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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Shelton senior Clara Robbins waits to smash down her opponent's lob during her match against
Tuesday. Robbins plays with senior Allison Hunter on the No. 1 doubles team.
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
Olympia on
By EMILY HANSON the first time those two have played to-
emi[v@n~.asoncounty.com gether."
..................................................... Walker normally plays as No. 1
singles for the Lady Highclimbers but
Olympia shut out the Shelton girls' Perry said she needed a break.
tennis team in the first match back "As No. 1 singles, you're always play-
from spring break, ing the best players so it's tough," he
On Tuesday, the Lady Highclimbers said.
lost at home to Olympia 6-0. As of press time, the Lady High-
"It was really good," said SHS head climbers had not yet played at Timber-
tennis coach John Perry. "I was very line yesterday.
happy with the girls. We've playedThe team is scheduled to play at 3:30
Olympia before and won only one game." p.m. on Tuesday at home against Mt.
Though the Shelton girls did not win Tahoma and at 3:30 p.m. on April 19 at
any matches against Olympia, the Lady home against South Kitsap.
Highclimbers won a total of 18 games. With the weather constantly affect-
"Taylor Muenchow played for the ing whether or not the team plays, Per-
first time on varsity and won one of her ry said the Shelton team is still doing
games against a top three 4A Narrows well.
League singles player," Perry said. "We practice if it's rainy or sunny
He said the No. 3 doubles team -- now," he said. "It's warm enough now
Serena Ranney and Willow Walker --that we can play with the water balls."
played really well. By 'water balls' Perry referred to ten-
"It was close in that match, so wenis balls that are so old it doesn't matter
pressed them," Perry said. "That was if they are wrecked by rain.
Shelton senior Allison Hunter returns serve to
her Olympia opponent.
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SHS fastpitch
senior rides
the track
As a self-proclaimed
"girlie girl" Kylie Schnitzer
takes part in two activities
that would surprise people.
Schnitzer, a senior at
~ ton High
stop for
the Lady
team and
Kylie also races
are surprised because I'm
a girlie girl and not a lot of
people would think that I
get dirty," Schnitzer said.
But she has been getting
dirty on the fastpitch field
for 11 years, the last three
as a varsity athlete for SHS.
"I started playing t-ball
just how every little kid gets
started with a sport," she
said. "Fastpitch stuck with
Schnitzer said she's
stuck with fastpitch because
it's always been her favorite
"It's mentally hard and
physical," she said.
As a fastpitch player,
Schnitzer has received mul-
tiple awards. She has been
given honorable mention for
the 4A Narrows All-League
teams for two years and for
the last two years, she has
received the defensive play-
er of the year award.
Though Schnitzer said
fastpitch and motorcross
are complete opposites of
each other, she said she
loves them both.
"The first time I was at a
track, I was two weeks old,"
she said.
Her father, Del Schnitzer,
is a former flat track profes-
sional and her older brother,
Brenton Schnitzer, 22, is
a professional motorcross
"I've been racing for four
years," Schnitzer said. "Be-
fore that, I was always just
a fan of my brother's and my
She said it's definitely a
dangerous sport but attri-
See Athlete on page B-9
Lady Highclimbers could have field at
Shelton High as early as next season
By EMILY HANSON maintenance position to continue work on
emi~y@m, asoneounty.com the field.
..................................................................................... Weather permitting, we'll be starting
soon," Woods said. "We have to start from
The Shelton fastpiteh team could havethe ground up and build. That entails eon-
a home field on campus as early as next figuring the outfield, leveling it, adding fill
season, as needed, placing top soil, replanting the
Last summer, two SHS seniors outfield and then working on the infield."
worked with mentor Erik Engstrom to SHS head fastpitch coach Kim Goldsby
begin building a field on the SHS campus said she is looking forward to having a
for the fastpitch team. When the base- home field on campus. The team currently
ball dugout and clubhouse Engstrom plays its home games at Mason County
was also mentoring burned as the result Recreation Area (MCRA). The Lady High-
of arson, the fastpitch field project was climbers practice at MCRA as well as at
postponed. Oakland Bay Junior High (OBJH), in the
Engstrom was mentoring seniors Pat- SHS gym during rain and also in the aux-
rick Fabrizio and Jake Enslow and said iliary gym at OBJH during poor weather.
both finished their required number of "It would benefit every team to have
hours of work before the project was halt- a facility on campus," Goldsby said. "It
ed. brings pride to the players and to the
Bob Woods, Shelton School District di- school itself."
rector of facilities, said Engstrom was re-
cently hired by the district in a temporary
See Field on page B-9
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
The basic outline of the infield for a fastpitch field at Shelton High
School has been framed. This is the view of the field from behind where
home plate would be.
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, April 12, 2012 - Page B-7