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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
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f Party Honors Cindy Waite YATE8 Waites and Carl Burnerts were sunny Winter and really notice among the guests at a party at the chilly weather since they April 1 was the Harold Churchill home in came back to Washington. This special party the Dayton area. Sunday the past Sunday they spent the day and Maxine WaRes, Tom Tierneys and Ben visiting all Peggy's family in daughter, Cindy. Rigney enjoyed an afternoon Belfair and getting caught up of close friends barbecue at the Waites Island en family news. at the Shores lot. M_vs. Glenn Yates and child- congratulate The John Hitchcocks have ren attended the First and Sec- on this seen two of the most popular ond Degree at Shelton Valley The newly en- movies of our time this past Grange last Friday evening. At- was indeed sur- week. Wednesday they went to terwards we were the guest of hey came into the see "Sound of Music" in Olym- the Otis Dwyer family. The pia. Then over the weekend they Dwyers are new members of guests played saw "Dr. Zhivago." In their o- the Shelton Valley Grange and danced and pinion "The Sound of Music" took the Degrees along with 29 the evening was by far the better of the two. other new rnembers from the friends. Flor- Last Friday the LeRoy Fesslers other subordinate Granges in her stereo of Pickering spent the evening Mason County. to provide chatting with John and Buelah. Mrs. Helen Rhome along with n Cloud Nine the Robert Bees spent the week- David Bogd,en beautiful en- Bill came end at Pt. Wilson. It was the and dis- senior Lees first visit in many Jn Boot Canp ,new uniform, months as his health hasn't per- of the. mitred the outing for some time. il Seaman Recruit David P. s Day) to pro- Jim Archer, son of James Ar- Bogden, USN, son of Mr. and for the group, cher of Shelton and grandson Mrs. Joe Bogden, Shelton, is un- flat card- of Dot Smith is now with the dergoing nine weeks of basic like a cake, US M.arines. Ie was sworn in training at the Naval Training and most last Tuesday and will report for Center at San Diego, Clair. handed them duty May 24. He is receiving instructions in began, with The Alvin Andersons and son Naval Customs, courtesies and capture it Mark have returned home from organization, ordnance and con- was dis- the winter in Calif. Today makes trol, first aid, and two weeks that they have been survival, shipboard drills and had a decor- home. They had a very nice sentry duty. brought in. have at- trip to Dayton: . they get a stOrYso it will Community Saddened By Week. of the Harstine  ,ov  Death Of Bony Loerfscher annual outing browsed a- By I[A]BEL KIDD and granddaughter, Laura, visit- Shopping ed Saturday with the Joe Brown hour before  DAYTON-- Many will be sad- family. and Mar- dened to learn that E.A. Loert- The Little Egypt 4-H Wrang- at the scher of Elma passed away Sun- lets met Tuesday evening of last the day afternoon, week to discuss plans for a of the la- He of course was known as party later in the month, make MUSeum at "Boney" to young and old alike, plans for Rally Day and come others stay- It could well be said of him that to some decision for a com'mun- around, he never met a stranger. I my- ity service project. , zs the regular self have sat for hours regaled of the Harstine by stories from his full life. He You've probably all heard of was active in all community instances of a cow mothering down to the projects of Cloquallum the many another cow's offspring, but I Weekend to years he lived there and was can tell you of a horse that tried are get- always ready with a helping its best to father a new born calf. all settled hand for anyone in trouble. Our Star, the pony of the Chapman Islanders. heartfelt sympathies are extend- children, kept crowding mamma Stan, and ed to his family, cow away from her newly were visit- Mrs. Don Rutherford hosted a born calf and also chased off pink and blue shower in her any other offending cows dar- Ople are corn- home honoring Mrs. Bill Brown. ing to come near. So of course but many About 30 guests attended, rela- Star had to be tied until he start corn- tives and friends with many learned to let mamma take care the next few others sending gifts. The gift of her own offspring. a few of the table was centered by a pink Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and this past feathered stork with lovely blue daughter attended a birthday • flowers at the base. Games were : pa.rty .,Saturda night honoring along played with prizes going to ,lrs.: Sally Selvidge and son, Shirley and Joyce Scott, Sharon Waters and Kenny; in their home at Kamil- YOungsters Delores Scott. After Rea open- che. party ed her many gifts, all enjoyed The Little Egypt Wranglers Peter- refreshments of coffee, ice were recently the guests of two cabin, cream and cake. Mountain View Clubs at a fun and their Rocky Howard and cousin, evening held at the Mason d a niece, Danny Stewart were honored on County Fairgrounds. The Busy for the Friday evening at a birthday Beavers and the Needles and lan a month, party held in the Howard home. Noodles Clubs were hosts. All and Marie Guests for cake and coffee were enjoyed a song test, games and of Spo- lVlr. and Mrs. Ted Berry, Mr. even watching the square dance Weekend. and Mrs. Verne Stewart and group put on a couple of hum- at family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill hers. A sack lunch was enjoyed eve- Brown and Shelley. by 52 club nmmbers and all the Foreys Mrs. Cliff Evans and son Ken leaders of each club. resi- to the who place. lPia was Island pur- with Mike gas and Yates left lights. them could rabesa to last Hat- Celebrate visited and his Pt. Wil- during brother, Earl visit. house of visi- popular bees. the and at Skokomish: Grange Ladies Club Meets At Ducjger Home Last Week By MAEY VALLEY I SKOKOMISH-- The Grange Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Anita Dugger last Tuesday evening with 12 members pres- ent. After the regular order of business a dessert was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mxs. Harold Hunter entertained with a dinner Sun- day in honor of their daughter, 1Yrs. Justin Taylor's birthday. The high light of the celebra- tion was the unique cake baked by 1V£rs. Taylor's children in the form of a butterfly. Joining them for the happy occasion was M:rs. Florence Taylor of Kamlche. Friday at 8 p.m. is the regular neeting of Skokomish Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crossan drove to Snohomish Sunday to visit her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsey, [ Company Car, 5,000 miles .... $2895 '65 DART 6-Cyl., 4-Door, A utomatio ...... $1285 WE NEED USED CARS-- Let us make you an offer n a 1967 Model! Most Colors and Models On Hand! PAULEY MOrn. Front & Railroad e-m83 Carl Soderquist of Enumclaw, representing Grange Insurance, was a visitor Tuesday at the Chester Valley home. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm spent the weekend recently with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Temple at Ellensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nel- son visited the past week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bearden and Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley. Other visitors at the Barkely home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnik of Belle- vue. another clean ,, story After fifteen years in this home we decided to clean the walls and ceilings. But oil heat had kept them so clean it wasn't worth the effort." Mrs. Don Isenhart, Wenatchee THIS IS A SCENE from the Mary M. Knight PTO play, Hobgoblin House, which will be presented at 8 p.m. Al)ril 14 at the school. Members of the cast of the mys- tery-comedy shown here are, left to right, standing, Nola Sells and JoAnn Tupper, and Jake Trimble, on the floor. The play is being directed by Kay Wooten, a teacher at the school. Prices will be $1 for adults and 50 cents for students. Mary M. Knight School: Track Team Participates In Dual Meet With 0uinault By JAN GWINNETT period, taking in $24.01. The AND RENE' PERKINS slaves will be seen carrying hooks, lunch trays, ' opening Grading is being done on the doors, etc. throughout the week. new quarter mile track at Mary I.W. "Matlock and Decima M. Knight this week. Jean of MJ Simws performed The track team attended a magical tricks and mindread- dual meet with Quinault last ing feats at a Magic Show spon- Friday. Results were Don Grib- sore(i by the seni})r class last ble took first place in the high Friday. Students grades 1-12 saw jump; Ken Stodden took second, the show. Dave Stodden placed first in The regular April PTO meet- the mile run with a time of 5:18. ing has been rescheduled for A- The combined efforts of Bob pril 27. Hollatz, Ken Stodden, Terry The PTO play will be present- Harkins and Pete Muller real- ed April 14, at 8 p.m. in the ized another first for the IVI3/IK school gymnasium. Donations cindermen in the mile relay, are $1 for adults; 50 cents for Ken Stodden was third in the children. two-mile event. Dave Knip- Thursday, the grade sclool shield took second in the 220 track team will travel to Wish- and third in the 100-yard dash. kah for a track meet. Terry Harkins finished second The st:udents of the third and in the 880 (half-nzile) and third fourth grades have created an in the discus. Larry Harkins aHraclive Spring Bulletin Board took second place in tim 440. with one of Robert Browing's Third place in the shot put was best-loved verses, some lines garnered by Dave Stodden. The from "Pippa Passes." team will participate in a meet For an English assignment at North Mason this coming Fri- they are to write letters and day. draw picture8 tell{ng the ma- The Junior class is making gician, I.W: Matlock which part arrangements for the Junkn'- of lhe show they enjoyed most. Senior Prom May 13. Augie and Ellen Floyd have The World Wide Friendship made a table-top model of a Club held a slave auction Mon- farm. Ellen has also written an day mtn'ning during activity original story. SAVE MORE FIRESIDE CRACKERS ,,. 24 ¢ FIRESIDE FIG BARS ../ ,. 37 ¢ CROWN BROOM .w 98 ¢ FRISKIES DOG FOOD 50  '4 '' DOG OR CAT FOOD ",,'., 8 ¢ KOTEX , PACK 39 ¢ KOOL AID .. ..vo, 6/26 ¢ KINGSFORD'S BRIQUETS ..'° 88  PARKAY MARGARINE ,0 24 ¢ EVERYWAY... EVERYDAYI SUAVE HAIR SPRAY ,e. , 75 ¢ ONE-A-DAY VITAMINS,;:%.'2" GILLETTE ° STAINLESS--10's LISTERINE LAVORIS LANDER SHAMPOOS EXCEDRIN s BAN "' ooooR,T FRESHIE MAYONNAISE Reg. $1.45 $1 25 7 OZ. Reg. 73¢ 62 ¢ lSV oz. Reg. 95¢ 81¢ I/2 GALLON 93 ¢ Reg. 98¢ 84 ¢ Reg. $1.00 85 ¢ u, 49  FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST .£ 1T NALLEY'S DILL NUBBINS . 59 ¢ STOKELY'S € NALLEY'S CHIP DIPS ,o.s 44 ¢ TOMATO SAUCE oz. 10 5 ": CANNED HAMS '4  ROSEDALE PEAuCHES '= 41'1 GLEEM TOOTHPASTE ; 79  PRUNE JUICE   ,.,,,o,oo7 57 ¢ EFFERDENT oTu. .. .  83 ¢ HI-C FRUIT DRINKS o ' 29  Very Large Selection No. I0 Tins Fruits & Vegetables ------:: CARROTS . co . 10' COLGATE HELENE CURTIS NO# Y DENTAL TOp MODEL ) CREAM O ANT • •€ BIG 17 OZ. i€ WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES  00ruw T HAIR SPRAY • WHY PAY MOREl* ;E 59€ q4 R;IN 89€ O . LIMIT RiGIdTS RESERVED e J Thursday, April 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15