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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Flood sporf: Deadline Antique Shop Is Opened Near For WW II In The Area Here Vet Home Loans • HOODSPORT-- An Antique 5 at the home of Mrs. Tom Corm- main for veterens of World War JlqL,nL Shop has been opened in Hoods- olly, Mrs. Ron Goes was elected II to use their guarantee riv- ,"" i|glJ . port by Lester Dickinson, be- president for the coming year, lieges for a loan to purchase a -" Ar! a JJAd tween the lVobile Service Sta- iYrs. Robert Johnston, vice- home, farm or for business pur-  i ]ilHrl{[ tton and Hale's Market. president, Mrs. Start Johnson, poses. This warning came from \\; L]lml lwJ Mrs. Byran Miles was hostess secretary and Mrs. Jim Thur- B.H. Hickman, Acting Manager  11  • and Mrs. Edward Jenner co-host- man, treasurer. Mrs. Tobias  of the Seattle Veterans Admin- /] lill[]hlllllli,e ess, at Mrs. Miles' last Thurs- Notenboom was welcomed as a istration Regional Office.  L.YqJl.)liv day to the Hood Canal Garden new member. Present statutes provide that  AlHldlr Club. The lovely weather and The Guild wishes to express the absolute cutoff date for ?, ATlUlilIIRJJ beautiful daffodils in front and their thanks for the cooperation World War II veterans will be "\\; ---. back of the Miles-residence they received at their plant sale on July 25, 1967. This deadline  re£0 tuly made it seem like spring, last Saturday and special thanks is the result of Congressional pi lyre=ram --Allad Fifteen members were present to Lester Dickinson for the lot for the business meeting and pot- for display, action which has delayed the ° yJU JtAIIl luck luncheon. Mrs. Mattie Back- Mrs. Noel Moiccal, State PTA final date of eligibility several @ 0 g! |,= lund president, announced the president, will be the guest Umes.  ; LTN||le i Olympic Peninsula District Fed- speaker April 17, 8 p.m. at the ;,. eration of Garden Club's Spring Hood Canal Junior High School, The cutoff will not affect vet- % i  erans of the Korean Conflict Orveterans who have served since "in 1111dlhllTl ii i Conference to be held April 18, Hood Canal PTA meeting. Low- iii1:;1 at Belfair. Election of H-C-G-E er Skokomish mothers will be Officers will be held in May. refreshrrmnt hostesses. January 31, 1955, Hickrrmn point-  • --e0S Mrs. Dwight Pierce was named Mr. and Ms. Matt Kaare went ed out, as these veterans are Your local nsPJE’ chairman of the nominating cam- to Auburn Tuesday and stayed , .... covered by different legislation, newspaper with 0,.:m,." mittee for new officers, over until Wednesday night with . emphasis is on 1°! • Almost seven million loans na- IMIIk,,IIMI reports the major nat + Afl:er the meeting Mrs" Back" 1Vfrs' gaare's sister and husband I ,_i |_'.--I, / i ..-......-. nati0nalnews.. ltmd, rs. Pierce, Mrs. Anna Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Petersen. by the Veterans Administration BGn,IIQ Ir_hniw,lkh THE MONITOR COM Johnson and Mrs. Verne Hill ale Fritts fell Friday while to veterans since the beginning it"-------, v=u.,.=m,nn LOCALPAPER t' went to Lacey to investigate at work in a garage in Bremer- of the program foUowin World Welcomes You To Its Services Wp nrllize in, prices and plants for Garden ton, injuring his back, which war IL Of these, 131,225 were Worship Service 9:45 a.m. preting fne =mpo, Club project planting, means he will be unable to work granted to Washington State vet- Sundav School 10"45 o ,-. international new'.t; Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild for a week or maybe more. erans. One out of everv five =v,,ng,'- ounaa ...... , o:uu ^^- ..... .m. t0brJngthe, news_a, J homes constructed in the United Y P The M0nlt0r has $0'1i€ • States following World War II Rev. Tom Harmonson c0rresponoems%.f Souths00de: was with VA guarantee. 123 West C Street mon ,the w;: Ridincj Club H a s eeχin a .................... The Veterans Administration ' " t0rials are f0110W will guarantee up to 60 per cent US. ms--. ' by the men on ! M = of the purchase price of a home I1FI IL,= ₯1W are ,.by !he Int’'. r for a veteran with ]imitation as all|,,mA I'l..m--L aoulionlla|n','qi Af Um enour Home He e to the total nurch ..... ;oo [ reeeue,, ,,,ult,,, WffYYOgSlt0gLV',, r."' PTJckman urged veterans plan- ] Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. ou .pro.aDly e'-,;On  By MR8 RAY KRA'rCHA .=die, Hap Bracy, Gene .an- ning to purchase a home to / Morning Worship .... ll:00a.m. Sr°nainrPt;;. ........... sen and Ralph Bariekmn. make their se]ectmn as soon as A Y F 6"00- "^-:' .... e h0W UUI LAL) JS ilver Star .... " ...................... • .3.1X &. I₯1UII ItU/; :[; Friendship Club will meet at possible,, avoldmg..e .last mm- / Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. ! ab0vetheavera.e.i, Riding Club met at the home of the home o mr ...... ana v=rs Jay vmpnenour ' f Kay Estvold Apml ute rusn mr ceruncauon.  Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. I Just fill out the, • • " " 19, which the April birthdays IlJ st week with M. and. Mrs. will be celebrat" ed a" t thi"s ....... ,;.- . J AEX C. MOTES, Pastor J The Christian SCleK! )oc Tibbits, Mrs. Tula Kimball, Guests at the home of Mr, and Gets Promohon L _0neB0ston,Norway Stresett, 'hil Hurdle, M'. and Mrs. A]- Mrs. Walter Kratcha, Linda and George Magnett and Susan last Monday evenin • Raymond F. Edenholm, 20, ]  Please startMassacn dmy M0nlt’ ed Jones, ',eorgm," Ralph Barmkman," Mrs. were* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas- Per- son of Mr. and MYs. Ralph R. J Foursauare.1 the period cheese( fU ;a'il Brewer and daughter, Walt Aene and Leah Gay, Joe Lilly Edenholm Shelton, was pro- I Church ](’o.s.$ Jlen, Bob Snyder, Marlene of Fruitland, Mr. an(] 1Vrs. Glen meted March 6 to Arm s cial- I .... _.---.- [] 3 months $6 chmidt and hostesses Mr. and Kratcha Michael and Shelley y pe / uu ,-ast oearaorn [rs. Jay Umphenour attending. John Kratcha, Mr. and Mrs. ist four near Cam Ranh Bay, I LEWIS B WYSONG Pastor ame They talked about getting Peter Hansen of Osseo, Minn. Vietnam, where he is assigned I Sunday School .......... ;:45 street mdy to ride for the Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha as an administration specialist | Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. ounty Forest Festival parade with Leah Gay Perrine celebra',- in Headnuartor ---, _.v._-nnth ..--ov..--' .... i C. Y.'s & Cadets . ...... 6"00 p. City . tatio- r.^.  i Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. . II nd costumes, ing her third birthday. * ..... P. I Bible Study (Wed.).. 7:00 p.m. stae _, ,Alfred Jones showed pictures Mr. and Mrs. 'John Cookson Spec. Edenholm entered the L - md Jackm Mr and Mrs Wal one of their trail rides. ; " " , • ". - • • ier Kratcha and Mr and Mrs Army in-June 1966 and was sta-  ---:- -- O They have a trail ride plan- Z ...... *: "" ": tioned at Ft. Ord, Calif., prior SH'00LTON ASSEMBLY G=U ' .] .. ;11 ..,. , ay tra[cna VISlI:e(I NIT. ano .d for Apml 30 an .... . s=.= Mrs Peter Hanson John Kra- am ......... Taylor Towne abou I p.m. tcha and family' last' Tuesday to arriving overseas in Novem- I 1521 Monroe Street MASON YouN • uver mrs.wm nave a prac- evening. John Kratcha left last ber 1966. He is a 1964 graduate SUNDAY SCHOOL ........................................... .;;'":' e (lay Aprl! olb for gett].ng Wednesday morning with Mr. of No___rth --o--,,o- .o  ,,os i "My Church Needs Me---In Caring,, . - . " .......... I MORNING WORSHIP -- "SELF CONTROL ....... ., aay m rme mr me parade • ' • and Mrs. Peter Hanson for cnooi. ] CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS ......................................... '}! The next meeting will be held Osseo, Minn. [ EVANGELISTIC SERVICE .......................................... Tib :s home /Ia y . 4-H ctions )n Mar, ,k tndy ' UILt'Ji] the ti. ,ets on the Ea / ,r,MT, OLIVE LUTHERA N , eld ' ;t Sund ir"th and ] eggy ]: llman ;. Gc g on th, .)0-mil baske The c ,ntents fn-L=-,--JL;=- ] MISSOURI SYNOD ' Dec ibbits, , y UT- and a all blu, stuffer 00uumy ] / SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1967 /i Bob Snyder, P h i l ported Cheryl Bedell. ' ' 206 E Wyandotte EDWIN C Z sGHO tO m l Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes ............. "l IJlrnr00nru ! Income Tax Service i16 I : Experienced Assistance I Prices Reasonable i • 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 231 I Phone 426-4900 Landscaping • Lawns, rockeries, trees, s • Free Estimates _ t • Top soil, tilling, leveling FIRST OH'UROH OF OHRISTI "  last week with Mr. Dec Tibbits, Mrs. Tula Kimball, Phil Hurdle, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Jones, George Magnett and Georgia, Ralph Bariekman, Mrs. Ga'il Brewer and daughter, Walt Allen, Schmidt and hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Jay Umphenour attending. ready to ride for the Gounty Forest and costumes. of one of their trail rides. ned for April .30 and will start from Taylor Towne about 1 p.m. tire ready to ride for the parade. t the Dec Tibbits home May 3. 4-H Actions on March 25, drew program the coordinators deve|- The Rock Candy Mountain the tickets on the Easter basket ..'.'dli" "'grls, slide. lde was held last Sunda M ine and Peggy Dollman won the ck eHrillSDoGyin_g on th i 20-mile ...... basket. 7Fhe contents were c and  +hfig'azincucl;i0n d evic:s',dtion:icies; "3oopS,pid.i- we Tionits, Jay Urn- :and a tall blue stuffed rabbit; re- tures. phenour, "N Meet a national resource named Steve They deserve all the help they can get toward realizing their potentials. Contributing to science fairs, providing scholarships and fellowships, refinery tours and geology tours, and teaching materials for schools, are just some of the ways our Company shows its active interest in today's young men and women. Standard Oil is trying to help young people discover more about themselves... and the world they live In. Steve Is a cross-country track man, an artist, and an explorer of worlds that do not exist. That toothpick model is an attempt to study what lies beyond our three known dimensions. At the 1966 International Science Fair, Steve won a ribbon for his theory of dimensions. But he didn't stop there. He believes the number of other dimensions is limitless, and is hard at work to prove it. Why our interest In Steve? Because young people are our greatest national resource. The Chevron Sign of excellence Lea Fields Auto Parts, Inc. SUNSET LANDSCAPING ;s 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 Herbert Saze 426.471a 802 Alder St., 8helton, walh,, .  Sunday School 11:00 a.m.  ChuranS "t. Wednesday evening.testimony meeti liaLQt Reading room located in church. Reading to  ra Auto Repairing Masonry 4-p Wed. evening 6:4  h i • Major Overhauls , Fireplaces lle | • Brakes & Ignition , All Brick and ,' I • Welding & Tune-ups ! Special Winterizing . Block Work | eo's SERVICE MASON'S MASONRY  al. ] Bo..,, 0f:h: ita 426-3926 Bible l 45 am.  FandlY =" _..Wh i 142 W. C , Phone 426-2278 'll-eal$:l Bulldozmg  Beauty  -i :0o/j ,,,, Land Clearing Road Building i , l Excavating * Grading Terracing * Leveling DAVE'S BULLDOZING Dave Dlok 426-4360 * Shelton Draperies - • Custom Made , Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 Drugs • Helena Rubinstein • Cosmetics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergtc Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 -- i Electrical " • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Applianca 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 i Floor Coverings * Linoleum e Tile • Cazleting • Formica Standard ,Oil Company of California and its worldwide family of Chevron Companies ',age 16 - $helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 13, 1967 REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. VIsw Ph. 426-2292 i i il * Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets. Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 ii Rental Service ' Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, ]h. LEW RENTS 2216 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Travel • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge for Our Servico Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 FISHERHEN'SOLUB , P.U.D..AUDITORIUM - 3Pd & COral SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1967 Speaker: REV. ALEX MOTES Theme: "THE HOMING DEVICE" Program: DR= ROBERT POLLOCK Subject: "TRIP THROUGH THE MEDITERRANEAN,, THE METHODIST St. David's Episcopal TV Service [ The Church Is always open for n • Radio - 'I'V i 7:30 A.M.--Holy @ommunio, 9:30 A.M.---Church School a€ • I • CB 2-way Radio ...t,l  LEBOY'S TV SERVICE v i Paint ' C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall • Co,-Ca-Namel A-Plex • Brella-Plex GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344