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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Clyde Brown Resigns As SHS Principal • The Shelton School Board at its meeting Tuesday night ac- cepted the resignation of High >, School Principal Clyde Brown and appointed Edward Flcen- ()r, Woodburn, Ore., as Junior ..... lligh principal to succeed Bruce S('iwarck, wtm is retiring ;it the end of this school year. Brown said in his [citer of resignation he had accepted a position as Superintendent of the Brewster School District. Brown came to Shelton High two years ago to succeed George Hermes as principal when Her- mes was named principal of Garrett Heyns High School at the Washington Corrections Cen- tel', Fleenor, 40, is presently prin- cipal of the Junior High in Wood- burn. He holds B.S. and M.S. de- grees from Idaho State Univer- sit3'. He served as tin elementary principal a! Aberdeen, Jerome aml l"iber, Idaho; junior high I)rincipal at Ktmiah, Idaho. and high sch(x)l principal at Sand- point, Idabo, before going to the Oregon position. He is married and the father (if five children, all attending school. 'File school I)oard also re- ceived letters of resignation from Richard Redinger, Eugene Wehunt, Mrs. Stella Brown, and Dr. Thomas Rowland. Eml)loyment for Nora New- man after age 65 was approved. The board voted to extend con- tracts 1o present faculty mem- bers. A resolution al)olishing the positions of director of student affairs in the High School and curriculum consultant and fed- eral prograrrls Wits approved. Bob Sund, who is director of student affairs, and Mary An- derson, who laolds the other po- sition, have boon offered teach- ing positions in the district for next year. The board voted to renew the contract of Supt. l_)uis Grinnell for lwo years at a salary of $15,000 a year. On the recommendation of the superintendent, Rollo Johnson, an electrical engineering consul- tant, was hired to prepare plans and specificiations for replace- ment of the wiring at the Jun- ior High. Also on the recommendation of the superintendent, the board voted to make June 5 a school holiday so interested teachers could attend the International Reading Association conference in Seattle, Attendance of the superintend- ent at the State Superintendent's Conference in Seattle May 1.5-16 was approved. Also approved was the attendance of two spec- ial education teachers at the Re- gional Workshop in Health, Fit- ness and Recreation for the lVentally Retarded April 18-19 in Seattle. George Hermes, principal of Garrett Heyns High School, pre- sented the curriculum section of the meeting. pearing will be William Dickie, I Shelttm High School senior, will portray Paul Bunyan fellow SIIS students, llere he shouhlers the I)i axe whit'h is the emblem • ,,o,' Su,t Seeks To Close . ,otnty Forest Festival this year. lle was selected I)y his of the legendary logger he I)ortravs. Pyle. .... These three apln, ared tit the 0 !""!' :: , hearing in suPl,ort of the for- €l_lqmll#ll Ailm, iil qlllPaa61 :ll.jT0'er; I   7"'' mation of the fire distric.t. --qjllm.m--1.... lmm..m. APt'aring in opposition was S John MacRae. who stated lie I A suit filed in Mason County Schafcr, Margaret Schafer Mar- the district included too large the County Commission to v - s'J. .n . - - , an area and asked whore the care one street and a I)ortion i)f .',, a,,, ,,,arm c stlva o firemen would be from. He aL'( anotber at Union which provides ' ", ' s ) S(haf(r all owne staled he had some 200 acres ot access to Hood Canal. bordering the two '11|| BU / ,  forest hmd in the proposed dis- The l)ropcrly ownt*rSs had llt'-s waterrUn from tile Hi trio! and stated be already paid titioned the commi:sion h .'t J : nyan :t-O.l 5 ....... 'atr2bSheYnjn/aashmWo----------'---t -nWgt4 °n ....... 10 Cnte-s Per Co--py ona Statethe IWOl)erlyf°rest patrOland wasaSSessmentnot anx- nut,Summerand tea vacateportionSprague,)f OlympicAVe- ImvcThealreadySuit contenbee lelM. , .. .. ,> ( - a th p 'o e at S el , Wad " g n 80 • ar q hut sda , A )t d 1 ,, 1 16 24 Pa es 3 ectmnz II  Y 1o,,- e • " Y l ' ' under act ot March 8. 1879. Published at 32"/ West Cots. g __ ious to be taxed for the fir(, Avenue. The rommission turned maritally under a law {ram,... u0 Pc-. , r Paul .......  ....  ...... district, down the requcs! after receiving was in force fror 89 1 klas0tZlyed in the Dickic stated that the dislrict vig()rous i)rotosls from Union which provided that any • '- by .' ounty For- had been made tile size it was residents al)oul oh)sing off tiny street which was not Glo..- to Keel) Elk S..|ut P| H N F to provide an assessed wduation liul)lic arcess 1o the Canal. within five years v,as a --  8helto rt Tozier, 18, t0" .High School. l an as o en ! ce ollal,alut e 1 onl sufficient to supper, the district. Filing (h,' suit were Neta ically vacated. llItt 'h;atoflL be hehl +atthe','h: aul Bun-•The State Game Commission came upwith a four-point plan rejectcd by the Game Depart-the elk off the Richer! l)roperty i l (Bony) toertscher Taken Paradeead, of the and ,the Shelton Nimrod Club a! to reduce clk damage on the Ted men!. Game Depar(men! pomv umil they mow' back up into the ." a;,, t°rl tin ,.mr()ugn a meeting in Olympia Monday Richert farnl in the Skokomish has l)ecn to provide mah)rial for higher elevations this spring.  • ,.!,Itle a hu,,°UUr(h'Y. Valley. elk and deer fences if the prop- An attcmI,, will bc made l)y By Death At McCleary Hospital • An era in Mason county log- hapl>en if they became excited meml)ered for his colorful stories ging history came (o an end with and broke loose, he replied, and original Ixoetry in both Ma- the death of Ernest A. (Bony) "Don'! worry. If the bulls get son anti Grays Harbor counties. Loertscher, 77, last Sunday in away we'll round them up and His funeral service will be the McCleary hospital following run them into Mac's Corner and held at 2 p.m. today in the Elma a short illness, hold a Ilarl)ecue!" Funeral Home with burial in rnv was an authority on old- About a year ago the Loert- Elma. . L.,.,:_,, .._.) ...-s '--own f()r sch(,rs sold lhew ranch and He L survved by his wife, time loK).;mg a,u wa. r. • . ., • .. . ,. ;_., ,t, fit .no ,, hand to moved into 14.1rD.a where Bony lnelma, ot tma; a daughter, b-,, .... . ,.:o ..... , ":". ", ..... contented himself and entertain- Mrs Ruth Blandon of Grants give a nelgnoor a llClplng Hallo. • .... ' "- • nized raan benefit ed ()tilers with his museum of Pass, Ore.; three sons, Bet- lie orga , " y . . • -n,es to heh) pay a hospital horse logging rehcs, nard and Ernest Jr., both of ..... " " o to • .... .a ,, , ....... , .... ) family A man wath few if any, ene- Elma, and Hartiey, f Shel n, O,ll or ,,,,- .-.--,2-...,/n "oloi"t" mies and two counties full of 9 grandchildren and 7 great- orn June Z:J, 1/$/5J 15 .... Arsenal Gets Belfatr - . . ...... , tr,enos !sony will long be re-grandchildren 9es Y -".'., °° ,.o00oo ,,, woe. • on the family ranch out of Elma :}i h'--ill_ he was a year old and grew up ..... For Anrml 28 ,o the Bush Creek area. :":: .... I Youth 30 Oavs In Jail = ,, 14 he began his logging :ii!,L eM PI.. ..... career the old fashioned way ..... ,::!::ii) '!::: .Dzin,a students of. Shel!,:n " with oxen. At 17 he decided to : ?! Sh,- ,mm ....... • " itign .'cn,,o, ,,'ill l,rcsent a el.- see the world an! left the ranch. ::: ' ,-',torl (2;,- STAT# DITP X,iI,(;,i_ o),-,ob I)lav of their many talents An He drifted through eastern Wash- i: I[ " read; ,ty mm;-. . ---,,-j---..j. e, ..... , ...... - lb. John W Williams, 22. St. RI. wearing a sleeveless d(,nirn 'ac- cve'nin, of on(, act. )lays is r_ y 0rd'i'J g TUeSday ]lon Sill Will oe tile sl)eaKer at t3ox 130, Belfair, was sentenced ket wilh a number of metal )tt'c- schedlYed for April 28, /t 8 p.m. ington Idabo and Oregon wher, e . :i]iiiiil}: he broke horses, wrangled ii ::.i: ........ Itrt,t "anee w, ." an the Shelton Chamber of to 30 days in the Mason County orations and a hu'ge metal swas- in the Reed Building Auditor- horses for sheep shearers and !i .... ...... ,, of th uacn Will nmmo,¢ o A r'l momho)hit Jail on :l (harge of having con- !ka (in 't ('h dn around his ne(.k ium The tickets are 50 cents for m vut.,L e t.,ri .... C ......... ".. ..p.l ............ ' ..... ,) • , , ." .. t ....... rode the grub line. During this  :.:;:: i: 7 I{ 'qR*''q,by ._'u fire Ortrue bthe uleetillg, at 11elllle's [srollel" |)(,'wedCe'ded' inWeap°nSMa, ons wnCncountvnOjusllceal)=. )lpeflt t er" tic. told atthethoC°urtBremertonhe was.,Nit.a ..... ! udent STht (s'mddi $1 for theadUlts lays time he learned he had a natur- . : ::v> ou ..... ' • . • ., .t ectcd P - al talent for crying an auction  Ilnea.hl¢'llrlhtg h''lh'-) a rrowin,OCon,_r to ' be!rein" n-'" pAll.t°lllght, with.  Dlllllerthe programWlll bestart_at.  eaC°Urt" He' MondaYhadbef°re..beonJUdgearrestedGlennin Cor-tte ValnotH(,Shpvardh)aded.Stated,. and' that' that!he p lhe'"sl°l xaStwo" ," occasions.aS" thevs " ,orldhaV e nin the.. hast on .such•' hisand lifeC°nsideredwork, pursuing it as  )'ii:i  t4, waet • lag at 8 p Ill . . . The w ...... remmre of a new Logging won out, however, ) iilii n_. ranee  WRh ' ' " Belfair area at 5.50 a.m. the large swztclabladcs d(i not be- comedy written by Dean Tar- '"ah  same day b Deputx Sheifff long t() turn The smdl ones he , 'the - had ;_,' . ." ' .'. ." . '" . ' . ." t .', rach, "the school's" drama in- and Bony returned to the Ma-  ..... E" Pc- $7,000 f",ten(led ,u, ml -- m m William Strano. . . sat(i,, were worn as dec,a'ations sWuctor, will be on the program, son-Grays Harbor area to mar,'y .liiii00i000000ii00(0000i ;:: t:u ecs !i00ii0000ii iii i  ii!ii,(!lSiiii ( }iiilt !i[!)i! {iiii !izi(i ( t ( !i ili!!tiil j ii(i..e i Goose Thelma for "Bony" Hem°re was Prairie Brown on than tagged one where 50 and with of years, his they settle the return name lived on  :i I 17 s) sus ended hman(z n lh( (a)n ls 'm, v res, • Theodore Williams(n, 2618 s .p ..... t ....... t." and Doug Wright trips home during the time he . • ,, , H e .Ya,_ 're Military Road Tacoma was ar- Strand toll1 me court he had cocked. A moldrnmn i nl;n an )he was seeing the world . As h ,l Utl re arrested WHlmms alter he came Judge Correa ordered tll ot , ou {PJk l hl. sted by Mason County Sher- ' ' • • • • i " a,.enda It is called "Curse v walked up the road after a hard .t['a, " t of upon a car parked in the lane lhe weapons, which had been ' " "  winter his "hip bones sticking Atom Schafer H-yle, Glee- son and Marie Schafer and Reid Schafer, all owners of property bordering the two streets which run from the Highway to the The suit contends the streets havc already been vacated auto- which was in force from 1889 to 1909 which provided that any platted opened within five years was automat- 0 c !Ira 0 t elt 'J=.%aJ3 z, cv -'u8810 fire uek, , !U f O Will ora the u, $5,500 uget and the iff's deputies on a charge Jack Dalton". The cast is Karen de. resolution second degree burglary Men- of traffic with the motor run- l)resented as evidence, confiscat- Bodle, Karen Smith, Jerry Rob- out like knots on a tree and his ning and the driver asleep, ed and asked the sheriff's office day. "ooaPPr°ved, Williamson was arrested when tVl:..2 for a a he was released from Pierce the'" .o. the County jail where he had been ffl l)lanning held on another charge. € c. n°. one He, along with two other )-. " aTdSsion 3un{',_ change, young Pierce County men. wcrc charged with a burglary of a lvrStructed cabin at Potlatch last fall. or*eL t° Pre" The other two have both been - ne ira enth t " ' • for Williams was the driver of the to check on the ownership of car, Strand said, and a search .the two switchblades if Williams of him and the vehicle had turn- did not own them. ed up an automatic pistol, two The judge also told Wlliams large and five small switchblade he was going to enter his plea knives and a home made mace as not guilty to the concealed (a large lead fishing weight at- weapons charge and would find tached to the end of a chain), hinl guilty and set. the appeal Williams appeared in court bond at $1,000. arrested and pleaded guilty in Court here and received deferred sentences. ertson, Chris Fe]lstrom, Terry Roller, Mark Weston, Alberta Gress, and Student Director Pat McNeil. Then with a leap we bound off into the world of drama, with a play called "The Turning Tide". The cast for this produc- tion is Carolyn Batstone, Betsy Willard. Cliff Anderson, Terry Roller. Student Director is Dar- lene Edmiston. and Co-Student Director is Debbie Maranvi])e. ribs poking through so you could count them a quarter of a mile away", his brother Fred said to their Dad, "Here comes old Bones". The name stuck with him the rest of his life, After other men his age re- tired, Bony did some horse log- ging, thinning timber for Simp- son Timber Co. At one time he broke ;, team of six oxen for the Forest Festiwd parade. When people risked what WO(| E. A. (BONY) LOERT$CHER The phm is. he said, to build a main s!ation in lhe vicinity of the airl)ort and Island Lake with sul)slalions at Dayton and Bay- shore Idler. The firemen would I)c volun- leers. The assessors office stated lhal MacRae would be taxed for the fire district only olt his house and surrounding prol)erty , and, !hal his forest land wouh| re- main under State fire patrol as- sessment. Pyle slated lhat ;i warning do- vire would be installed in the homes of volunteer firemen a central alarm system by wh(>- ever receives the eall. He said that Certified Manu- facturing Co., which will be in the district, has agreed to fur- nish four men to man the equip- ment during working hours, which would be a big assist dur- ing lhe time when volunteers are no! generally available. ' The intention, Pyle said, is to raise the area from a class 10 fire insurance rating which it has now to a class eight, which would reduce fire insurance pre- miums by as much as 50 per which wouhl he at.rivaled from ('on! in cases. • May 2:; was set for a stx, cial election Io determine the forma- tion of It fire district h) include !he airlx)r!, Island Lake, Day- ton, Bayshorc and John's Prai- rie areas and parts of Mt. View and Northcliff outside the city limits. The election was se! l)y the Mason County Commission Men- (lay after a hearing on the pe- titions for the formation of the proposed fire district. The proposed fire districl w)uld lie known as Mason Counly Central Fire District 10. Also on the l)alh)t will !to a slate of candidales for coronals- stoners ,if the dis!rio| if it is forme(l. The three candidates up- Vote On New Fire District Is Scheduled For May 23