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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 13, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 13, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pioneer board receive s report Tile Pioneer School Board st udel) t I ransporlation ussil.ed for the 1:)78-7-) year. proceed wilh lilt.' condemnation received a wrillen report and coopera.hve, slal'loueer received a letter suil now in progress to obtai recommendation from the ......... " 'ling all compliances for easement to their school I roject' 80 Budding" " Committee" Hle..ooartl, amroveu,, a .flue, t appor[ionrnen[" " have been lnel' ;.11 ro ert on II' " remedial program to De ., ............... . t I. Y arstme Island. All regarding Pioneer's future st, bmilted to the Slate Public tins ume Ior the IriS-if) senDal pubhcation for bids |o sell Ihe facilities needs. The Instruction Office with the yeaTh e ) , , . property will be delayed until a Mill Creek Inn does not provision thai a review and "otara has cl, osen 1o seltlement has been reached. include the construction to possible rednclion lhrough a  _  include the seventh and eighth revision of the program will  • • • • • • ••••• • I• I • • • I •]" " k  grades. . occur should there be a levy . i , I _ Copies of the report and failure this spring  A " nntnrl- ' , recommendations are available in " I . clam s Fashion Ar.r...,...i " the school office. A letter and petition received  MEN WOMEN EXTRA LARGE SIZff ,, , ll Pioneer School District has from Berlha King of  -- -- " a joined other Mason County Timberlakes, requesting extended /') Iltesert ii ' schools to apply for a state school bus service, was de fled at  - . M planning grant regarding the this time but would be   Ladles' Sporty Knit Tops feasihilitv nr et;,btishing, a considered when routes "are  {t::?; $99 $99 INI " !.,::%"  S-M-t  40-44  II'D W.I." Senior Kiwanis Demo women , i / w';/ ..... " iS ' slates speakers set meeting -  . BACK!  Wayne Tooman, international The Mason Courtly Women s' , /l "f'#'  IN s field worker for Kiwanis & Democratic Chib wi{{ hold a  ' I   . ...-...aurday from 8:30 International: will be tile speaker no-has! luncheon meeting April I1 -" ' ' ii  ,. at the Senior Kiwanis Club 19 al nee,, at the Ti,nl)ers  • ,   - iek & restat, rant banquet room  Ladles" Pants d V fi " James meeting at noon today at the The agenda will include the L J =  Polyester& Double Knit.   i i oaU'aron Wright Mason County Senior Center. " I " 1 "   " election of delegates and  Elastic Waist.  ' ], ) Deputy Prosecutor Richard alternates to the State  -,,.- --  | Adamson, who had been Federation of Democrati,, 1,4 Sizes4199 $q1'99 z ]i; S"nday Sing-ahmg, 2:30 p.m. scheduled as the speaker for the Women s, ' Convent,on" June 28-29  1,4 8-18 V 32-38 ' j :]i !i ,*:! I_ meeting today, will be at the ridpath Hotel in Spokane. ,- -t :/   rescheduled at a later date, a The public is welcome to | i i :,'' i 5 miles west of Kiwanis spokesman said. "   IN y Hoodsport Reservations 877-5296 on Lake Cushman  IlIIIIII I PALITOS Restaurant " Cota 426-5070 Ivites you on a gourmet trip into old Mexico. Chimichangas Flautas Mexican Ptzza Guacamole Chile Rellenos Burros (Custom Made) Mexican Protein Salad Mexican & Domestic Beer Itueros Rancheros Margaritas HOURS: Men., Tues. Wed. & Sun. 11:30-9:00 p.m. Thurs.. Fri. & Sat. I 1:30 a.m.-I I:00 p.m. S K HOUSE &r 426-1861 OPENING! pU? dffr_ new Ownership *u  Wanda Stanley tATURDAy, APRIL 15 (.. Free coffee 8, donuts. '"on in - - aria enjoy yourself! 6 o. rn..9 p.m., Mon.-Sat. a'm''8 P.m., Sunday SUNDAY, FISHING SEASON OPENS! Dining & Dancing to the music of attend this meeting. Roger Conley will speak to "George & Ronny" Piano and drums from Olympia for your dancing pleasure. 9:30 p.m.-l:30 a.m., Friday & Saturday nights in the Canal Room. Sing along with Lou Lacey Wednesday nights, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Mabel Long, Owner Located in Hoodsport on Highway 101,877-5264 Open 5:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sunday-Thursday. 5:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Friday & Saturday Laundromat Open 8-8. *,ur.a. Ap. ,3 6:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. LODGE OPEN 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. INTRODUCTORY PIZZA ONLY NIGHT! Canadian Bacon, Pepperoni & Sausage ADULTS: $3.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12:$1.75 ALL YOU CAN EAT l{ I Saturday, April 15 { 4:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. i LODGE OPEN 5:30-8:30 p.m. CRAB FEED I CRAB -- $6.00 Per Person [ HAM i $3.00 Per Person ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK (TAP)! I 9:30 p.m.-l:30 a.m. Dance Music By KENNY KNIGHT & { THE GOOD GUYS { From 10:00-??? { BREAKFAST: Two eggs, three slices bacon, S17S I hash browns, toast .................... { We'll be open  Two eggs0 slice ham, s2. I 4 a.m.  hash browns, toast .................... ,:. " for all '}'". - you I HAMBURGERS ,(fishermen. ! S12S i COME AND J01N THE FUN! , { MEMBERS AND THEIR GUESTS Save your bottles, aluminum cans. old batteries, etc. for the blind fund. Call Oliver Petty. 426-2352. $ A1 99 $ dm 99 ,.e Se,.o. 00iwa0is a, .s I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," "OI. T o...,ee.,e. ". to 0 meeting at noon April 20 at the Senior Center. .-’M'arfiage " R He will, discuss genealogy and i Shells 42-52 $ 99 1.4 Loungewoar Sizes x-xxxl I tracing ones fanlily tree. DLIC Cn S CS " Wynette Girdles & Bras Luncheon reservations can be made by calling 426-2568. Applying for marriage I licenses in the Mason County ........ Sizes 32-52 I auditors" office this week were: I lUUIlUIIIlUUUInUIIIIUUlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlII" David Lundby, 51, Tacoma, and Mary Hurler, 59, Gig -i Men's Levi & Lee Denim Jackets ,. 0000vals ." : ." a Glenn llunter, 21, Belfair, Siz's38-50 and Eileen Reece, 18, Belfair.  Mens Poly Sport Shirts N Michael Williams, 19, Belfair, and Kim Tobel, 19, BelfaiL " $9 99 S 1 4 99 " Sizes s-m-l-xl-xxl-xxxl to N Mason General Hospital Entirely one's own OLYMPIC GATEWAY CENTER !i ' A son to Cheryl and John R. Art is the ,hOSt intense mode of ___. 2505 OLYMPIC HWY. NORTH '"r°--"" / Frost, 2037 'Beverly Boulevard, individualism that the world has i Shelton, April 5. known. Open Mon.-Fri., 9 to 7, Sat., 9 t0 5:30 A son to Donald and" Dorothy Diebert, Paradise Road, Box 843, Malone, Washington, April 8. A son to Lahny and Linda Bretz, Route 5, Box 737, Shelton, April 9. Aaron Gene, who weighed eight pounds and two ounces, was born on April 9 in St. Peter Hospital, Olympia, to Gary and Alice Stephens of Sheiton. He joins three sisters and four brothers. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Emil Arndt and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stephens. Great-grandmother is Mrs. Lyle Odell. All are of Shelton. Born on Easter Sunday to Daryl and Karin Dew.ell of Mount Vernon, Washington, was Dennis Duane, who joins three sisters, Tarot, Shelly and Teresa. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Duane Deweli of Shelton. Oscar Wilde [ ,[ • • • • • • • • • • • • ] • • • ] • • • ED HUME Is Coming To Lumbermen's Ed Hume, well known garden author, will be ,at Lumbermen's to answer all of your gardening questions attd atttograph his "Keep It Simple" serie, s of gardening hooks. Friday, April 21, 2:00-3:30 p.m. LI.IMBERMEN'S Downtown • First and Pine Open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-FrL 8-4:30 Sat. * 10.4:30 Sun. SPECTACULAR SPECIAL PAYMENT PLAN ONE YEAR FREE INTEREST Offer applies to furniture purchases from now to April 30th only On your furniture purchase of. just $279.00 - or .or (you may buy a whole home full ft. you hke), we wll pay the interest for One Full Year! Wth No Interest Charges to You t. But Hurry! Make your selection Now! April 30, 1978. This offer ends: / E 4th and Cota 426.4702, 0 L S -- l, lr/r'r,e, lr..l#,1 " Free delivery • Free parking • Convement credit, styled for you personally Thu,sday, Apt it 13, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Jou,na{ - Page 1