April 12, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Hama Hama Oyster Rama!
May 5TM 11 am to 6 pm
Tideflat tours, u-pick, scavenger hunt, live music, beer garden,
oyster and wine tasting, kid's activities, and more!
S l0 adults, kids 15
and under free
) C J_I/2 IL-., Tickets available at
www.hamahamastore.com HA EM'A
~~ -J Benefiting the Hood Canal Education
I ~ Foundation and the McReavy House.
38846 N. Hwy. 101 • Lilliwaup,WA 98885 • 360-877-8811
Journal owners honored for iPhone app
Jen and Robb Hicks, co- The New Arrival Awards families on the go with loca- in newspapering in Wyo-
owners of the Shelton-Ma- honor the best new brands tions of diaper changing sta- ming (Buffalo Bulletin and
son County Journal, haveand products introduced in tions, kid-friendly restau- Newcastle Newsletter Jour-
received an award for inno- 2011 according to the Crib- rants, parks and play places nal), Idaho (Wieser Signal
vation with an iPhone ap- sic website, and medical facilities•American), Montana (Havre
plication they created called "The hard work and ef- A version for Android Daily News and Glascow
KIDzOUT. J fort put into bringing this phones will be released in Courier), Colorado (Crested
The application was hen- app to life is obvious," said late spring 2012. For more Butte News), Washington
eyed as the 2012 silver Win- Forty Weeks Founder Julia information, please visit(Shelton-Mason County
ner of the New Arrival-Web Journal) and South Dakota
category by Cribsieaw~rds. According to a press re-Hicks, a third-generation (Yankton Press and Dako-
com. lease, KIDzOUT is a tool for newspaper man is involved tan).
J Bobbie Lynn Bash Memorial te
A memorial for Bobbie Lynn Bash is being held on
Sunday, April 15th from noon to 2 pm at Harstine
Community Hall, 3371 E Harstine Island Road N,
Shelton, WA. This is a potluck event. Bobbie died,
Wednesday March 14th at her home in Shelton at the
age of 54. Please come and share your memories and
stories of Bobbie.
6th Annual
Norway Day
April 21,2011 • 10-4;00
Thurston Co, Fairgrounds Expo Ctr,
Music, Gifts, Vikings, Fjord Horses, Food & Fun!
There's more to Norway than lutefisk & lefse!
Admission $3,00, under 12, free w/adult
of Wa, Inc.
Dr. Dolores Fraire
Optometric Physician
• Family eyecare
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and comanagement
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Joan Zelasko
Licensed Optician
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2026 Olympic Hwy, N,
Rotary Web Offset
• Advertising Tabloids
• Newspapers
by Sarah Newman, D.C.
As home gardeners return to their
flower beds
and vegetable
gardens, they
might find that
their bodies
respond less
to bending,
digging, and
raking. Aside Sarah Newman, D.C.
from aches and
soreness, activities like digging in the
garden, raking the lawn, and hauling
away debris pose the threat of more
serious injury to the nut-of-shape body.
As a result of the physical exertion,
many may pull muscles, twist tendons,
and strain ligaments. That is why it is
important for gardeners to understand
what their bodies can and cannot do,
even when they are in shape. With
regular chiropractic care, amateur
gardeners can learn their bodh,'s
limitations and better understand proper
body mechanics for performing outdoor
Be aware of your body technique,
body form and correct posture while
gardening. Kneel, don't bend, and
alternate your stance and movements
as often as possible to keep the muscles
and body balanced. At NEWMAN
provide safe and gentle chiropractic
care for the entire family. Covering up
"8 ~Da"ean÷ Seattle area, they have more opportu, cant in November• She has an eight-
nities (to volunteer) and more events," month old daughter named Andrea, and
Continued from page B-1 Hall said. I wanted to do something like is working toward a nursing degree at
a protein food drive." Olympic College.
the Howdy-Doers. She also recently auc- Hall said she decided to enter the "It's been crazy with school and a
tioned off a custom made quilt for her pageant to meet new friends, baby," she said•
Relay for Life team• "I'd have to say it's (about) the social Hall hopes to attend Washington
The pageant also includes awards aspect. Getting out of the military I felt a State University and get a Bachelor of
like a business award, Volunteerism little awkward having to adjust," she said. Nursing Sciences (BSN) degree.
Award, Mrs. Photogenic and Mrs. Con- "It's defmitely a group of talented women•" For more information, visit
geniality. Hall has a lot on her plate as she Saramariehall.wordpress.com or www.
"I noticed a lot of the girls up in the prepares for the Mrs. Washington pag- mrswashingtonpageant.org
• Continued from page B-1
your neighborhood, church clients• Given the strong foods requiring refrigera-
group, or another organiza- correlation between poverty tion, high-sugar breakfast
tion would like to collect do- and obesity, providing fresh cereals and candy•
nations for the April distri- and unprocessed foods isFor more information
bution, they would greatly important. What they don't as to how you can help call
appreciate your help• They need are things like Top Ra- Sara 427-9670 ext. 518
are looking for nutrient- men or instant noodles, or email her at sarah@
dense, whole food for their white rice, white pasta, and co.mason.wa.us.
food through the food bank
from 5:30 to 6:30 p•m. on
April 19 at the Pioneer Mid-
dle School cafeteria. If you,
1 p.m., beginning watercolor class 1 p.m., basic gardening for seniors
Continued from page B-3 Tuesday Wednesday
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga• Foot care by appointment
Monday 9-10:30 a.m., intermediate/ad- 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi vanced line dancing 9 a.m., Joy of Painting landscape
9 a.m., beginning line dancing 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sewing circle 9 a.m., beginning line dancing
10 a.m., intermediate/advanced 10:30 a.m., members general meet-10 a.m., intermediate/advanced
line dancing ing line dancing
Noon, lunch: Salisbury steak 10:45 a.m., no Zumba Class 11 a.m., music Evelyn Trenckmann
12:30 p.m., game day Noon, lunch: kitchen choice Noon, lunch: Farmer's breakfast
1 p.m., pinochle, Mahjong; crib- 12:30 p.m., bridge sign up day be- 12:30 p.m., game day
bage; chess fore 1 p.m., pinochle
David Schoephoerster.
A memorial service will
be held at 2 p.m. on Sun-
day, April 29 at Lake Lim-
erick Country Club.
In lieu of flowers, con-
tributions may be sent
to Operation Smile, 6435
Tidewater Drive, Norfolk,
VA 23509.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton handled the ar-
rangements. For your con-
venience online condolences
Continued from page B-5
Constance Ann Newell
Constance Ann Newell,
71, died Saturday, March
31, 2012, at Mason General
Hospital in Shelton. She
was a resident of Grape-
She was born May 15,
1940 in Canby, Minn. to
Lloyd and Ruth (Chris-
tensen) Schoephoerster. may be sent to the family
• Magazines the symptoms with medication ignores
• Posters the underlying cause and delays the ~ grSh:, atwww.mccombfh.com.
• Newsletters healing process. Call 360.426.3886 ~ ated from Michael D. Patten
to schedule an appointment and let us
Just about anything except help you feel better the natural way-theSouth Mike Patten, 52, died
rr n I chiropractic way. We're located at 2211 ~~~ City High Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at
UScu ec
• ' Y' Jeffe .... St. ~~~ School Providence St. Peter Hospi-
426-4412 ,s Gardening is a vigorous form of L~ in San tal in
If Shelton-Mason County l~ exercise that can be useful in building
: i ~ .... : leg, ann, back, and abdominal muscles. ~~ Francisco He was born Aug. 14,
$ '& lln llllff El & ll andat- 1959, inOlympia.
, www,newmanfamilychiro.com tended
Constance Pacific tended
Newell Lutheran Shelton
_~J Lp._ University High
for two ~:ii!