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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Matlock: PTO To Present Play At School Friday Evening By DORA HEARING Brehraeyer from+ Eltoro, Calif. He just arrived after spending • MATLOCH .... The Mary M. two years in Vietnam and ex- Knight PrO will put on their pects to be discharged soon from three act play this Friday eve- the Marines. ning at the gym at 8 p.m. Do- Quite a few friends and rela- nations are $1 for adults and fives from Matlock attended the 50 cents for children, wedding of Miss Judy Davis The traveling Pinochle Club and Dan Walker at the Fort Lew- meets at the Matlock hall this is Chapel Saturday evening. Dan Saturday evening with Carl is the son of Mr and Mrs. Earl Portman, Dave Rayson and Walker and a graduate of Mary John Ervin as hosts. M. Knight school. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breh- Callers at the home of Mrs. meyer, St. were very happy Augusta Portman and Carl Port- when they received a call from man last week were Mr. and their son last week. Sgt. Gene Mrs. Benz and Mr. and Mrs. Methodists Have Special Visit Program • Rev. J. Lloyd Maynew left Shelton yesterday for his home in Levelland, Tex. Rev. Mr. Mayhew has been assisting with a program of evangelism at the First Methodist Church for the past four days. During this time 7 0members of the church made calls on people in the comvnun- ity inviting them to attend church services, attend a mem- bership class, transsfer member- ship from other churches, or be- come active in any of a number of spiritual centered groups. Rev. Horace Mounts will be- gin an adult membership class Sunday evening at 6 p.m. Any- one interested in what it means to be a member of the church is invited to attend. Wednesday night a large group of laymen gathered at the Methodist Church to make plans for the Smorgasbord Din- ner April 28. Menu was dis- cussed and will include four hot dishes, a variety of salads, cheeses, breads, desserts and drinks. Tickets will go on sale this weekend. Job's Daughters of Shclton will be attending the First Methodist Church Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. Honor Queen Joyce Powell will lead her group in the traditional formation of the cross to close the service. Gard- tan of Bethel 37 is Mrs. lVIari- lyn Viger and Associate Gard° Jan is Alex Smith. Winters of Centralia. Shelton callers were Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Mattson. Mrs. Mable Brown Mrs. Margaret Willardson and Mrs. Mary Albaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shaw of Walla Walla spent from Wed- nesday to Sunday with their folks, the Earl Landis and Walt Shaw farniilies. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brad- berry attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baldwin in Shelton Sun- day. It was given in honor of their son, Jeff I-Iaskins, who is in the Merchant Marines. We want to welcome our new neighbors Mr. and Mrs. James Corrlmet and son Mike, who moved into the Leo Bishop house near Mary M. Knight school. Those from lVfatlock Grange who attended the degree work at Shelton Valley Grange last Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, MY. and Mrs. Andrew McGarvie, Carl Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams, M. and Mrs. Roach, Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portmnn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene French, Mr. and Mrs. Welch and MY. and Mrs. Her- bert Brehmeyer Jr. Scientist Services • "Ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, anti I in you." These words of Jesus as given in the gospel of St. John, will open the responsive reading in The Bible Lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement," to be read in all Cwistian + Science churches this Sunday. 900idy her for vitdHy, too MILK WITH MEALS She's always or/the go, using up energy, needing a new supply. The best way to keep her going-and going strong- is to serve her our milk with every meal. Milk helps supply your family with extra vitality, that keeps them feeling at their best for hours. That's why milk is often called nature's vitality drink. Your family needs milk's vitality every day. Be sure they drink plenty of our refreshing cold milk with every meal. Get extra milk now... have plenty for meals ANOTHER QUALITY PRODUCT FROM KITSAP .DAIRY SHARON JOHNSON, a fifth grade student at Southside School, displays the sandwich board sign she wore to ad- vertise a bak, e sale the girls in her class held April 5 for the benefit of the "LetLesIieLive" campaign in Everett. Th campaign is to raise funds for kidney machine treat- ment for Leslie Charles, 18, Everett. The fifth grade girls raised $14.30 with their bake sale which has been sent to the fund drive. They sold the cup cakes and cookies to the other pupils in the school. I Page 18 - Shelton-Muon County journal -Thursday, April 13, 1967 Follow.Up Is Set For Stop Smoking • Four free studies on "The Power of the Mind", continuing therapy for ex-srtmkers will be given by Elder William McGhee, coordinator of the Five-day Plan to Stop Smoking clinic, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights at the Hood Canal Junior High school. The stop smoking clinic con- cluded Thursday night. Friday night the speaker will illustrate his study on "Divine Healing" by slides of a demon- possessed Pakistani girl. More slides on his missionary activities in Pakistan in con- nection with preventive medi- cine will be shown Saturday anti Sunday nights, preceding Mc- Ghee's presentation of the stlb- ject of the evening. A motion picture on obesity and weight control will also be shown on these evenings at 7:30 p.m. At the Skokorrrish Health club meeting Monday night at 7:30 p.m. a film on "Emphysema" will be shown. Caesar Gets Commission • James M. Caesar, 20, son of iVr, and Mrs. Julius F. Caesar Shelton, was commissioned an Army second lieutenant upon graduation from the Armor Of- ficer Candidate School at Ft. Knox, Ky., March 31. The lieutenant received 23 weeks of instruction in prepar- ation for his first assignment as an armor platoon leader. The first phase of his train- ing was instruction in funda- mental military subjects. The second half of the course in- cluded training in tank weapons, military tactics, command and staff functions and unit training. His wife, Elizabeth, lives at Arlington. The Journal's Annual Subscription Campaign Ends This Saturday, April 15, at 5:30 p.m. The 99 Mason County youngsters who have been selling subscriptions to win prizes will stop their efforts at 'that time. SAVE 50+ by subscribing ÷o the Journal this :ile:hnYelvla:YllUbscription rate will be / ,2 JOURNALS FOR s4.50 i II I II Junior Salesmen+, MIKE CONNOLLY 1410 No. 13th RANDY COOTS 404 East "C" St. CINDY CROW 2122 Island Lake Drive RONALD L. DICKINSON 1517 WashinKton St. DEE ANN DAVIDSON 122 Roosevelt St. CHRIS FRANK 1339 N. Olympic Hwy. PAULA GEORGE 503 Wyandotte TAMI GIBSON 1316 Olympic LESLIE W. GREENFIELD 634 Dearborn St. JOHN GRUVER 505 South 8th PHILLIP HENDERSON 212 Wyandotte TOM HOPKINS 1727 Boundary KEVIN HOPPER 2214 King St. KAREN JOHNSON Route 1, Box 378 SHELLY JOHNSTON 1764 Holman St. KIM KADOUN Route 3, Box 243 DAVE KAMIN Rute 3, Box 490-A JULIE KAMIN 'Route 3, Box :490,A KATHY KELLEY Route 1, Box 249 DANNY KEMPTON 405 East "E" St. DARRELL KIMMERLY P. O. Box 405 SHERRI LYNN KNIGHT 514 Dearborn TER'RY LEE KNIGHT 514 Dearborn KAREN KYTTA 626 Grandview SCOTT KYTTA 626 Grandview GARY LOVGREN Route 3, Box 293 SCOTT LOVGREN Route 3, Box 293 DICK MALONEY JIMMY SPEAS Routs 2, Box 965 MIKE SPEECE 301 East "B" St. DIANE STANSBURY Route 3, Box 477-D ROLAND STARR 304 Island Lake Drive DAN STEWART 925 Olympio GENEL STOCKWELL 2380 Island Lake Drive PATTI STROPE 420 Arcadia DAVID W. SUSHAK Route 2, Box 517 DANNY SWAYNE Route 3, Box 277-A SUSAN SWAYZE Routs 3, Box 391-A CHERYL TABOR 706 Franklin St. MARK TUSON 213 Island Lake Drive JEANIE VAN DeRIET 720 South 8th JIM VANDERVEER Star Route 1, Box 175 LYDIA VANDERVEER Star Route 1, Box 175 TRACY WELANDER 1139 Franklin St. TIM ALLEN 633 Arcadia LEE ASCHE Rute 3, Box 450 MIKE AUSETH Route 2, Box 631 NANCY BA:RNETT Star Route 1, Box 35 CATHERINE BARREN Route 3, Box 596 CHARLES BEARDEN Star Route 1, Box 52 DIANE BOURGAULT DEAN jAME .t Route I, GARY bb DIANEI  510 N0# DENIS  Star Route t, GA, RY pl 210 Isis "dL jEANI Route 3,1 jIMMl$l Route t' RANDY P P. O. 80x I BOB t* Route 3, "| JIM SHII 450 LI DANIEL 8€ I 2322 Gl TERRY BOYSEN 2020 Adams RANDY BRACY Route 3, Box 342-A CHARLES B. BROWN Star Route 2, Box 52 KELLY BUECHEL 642 Sellvue STEVE BUECHEL Star Route 1, Box 43 BILL 11 Route ! RotUe I sHER Y, 901 g't TIN! 176  RICH 642 Bellvue P.O. Box *" St. Rt. 1, Box 244-G, Union :] RONALD LEE COLEMAN JOE TYLCZAK SAND, I¢:" Route 1, Box 588 407 North 6th P GREG MALLINGER RICKEY HAWLEY Jl =. ',.%=N:'" , 7o:,;),:1 Route 3, Box 345 2109B Island Lake Drive P, 01: Help the Youngster t '[ ofYourChoice I Win A Prize [ Subscribe I