Phoenix.
She is a 2005 graduate
of River Ridge High School
in Lacey.
She earned an associate
degree in 2008 from South
Puget Sound Community
College, Olympia.
North Mason prom information released
The 2012 NMHS Prom "A Dis- Picture order forms and guest re-
guised Waltz" will be from 8-11 quest forms are available in the an-
p.m. on May 5 at the Bangor Base nex now.
Ballroom in Keyport. If students are having someone
Because it is on a military base, at- drive them onto base to drop them
tendees must show identification and off then organizers need the driver's
tickets at the gate. full name, date of birth and citizen-
All students grades 9-12 are wel- ship status.
come toattend. Both offices have lists to fill
Guest requests will need to be sub- out. This must be completed by 3 p.m.
mitted by 3 p.m. tommorow; there on Friday. Call 277-2191for addition-
can be no exceptions due to military al information.
clearance needed to get on base. Early pictures are at Silverdale
Tickets will be on sale until Friday; Waterfront Park from 2:30-6 p.m. on
cost is $45 per couple, $25 per single. May 5.
Unless otherwise noted, all events
take place at~the Mason County
Senior ActiOities Center at 826 W.
Railroad Ave.
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative
9-10:30 a.m., intermediate/ad-
vanced line dancing
9 a.m.-noon, EZ Crafters
10:30-11:30 a.m., blood pressure
10:45 a.m., Zumba class
Noon, lunch: herb baked chicken
12:30 p,m., bridge - sign up the
day before
1 p.m., bingo
2 p.m., treats from Lean on Me
Friday .........
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi:
9-11 a.m., open line dance
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., fabric sorting
11:30 a.m., John & Vern's music
Noon, lunch Sponsored by MC-
SAA: chicken noodle caserole
I p.m., MCSAA goes to the mov-
6-9 p.m., Washington Old Time
10 a.m., intermediate watercolor
10:45 a.m., Zumba
See Senior on page B-6
to compete
at state
'Bassoonist Vanessa Gil-
bert has been chosen to rep-
resent Shelton High School
at the State Solo Contest at
Central Washington Uni-
versity on April 18. She was
selected on the basis on her
superior-rated performance
at the regional contest in
late January. In other mu-
sic news, the SHS concert
band received its first supe-
rior rating in several years
at the recently held ChinoOk
Music Educators Festival in
Olympia. Featured soloists
included Brandon Zappia
on xylophone and Hannah
Mackiewicz on flute and pic-
Seven students from Oak-
land Bay Junior High also
received superior ratings at
the Chinook Region Middle
School Contest. They were:
Brittany Smith, Ivie Red-
man, Courtney Burke, Dan-
ielle Salinas, Morgan Leg-
ate, Jerica Northness and
Cheyenne Shatner.
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Shelton-Mason C6unty Journal - Thursday, April 12,2012
- Page B-3