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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TO XOUsE of this of Shelton house at its facilities. The the program of 1965 and since more than $75,000 of ad- bordering on owner, said tlso been in- to $125,000 ng to an increase seven to 14. of Lumber- Snyder in in Mason tt an average The project- to be built in • -:&apos;;"¢"."0"/:*:': ......... v.'.*......:.:.'/.:v..'/. ,.'..* "¢:/ ........ e." ././...v.v.'. ":. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :'!!I:F.:!!I;Y!;F:;::::::::: ===================================================== :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: • ....,:.:.:,:: ........ 00OOn@ :!" ================================= George Valley has chairs, chairs and more chairs for you. He's got so many that he's passing on tremendous savings to you.. Your car need a part? It won't run without it? Well stop in at CUT RATE AUTO PARTS and let them save you money on top rated parts at the lowest possible cost. So drive in this week or any week and save.. Ken Chapman over at EVER- GREEN DRUG CENTER stated you had better hurry to get in on the 1 cent sale, 'cause it's coming to an end real quick like... Eldon Kahny, " manager of PENNE¥'S, 'is celebrating the company's 65th anniversary with values galore all over the store, so hustle on in to this one... Gayle Wentz, manager of LUMBERMEN'S, says that over $900 in prizes will be awarded during the open house so be sure and take in this event... LLOYD'S MEN'S & WOMEN'S has a smart selection of spring jackets for all types of weather. Swing in and let Manager Lloyd Gruver fit you for one.. Dine Favro, manager of SEARS, has low profile tires, skinny tires, wide tires, fat tires and all types of tires just a wait'n' for your call.. Jim P e s s m i e r over lit MILLERS, has pots and pans that would h)ok simply marvel- ous in your kilchen at home. Big pots and litllc pots and pots to cook beans, in. Both sizes run very little in price so breeze in and take a gander... SHAUB-ELLISON, your favor- ite tire headquarters, has spec- ials on this week that astound the ears. So astounding that you will have (o swing in and see.. That's 30 -- for this week, but remember... Be one of the lively ones and Shop Shelton! You'll be glad you did! --DL FORD SALESMEN GIVEN AWARDS • Allan Einarsson, Bill A. John- son and R.D. Robinson of Jim Pauley, Inc., a Ford dealership in Shelton, have earned 300-500 Club memberships for outstand- ing sales l)erformances (luring 1966. The three salesmen arc a- mong approximately 375 dealer- ship car and truck salesmen in Ford Division's Seattle sales dis- trict who are being awarded Ford's 300-500 Club membershil) award for "excellent retail sales performance." :? BRATTON ilesman the L.M.-Hyak the staff Shelton in He will be Snyder as contractor Wife Beverly 6, and area. ,, . , ,,g . . ,: _ . ::::::::: .'. .. ..:.,. :.:. :.::::.....:Z. Z .:!P::.::. : %iZ: ::::":::::: ............... . ,:: .... '. ..:.<;.:,,: OPENING " " ........ .::*i.?: ...... ::a ........ ................... new owner Luncb, an- " the res- LUMBERMEN'S WILL hold an open house Friday and Sat- grand ()pen- urday of this week showing its expanded facilities, includ- 1 to 5 ing this new parking lot and entrance on the south side cOffee, cake those hours, of the building. Over $900 in prizes will be given away. PUrchased WINNER of the giant camelia given away as a get-ac- quainted offer at the Shelton office of Capital Savings and Loan was Mrs. Virgil Allen. Pictured are Forest Festival Queen Shayne Larson, who drew the winning ticket and G. R. Til)ton Jr., manager of the local office.' New Lake At Mossyrock Will Be 23 Miles Long • Tacoma City Light's 10,000 acres of water playground will more lhan (t'.ul)le next year with the formation of tim huge Davis- son Lake .... the giant reservoir to be formed behind mighty M.ossyrt,ck Dam, near Mayfield Lake in Lewis Count)'. Davisson Lake will conR)rise a water surface of 11,335 acres, measuring 23V., miles long, with [)2 niles ,,f shoreline. Tacoma City Light's existing p(,l)ular "Scenic Storebouses of Power," Mayfield Lake, Lake Cushman and Alder Lake offer a variety of recreational and t,,urist atlractions for family out- ings. Each is a four(st attrac- lion in its own right, combining natural scenic beauty with a myriad of outdoor enjoymenls. t.ake Cushman, one of the state's finest fishing lakes, on the Olyml)ic Highway near Hoodsport. is deep, blue and big. Ten miles long and sur- rounded by the rugged snow- capped, Lake Cush- man backs up the beautiful North Fork of the Skokomish River. Fishing is good at Lake Cush- mim, and trolling its deep waters is a thrilling experience. You will see heavily wooded shore lines at the very base of mighty mountains, probably glimpse wild life of all types, and best of all, catch fish.' WOMEN WhyGamble With Your Future? weeks refurbished to serve each day has joined end former- Lodge Worked un- the inter- Flame in for three /or the resta 1).111 a_.. urant • Ually except 0f the open Penings, this " one of the lively deity- .ade too the ae- local t last Scene, goodies Week, are.. &PPLI. OWner er eat in Our ago. I fact, the s clean.,, nVille Announcing the expansion of our Trust and Estate Services in Southwest Washington Arleigh 7-. Jones Seattle-First National Bank is pleased to announce the appointment of ArleighT. Jones as resident Trust Officer in Olympia to locally serve our Trust and Estate customers in Southwest Washington. Shelton Branch @ Seattle.First National Bank MMSa PEOINAL. OI[POiIT INSNANCS ONPORAT|ON 425 Frankin Street • Teleohone HA 6-8295 Concessions For Festival Should Reserve Space • Mason County Treasurer Jolm Cole this week reminded those elegible for tbe $50 exeml)tion on properly taxes that they must apply for lbe exen]l)lion in ,n'- der to get it. The exemption is awdlal)le on a single family residence for men over 65 and women over 62 with less tlwn $3,000 annual income. Simpson To Build New Dry Kiln • Construction will begin soon of two clay-tile sidewall, double- h'ack dry kilns on the Shelton warm'front, rep,)rts Harold Ahl- slog, fir an(l hemlock lumber l)roduclion manager for the Simpson Timber Company. Aiflskog said the new kilns will he h)cated alongside the six Siml)S(m ah'eady has in use. At)plications and furlher inf,,r- They will increase the Shelton mat(on can I)e obtained from the dry kiln calmcity hy 24 million Assessor's Office. board feet a year. With the (h'adlme for the firsl Total cost of construclion lind half properly taxes May 1, Cole equip,nent will be more than said, those qunlificd for tbe ex- $q00,000. Compleli(m is expected enlption sbou]d gel lhei," al)pli- by early aub'. cations in. Tax Exemptions Need Application • Joe Borek. concession chair- man for the Forest Festival, this week asked organizations inter- ested in having a booth in Ibe concession area h) contact hinl ,:i, soon as possible. Those wanting space ' should reserve it its soon as tile',' Cllll, he said, so plans for the con- cession area can be made. Library Meeting • The H,)quiam I)ul)lic Library Board will host lhe April meel- ing of the Timl,rland Library Demonstration Advisory Com- mittee. The meeting is scbeduh'd for 7:30 p.m., April 13, in the Hoquiam Public l.ibrary al 621 1"( ,qtreot Rogers Gets Promotion • Clovis E. Rodgers, .lr., 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clovis E. Rodgers. Shellon, WaS [,r, ffnoh'd to Army l)rivale firsl class March 21 in (;ermany. whore he is serving with the VII f;,)rps. PFC Rodgers, who enh.rod lho Army in January 1966, is ;, me- chanic assigned to l;,ll.ry A, 3rd Battalion of lhe Corps' ?Sth Arlillery. fie attended Irene S. flood High School boil)re enWring vhe Arnly. Timber Sale • One tract of limber in Ma- son County, the Winter Creek Sanilalion sale, 376,000 hoard re,el appraised at $9,588, is in- chided in the Department of Na- lural Resources sales for May. The sgth' will be May 22 at the Slmlt,m offi(,e of the Department. Coast Guard Seeks Aviation Cadet Hopefuls • The U.S. Coast Guard has announced a major revision to its Aviation Cadet program. A new law permits the Coast Guard to enlist civilian appli- cants directly into the Aviation Cadet program and establishes the special enlisted grade of A- viation Cadet (AVCAD). The old program, started in 1964, only allowed qualified en- listed Coast Guardsmen to en- roll in the flight training pro- gram. Upon graduation, these men were commissioned as En-. signs in the Coast Guard Re- serve. Under the new program the U.S. Coast Guard now offers an opportunity to civilian appli- cants between the ages of 19 and 25 with at least two years of college credits to become commissioned Coast Guard avi- ators. Interested young men should write to the Commander, Thir- teenth Coast Guard District (P), 618 2nd Ave., Seattle, 98104. - .q Forest Service Office Moves • The Shelton Ranger District Office of the U.S. Forest Ser- vice has moved to its new quar- ters in Kneeland Center on Olynpie Highway N. The mailing address, P.O. Box 52(}, and the telephone number, ,t26-8265 remain the same as be- fore. The offices were previously located in the Angle Building. Sears] ALLSTATE SUPERTREDS SEARS BEST 421y Nylon Cord Tires Tllbeless Bhwkwalls WHITEWALLS a.d OTHER SIZES available at COMPARABLE SAVINGS. Long Wearing Severe wear tests show Super- treds outwear our next best tire by 30%! Strong Body 41-t)lY nylon cord body runs cool even under heavy load and at high turnpike speeds Great Safety Extra wide tread boosts road grip on pavements-dry or wet • . . smooths out steering 36=Month Guarantee eg ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guaramee TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE AGAINST ALL FAILURES Every ALLSTALPE tire is U•r•nteed •g•inst all f•ilures om ro•d hazards or defects for the life of the origm•l tread If t re faila, we w;ll--•t our option--repair it without cot; or, in exchange for the tire. we will replace it charging only for tread worn (charge w:ll be • pro-rata share of then current regular selling price plua Fed- eral Excise Tax). TREAD WEAR GUARANTEE We guarantee tread life for the number of montha de•i&m•tl, If tread we•ra out within thia period, return the tire. In ez- ch•nge, we will replace it ch•rg- ing then current regul•r lling price plus Federal Excise Tax, less a set do|lar •|lowance. Al.,e :uaraldee dt,e not app|y Io pastlnger lire urd on trt|¢k. NO MONEY DOWN ,). S,.a,-s I':asv I'auent Phln ()Nl' i'ek ()nh'. Order by Phone or in Person at I Sears] CATALOG SALES OFFICE April 13 - 19, 1967 s:A, Roc A, ,:o Evergreen Square • Shelton • 426-8201 Thursday, April 13, 1967 -Shelton-Mason County Journal .'P ,