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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SUNNY SKIES last: Sunday brought sightseers away from their warm hearthsides by the droves. The roads through tile foothills of the. nearby ()lympics looked similar to the freeway. One of the beautiful views enjoyed by many dur- ing their outings is the one seen above which was taken from the Steel Bridge abov, e old Camp Three. The bridge, originally used for logging trains, looks-down onto the South Fork of the Skokomish River. 40 and 8 Sets Special Cancer Socie÷y To Hear Mefing On New Club Plan S+a+e G,us.aaeChai!;roan unprecedented, in the history of hospitals in the Northwest (Lin- I Mason County 0nit ol  the 40 & 8 Voiture 135 occurs ncxl ,l. Ch:trrier, Connie Ells, and Washington Division, American Thursday evening ;t si)cci:(l I',l Parker) with the Dr. George Cancer Society, will beg-in its Prom. l,('Conll,le Memorial c(mtribu- 1967 Crusade April 18, with a in contributions from the frost- dents of Mason County, as their share in the state-wide goal of $543,210. Reaching their goal will Chef tie Gare I-:q Weshm called for tile unusual scssioll of the membership when Mtq Dobson, chairman of a ((immit- tee charged with t)rcllarint. ' plans for a new 40 &  C'htb site, reported at Voiture ]:;5's regul'ar prom last Thursday that the eommittec is ready UI nmke firm recommendations tm a course of action, l),bson suggosl- ed that the matter was ,f suf- ficient import that it should bc considered alone and tll lt!ili?onl- bored by any other subjects :,l a slmcial l)rom rather timn dur- ing a regular prom. Frank Tray- is, Bill Dickie and John I.ubm complete Dobson's buihling con> m'ittee. The special prt)m will Im hehl in the 40 & 8 CJub ;tt 8 I).m. April 20. Other action at last week's regular prom inchlded W(,sttm's election as Voiture 135's nomint,o for District Grand Cheminol (tim selection will he made May 19 in Tacoma) as successor to Wall Kain of Pierce Voiturc 94, who attended last week's prtlm; se- lection of Bill Dicki(, as Voitnrc 135% nominee for the tf.O. Burn- aby Award (sponsored by th(, Ninrod Club to honor this con> munity's "man-of-the-year in youth activities"); a rcl,wt by committee chairman John Ixfitm that Voiture 135 is now sponsor- tng three nurses in training at Doa't monkey around with fire! FAT OVERWEIGHT This amazing slenderizing for- mula, available with no pre- mcription, can help you become the'slim, trim person you want to be! Simply take a small Su- per Slender-X tablet before each meal and between meals, ff you get hungry. As you take Super Slender-X and cut cal- ories, you are on the way to a more attractive you! And you get none of that "keyed up" nervous feeling you can get with other tablets. 20-day sup- ply, $2.98; 40-day supply, $4.98. Get Super Slender-X today. Guaranteed by: NELL'S PHARMACY Fifth and Franklin Streeta Mail ON,. ,0_Pt . ............ litm from the Mason County Mt,,lica] thn'cau being used for the first lime as I)art of the Voiture's scholarship fund; and d(.cision by Voiture 135's Chemi- not board to have the 40 & 8 Club join the Shelton-Masnn County Cimmber of Commerce. Olympia Dog Show Entries Ou÷ kick-off meeting in the PUD Building at 8 p.m. Richard R. Souliere, President of the Ma- stm County Unit, announced this week. John Westford, Mayor of Bell- ingham, who is the 1967 State- wide Crusade Chairman and Vice President of the Washing- ton Division will be the guest speaker. The ACS film "Prog- nosis: Hope" will be shown. The film outlines the ways in which the American Cancer Society enable the Division and County Io expand their programs. helps every patient, of the pros- Fhtlry forms f()r the Olympia ent anti future, through educa- Dog Fant:iers Association dog t:i(in, research and service. sh,)w and obedience trial are The N[ason County Unit re- now available, ceived the Eisenhower Trot)hy Tht. show is scheduled for in 1966, recognizing its outstand- May 7 ;st the Trails End Arena. ing contribution to the fight Ftn'thcr inft)rmation and entry against cancer. This year, the forms arc available from Mrs. Volunteers of the Mason County Ahtn F,,rtt at 426-6152. are out it1 raise more than $3,000 JOHN WESTFORD AMERICA'S 00,oo.I MOST POPULAR / WEATHERWEAR JACKET- ,c, The most popular jaoket sty{e in the oountry is made of London Fog's Third Barrier construction, complete rain protection in areas of greatest rain impact--chest, back, shoulder and sleeves. Colors available are: Navy Blue, Light Blue, Sand, British Tan, Olive k and Green. Sizes: Light 36-50 in regular and 40-50 in longs. i Only '2000 This is but one of many LONDON FOG Maincoats. If you would like to see other styles or types, be sure to see 409 Railroad / 42b-6432 Men's Women's Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 13, 1967 ( formerly IgI.TF'I'MAN'S SHS Choir, Band Set Spring Concert April 28 Advance tickets from members of partment at $1 per The Shelton High School Spring Concert has been set for 8 p.m. April 21 at the High School Gym- nasium. Guest conductor for the pro- gram will be Dr. Bernard Regier, professor of music at Western Washington State College. Featured in parts of the con- cert will be the concert band, woodwind quartet, concert choir, the full choir, madrigal singers and the swing choir. CARRY the FACTS in Your P 0 C K E 7 I POCKET DATA BOOK USA' Latest in the series of statistical reference books issued by the Bureau ofl : Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Well .... 300 pa{l ....... I ..... , ........ , ........ t, authotilahve statj!:¢o:: ,I a I major facets o the economic ar d see a st uch re of t e United ta.-e € population, educMion, healttl govPrnmeot prices labor income, weltar ; lense recreahon, ag,icultt.e, indust,y science and other subjects o pa,e o, c,,a,,s ,,,,d ,,a,,, ..... o.,,,,s,,,,,,.,,, ...... b,,:';' description of the U S m the m,O 1060's | HNn FITS INTO POCK[T OR pURS[, - ]] -, o ,e i ]o: Suter )re d nt o Dec. e,s A,y '' [, m,:,t ;+r u,: : Goverrmlent Print,rig Off,co OR CommerCe ulSIm7 "{ , Washmgton. D.C 20402 '., ,,c,osed , $ (chc ...... ,y o,de,, sup, ou Send me copy(ies) of Pocket Data Book USA, lb t03.134/3:967) at $150 each Name I Street address . I City. State. ZiP . I LAST DAYS! EN For Day and N/t R-4, et,., ANEFRIN 2/24 COLD CAPSULES The hundreds of tiny pellets in each capsule release medication continuously over a long period. You'll feel better, steep better . , . and wake without that stuffy congested feeling. ,Just 2 capsu/e$ provide 24- :ur roelnleWyen a cold strlkos, you'll wont to hove 2 FOR =1'0 v.,.t J c.wm -:,i  having a  , ...... ,,d iJ iY ht po,otabl d eow to tako as candy. These .| ch.w=., I..Z; , .... { ,i cherry fl ..... d wafer shooed tablet .... ,oln ,0 ..... Turntable '::°r;:°o *;:.',;' ::2::he: ;':rhto:::::'¢°,;:': {-'-] I I) Stopin todaY...Our Pharmacist Knows Vitamin,.l FOR $,70 lt lLlii '] ': '. i j Walgreen ANTIHISTAMINIC , i ,ouo. A "m "° d east i ht"'°srtrlli c'°tr° 'cahteecl¢ ° I ' °O  € re ° gtI°rna I I° /llll ::ll / o ,o,d end ,O,:oted ,0 spaed roller way down In- L:' • " BRYA i il " ili to irrltoted throat and branchia{ areas, while loosen- ing that hard deep cough, r o I i •ito -- / i " -- -- uuy this {win Oerivite .... ..,t| / Turntable for $2.98 _ ..'[' | Bd Away tge 'Ternp4.) : S,e Sceee... 2/$1.  i Walgreens SMOKERS'TOOTHPASTE Daily °° , fore. You'H like its refreshing tozte, too, { llill{llillllllllilllllll{{ll{}ll{lll{{{ll{ TWO FO O;t[ / Get this $1 98 111  P ICE u : Single Turntable for IV PRIC.E, Or4i I I BOTH FOR $2.99 I"L." /I 2 F°R 7Oc /" (save $1.97) J 7he ft,,,,¢,, Medtclual Hand Care Formula HILtROSE K HAND LOTION Perle(ted by Woigreen,, this onHseptlc IoHon gee| --00,ergreen to work {mmedlately . . . heollng, mo{sturlzleg an -4 bleaching. It softens sore, rod hands, protocHng ogo{ast exposure, detergents and chopping. There's nothing like Hillrose K; get it today. F € I 2o0099 ,,o. 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