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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
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New Officers r Are Elec÷ed €ook,n ? • Election of officers was held • &apos;q=,=,=m-,q-,,==n=,4..,,a.=-,= at the last meeting of the VFW Auxiliary. Mrs. Sam. egg will be the new president; sr. vice pres- ident, Beuhth Harrison; jr. vice president, Mrs. Chris Shay ; chaplain, Mrs. Wayne Robinson; conductress, Mrs. Arden Pierce; and guard, Mrs. Orin Brum- baugh. Appointed officers and chair- men will be announced later. Installation of the new officers will take place May 5. Also elected at Friday's meet- ing were district and department delegates. Mh-s. Charles Cox reported on the Fifth District past presi- dent's dinncw she attended a- .long with five other local aux- iliary members April 5 in West- port. Hospital chairman, Mrs. Sam egg, reported she took over 200 magazines to Olympia for West- ern State Hospital patients (m March 29. Mrs. Chris Shay, auxiliary eanqer chairman, said all final l)reparations have been made for the public card party to be hell t 8 p.m. Saturday in the Me0rial hall. Prizes will be awarded and lunch served. All .... proceeds will go to the Cancer Research fund. Sewing Club will meet next Tuesday in the home of Mrs. !: Pete Vander Wal. " The local VFW Post and . Auxiliary will co-sponsor the an- :. nual "Loyalty Day" essay con- - test this month. The contest is ....... : open only to sixlh graders in Shelton schools. Contestants must write a theme on "Whal Loyalty Means to Me". Final • .... ju(tging will be done by VFW ........ officials. The winner will be an- CINDY STENTZ High School Spotlight Jl An open installation of offi- ,ors will be held by Welcome ('hapler No. 40, Order of East.. ,,rn Star this Saturday at 8 pro. m the Masoni," temple. Eleeh,d ()fficers to be install- ed are Mrs. Ellis Wells, worthy matron; Alex Smith, worthy pa- tron; Miss Edith Mayer, associ- ate matron; Victor Ellison, as- sociate patron; Florence Weeks; secretary ; Florence Taylor, treasurer; Mrs. Ed Auseth, con- ductress; and 1Vrs. Jack Powell associate conductress. Appointive officers include El- lis Wells, and the Mesdames Lot- ell Seljestad, Elroy Foseide, Leonard C)le, Edwin Taylor, Loran Armogast, Alex Smith, (Hen Story, Austin Larsen and Samuel Magruder. A reeepfim will h)llow m the dininp, room Sarah Ecker÷ Guild To Mee÷ Members of the Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Guild will meet at 11 a.m. April 21 in the home of MYs. O.A. Rindall. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. H.T. Dowell and M]rs. Mildred Buck. A silent auction will be held. Members are to take a sand- wich. Coffee and dessert will be served. TOPSTo Hold Convention GRADUATING LAST Saturday from Seven i • Workshop were Robin Maloney (left) and ! Epsilon Omicron Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi s girls for the seven two-hour sessions held at Store in Lacey. Subject matter covered ind" robes, Calisthenics, Hair Styling, Makeup sadly qu, ette. Each girl attending received pointers :, ticular face and figure with suggestions .... ::.::,.;: nounced on VFW Loyalty Day, "" 1" S f0t'i° ' and makeup. Suggestions for dates and how .... :. ' May 1. • This Saturday and Sunday }iiii . the Tops National Convention people were stressed when they studied So ci/! est Festival Princess like? Af- to keep her • grades up and main- members are eligible to attend. Annual Luncheon ter interviewing Cindy Stentz we lain her regular schedule too. The local club has received r ' / /1 / (lecided a princess is actually Even when Cindy is leading ils official name from National 00iii!i00 r-or araen lUO pretty much like the girl who a "normal" life st'm has very headquarters and will be called Sh ... iiii!i!ili::;:.i;!il; sits across the aisle from. her lime sl)are time on her hands. Christmas Town Tops. OW Is Tonngh÷ -- [i: • The annual Shelton Garden in civics or shares a coke with She is a member of Pep Club, Mrs. Lois Davison was a guest TODAY'S RECIPE is for (', (lake and was given (.o Club Conserwd:i(m luncheon will her after school. AFS, Swing Choir and the Madri- at the last meeting. • A total of 80 models, toddlers 1)y Sharon Be(.htoht. With Sh;|rOll ill the al)t)vo..lOtll : be held at 12:30 l,.m. Monday Right now she is quiet elate(t gals. She is the soloist for the The group is still seeking new thru women's, will show the ])hole are Craig ant| I)al)y Bret. in the Methodist church. Mrs• because of havin: been select- High St'heel Stage I3and and was members in order to build up latest fashions tonight at 8 p.m. ,--, J.C. Bridger, chairman of the eli for this honor,nd very busy chairman of the TB Drive this membership. Any teenagers in- in the Evergreen school auditor- event, will be assisted by Mrs. taking part in" prekForest Festi- year. Cindy has worked as a terested in losing weight are en- ium. The Fashion Show will be E yT Mk Ch Ck c°uragedt°attend'Ifen°ugh presented by the l°cal CYO' Craig Eliot• I Candystriper and is active in as o a e eese a e A ' , .... Background music will be pro- .R. O Donnell, tcchmcal as-  the Baptist Youth Fellowship. turn out it is I)Osslble a Teen- sistant to DeI)artment of Natural Clubwomen To Along with her other Forest age Tops Club could be formed, vided by Mrs. Jim Reeder as For Ex÷ra Special Desser÷ Resources. will be the speaker Festival activities she will play Meetings are held in the court Miss Alma Burke describes the for the annual luncheon program, f = 1- r the lead in the musical. "Show- house annex from 7-9 p.m. each fashlons from 1Vdller's, Lloyd's Forest Festival Queen Shayne 00[impse boat" which will be a part of Wednesday evening. Informa- Mens and Women's and the • Cheese Cake soun(ts st:rural)- Her hobt)ies include skiing, Larson and her princesses, will _ the Festival program, lion can be obtained by phoning Mode O'Day• • • • 426-4030. A special grand finale sur- __ _ . t.ius, is ahvays al)propriate, and Ilunting and fishing ()r anything be luncheon guests with thmr Marine Ll00e , :. The daughter,of Mr. and Mrg..' .... I  ; '  ¢ : "; ':"'" .... prise will coneludefi,-:evening .... :. I :L : if' you use Sharon l?,echtold's to do with the out-of-doors, ehaperone,'Mlss Alma ,]Burke. , John.:Stentz,!.she was: born.July,, re(:ipe it can be easy to make. . and there will be door prizes. , (IIFFSF (AKF ' • An opportunity to glimpse a 3, .1949 in Olympia. When Cindy ,,w,,-i. n The lkchtoMs hay( hecn Shel- ...... Ion residents fo," nearly a .year Mix" , • marine world littleil known to was about four years old the Seaffle Pair Donati0n will be $1 r person 1 l't  .]  most laymen will begiven mem- family moved to Shelton. She and ,,,>w Th,.y m,,ve,t .... ulld • • : , has one brother, Jack, 15. • , • ) ( l 2 gtz pkgs (r( lrl] chtese O II,..r( a year ago rl N, v?r,] )or ' "'.. .,. : ,; . ,.:. oers of the Hood Canal Woman s Married Here Laurel Court T • % ( .....  su r Cindy is 5 feel: 5 inches tall, W : from lssaquah when husl)and <z I . g, I1 I t/ I- Club and their guests next , ] tsp vmllll Ron op(ne(t his (Icntal offic(,. ." ; • ; rlans O00Tn for Thursday afternoon, i'. has brown (ryes anti dark hair. • The home of Mr. and Mrs. I ! I| r'l' n- Something ne, , Sin in , (ggs on( it ,l time Since tha! time they havt all(t- J'" ' : ' -', '  ' ' • The marine and nvironmen- She likes to read a k)t, sew, E. Nestell, Shelton, was the rlo|a r=|ecl.|on ed Bre,, four months, to illeir Pour t)af,er inlo bultcred cake Fores÷ Fes÷ival tal research work be'ng done by swim, water ski and is learning scene of a noon wedding rite iona._furn|ture, k i' family. They have one other son. pan Sla'inklod will] graham the Rayonier IncorpOrated Ma- to snow ski. Another outstand- last Friday when Corinne Os- • Royal matron and patron Me- , :i, Craig, three, (.r;t(.k(,r crumbs. Bake at 375 do- • Mrs. Ray Cook was al)point- rine Laboratory in } Hoodsport ing item in her senior year mem- borne anti Byron Johnson, both rie and Glenn Storey have ex- Sears has a Shartm carries a full sched- ule with working in her hus- band's office af|ernoons and l)e- ing an active meml)er in the Thurslon-Mason Denial A uxili- ary and the Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild, of which she is tim new i)residen(. Stw has just jtfined Epsilon Omieron Chapter, Bc(a Sigma Phi and is a meml)er of Preschool. grees for 20 h) 2, minuies. Re- mort, from. oven and top with mixturc, of : 1 CU I) sour cr('anl i CUlt sugar ] lSl). vanilla :;l)rinkh, with a few Inert gra- hanl cl'ackcr CFulnhs and I)ake 10 ntinutcs more at 475 degrees. Top with cherry or borry glaze. ed chairman of the Forest Fes- tival balloon booth and plans were discussed for a May din- ner meeting at the last meeting of the Donnie J. O'Neill Ortho- pedic Guild. The group met in the home of Mrs. Vince Himlie with Mrs. Gene Rae arlB Mrs. Bob Ogden as c.o-hostesses. Nine guests and 12 members were present. 'Tickets were sold on an oil will be explained by 'ohn Dent- son, assist:ant superqisor, and Richard Fuller, techilician and scuba diver. They ill sketch their diverse oceanogi'aphic ac- tivities and illustrate With slides. The 2 p.m. program will follow an 11:30 a.m. brunch and 12:30 p.m. business session in the Pot- latch clubhouse. New officers will be elecled and delegates will be chosen to orybook will be Christmas in Palm Springs• Her subje(.ts this year are choir, English, 2nd year French, civics and algehra. She will at- tend the Universily of Washing- ton and has no definite phms as to her major but her inter- ests i,,ude music, English anti creative writing. of Seattle, exchanged vows. About 25 friends and relatives were present for the occasion when Justice of the Peace, Glenn E. Correa, perforrrmd the ceremony for the two. :Mr. and Mxs. Robert Johnson were tbe couple's only attend- ants. The newly married pair will make their home in Shelton. tended a cordial invitation to all members of Laurel Court, Or- der of Amaranth to attend the regular meeting at 8 p.m. next Wednesday in the Masonic tem- ple. It is especially important for a large turnout as there will be election of 1967-68 officers. Re- freshments will be served. ],ainting to be given away A-aitend the IV[ay 3-5 convention Solid quiet Fords Florence Weeks Honored For ''"' t.o Olympia area in Tacoma of the Washington council• Additional tickets may State Federation of Women's be purchased by calling Mrs. Clubs. Robert Fuller at 426-6449. 50 Years As OES Member Final phms will be made for Solidly fin00JI;* The results of the election of the club's hostess duties at the officers were: President, Mrs. state convention which include Robert Fuller; vice-president, decorating tables for the May • Mrs. Floren(:e Weeks wa.- tie(led,  . to and held ever since. Mrs. Walt Rae; secretary, Mrs. 5 banquet. honored at the April rneeting of Mrs. Weeks' services in Shel- Frank Wokojance; and treasui'-' ,,, COSMET'IC:I " throughout the West ton exlcnd Io various organiza- tions for more than 40 yearS. She is a graduate of Western Washington College of Education and affiliated with, an aclive member of Delta Kappa (;aroma, a National Honorary for Women Teachers. She taught for many years in ite primary grades in Shelton puhlic schools, esl)ccially remembere(1 are the years at the "Old Lincoln School", which was torn down a few years tlgo, and is now just er, Mrs. Vince Himlie. Games were played following the business meeting. Welcorr Chapter No. 40, Or(ter of the Eastern Star, when she was preserlted with a special pin, scroll and corsage com- memorating the occasion of her becoming a 50-year rrmmber of the Order. The presentaiion, in behalf of the chal)ter, was made by lrs. E(na Eliason. Mrs. W:'eks became a rncml)m' of the Order of the Easterrl Star on April 18, 1917, in Olympia Chapter No. 36, and transferred to Welcome ClmpteF 'No. 40 in 1931. Her activities in the chap- a treasured memory among ter have been many. She served those who have lived in Shelton as worthy matron for the 1948- for many years. 1949 term and then was (leeted On retiring from l)ublie school to the office tff secretary in leaching Mrs. Weeks filled in 1949, a position she has been re- as Acting Librarian at the Shel- ion Puhlie Library for nearly two years, and also did substi- Takes Field Trip ,u,e leaching when needed. Other interests which also During Vies÷ion keep Mrs. Weeks bus,, are the Daughters of The Nile, and Re- • Bob Leeds, Shelton, is one tired Teachers Association, but of 16 student members of Sigma she still has time to devote to her family, now grown, and her grandchildren. FAT OVERWEIGHT This amazing slenderizing for- mula, available with no pre- scription, can help you become thesUm, trim person you want to be! Simply take a small Su- per Slender-X tablet before each meal and between meals, if you get hungry. As you take Super Slender-X and cut cal- ories, you are on the way to a more attractive you! And you get none of that "keyed up" nervous feeling you can get with other tablets. 20-day sup- ply, $2.98; 40-day supply, $4.98. Get Super Slender-X today. Guaranteed by: NELL'S PHARMACY Fifth and Franklin 8treeto Mall Ordors Aoooptel Gu;Id Meeting • The regular monthly meet. ing of the Georgine Reed Ortho. pedic Guild will be held at noon April 21 with Mrs. Glenn Correa as hostess. Any member unable to attend is asked to call 426- 6114 before next Wednesday. _ I II IllII I School Menu Menus for Shelton Elementary Schoolg and Shelton Senior High School Week of April t7 - 21 Monday -- Hot dog on butter- ed bun, buttered corn, orange Juice, cookie and milk. Tuesday -- Meat gravy over mashed potatoes, light rolls, spinach, carrot sticks, cake squares (high school), pea- nuts, marahmallows and rais- in nibbles (elementary) and milk. Wedneeday -- Potato salad, frozen peas, bologna sand- wich, blackberry cobbler and milk. Thursday  Fried chicken, steamed rice, chicken gravy, hot biscuits, jello with whip- ped topping and milk. Friday  Clam chowder, grill- ed cheeee sandwich, cabbage and earrot ealad, chilled fruit and cinnamon rolls axtd milk. Prepp's Rexall 133 R.R. Phone 426-44H-" -- I III I for YOU (This questton and answer series on cosmetics is brough to you as a courtesy by Neil' Pharmacy to help you in your choice in the proper ¢osmeticg for you.) TO REMOVE BLACKHEADS Q. What is the best way to remove blackheads ? A. Regular and frequent washing, using a torrycloth washcloth and a bland soap, is the best way to remove black- heads and to keep your com- plexion clear. -- If your blackheads do not respond to this treatment,  we would suggest that you con- sult a dermatologist. CARING FOR OILY SKIN Q. My skin is very oily. How should I care for my skin, and what kind of make- up base should I use ? A. Excess oils can clog your pores and thus cause black- heads and blemishes to form. Frequent cleansing is, there- fore, the most important treat- ment for your skin. Use medicated scrub pads or a mildly antiseptic, non- greasy cleanser on your face several times a day. Follow this up with an astringent freshener. Use a light day- time moisturizer as a night cream since your skin needs moisture even though it doesn't need oils. The best makeup for your type of skin is a complete makeup that combines foun- dation and powder. This ty0e of makeup helps prevent oily "shine through" and needs les touching up than do other makeups. The Ford Galaxie 500 Hardtop above is or)e of the strongest, quietest Fords ever built. :.:. Improved at over 150 points for '67. Now at special savings. Hurryl • ee your Eager Beaver Northwest Ford Dealer soon 501 Railroad Avenue JIM PAULEY. INC. Shelton, Wash. Iota, Society of Innkeepers, at Washington State University who is taking an extended field trip during spring vacation. The group is visiting Great Falls and Billings in Montana, Worland, Wy., Denver and Colo- rado Springs "in Colorado, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Pocatello, FT OV.RWrIGHT . Available to you without a doc- tor'a prescription, our product called Odrlnex. You must Ioae ugly tat or your money back. Odinex Is a tiny tablet and eaa- Ily swallowed, Get Hd of excess fat and lye longer, Odrtnex cost $3.00 and Is sold on th s guarantee: If not satisfied for any tea=ran, Just return the paek- age to your druggist andget your full money back• No ques- tl aaked, Odrlnex ia Imld with thla gusrsntee by: Evergreen Drug Center  306 Railre4d Ave. -Mall Orders FJlI Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 13, 1967 and radio. inet artfully veneer, Sounds smooth, Found some swivel rockerS Olsen's color, and the too. , ,!i and]Ilrk Taylor of lectric told) teresting fact, the. television set oft i, and they are s vision and servia. sell. They have Motorol't "color Set * %i ..... Went hopping !- ing don at De found that pic tt'; be a lovely Pl; ¢ Simple as wel .iii trigued by nev¢ . A great big stow big family• M has this one or , tone color, 2 oV. wide, plug-in for thermal eye b scorched milk f0f Have you see : : in boys bykes: the Bronco byk.e'R ll^ motor cycle for.g4  ) dlebar and f6r, ,',$][ q motor cycle.n71#'; nana seat an " A B Prepp's haS a ) drug store. It"l,..#;': bowl, scalloped and little hand{;  1 . Looks lovely WIv ,il:.ll l or tangerines. .  • The Mr. V , ' spring flowers' °)2 ll showed me s° t pansy plants a7 ' has six varietle ' shadeS' ii about 20 * Ja Got to talki  B&R Sales and, sells rings at laall was a lovely o set, white gold's( t * ,#. Let's go some robe, a pair clever little to the nearest (paid