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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PREPARING FOR the Shelton General ttospit:al Auxiliary Bake and Take sale to be held next Wednesday are (left to right) Mrs. George Hermes, Mrs. Cash Bridger, Mrs. Art Mell and Mrs. Gary Nicloy. The, sale, to be held from ]0 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the PALl). auditorium will not only feature baked goods to take home but rolls, cake and pie will be available to eat with coffee %: .:: or tea there• In the above PhOto Mrs. Mell and Mrs. Bridger are inspecting one of the bazaar items which will also be on sale, along with the auxiliary cook book. Other members assisting with the sale are Mes- dames Bernhard Winiecki, William Bat- stone, John Stentz, Ernest Timpani, Ed- win Lovell, Rob Ring and Robert Myers. 4-H Club News Winners Named For Monday Ni÷e SHEllrON VALLEY CLOVERS NEXT WEDNESDAY • Tile regular meeting of the Shelton Valley Ch)vers 4-H Club Bridge Club Play The sixth annua, Council meeting of Tall Tinber Girl O Annual Carnival Being Planned By Bordeaux PTA • Plans are in the making for the annual Bordeaux PTA Car- nival to be held April 21 at the scht×fl from 5-9 p.m. Hot dogs, potato chills, baked beans, cake, coffee, pop, candy and popcorn will be served at the food booth. Clowns, games and prizes will make for a live evening for the whole family. There will be free baby sitting service for the little ones. Some of the entertainment of- fered will include a plant sale, cake wheel, novelty sales, shad- ow pictures, fish pond, dart game and many others. Willing Hands • The Willing Hands women s group of the First Christian church will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the home of Mrs. Seth Lincoln, 1219 Connection street. Everyone is welcome to attend. Legion To Have Foreign Speaker Distinguished guests will be present for the A,nerican Le- gion and Auxiliary dinner to be '.eld at 6:30 p.m. next Taesday in the Memorial hall. The program theme will be Foreign Relations. A Philippine representative will speak on the Philippine Islands. All members are urged to at- tend. micron Initiates Pledges A÷ Las÷ Meeting • Two new pledges, Mrs• Roy Scialabba and Mrs• Jack Jaynes, were initiated into Epsilon Omi- cron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority in a pledge ritual April 3. Mrs. Allard Johnson was host- ess for the evening with Mrs. James Morgan assisting. Receiving the Ritual of Wel- come the same evening were Mrs. Robert Dyer and Mrs. Rob- ert IVlartin. The Ritual of Affir- mation was bestowed on the Mesdamles Allard Johnson, Moritz Schmidt, Thomas Wes- ton, Donald Makoviney, Richard Baxter, M.C. Fellstrom, George Province and James Elmlund. Mrs. James Morgan, president, read the degrees and rituals. A brief business meeting followed the degrees. Mrs. Schmidt is in charge of the res- Rummage Sale • The women of the Church of the Latter Day Saints will hold a rummage sale' this Friday in the PUD auditorium. Doors will open at 9 a.m. and close at 4 p.m. Authentic Luau Enfer÷ains iota Chap÷er Members • Iota Chapter members of Delta Kappa Gamma and their guests, the Alpha Pi Chapter, were treated to an authentic Ha- waiian Luau at the Tyee res- taurant last Saturday. From the moment the enchant- ed members and their guests entered the beautifully decorat- ed banquet room at noon and were given the traditional flow- creations for Founders' Day dinner and program to be held at Panorama City in Olympia at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday. Mrs. Weston gave a program on "Introductions and Invita- tions". The next meeting will bc held Monday in the home of Mrs. George Province with Mrs. Schmidt as co-hostess. Rhodie Fans To Hear Talk On Arborefu m Plan÷s Rhododendron enthusiasts will have the opportunity n e x t Tuesday of hearing Joe Witt of the University of Washington Arboretum speak on Rhododen- drons and Companion Plants as grown in the Arboretum. Mr. Witt will be the main speaker at the meeting of the Shelton Chapter, American Rhododen- dron Society, to be held at St. David"s Episcopal Church, 4th and Cedar, at 8 p.m. Dr. J.K. Hamilton, show chair- man, will give a brief report on progress of plans for the an- nual Rhododendron Show to be held May 20 and 21. Mrs. B.T. Briggs will deomonstrate "Cross ing Techniques" used in creat- ing new rhododendrons. The public is cordially invited to attend• Universi÷y To Offer Insfi÷u÷es In The Summer The University of Washington Scout Tr Registration Set At Pioneer School " o e s Boy Scout Tr00; • Registration for kindergar- Agate area went ten and new first grade students the weekend to 10 at Pioneer School will be held They left Sat ' at 1 ll.m. Friday in the school riving, they found:, library, had snow. : All students who will be in Sunday, they kindergarten next year and chapel service those who are entering the first and returned ab0 grade but have not attended day. kindergarten in the district Going with the!i should register. Scoutmaster Ed Students attending kindergar- Dyer, Joe Ellis0! There were 14 ten now do not need to attend the registration ,day. hike. : The kindergarten teacher and the nurse will be on hand to er0 answer questions. DeMi Cub Scouts In Viet PACK 11o • ArnlLy PI Miero, 18, son DEN 5 F. Christensen, • Cub Scouts of Den 5 made signed to the 264,  gun racks during their April 5 Service BattalJ0)lJ: meeting. A visiting Club Scout larch.22, g_. from Medical Lake assisted with DelVflero, a the flag salute. During the meet- specialist in ing the boys made plans for the Saigon, entereaJ y:," Pack Circus, set for April 28, October 1966 anO.iE in which they will present a tioned at Ft. L, wild west show. Refreshments He ,is a 1966 gt were served by Rabble Goodwin. Mason High Honor S÷uden÷s Kmdney" F  • Joe Snyder was among 119 • The MasOn ] Fund Associati01t students at Washington State day at 8 p.m. ill University to be named on the terence Room, i president's list. Shelton. Making the WSU honor roll for the fall semester were Me- linda Merrill, of Bellevue; Lin- da Hale, of Hoodsport; and Daniel P. Barrom, of Shelton. On Honor Roll was held lasl Thursday in the Winners • in Monday night's Scout Council will be held at ered let and welcoming kiss, un- will again offer three Summer hence of Carol and Sharon Evers. Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club the Chehalis City Hall next Wed- Op til the luau ended they were High School Institutes which will • Laurie Shelley Smith, Lilli- nesday from 1Oa.m. to 2 p.m. Gets era Ro[e continually surprised and de- include Drama, Speech and Art waup, was among students y5 The program commitlee report- game with eight tallies in play Registration, will open at 9:,,0 ltghted with the exceptionally to be held June 19 through July ed it. had met and completed were for north-south: Mrs. C-or- a.m. • Diane Frank, a freshman at well planned events of the after- 19. named to the winter term honor " -s 'ti the club program for the year. don Bennett anti Col. Dudley, Delegates to the meeting from Eastern Washington State Col- noon. The Drama Institute will be roll at the University of Ore- matcnv Men,hers tohl the results and Jim Thomas and ROB Andrews, the Mason Neighborhood Asso- lege, has been selected for an Amid a background of real devoted to improvisation and gob. discussed demnnsh'ations given Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphenour• elation are Mrs• Richard Brew- important role in the short opera orchids and red hibiscus, color- acting, dance, scene construe-,mp .'=€ at the county ct)ntest. Mrs. For east-west winners were er, Mrs. Paul Steensen, Mrs. "Dido and Aeneas" to be pre- ful lets, artistically designed tion, stage lighting and makeup. r]V('S explained the Foods and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Soper, Ella Louis Tylczak, M:rs. Calvin Poe, sented by the EWSC department palm trees and other flowers, Debate, public speaking and!v .BELFAIR BARN CJolhing contests to be held tiffs Rector anti Stella Hillier, Bruce IVrs. Loin Putvin, 'Mrs• Gerald of music May 6. members and their guests, many oral interpretation will be con- tffonth. Kreger and Mrs. Clyde Ruddell. Pyle and Mrs. 'Olavi Aho• AI- of whom were gowned in the centrated on in the Speech In- Camp themes were suggested North-south winners April 3 ternates are Mrs• Carl Johnson, lV$iss Frank, a soprano, will Hawaiian muumuu or holmuu, stitute. £ve,ry Saturday I for Mrs•,. ,Evers. tt) turn intoe were Yes Ito and Mrs• Ed Dud- Mrs. J. H. Heft and Mrs. How- play the part of a sorceress. She sampled the authentic luau The Art Institute will provide  Dancing Imder s Council to be voted :n. ley, Walt Parsons and Bob ard Austin. Council committee is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. foods from a beautifully appoint- studio experience in drawing I)en:mnstratit,ns were given by Quimby, Don Bennett and Bob delegates from Shelton include A.W. Frank and a graduate of ed table which was centered with pencil, charcoal, chalk and  10-=00 't|l Z'00 ]et:a F(uddell, Planning A 4-H Eliot. Mrs. John Connolly, Mrs. Cal- Shelton High school. She is me- with a huge punch bowl. ink and painting in watercolor, THE BEST IN COUNTRY WESTERN 1 trty; lJt) Ruddell, How to For east-west, Mr. and Mrs• ,l;".L,,.Mlt':::Stanl,..v.JJ'nes joring in music. After a delicious luncheon acrylics and oil• r " 'f ' "' Mrs, John Webber, who has Early registration is advisable ![andle an Eg; Rick Ruddell, Rex-. Umphenour, Etta Rector ge:n  ,ols of a Garden; Scott Lar- and Stella Hillier, and a tie for k 'spent some time in the Hawaiian since enrollment in each sem{n- $ Featuring BILL PLUMMER ,, '.()n, I:lackh:g in [ef; and third hy Else Schlosser, Mrs.'the proposed consolidation of Susana To: Spea Islands, explained and danced ar will be limited. A brochure is & "HIS COUNTRY GENTLEMgN i a Mark l,as()n, Paris of A Horse. Ed I,ovel] and Mr. and Mrs. southwest Washington into one the traditional Hawaiian hula. available on each seminar by t A money-making pr'ojeet ('.ore- William Batehelor. council, and select officers for Fenton Lum, exchange princi- writing to the Office of Short " miHee selected included Alcoa The club meets at 7:30 p.m. the next three year period. Nom- To Members Of pal from I-waii, spoke on"Com- Courses and Conferences, 336 l Special Guest Star This Ruddell, All)erie Evers, Rick each 1V[onday in the PUb audi- inees from Shelton include Mrs. paring Creativity in the Hawai- Lewis Hall, University of Wash-  "TEX •MITCHELL"-- Back by PopularT Ruddell, Shar,,n Evers and torit:[m and welcomes all bridge S.W• Vander Wegen, president: Local BPW Club inn Islands Wtith Ours". He ington, Seattle, Washington 98105 Randy tioward. They are to l)layers. Mrs• L•F• Tylczak and Mrs• was assisted by Robert Mar- or calling 543-5280.  Admission $1 50 ,t meet in the near future• Olavi Aho, board members; Mrs shall, assistant superintendent y • fjr,r, I The nex! rreting will be May Clavin Poe and Mrs. Stanley • Miss Susana Bertuzzi, of Santa of the Olympia schools. Mr•  Located on Old Belfair Hwy., CR 5-2248 or Op Fe, Argentina, will:, speak and Lum's talk and beautiful slides On EWSC List  [9 4 a! |he l)uddell home. James, nominating committee, show slides following the 7:30 were informative and entertain- ' • Carol Evers, reporter en House In Mrs. ]Verle Bridgham, vice :lml"bdi unPci er2°leSn presiden:o:nd official io;,Peii p.m. no host dinner of the Shel- ing. EVEIIGREEN WRANGI, ERS ton Business and Professional The 11 a.m. business meeting • Two Shelton High school • The Evergreen Wranglers 4-H Par+ Townsend i Women's Club next Monday at preceding the luau was conduct- graduates, Diane Frank and Rock N Roll DanCe r, ed by Mrs. Robert LaDue, presi- Club met April 1 and discussed Terry Stephens, have been  EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT .l, the trail rid( hehl last Saturday. • The annual Victorian Homes Scout who took part in a Wider Taylor Towne Care. Opportunity event will give a Miss Bertuzzi is attending dent. Delta Kappa Gamma is a named to the Eastern Washing- ! It sl:art,t from the home of Tour will be conducted Sunday talk and slide show. Shelton High school and mak- women teachers international ton State College winter quart-  Featuring the "WASHINGTON pO$ Marlc'n(, S(hw/idt and ended afternoon in Port Townsend. The er honor rot. Miss Frank, a ahout 3 p.m. Memllers rode Port Townsend PTA sponsors ing her home with the Ernest honorary. I ! Hamlln family. She will return freshman, is a music major. 8:30 'til 12:00 Adrnii : trails 'in the Area(lie ricie and the tour to benefit its scholar- olden Age Club to Argentina sometime in August Stephens is a sophomore phy- had refreshmenls afterwards, ship fund.  =          '' ' after completing her year of Ge÷s OOS Office major. A three-day trail ride to be An admission of $1 donation study in America. Before you can ha great car deals, you have a great car. held lhis sure, her was also dis- cussed at: the meeting before re, freshments were served. Tile next: meeting will be this Saturday at 1 p.m• al the fair- grounds. Can)l Scrogham, reporter for adults and 25 cents for child- ren is charged for the homes portion of the tour, which also includes numerous public build- ings which will be open free of charge. • Members of the Golden Age Club will meet at noon today in the Memorial hall for a pot- luck dinner and business meet- ing. Single men are asked to bring whatever they want to add tO the potluck. ALWAYS FIRST QUA i, our TROY ... classic Greek key design in carved cut and loop nylon pile. Ma- chine wash in lukewarm water. Skid-re. slstant. Colors galore. 24"x36,' SIZE. REG. 3.98, NOW KASHMIR • .. lavish 3" long hand-knotted fringe on Fortrel@ poly- ester/nylon pile. Usually a quality rug for the money, now at reductions, terriflcl Skid-resist. Machine wash*. Choose your 2 99 .o,o...o,,or..o,,o 3 99 O 24"X36" SIZE. REG. 4.98, NOW O 27"X48" SIZE. REG. 5.48, NOW 4.99 27"x48" SIZE. REG. 6.98, NOW 5.99 Page 8. Shelton*Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 13, 1967 Reservations may be made by phoning 426-2119 or 426-2298. An invitation is extended to working women to join the Shel- ton BPW group. • Dr. George Radich, Shelton, was elected to the office of vice president of the Olympic Opto- metric Society at the last meet- ing of the group held at the Tree in Ol,mpia. SPECIAL--music a-go-go! Tiny transistorized 'Go-Go-7' c..,o, ,,, 9.99 Good things come in small packages . . . and so does our popular 'Go-Go-7' portable radio. It's powered by 7 transistors . . . and so tiny it fits in your hand, pocket or pocketbook. Spun gld- colored metal grille. Take it along wherever you go-gol SPECIAL! Deep- tone jacquard woven towelsl bath ,,.. 1,22 hand towel ..... 67C walhcloth ....... € Quality you've seen at ;lots morel Richly hued cotton terry with con- trast jacquard design• Only Pontiac dealers have It k all this greatness has inspireu. [I ;0111!1 write just about any kind ot'U"lO"li)'[,,Bu your new Pontiac, ,..--,.,?G']IJ e So why settle for anything l0i,:t I1 in on the great ones at your r #1. _ dealer's todayl Anytime's a great time to buy a new Pontiac, With great names like GTO, Le Mans, Catalina, Firebird, Bonneville and Grand Prix, there's no such thing as a bad time. But if there ever was an extra-great time to see your Pontiac dealer, it's right now. Because Shelton Motor Co., 233 S. 1st,