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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Deputy Thru Training Class • Mason County Deputy Sher- iff Marvin Snyder completed a five-day advance investigative school at Olympic College in Bremerton last week. The course was sponsored by the Washington Law Enforce- rrmnt Officers Training Commis- sion with instructors from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, State Patrol and Atlorney Gen- eral's office. Snyder received a cerlificale of completion in graduali(m ex- ercises last week from Josol)h Irons, director of occupational education at the college. Si)eak- er for the graduation of the class of 32 law enforcement: officers from throughout the state was Judge John Langenbach, stale supreme court judge pro-l:em. Fire Chief At Command School • Chief Allan Nevitt (if the Shel- ton Fire I)eliarlmeni is this week allen(ling tile Ninth Annual Fire Conlmand School in Yakima. lie is one of nearly 250 slaff and command fiT'(, officers from tile Western Stales, Alaska and Can- ado, ;llh, n(lillg lhe nab,piing. Special guest for the coTffer- ence is Ix, sler Schick, Chief of lhe l)avenl×)rl, Iowa, Fire De- l)arlmenl, and Presidenl of the International Association of Fire Chiefs. Chief Schik will give a rel)orl of the recent "Wing- sin'ead Collference," a hro;ld an- alysis of fire service prol)h,ms and a lo)k to lhe fulure. I)uring Nevitt's al)sence, As- sislant Chief George Hunter is in charge of fire department operations. Poppy Day Plans Are Being Made • The local An,erican Legion and Velerans of Foreign Wars 1)osls and their auxiliaries are making phms for the annual Poppy Days which will be May 19 and 20. Gov. Daniel J. Evans has pro- claimed May 19-20 Poppy Days. The lhenm of the l)r, ogram again lhis year is "let fis honor the dead l)y helping the living". Funds raised through the poppy sales go to aid veterans and their families. The poppies are made by disabled velerans. NARCE Meeting • The Shelton Cimpter of the National Association of Retired Civil Emllloyees will meet at 2 p.m. Thursday in the PUD build- ing. Razor Clam Regula÷ions Discussed By Tollefson • There seems to be some" mis- understanding and confusion in the minds of the public on the daily digging hours and seasons for personal use sport digging for razor clams, Thor C. Toiler- son, Director of the Del)artment of Fisheries, said today, remind- ing diggers that these are the regulations : March 1 through May 31--- Daily digging 24 hours a day. June 1 through September 15--- Daily digging from 12 midnight until 12 noon only. September 16 through Febru- ary 28-- Digging only on Sat- urdays, Sundays and legal state holidays. Daily bag and possession limit the first 18 clams dug. Tollefson also said that the Fisheries Department has a booklet on razor clams which includes regulations, how to dig and clean, along with tide tables and a map of digging areas that may be obtained free by writing to the Department of Fisheries. 115 General Administration Building, Olymllia 98051. School Hearing There will be a public hear- ing April 14 at 7:40 p.m. at Mary' M. Knight High School for the purpose of requesting the 17 cent per day from real estate excise tax, from the county com- missioners. 1966 Salmon Catch Told • Sport salmon flshermeq caught 756,896 salmon in Wash- ington waters (luring 1966, a pre- liminary evaluation of salmon punch cards reveals. While below the near record calch of 1965, the total catch was one of the best in the past ten years and set new records in some areas. The sports catch in Hood Can- al was at an all time high, with 23,575 caught in 1966 compared. to 14,130 in 1965. Other areas up substantially included Neah Bay 78,016 in 1966, 57,606 in 1965, and tile San Juan Islands, 23,575 in 1966, 18,803 in 1965. THOMAS CREEKPAUM I)eputy Joins Sheriff's qe,.= Staff In County raa  , }o,  .'creeRpaum, 30, ' I'°" 4uel ,n, has joined He serged in the Navy fri,m 1955-59 and was emph)yed by the qll ",,deDtityy Sheriff's. of- Simpson Timller Co. before join- ig;ef;od Cecil McLain, ing the Sheriff's Office. ' , tie has been a member of lh( elltly. m the del)arl- Sheriff's Reserve here for the 1 W. l)asl nine months. M a,, as born in Me- He starled work as a deputy , uonded School in Friday You+h Vention Se+ bitou h ACtivities C I- %G.>' heen % [ Ray tile Convenliun tey a'"nd on a" " aeh re Selli-, o ,y o th 2 Yn,,,t_ ":':' for 50 t" Lhrtis'l Guidance )¢, t-ammack has '}'°rE °s llaYed E 'iu _ Ugers ,_ roster s  each c.."uuOol Men- aid . mid an " • OLh. lvpn,  ( ILagler F:". "g..tuck, m- re'ill te "alrrnan. Rat,let a m Will mar,,h the p Parad- "- !. atll I,,_ ': on May it ill' unYon Parad', tie l,,ttious in" ,- l,W'?e Ri^  me Shel- Irwil nar(t 1V[iller t Spik- , Spik- Ute of 001, COlll. recent. ell By Rod Olsen CHIL- DREN'S ROOMS, whether for boys or girls, pre- sent a real chal- lenge to the decor- ating mother. Such a room gen- erally has to serve as a bedroom, study room, entertainment room and playroom when other young friends come over for joint study or overnight stays, trod SO on. A happy solution, one that most youngsters like, is to ere- ate a room that doesn't look like a bedroom. Separate stu- dio couches or twin beds, with i 3-T Nylon Cord All-Weather Here's your best tire buy in its price range. Plck your slze now and Go Goodyear. Any size blackwall tubeless listed only $12, plus tax and old tire. 6.50 x 13 7.75 x 14 (7.50 x 14) 8.25 x 14 (8.00 x 14) 7.75 x 15 (6.70 x 15) "Size shown also mpl=vam eixe in pamnthnlo WHITEWALLS ONLY $2.50 MORE EASY TERMSI Use Our Easy Pay Plan plm Fed, Ex. Tax $1.5S, to $2.0$ dependla| on sli I'oM lira. fitted covers, can fit on oppo- site walls, or make a corner arrangement with a table. O00oo00o,,,abri00,o,00hoco00e00 I FULL PLY NYU]N CORD that looks more like furniture fabric them a bedspread. Then add a bolster or two. Bunk beds and trundle beds are also good choices, espe- cially for boys. Other "living room" touches (as opposed to the bedroom look) will appeal. A coffee { GOOO00EAR S/IFET,/ILl. WEATitER 1111,, ! table, for ............... l instance, 1 " makes a  ---."=== [] II useful piece  - A | in such a  t"2  l multi-purpose .   ! • popular room. A capa- . v Air | cious chest and "qe% V | 6. 13 "' a desk are also V i - 7 75'x 14 (750x 14) $209 $221 • r for I [ ( these don't have to look 'bed-, Vx;:P ::?id"; ::d ! roomy" either. | ' steering co One other reminder: young-| frees°C°I°rSters aren't as timid about |giVereinaS adultSyourin anySensetendchild'st°°fberoom!C°I°r''" || | I] Size shown also replaces mze ln parenthesis 1: WHITEWALI  NL3 ,;,. 00 MOR, " ;" We have a fine selection of | furniture scaled for children's | r°°nm' and at sensible fa'milYl  ::=::IS SHAUB ELLiSON CO :TUNE-UP l budget prices. Stop in and look | over our displays, built for | quality and lasting value. I  " E FI AV 0BUR ELL H EAST MAi ALIGNING ( SHELTON TACOMA BREMERTON PUYALLUP • TRUCK TIRE $ • 'RECAPPING Norfhwes Moorisfs or 47 Yeors SERVICE - I Thursday, April 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9