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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
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' 00igh School: Marches I n Daffodil Festival Parades For The First Time i P VALLEy advertising for our school. There ' and further information SUMM:ER IN TlTE ASB ELECTION8 The next week has many ac Bruce Edson, Pare Robb, Gary rio " to "Can ,nlum DI- t/v/ties. Tuesday the Father- Miltenburger, and Brigitte Crab- hydrogen Phosphate Crystals Be 6, band mem- at the Angle in the instruments, Daffodil Pa- Proceeded, the and queries as of the uni- However, is nothing better than slammin' your feet on the pavement." (And afterwards) I wish we had different uniforns because they get uncomfortable, and I wish we had more time for lunch." Jerry Robertson (as drum ma- jor, he was obviously worked up for the occasion with the follow- ing comments) or] a.m. the two "I think it's great for the great 2rtai toiling "masses to see a capita- . onent in the listic workmen's parade." dnghs,wiOvde: Afterward he offered the fol- lolng : -- []L.,_ games of believe today is a fine I.1 aad nearby se- forms and more time to watch LJe rs' Snyder and Duckham eat." Rollie Duck- A more serious observation |Xm nn=..L.'=tmm W" director and one was made by Steve Bloomfield: wJl-n uuforms bore "I believe today is fine .je.. -. , bz ,(her raid on chance for our school to be rec- $PP]I. ,,Pers°n so adorn- ognized after many years of ,7 rat' the band's relative seclusion." /oIglWx'ie:e lis s 7ght " The band deserves a pat on t the back for its pep, enthusiasm, .ae, .,_ ed tempor- and good representation of Shel- UP cuOri • um"J I th_g with dongers, ton in the exhausting three sec- ans left iowl= e, a drum fion Daffodil Parade this year. hi' wever i The Band's next undertakings )rt.'i Wed a - , t was z.JF ! 0a th-" ncl the group include contest, the Spring Con- into,alm-zr way. cert April 21, and their part in i'" rhd aa/ar clearlnlz 0aSothe e "Show Boat", which will be put 3 on during festival by the Music 'e;.Pe 'to s^ Tacoma, Department. vedl w  me, but it PROM THEME hen the ',aK  alll afte .... rain fili P.ded: "me buseshad Mardi Gras is the theme chosen for the Junior Prom May ]3, by the decorations committee in a meeting at noon Friday. The committee is headed by Gall Zeigler and Beth Quimby. Other committee members in- clude Debbie Maranville, Don Pogreba, Dave Evander, Nora Schroeder, Bill Anderson, Gary Miltenberger, Karol M a n n, Jeanne Osborne, Pare Robb, Pat ]V.cNeil, Anne Connolly, Chris Besch, and Cathy Perry. SCHOLARSHIP CORNER Three scholarships fea- tured this week. They are the tIood Canal's Robert Berge Me- esther Wa IY s .... s. cold, with el t We]1":' Intermittent t ._ - a a bitim, wind• 'lid armJendofhe pa. I" m0ers had well We ,_ Watch the "a- Pae0' ey had to line-un , la a r• Jl .10,. P rade be an . g ,g l',and the band L t :15 way back to the rll 011 iP. "m. The T.V. $ p,.eh many view-  ,'ere Placed at the € rade, at 12th and A.F.S. Saturday starting at 9 a.m. will be an AFS Work Day. Club members will be avail- able for babysitting for 50 cents an hour or other jobs including washing, hauling g a r b a g e, housework, ironing, and any other assorted odd-jobs at $1 an hour. Those interested should call 426-3000. This 'is the phone num- ber of the club's advisor, Har- old Wilson• AFS held a work day last fall Pacific University, at Forest Grove, Ore. is offering a special summer institute• There is room for 50 students who would live in dormatories and attend the Institute of Vis- ual Sciences, which is sponsored by the Physics Department, Mathematics Department, and the College of Optometry. Total cost will be $125, and grants will be available. This is for juniors who are interested in this area. and received reasonably good The Institute starts June 18, response from it. It is hoped re- and will be completed July 1• sponse will again be good, since it is now spring cleaning time. The club has more than $1,000 in its treasurery to date. To fi- nance a foreign exchange stu- dent to Shelton costs $700, so the club is trying to raise enough additional money for two. With two students coming to Shelton, SHS would almost cer- tainly be assured of having one student leave Shelton for a year. As it is now, with one student coming here each year, there is about a 50-59 chance• Last Tuesday "King of Kings" was presented in the Reed Audi- torium by the club. SEMINAR April 6, about 90 juniors in two buses left the Angle Build- ing at 9:30 for Olympic Junior College for College Conferences. The program consisted of two 55-minute session for two col-, chosen before by each stu- dent, with a ten-minute break in between. Speakers from all nearby 4- year colleges were present and gave very interesting and in- forming speeches about their school and college in general. Students arrived back at about 2:15. A junior college conference Those interested should con- tact Mr. Kreger, Mr. Mills, or Miss Laudermilk. G.A.A. GAA held a meeting Monday after school. This does not mean a regular meeting, this means an hour of vigorous exercise and fun for the 25 or so girls who are members• Through the Girls Athletic As- sociation girls can earn their letters. This is no easy task, since 500 points are necessary for a letter• Points can be earned in citi- zenship, playday, extra activi- ties, and attendance. To date there are approximately 10 members with letters. New letters will be awarded to the girls at the spring's awards as- sembly. GAA helps the Scarlet S sell candy and pop at basketball, football games, and wrestlin matches• Other activities have included two all-(Olympic) league play- days, and vollyball. Planned for one of the first Saturdays next month, depend- ing on the weather is a hike to staircase. Wednesday, 9 a.m, was the final deadline for petitions to be in for those who were interested in running for ASB offices for next year. As of Monday candidates were president, Jim Swayze, Don Beardon, and Elden Allen; vice pres!dent, Bruce Wilson, Karen Bodle, and Scott Ptn; seere- tnry, Christy Ness and Beth Quimby; treasurer, Anne Corm- oily. All the nominees are juniors with the exception of Scott Puhn, who is a sophomore. DEBATE What activity is offered by all Olympic League schools except interscholastic competition does SHS refrain from participating? Is it a sports activity? No, rath- er, it is a scholastic activity. What exactly is it, then? It is debate and Shelton could start a debate team. At first this sounds like a put-on, but it isn't. A debate team is remembered from year to year much the same way a football or basket- ball team is. Surprisingly enough, SHS has not kept up with neighboring schools in debate• Some nearby schools boasting debating squads include North Kitsap, Central Kitsap, South Kitsap, Port Town- send, Port Angeles, Sequim, Forks, and Bainbridge. Surely Shelton has students of equal intelligence and ability. Enthusiasm and spirit are what Daughter Banquet is slated; Wednesday will be the Junior Vocational Conference; Thurs- day will be the Honor Society Installation, and Friday will be an evening of One-Act Plays. Saturday concludes the week with the Shelton Invitational and Band Contest. REPORT CARDS Yesterday was a bad day for many students, for it was report tree. Sophomores had the most quantity with Marilyn Okano, Ed LeGault, Curt Bennett, Rick Peckham, Patty Thomas, Scott vided in Ft. Lawton army bar- racks. Busses provided the trans- portation to and from the Unii- Used With Laser Light for Inter- planetary Comrfcunications." These were in competition for a trip to West Point as the Al-ny's guests• Two won schol- arships, but all were outstand- ing, according to Kreger, who was quite impressed by them, versity, especially since they were only The general theme of the pro- high school students. gram was the compatibility of Thursday both Don and Kre- science and the humanities, ger toured the Simlon re- card day. But most students took reconciliation in the fact that it is next to the last one for the year. FHA WEEK Local observance of National FHA Week included a pop sale during noon Wednesday and Thursday; a powder-puff base- ball game-- seniors against the juniors and sophomores (tie game) and the Street Dance and Saturday, a car wash. At Saturday's car wash, the This was sponsored by the University of Washington and the United States Army. The five main objectives to this program are • To promote the study of the sciences and mathematics, par- ticularly at the high school level; to demonstrate the part which the humanities play in the devel- opment of the scientist; to em- phasize the importance of both the sciences and the humanities to the national culture and gen- eral welfare. girls ended up doing three To search out potentially tal- trucks, one a camper, which ented youth and to assist in de- made it necessary to use step- ladders to reach the top. Altogether the club made over $20 during the week. Coming up for the FHA girls is a movie which they plan to present about Drugs. Two girls, Angi ]]arbor, and Kathy Dickinson, along with one eighth and ninth grade FHA members have been invited to the State Meeting at Pullman. They will be staying in dorma- tories on campus, and should veloping their interests and abilities. To provide recognition and prestige in the school environ- ment for students who demon- strate an appreciation of and an aptitude for scientific studies, including mathematics. To assist the career-choosing process by revealing the variety of opportunities in the sciences. search plant in Bellevue. Other industries also had tours at this time. Friday they visited varinu science departments at the Uni- versity and toured the , Kreger saw Geography (maps) and civil engineering, which he found very interesting. He said, "an activity such as this jars you out of complacency. You see you don't know every- thing about a specific subject after all, and in fact, you don't know hardly anything about it, so you then want to go out arid learn more about it." Friday night Don attended a live play the "Silver Whistle" at the Cirque Theater. The play was a wild comedy, but Kreger spent the evening recuperating for the preceding activities. In review of his activities Don had this to say: "I had a great  because it was both fun and educational. is lacking, enjoy their experience especial- Besides being one of the most ly much, since college will be dignified forms of high school in session. competition, debate is one of the most enjoyable courses that a GERMAN CONTEST high school can offer. One of the greatest assets of Friday, 22 students took the debate is its great aid to the National German test at 10 a.m. student. In addition to enjoy- The test took 75 minutes and ment, debate gives the student was very difficult. Those stu- To further efforts to improve However, it was pretty tiring the prestige, professional prep- because they had a-full sched- aration, and recompense of ule planned for us." teachers. For those interested in going The program was quite full, in future years, here is how ap- with numerous lectures by scien- plicants are chosen. tlsts, teachers, and humanitar- In late February or early ians. larch announcements are sent One of the speakers was a out for juniors and faculty mmo man who had climbed Mount bers who are interested. Everest. He spoke about the el- Apologies go out to the follow- fect of lack of air on the body. ing honor society members Six students presented re- whose names were inadvertant- " :ey Were off will be held at a later date. Also coming up is their an- confidence in public speaking, dents participating were Ros- search papers with titles rang- ly omitted from last week's list- Ajeh na , to Puyall- are nual picnic at Twanoh and the It makes him more familiar anne Gain, Sandi Bolinger, ing from "A Microphotographic ings: . . Of the cnen the see- STREET DANCE senior mmbers are preparing a treasure hunt for the juniors with and aware of current events Glenn Van Blaricom, Dale Le- Study of the Embryological De- Diane Hoosier and Vicki Val- ,: ,. ay. They ar- m o r a 'The first street dance in 1967 and sophomores. :) aM:? • in 51 degree i l Scholarship, Mason and teaches him logical think- man, Steve Looney, Rick Correa velopnlent of Brachydanio re- ley. held last Friday-- in the ing. .,tatlea..ewhat clear- County Grange Scholarsh, and was .... *; .......... Club officers are president, Possiblv the most imnnrtant r'alrlCla Stevens uareer tOllege ....  ........ "'" .......... Patty Mell,• vice" president," " - .flrl [ |t bad stopped Scholarship Beginning at 8 p.m. those who ....... point to note is that SHS could The Pa'icia Stevens Career attended braved the chilly awrle Lmawm, secretary, ean have this course as part of its cafeteria- College and Finishing School is weather in the Angle courtyard wayze, and treasurer, Joan curriculum. It would be rela- " for about a half hour Then Jarnet tively easy to add it as the sit pleasent located at Salt Lake City, Utah. "'" /de ' uation stands now I 00ime s(00vgrs I the line u" 'on ($1,490) is offered " • SYMPOSIUM • A full t Itl everythmg was maven ins ,us bands for the 12-month course Profes- More than half of the approxi- In order to improve a school, long, ev- sional modelin and oublic re- mately 60 students present, left March 22-25, Bruce Kreger changes must be made. In order eir ham- lations are taught (This includes after 10 p.m. But those 12 or so and Don Bearden attended the to make changes, students must and ice airline nreoara°tJon) couples that remained until the Junior Science and Humanities be willingtoput forthsufflcient at €1 money $(Iving price i Y. ' Senioroirls who "are interested end of the dance at 11 p.m. had Symposium at the University of effort to make the work. i rn .rs lined- must write an essay of not over a good time, doing the limbo, Waslington. Shelton High School could their second 50 words exnlainmz wh- the • Charleston, along with regular Approxirrtately 40 f a c u l t y have had a debate team; sev- Lt 3:15 P'm" want to o "- °" x x teen dancesg to modeling school. • members attended along with eral years ago If one had been  ' . Parade they These essavs alon with The dance was sponsored by 150 students. Don was a little established then, Shelton would at. The final forms nictures'of the i-,'s ,,'-=-i- FHA who sold pop at it, and more exact in his student count, be an established competitor, had dropped ' *" "" ' "'" " • ification forms, and parental con- stages it as part of FHA Week. dividing them to 100 boys and and have experienced debaters, real and peo- sent must be to Utah b" Aril 25 50 girls, along with new recruits. That tO the street Mrs Janice Bran  - -- KEY CLUB Delegates came from all over opportunity was blown-- killed YOUR band, think- further information and aDolica- The kev Club will hold a meet- the state and housing was pro- by apathy. But now students are st.second pc- tion forms• -- ..... in Tuesday m°rnin at the ti°ns were held and the °fficers being given an°ther chance" li n CHOICE I Hood Canal's Scholarship is Timbers staurant.°This club for next year are Beth Quimby Will they aga n ...tt_ their Cry°he was I '2" l anted to go limited to graduates of Hood has several activities in the off- and Don Beardon. backs on it, or Will, mey EKe Canal r,+ r,....^.t.; *. .^ ;.. aavantage of todays raetorsT ,r. remained ....  ,..v,,,u.,,,,, ,,,, u=- ,,,. ..--L,V =TAT, , . ., x Went. tails and application blanks. First is their help at the Shel- ,u  o  It s our school ano enolce. '.. at 3:45 These must be in the hands of Invitational Track meet. They Congratulations to the 10 girls' CALENDAR • the scholarship committee by also tentatively have planned to state nominees. They were an- 52u degrees)Warmer April 30. have a dance the night of the nounced Monday and are Linda Tl..e next two weeks look like " Perform. Mason County Grange Schol. invitational. Barrom, Karen Bodle, Karen they re going to be busy ones. arship 'is open to seniors who Also coming up is an auto- Borek, Anne Conolly, Pat Mc- In addition to the numerous reg- ) three install- plan to go into home economics, safety check, which is sane- Neil, Debbie Maranville, Gea- ular meetings, ten to be exact, / de the band nursing, agriculture, forestry or tioned by the National Safety neece Mrgus, Beth Quimby, the Spring Concert is slated for With other veteri:mry in a four-year college. Council and will be for the en- Aleca Ruddell, and Jennifer next Friday night, April 21, and sonte "beat" Dombroski has application tire community. Shefler. choir contest the next day. ,.Wi' th "Kissin' Y alternately shoes st clean up e t?ad bus led ..,.,o. 't hea d about the 0000ii00i}i , >, ,o r (tl..tOPtl,al Played at ,l:hl.e,_.9 o, . _ An tric water heater gives you enough hotwater for a hot , , , ,.".,..,.4,_,,..,  sno any time you want it, even when she a doing dishes or  [ ly browned cookies, sheet cakes and jelly I ..=.x.,, C,00kl dl I [ w0000hing the at the 00ame tim00 ) I e" ;o.s...d tha,.onde".' To.on 00ini.h i ¢ , and w, / I troen food, or break|.st, cleans slick-as-a-whists in ,econd. 1" I / , e II al I I  ' That's because an electric water heater keeps water hot, recovers a hot water fast. ) I e'a;Tto P"  I bake perfectly, e-asy Io remove without _ ,  I _ { | upports *TEFLON is DuPont s rt&istered TM ./or l. ] ( I II / -I\\; she hasn t hea d about the ! wh,|. cake. coo]. 4" deep. , ,FEnon.,,ick ./iniah.  , r West Bend kut0matic. COFFE' MAKERS l]- No one's told her about the electric water heater, either, or sheld I  , h.vo,,o.o, w.,o,..o d,.,. Yea ,. I --lll'- f'.: ° :'' ill'n:": edic h,e ' heating units (both top and bottom of the electdc water heateO bri.O , ' / IU .  t ]:_" it is ,[ I_  r.e p.o(ea fresh water up to the temperature you want right now, I ' '/ )Ak ] l ' LPPr sw';: Don t shout at each other about lack of hot water. See your dealer i [ V 6 ,o, ,.p s ,o 9 ,.p / ffc--;?oa'.. 'dfteat"h;, today about a •  Ir V - / 36-.up PARTY PERK I STAINLESS STEEL / ALUMINUM PERK 5;, :: fast ery elect heater/ / 9 I '"*°''°°' " ' " " "'*" -recov nc water $ • ,.,e,,, .o , 99 ,. 00au,i,u,, .t 99 $ 99 e",Used vo'r ao practical to |1 / guesswork w,th 1 / /ll¢°"ld b' r'"  " "n"''-" "'" "--.=--JL .  / ]party "rot'keep s ,t I clean, Brews 5 / West Bend ' .automauc con / ;u'lY prac HAROLD W. PARKER ' to 9 cups with automatic " Mason ,,uunTV down to the last cup! No ease, erves gracefully. Light trols', pS ark "ng ahh mi'num 11111 "",0,.;o?:b}Lo. It v,ce p00s,..nt . . . " orl ISUCet serves z cup or a ' co[|  ""  , "a IS, W 'N_ra 5 "P | in ba. show.when co,|ees| ec maker has graceful. • ,m -- p0ssessid: ,m ' ,"* } pitchcrful. Aluminum" . Cord I r,dy. / sp,ut, comiortabl, handle. ( JERRY SAMPLES President Manager - m ""¢Y J00cz COLE • ,.0.,.., lii00 P.U.D. No. 3 .% . =, m m Aammampmf The P.U.D. will reimburse you $20.00 for installing an electric water & Railroad • O =, b=1 UPPP'K. ,.,, heater that repla¢.a a flame un|t. _ ..... Thursday. April 13, 1967 - Shelton-Muon County Journal. Pigs 17