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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For J FAST SERVICE Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p.m. Tuesday For Sale WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-slze rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at O1- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn FOR A :B'I4EE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- metic demonstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn WOOD FOR SALE -- Belfalr CR 5-2302. D 1/8 tfn BRAND NEW Polaroid color pack cameras. Fully automat- ic from $59.95. Ziegler's Cam- era Shop, 124 N, 2nd. Z 7/1 tfn FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. Ev- ergreen Second Hand Store, Dayton Road. Phone 426-2028. W 1/20 tn BJI_ p WITH FOU R (4) insertions for tdedt/' i For Sale TWO WINTER TIRES, like new, with wheels, fits Fords or Chrysler models, 7:75x14. Ph. 426-3878. S 4/13-5/4 FOR SALE: 2 bedroom mobile home. Excellent condition. Ph. 426-3532. A 4/6-13 1958 - 27 ft. PATHFINDER Trailerhouse. Oil heat, modern, excellent condition. Write or see Everett Simons, Rt. 4, Box 360, Shelton. S 4/6 14 ft. CEDAR BOAT, trailer and motor. Charles Hurst, 403 No. 8th St. H 4/6-13 PRIMROSES 25¢ each or any 12 for $2.50. Mrs. Ted Berry, 1015 E. Dearborn. B 4/13-20 SPINET CONSOLE PIANO, im- maculate condition. Buyer may assume small monthly pay- ments, free delivery. For de- For Sale VACUUM CLEANERS -- We sell the best and service the rest. 3ack Manley. Phone 426- 3544. M3/2 tfn ELECTRIC STOVE $25; logging arch $25; Honda 305, --$645. Phone 426-8597. D 3/23-4/13 TEN-YEAR-OLD Kenmore au- tomatic washer. Runs good. Contact Howard Fuller 426- 3585. Make offer. S 3/23-4/13 GULBRANSEN ORGAN, Model D, two manual, 32 pedal bass. Original buyer's loss -- your gain. Assume small monthly payments. Call Mr. Berg, Col- lect, Tal!man's, Seattle LA 3- 5576. T 4/6-13 Wanted IRONING DONE in my home R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn WANT TO TRADE---Have client with excellent 3 bedroom home on 5 acres 4 miles from town who will consider 3 bedroom home in town or north of town. What have you? Call Mann Real Estate 426-6592. 4/6 Miscellaneous •,, €€€€€€€€€€€€ CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this way to thank all our wonderful rela- tives, friends, neighbors and Just everyone that was so kind to im during the recent loss of our son and brother, Gene. We shall be eternally grateful to all of you. Bud, Alice and Jenny Lou Hfldebrandt For Rent FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, furnished apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn ONE BEDROOM house for rent, range and refrigerator furnish- ed. Call 426-4661. S 4/6-27 FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn MITT. CREEK MOTEL has one and two bedroom cottages. Call 426-4420. Highway 101 South, 10/13 tfn 3 ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. Suitable for couple, no pets, downtown. Phone 426-3526. P 3/23 tfn 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX with private garage. Available Real Estate LOVELY 2 bedroom home, fire- place, double garage, other buildings. Nicely painted, on 5 acres. 426-3766. V 4/13-5/4 3 BEDROOM HOME. 1 lots, fenced yard. 1' baths, fire- places, dishwasher. 1614 Mad- ison. 426-3188 after 5:30. F 4/13-5/4 FOR SALE--8 uczes, 2 bedroom house, possible third; 24 x 46 barn, garage, workshop. 426- 8965. G 3/30-4/20 Rea 4 BED00O000 mersley s. ment, tWO fi.PJ drilled well, .'l trees and sl1.-J 3819 for apP'1 Real Estate SELL OR TRADE for property near Shelton on Hood Canal -- 22 acres, 2 homes near Buck- ley, Wash., Route 1, Box 1073. • N 4/13 ARCADIA ESTATES, offers ter- rifically desirable deal in cleared black loam river bottom tracts, Countless..f]oU also wooded acre tracts for only sparkling, 0n, $50 down and $20 to $30 month- wate rfr°iib!i NumberltSS .-1  ly payments. Includes water, rock cod'_ electricity to property, stream ming, boatif ' privileges for everyone. Stocks fires ana*. COMMERCIAL decline while demand for land in- Plus FRI :, PROPERTY creases. Get yourself a piece of in. Phone SI Corner Lot  100'x 120' land now while available while Sixth & Railroad we can offer at reasonable Phone 426-8190 A 11/i0 tfn prices. Request literature. 2 miles PURPY eagt of Shelton (Hillcrest) on i. Arcadia Road to sign. ARCADIA Gig Harl¢ pl ESTATES, Rt. 3, Box 346A. L tails call Mr. Berg, Collect. six days a week. Phone 426- April 1. Phone 426-3397 or A ,,,,,°"- Dunn Phone 426-3663 anytime. IN ,H hi, FOR SALE --- Large selection Tallman's, Seattle LA 3-5576. 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10  CARD OF THANKS 426-4420. G 3/23 tfn 10/20 tfn " Arcadia road, ! rt] of reconditioned ranges, re- T 4/6-13 We wish to express our sin- • frigerators, washers, dryers. HANDYM.AN WANTS light con- cere thanks and gratitude to all FOR RENT: 3 bedroom furnish- land 1000 fL  1! Eells & Valley Appliance struction, maintenance and odd the many friends who were so ed house in Bayshore, $85.00. LOVELY COUNTRY HOME... owner ask ingJ i.! Center. very helpful 'land understanding 6/5 tfn  Jobs in Shelton area. Reason- No children under school age. Thisattractiveand roomy3 bed- ;R ' able. Call 426-8916. to us during the' recent loss of 426-6301. B 4/13 tfn room, full basement home on 3½ FAMILY HOME AP MOBILE HOME FURNTR-E P 3/23-4/13 our beloved mother and grand- --   acres at the edge of town is one -- We specialize in quality GLASTRON @ EVINRUDE -- mother, Leona Elliott. FOR RENT: 4 bedroom home. of the nicest country properties ON ANGLE SIDE- 3 lots, 50 ft and 60ftj compact furniture for your BOSTON WHALER HANDYMAI wantsjoos. Clean- Alice and Karl Faulhaber Overlooks Inlets; Arcadia we haveseeninalongtime. The 8 rooms, 2 baths, fullbase-P -.rry'°wwinthat°y mobile home. At Olsen Furni- EVINRUDE  HOMELITE iRg, painting, repairing. For in' Mervin E. Wingard Point. Lovely split-level, 2 baths cozy fireplace, the carpeted ture you're always welcome, BOATS & MOTORS formation call 426-4278. ....    2 fireplaces (1 in kitchen}, rooms, the fine heating plant, ment, fireplace. Lots ofstor- 4th and Cota. 426-4702. Holesclaw • E-Z-Loader B 3/30 tfn , Community dock. $125 per mo. the fruit trees, the garden area, age.  $20,000.  4/14 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tfn "CHRISTMASTOWN, U. S. A." rubber stamps for sale at The Journal, $1.50 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Jdst call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn FREE KODAK FILM with each roll left for processing. 126- 620-127 Kodacolor, 35 MM Ko- dachrome, 8 MM movie, ete, Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 426-6163. 1/5 tfn HA FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tfn WRINGER WASHING machine (like new); 2-wheel trailer (utility); Kelvinator refriger- at.; .,ber kege. Call after 4 p#a '42,8157. D 4/6-13 FOR SALE: 1965 Honda 160. Many accessories, including tac plus many chrome parts. Immaculate condition. Phone 426-3035 evenings or week- neds. A 3/23-4/13 FOR SALE: Wood, Selton area. Cut any length. Phone 426- 2582. N 3/30 tfn PRAMS -- 8 ft. $39.00; 10 ft. $55.00. Hood Canal Marina. Un- ion 898-2252. 4/13 SKIN-DIVING LESSONS, Tue day evenings. Used wet suit; SCUBA; 14 ft. fibre glass kay- ak kit. $75.00. 426-6877. M 4/13-5/4 ROTOTILLING and large lawn mowing. Mike. 426-8682. L 4/13-20 FOR SALE: Sony Stereo tape recorder. Excellent condition, 4 yrs. old. $100. Phone 426-2885. H 4/13 "NEVER USED anything like it," say users of Blue Lustre for cleaning carp'et. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 4/13 Immediate Dellvef HOTPOINT 10 Year Fm Reptaleemont Warranty Little Dude Open Sundays Bank Financing Hood Canal Marina Union 898-2252 Used Cars FOR SALE: Ford pickup,  ton V-8. Runs good, big tires, $175. Honda 50 runs good, extra tire, $100. --426-4645. R 3/30-4/20 1949 CHEVROLET pickup, for sale. Good condition. 100 Wil- son St. {south off Roosevelt) before 4 p.m. C 4/13 2 TON CHEVROLET truck, aux- iliary transmission, long wheel base, reinforced frame.,, 14 ft. 1957 G.M.C. PAEL,: 'e nbr, new tires, Id mileag¢:'Phoe 426-3735 after 7 p.m. D 4/13 1959 DODGE 4 door sedan, ex- cellent rubber, exceptional con- dition throughout. Phone 426- 4089. B 4/13 1957 BELAIRE HARDTOP, 2 door, black. Phone Hoodsport 877-5513 or write P. O. Box 193, Hoodsport. B 4/13-20 A-I Guaranteed USED CARS '60 THUNDERBIRD H. T. '60 CHEV. IMP. 2-dr. H.T. '61 FORD SQUIRE '62 RANCH WAGON '62 FAIRLANE SPT. CPE. '62 VALIANT WAGON '62 CADILLAC 4-dr. H.T. '63 FALCON WAGON '63 COMET CUSTOM '64 RAMBLER WAGON '64 GALAXIE 4-dr. H.T. '64 CHEV WAGON '65 FORD CUSTOM '65 FAIRLANE 500 WGN. '66 GALAXIE HARDTOP Good Second Cars -- As Is '56 CHEV 2-DR. H. T. '58 MERCURY SEDAN '58 FORD WAGON '58 FORD SEDAN '59 FORD SEDAN A-1 Guaranteed USED TRUCKS 59 GMC ½-ton p.u. '62 FORD ½-ton p.u. Other Used Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Trucks -- As Is '55 FORD ½-ton p.u. '55 GMC ½-ton p.u. '61 DODGE ½-ton p.u. JIM PAULEY'S BOB - BUS- BILL- DICK Center 5th & Railroad 426-8231 LE FOR SA 18' B & B BOAT. 75 h.p. Johnson electric start and 10 h.p. Scott motors. High freeboard, wide beam, mahogany back to back seats, deck and trim. New foam red vinyl cushions. Two llas tanks. Full canvas. Extras. New paint in and out. Dandy shlng and fun boat• New Shoreline traller 8ell together or separate. Best offer. Call 426-3613. S 4/13-20 2t WANTED: Millwright. Weyer- haeuser Co. pulp mill. Apply Cosmopolis office. Equal oppor- tunity employer. W 4/13-20 Services :: FOR CARPETING, fencing, fur- naces, remodeling and roofs, phone Sears 426-8201. Ask for Norm. Free estimates. S 4/6-27 WANT TO BUY old articles -- dishes, postal cards, furniture, etc. Blue Lantern Antiques, 426-6444, Shelton. E 4/13 CERTIFIED DAY-CARE--Moth- er will baby-sit in my home. Fenced yard. Mrs. Georgene Anderson. Phone 426-3552. A 4/6-27 FOR SALE Kenmore Wringer Washer, Liv- ing Room Set, Double Bed, Mat- tress & Box Springs, Dresser, Ta- ble with end drawers, Wash Tubs, 17 cu. ft. Freezer, Lawn Mower, 2 Bicycles. ". ": ' Rt. 1 BOX'3 , ' ' -o! ,:,,,::r'O, Cll' 426=3423: i • ,',. : :' .TheLma:X]len : 4/13 WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn Septic Tank Installations 500-gal., 750-gal., 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR ! 5-2157, Belfair I BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NOLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn BULLDOZING DUMP TRUCK LOADER Culverts • Bulkheads Herb Welch Construction 426-8349 or 426-8550 - Shelton 3/9 tfn BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed INCOME TAX RETURNS com- pleted in your home or mine. Low as $3.50. Call collect Olympia 943-3935. K 1/5-4/13 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- or Shop Htllcrest. Phone 426- 46O2. 1/15 tfn BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tfn PSYCHIC READING: Advice and help on many matters. 7182 Martin .Way. Phone 357- 8771, Olympia. A1./526 tfn INCOME TAX ERVICEL-- Ex- perienced assistance 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. prices reasonable. Call 426-4900. M 1/26-4/13 BACKHOE SERVICE. Fill dirt, top soil, gravel, septic tanks installed, cull Glen Parr, 426- 6539. 2/23 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil, peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn Pets, Livestock SHETLAND PONY -- Young, child's pet. Wonderful with children. Phone 426-6710. H 4/6-13 APRICOT TOY POODLE pup- pies, $50. Route' 1, Box 50, Un- ion, Wash. Phone 898-2311. S 4/13 POODLE CLIPPING and groom- ing. Black toy for stud service. Phone 426-2878. R 4/13-5/4 PAPERED 10 months half Arab filly, $175 or best offer. Phone 426-4082. S 4/13 REGISTERED AUSTRhLIAN Terrier puppies for sale. Males and females. Als0 one West Highland Wltite terrier, male. Phone 426-6152. F 12/I tfn HORSES PASTURED. Hay and feed provided, Bring them:out anytime. $30 per month, Pay- able in advance. Gordon Peder- sen, Rt. 2, Box 931, Shelton, Wash. P 4/6 tfn For Rent LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine, Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn 2-BEDROOM furnished apart- $100 breakage deposit. Dever- eux-Hulder Real Estate. 426- 8544. 4/13 FOR RENT: One bedroom house, everything furnished, $80. Lit- tle Skookum Bay. 426-4973. S 4/13 3 BEDROOM, wail-wall carpet, full basement, large kitchen and dining area. Close to town, city park, secluded, $125 per roD. Bill Carlson G.H.B. 426- 3831. G 4/13-27 FOR RENT --2 bedroom house, oil heat, $60 per month. In- quire at 2025 Washington St. D 4/13 tfn FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom unfur- nished house, built-in range, garage, basement, electric heat. Call 426-8615. T 4/13 GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Furnished modern, downtown. Adults only. Inquire 119 E. Ce- . dar, rphone 426-4895 or 426- :4481. ' €' 3/16 tfn "' : VA'C'ANCY 'Edgewood Apartments Shelton Airport 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED Call 426-8584 4/6 tfn Real Estate ISLAND LAKE HOME, 3 bed- rooms, fireplace, 2 lots, dock, play yard. Phone evenings 426- 3265. P 4/6-27 Devereux-Hulder Real Estate 3 BEDS, MT. VIEW Well located, corner lot. Wall to wall carpet throughout the large rooms. Dandy birch kitchen, built-in appliances. 1  baths. All for only $13,950. 10% down. LOVELY '65 SUBURBAN 2 real large bedrooms; possible 3rd. 2 baths, 2 car attached gar- age. Circ. fireplace; oil furnace, uses $50 fuel per year. Wall to wall carpet. Kitchen lunch-bar; built-in s . Disposal, dishwasher. Patio. Green lawn. $17,900. 10% down. {Extras: Twin-basins, cor- ner bath). YOU DON'T DRIVE? MARKETS AROUND CORNER 2 big bedrooms, extra large liv- ing room. Nice bath with ceiling heat. Extra room. Kitchen, at- tached garage. Elec. stove, oil heat. Minimum yard. $6,950 on Contract. Substantial down pay- ment. 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY BRAND NEW SUBURBAN North, close-in. Spacious living room, impressive fireplace. Entry hall, family dining, marvelous kitchen, hidden utility. Patio. Bar- becue'. Large attached-garage. Possession quickly. Only $15,750. $1,000 down. On 25 year R. E. Agreement. 3 BEDR00,M FARM HOME ON: 15 .GOOD: ACR ES About'I0 miles out. Kitchen and livtn room in knotty pine. Cen- tral heat. Closed in lpatio. Sheds, orchard. A good buy at $22,500. $6,500 down. 50 ACRES, PARTcLEAR early new and cute 2 bedroom Call ment for rent. Just outside Land lays well} natural drainage, coLt:g at the lovely Carlyon city limits. Phone 426-8423. Fronts on surfaced road. Full Be'ch !development. Cozy fire- GENE'S W 2/23 t2n price $15,000. $4,350 down; place, pretty deck, snuggled in a GRADER SERVICE 2-BEDROOM HO-U',-'-'pa-Y wooded settifig Its yours for 426-4827 r furnished. Cottage bedroom. CALL 426-8544 $12,500. 3/ Both 6 miles north of Shelton. 30 n For information call 426-4322. John Devereux 428-4251 M 4/6-4/27 4t Cali 4264447 Andrew Hulder 426-8544 FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to. downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 fn etc., are just some of the plus features. $16,000. A LOST LAKE BEAUTY! . .. If you'd like one of the nicest, neatest, most attractive and com- fortable homes on Lost Lake, we suggest you check with us on this one. No bank, grass to water's edge, lovely covered patio, sep- arate boat house and dock. Lots of berries, fruit and nice garden plot. $22,800 WHAT CAN YOU TRADE? , . . For this lovely 3 bedroom 1 bath Mountain View home in ex- cellent district? Owner will take smaller home, trailer, land, etc. in trade for $6000 equity; or you can buy for only 10% down. Only $13,900. NEAR LAKE NAHWATZEL ... This cozy 2 bedroom home on 20 acres should be ideal for any family. Plenty of room to roam and play--with the lake close by for fishing, swimming, etc. OnlY $7950. STORE AND HOME TOO... Small grocery store, including gas pumps, and 3 bedroom home about 15 minutes from town. Good potential, as only store in area. $12,500. 4 BEDROOMS AND 11/'2 BATHS Only a short walk to schools, stores, churches, work, etc. from this roomy downtown home. Has a dandy large 2-car garage and workshop. Situated on large plot. $13,500. ARCADIA ROAD HOME . . . This cozy home on 5 acres just outside city limits has nice barn, corral and outbuildings. $8000. ESTATE NEEDS TO SELL . . . 300' lovely waterfront in the at- tractive Shorecrest area with a very comfortable 3 bedroom, full basement home. Additional cot- tage has sleeping quarters for guests. Nice fruit trees, flowers, garden area, grapes, etc. $32,500, and value increasing every day! $18,500 TAKES THIS ONE . . . And it's a lovely 3 bedroom 2 lev- el waterfront home only minutes from downtown. You'll enjoy the boating, fishing, skiing, and other waterfront activities from your front yard. Many, many plus fea- tures. You should see it! A DOWNTOWN BUILDING LOT Downtown building lots are hard to find. We now have one in ex- cellent district and at the bargain price of only $1675. Won't last long ! NEED BUSINESS LOCATION? With your home combined, or real close? This attractive 2-3 bed- room/office home on 120 feet of top Mountain View highway frontage with large shop adjoin- ing should be the answer. Many plus features and it's just like new. $13,000. NEED 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS? . . . And want something modest in price? Then take a look at this older and solidly-built home. It's plastered, has hardwood floors, electric heat, separate dining room, small basement, large gar- age with workshop, and nice yard with flowers. $8950. IS MOTHER WITH YOU? . . . Maybe you'd like to have her close, but she'd like her own quarters. A duplex Could be the answer. We have a dandy right now--3 bedrooms one side and 1 bedroom on the other. Very cozy and neat. Only $11,000. A •NICE SUMMER COTTAGE I lll I I Page 22 - Shelten.Meumn County Journal - Thursday, April 13, 1967 SMALL COTTAGE, electric heat, carport, completely furnished and refinished. Call 426-4428 9venins. J 4/6 tfn Devereux.Hulder 226 N. 1st St.  SHELTON I V -,,,t v v v v vv - A. Roy Dunn REALTOR 126 Railroad Avenue  8helton JULIUS S T# Mr. Realy "See the, othev!00 Prop "ilh00 LOCATED AT KING AND "1" STREETS"" ,tg Where all improvements are in " er rou and it's only CO0 3 large bedrooms, piast th ghout built-i,- tiful wool carpet, plus all the drapes incla;,_ place and extra half bath too). It's all on s '!;,Jq0 lot for $16,500. Vacant, too. i = EVE RYTH I NltJ0  DOWNTOWN -- WALK TO - e This roomy, very cheerful 1 bedroom nora .@rm working couple or for a retirement home. It :1  and all the rooms are large. No need to 'l_tr $10,950. ': "l. you treapre. Price is just ,1- LAKE V OWNER MUST SELL THIS HOP The price of this large nearly completed cut several thousand dollars. There's wort./, ly plete it, but this makes this the chance of tll..ttl't_ 11 planning to build. It's on 75 feet of lakefrOt  l[ , posure, too. , " BE THE LIFE OF THE PARTY-- o@]E This basement rec room has a built-in bar dance on. Here's a home for people ;d0-0 Spacious and gracious. Located on a lar/; t¢ $16,750 and easy down payment on F.I-I.) le.. .. ._IL." le WE'LL BET THAT YOU'LL AGREE-- @r, That this brand new South Hill home is 0e- of space for the money. Yes, the 1,350 sq; br'' I0 ill | , place in the living room, a family-size din_elt, I kitchen with appliances, a double garage a*s E" W us show you the house today and you'll ag'"'v ' NEAR BO.RDEAUX SCHOOL,,, elPZ#-":"P in. You'll appreciate the large living room: !.% the spacious kitchen. The price is right terms are excellent . . . Just $750 doWn s, i. This one must sell this week. ::1:  HERE'S A HOME ON ISLAND LAKE-"j]:"0 That offers a tremendous atmosphere f tie beach for swimming, a .large play area tt  ' o ment, a contemporary 3 bedroom home .l b',-am- bright, well arranged kitchen, and much 111ot pq{., we'll arrange to show you this fine lakefrO El. _ Just minutes from town to this attrac!'d¢ .l- There's 62' of choice frontage plus a d.'tv,hl% with fireplace, built-in range, natural c abram" !if plus features. Yours at $18,500. ' l ':  This fine Angleside home is loaded with t?l e and has an excellent view of the OlymP}_0f  new home can be used as a 2, 3, or 4 10v hae a huge rec room. You'll appreciate 0i!h and selction of colors and materials, e it TAKE YOUR PICK ...  I '  You can plan your rooms in this spacioUS %1 .... 001 yam  need? 3 bedrooms and a den? 2 loea, , " -.., p' ' l % Sly room? 3 bedrooms and a family e % well located Mt. View home should fill ; t of storage, a double garage and, fenced ' f%e MT, Vl EW,,, fl' %' Let's get together today and see this full)'-ti0P ]tl,. home with family room Its secluded and convenience. F.H.A. appraised at $I , iit411  • . . _ =Ti t WATERFRONT INVESTMENT  "t Here is your opportunity to purchase over €I t a with a very comfortable 3 bedroom ho e l  upncdSateThis°:e iSnl%tdi2r2e CAal gla °frl!l ",iV u( EASY TO OWN ... u.0]_-JlMr lt(j If you can sPare $350 down and $57 your way to owning your own home. _j #"] is located close to downtown and is F.I, ' /  See it--you'll like it, "| i1=; HIMLIE REA00':00 1717 Olympia Highway N. Ii!  EVENINGS CAI, I-: DICK KNAUF 426-8110  .SKIP'! VlNCE HIMLIE 426-6501  r