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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County-City Record BU/LDIN.G PEPvMIS approved by Commission were to beach home, wood Peters, 0; Wicklund ,000; C. Rich- and family J. Brink- $5,000; Jean $25,000; Mike $1,000; Dean $7,000; Law- residence resi- Corsette, $900; Angus patio, $250. PERMITS by the the past add Western commer- Swayze, ; Edna Shep- $400; Evelyn $425, IOLICE COURT docket in before Monday Mason larceny, $25 days in jail, Systrrm, 226 $10 I, Box opera- equip- Lov- fail- vehicle in $12.50 Tozier, four days W, illiam p. equipment, tabs, Rhodes, Rt. defective Marlene St., Shel- forfeit; 502 Minor $25 for- W. G St., Seattle, negligent driving, $50 forfeit; Gary L. Middleton, un- lawful use of license plates, no vehicle registration, f a u 1 t y equipment, $61 forfeit; J e r r y L. Cole, Rt. 8, Box 133A, Olym- pia, overwidth and overlength load, $110 forfeit; Henrietta Freed,n, general delivery, Pot- latch, driving while intoxicated, $110 fine, five days in jail, li- cense revoked 30 days; third de- gree assault, $250 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended; Ronald Getty, 423 Fir St., Shelton, speeding, $22.50 forfeit; Sephen L. Rob- ertson, 1773 Stewart St., Shelton, speeding, $22.50 forfeit; Teddy Prescott, 609 Randall, Aberdeen, negligent driving, $25 forfeit. SHELTON POLICE Mrs. Olaf Johnson reported a gasoline theft. Vehicles driven by Ernest Pol- lard and Oliver Petty collided at First and Cola St. A power line was found down at 10th and Railroad. Raymond Keyzers reported a rock broke the windshield of his car as he was coming down Pioneer Way. Mrs. Weymeth Ceniva report- ed a Chihuahua dog missing. James Porco reported a cig- arette vending machine at the Lamp Post Tavern broken into and the coin box removed. Mrs. Georgia Mako reported a barking dog disturbing her. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Junction cabins were reported broken into. Mrs. Bob Wiles reported some- one butchered a cow on property they are renting. A car turning into the park- ing lot broke a window in the Valley Center store. C.R. Cadger reported debris thrown into his yard. Charles Mitchell reported a window in a cabin broken. Everett Morken reported gas taken from a log show. Pat Kaare reported prowlers. Mrs. L.E. Delafore reported a cabin broken into. DEFAULT DIVORCES Default divorce decrees were granted in Mason County Su- perior Court Friday morning to: Patricia Lane from Gene Lane Freddie Jo Cherry from Ken- neth Cherry Jessie Tupper from Ellis C. Tapper Linda Lee from Richard Lee Weather April 6 55 30 April 7 65 31 -- April 8 64 42 .02 April 9 50 4O .21 April 10 50 43 .01 April 11 58 30 -- April 12 65 41 -- Readings are for a 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. as re- ported by the Rayonier, Inc. weather station. FIVE'DAY FORECAST Temperatures Thursday thru Monday to average below nor- mal with highs mostly in the 50's; lows 35-40. Precipitation mostly before Sunday. Marriage Licenses • Applying for marriage li- censes in the Mason county aud- itor's office this past week were: Raymond Bruder, 18, Tacoma, and Patricia Livingston, 20, Ta- coma. Rodney Ellis, 28, Tacoma, and Evelyn McEwan, 31, Blaine. Neal Richter, 46, Kent, and Blossom O. Donahue, 43, Seattle. Memorial Rite For Mary Tipton • A menlorial service for 1Wwy E. Tipton, 1503 Ridge Road, was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday in the Batstone Funeral Home. iVrs. Tiptun died Saturday in Shelton General Hospital. Cre- marion was by Mt. View in Ta- coma. A resident of Mason county the past 34 years, Mrs. Tipton was born Sept. 15, 1874 in In- diana. She was a member of the Christian Science Church. She is survived' by one son, Kenneth W. Flora; Tacoma; five grandchildren and 8 great-grand- children; and one brother, Seth Best, of Soth Bend, Ind. Tides FRIDAY, APRIL 14 Low ................ 1:24 am. 7.1 ft. Htg .............. 6:18 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low ................ 1:36 p.m. -0.7 ft. High .............. 9:06 p.m. 10.9 ft. SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Low ................ 2:18 a.m. 7.8 ft. High .............. 6:48 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 2:24 p.m. -0.6 ft. High ............ 10:18 p.m. 10.9 ft. SUNDAY, APRIL 16 Low ................ 3:18 a.m. 8.3 ft. High .............. 7:18 a.m. 9.6 ft. Low ................ 3:18 p.m. 0.4 ft. High ............ 11:24 p.m. 11.0 ft. MONDAY, APRIL 17 Low ................ 4:42 a.m. 8.4 ft. High ................ 8:18 a.m. 9.1 ft. Low ................ 4:18 p.m. 0.6 ft. TUESDAY, APRIL 18 High ................ 0:24 a.m. 11.3 ft. Low ................ 6:12 a.m. 7.9 ft. High .............. 9:48 a.m. 8.7 ft. LJw ................ 5:24 p.m. 0.8 ft. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 High .............. 1:18 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 7:12 a.m. 7.0 ft. ............ 11:24 'a.m. 8.6 ft. Low ................ 6:30 p.m. 1.0 ft. THURSDAY, Ar'RIL 20 l'tigh .............. 1:54 a.m. 11.9 ft. Lw ................ 8:00 a.m. 5.6 ft. High ............ 12:54 p.m. 9.0 ft. Low ................ 7:30 p.m. 1.3 ft. LIKE SOLDIERS with battering rams, log-toting North- west Outward Bound patrols humT down a dusty road in a competition program which not only builds muscles, but, d.evelops team spirit. The Outward Bound program is en- tering its second year in the Pacific Northwest with plans for four camp sessions in Oregon's rugged Three Sisters Wilderness area. "The l)urpose of the school is to teach young men 16 t()23 to discover their abilities by pitting them against nature. Major COml)onents of the course are mountaineering and wilderness survival along with con- servation and service projects. Richard Lee, 23, Shelton, and Mrs. John Moore reported Patricia Lane, 23, Sehlton. $12 for- shots fired from a bb gun broke a John E. Simmons, legal, Port- 11th and window, land, and Jewell Blockledge, $25 Dale Olson reported oyster legal, Bremerton. ames, Rt. 2, poachers. Gilbert Cordova, 20, Healds- SPeeding, $17 Dave Skagen reported gravel burg, Calif., and Carol J. Gou- Robertson, 715 fell from county uck and ley, 19, Portland, Oregon. a valid ve-brok?.: ' neamlgnt m ms car. i ...... SUPERIOR COURT , ; _ ' : ,, docket in M:ht,nuska Valley Bank --ew " hairs Court be- against Rodney Cottrell, debt.  • • dur- Florence Hanke against Steve llqPllall SKYLINE liOn a Were: Sagmiller, debt. n,,. m-- Trailer Equipment Distributors  ............ DRIVE-IN THEATRE :L2th Ave., against Mr. and lVfrs. H.O. Howe ............. 5 Miles South on Freeway license on and Shelton Mobile Homes Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. 1YcGee, debt. 1921 So. ]st street, a girl, April Friday, Saturday Only Rt. 2, FIRE DEPARTMENT 5. Dozens of Sale-Prlced Chairs | to stop April 5, 5:57 p.m., chips in Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waller, "DRACULA, PRINCE OF bin at the Simpson dry planer. Edgewood Apts., a boy, April 7. DARKNESS" , :: }i::!i!:!!!:::  iiiiiij No damage, cause undeter- Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Cornell,  ,u, -- to choose from in the , !ii!i! mined. P.O. Box 674, Poulsbo, a boy, "PLAGUE of the ZOMBIES"   Public in- April 5, 9:30 p.m., chips in a April 9. bin at the Simpson dry planer, 3/r. and Mrs. David Wilhite, p!us CARTOON no damage, cause undetermined Edgewood Apts., a girl, April 10. Latest Styles & Fabrics .... .*. : !iiii::i ' .... .:: $ 95 }i from,  Jl] i::i ,i::}ii i i: i i: ::: :i!: :.:: : : : i:::! !: :: ::}ill i: ::i::::il. i::i:. ::::': :.::. : :: ::::: :::: : :: ::: ;:: :'!:!:i.:: .: : ....... I' $ -c Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price for the Camaro Sport _.. i' Coupe with the Standard Six. This Camaro shown has at extra cost: hood stripe, $14.75; style trim group. $40,05; wheel covers. $21.10; and whitewall tires, $31.35. All prices include Federal Excise Tax and suggested dealer delivery and handling charge i;! (transportation charges, accessories, other optional equipment, i' . state and local taxes additional). the . moves you up to the head of the class. Camaro, Sp°rt'est looking and acting: lower, wider, heavier than any other :; : ) Cur at the price. With the biggest Six, the widest stance, the roomiestinterior. DriveitatyourChevroletdealer's I B B BBB and see. You get more than your money's worth. Co CAMARO [ mpare ,.,,co._ APPLIANCES" TV • STEREO. FURNITURE ..o..= and learn why it gives you that  feeling Thursday, April 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page $