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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
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14, 1949. Supplies-- Fixtures WESTINGHOUSE RANGE AND REFRIGERATOR FOR THE HOME BUILDERS do their own electric wiring . . . I have everything ill pplies from the entrance cap to and including appliances for the complete job., Information Proper sizes and types of material and corrdct method to meet the National or State Electric Code. New-Look Lighting Fixtures at Attractive Prices ra Lamps on Hand -- 6 Watts to 1000 Watts COmplete Information on Electric Heating LRICITY--Your Best and Cheapest Servant! A Carr Title Insurance Building • PHONE 645 Shelton Of ASBESTOS to serve you better .. SITE oi;ifi:00io, Sewage diosal lines JdmS4knvilleTransiteAsbes. 1 It is strong and durable. lmt Home Connection llesn, corrosion.resistant forcorrying from houses to street Its tight, positive joints protect the line from root growths. Long iO.ft, lengths mean fewer joints in the line. Its smooth interior surface assures high flow capacity. Tronsife for modern, dkpoml lines because: • Phone or write for ccmp|ete details fodayl HEADQUARTERS FOR PIPE AND FITTINGS CONTRACTORS, MILL SUPPLIES ction Materials, Wire Rope, Tools, 'eing Iron, Lubrication Supplies. Heavy Hardware iRMEN'S MERCANTILE WHOLESALE DIVISION SOUth First St., Shelton -- Phone 805 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I $fSl)OllrrstI Blazers Win First Track Meet From Centralia, 95-94] Shclton shaded Centvalia by half by RAY WillTESIDE The V.F.W. sponsored short stop tourney will be played two weeks from this Sunday. Qualify- ing rounds must be played before 5:30 pA'n. April 30. Entry i)lanks are availahle at the caddy house. Playing of the third round in the Professionals Trophy Tourney begins today. Leading the fiehl in the 0 to 16 handicap group is Heinie Hilderman with a net 139 for 36 holes. In the 17 to 30 han- dicap group Dab Stewu't ix lead- ing with a net 153 for 36 holes. The practice area to the right of the ninth green will be ready for use this week end. With the opening of this area practice on the fairways will be prohibited. This will enahle better practice and also give the fairway a chance t'o improve. The Ladies Eclectic Tourney is in full swing with scores being posted all the time. Cowlitz Club Works On I Riw,r Polution Problem Work of the Cowlitz Game and Anglers Club in fighting pollution in streams of Southwest Wash- ington has received praise from the Game Commission. Frank Cullen, president of the Cowlitz group, has enli:ted the aid of civic officials and others in the campaign to show how much harm pollution does and to emphasize the need for commun- ity-wide programs to treat sew- age and keeping the rivers clean, Director of Game Don W. Clark has served on tim State Pollution Control Commission for the past fore" years. ia point in the opening track com- ttpetition of the season for South- west Washington junior h i g h schools Saturday in a dual meet held at Centralia, 95 to 94L',. Bob Hunter was high point, man for the Blazers with 124 points scored with victories in the 100- yard • Jash and 108 yard low hur- dles, a third in the broad jump, and a lap on the winning Blazer relay team. The meet was run under the new three-class system inaugur- ated for junior high track in i S.W.W. this year, competitors be-I ing divided into classes according to age, height and weigilt and competing against opponents of l their own category. CENTRALIA edged Shelton in the Class A division [largest), 43- 39, and also in the Class C (small- est) division, 29-14, but in the Class B section the Blazers piled up a 42-22 , advantage which gave them the fractional margin in the over-all scoring. The scoring was based on 100% of the Class A scor- ing, 75% of the B and 50% of the C, , In the A division, the :Blazers won all the track events, Centralia all the field events, in the B sec- tion Shelton won six firsts to Cen- tralia's four, and in the C division Centralia won nine of ten" first places. Points scored by the Blazers were as follows: Class A--Jerry McCord, first, 50-yard dash; Bob Hunter, first, McCord, third, 100-yard do.DAb; Wal- ly Smith, first, 220-yard da.h; Hunter, first, Smith, third, 108- yard low hurdles; Karl Schwarck, third, shotput; Schwarck, second, Wes Nelson, third, discus; Adonis Hawley, second, high jmnp; Smith, i Pa ........ [softlbaii-ague ........................................................................................................... [inMcClearySets THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION I Game Schedules By Ted Kesting D,'awings for ,teams which will Ritual has its place, but ]tot in fishing according to John Al- den Knig'ht, who is one of the country's best: known angling authorities. He writes ttxat the traditional upstream ca:;t will often spoil your chances at. a big t:'out, and he has some in- teresting things Lo say about drag. The upstream cast ix parUc- ularly hazardous if the trout should happen to" touch the hard, resilient leader as he takes your fly. The resultant frightened splash will put down every feed- ing fish in the area. Try casting downstream, with your fly c.oming at ttm trout first and the leader and line out of sight upstream; you won't have to use anything finer than 13-x leader points. Inevitably in downstream fish- ling there comes a point where Idrag sets in. Knight discovered, more or less accidentally, that it is quite practical to utilize drag. "When fishing big water, I would cast across and tip and al- low my fly to drift down opposite me before picking up to recast. Now and tlen, in the hope of picking up a fish which had re- fused my offering, I would allow the fly to drift down past me. Then when drag set. in, I wouhl skip the fly in short jumps across I the current in a semicircle until l my line was directly downstremn. To my su)'prise, I found I caught fish that way." For a, while he contented him-,[ self with "bump casting" with i skater or skitter flies. This highly unorthodox procedure consists of casting in rough water with a fairly short line. The forward open the 1949 McCleary Softball League season with a double- header under the field lights May 9 wore announced this week hy Wall Johannes, president of the McCleary 'l.ecreation Association. Supervisors will tackle the Fire- men-in (.he first game and Mer- chants will battle the Vets in the second game of the sendoff. Doormen are to pla.y Day Ven- eer on May 10 and Cutting will meet Graveyard Veneer on May 11 in other opening week games. Johannes, Bert Herman and Ike Taylor are members of the super- vising" board whicil will have charge of this year's league play. Team captains meeting with the board and Hokie Hokonson, Simp- son recreation director, at the Un- ion hall on Monday night w)ted to limit each team Lo 15 players. lasts of players arc to be sub- mitted to the board by May ..1, and no player changes will be per- mitred after that date without ap- proval of the board. Johannes said the league also has voted that players nmst either reside in the McCleary commun- ity or work in McCleary to be eligible. Outside teams will b)c in- vited to compete iu special Fri- (lay night games but will not be included in the league. Supervisors, Highline and Main- [ tenance departments in the Simp- son Logging Company plant arc combining their talent into one team. A name for this "scramble" will be announced soon, Use Journal Want Ads Do you know' how much money GOOD home appliances can save you? TAYLOR RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE is exclusive NORGE dealer in Mason County. A complete lint of refrigerators, washers, ranges are yours at your Shelto¢ Appliance center. Did you know that TAYLOR'S services and repair3 all appliances? Hours: 8:00 to - '1 ,) ,,( Dit¥ , ,, , i, , ,'1,' i, ,, ,, -- IIgDlO EL|STillS ", i '":','!"'"' ,  "d," /' iJ,' "'" I=f '"'' ' ' ' ' '" '';"'!' PACIFIC COAST I,EAGUE W. L. Pct. *GBL SEATTLE .......... 8 5 .615 ...... Los Angeles ........ 8 5 .615 ...... Hollywood .......... 7 5 .583 ., • San Diego ............ 7 5 .583 /fi Sacramento ......... 7 6 .538 1 San Francisco .... 6 7 .462 2 Oakland .............. 4 9 .308 4 Portland .............. 4 9 .308 4 *Games behind leader. TillS WEEK Sacramento at Seattle ATTO Representative of Equitable Life Assurance Society Life Insurance Retirements 'Annuities Long term, low interest rate Farm and Country Home Loans Alderaroft Nursery Phone 591-W second, Hunter, third, broad jump; Shelton first in relay. Class B--Elmer Cole, first, Clay- ton Koch, second, 50-yard dash; Bob Ristine, first, Cole, third, 100- yard dash; Ristine, first, Paul Schweiterlng, third, 220-yard dash; Roger Salmi, second, Clarendon Allen, third, 108-yard low hurdles; Nd Miller, first, Ronald Coutts, cast is aimed so that: it termin- ates at least two or three feet above the water. Then, as the fly drops, the rod tip is raised rather sharply, causing the fly to strike the water at; an angle and to bounce. Bump casting is ef- fective only in rough, broken wat- er. Smooth water requires longer line. second, Gary• Stewart, third, shot- The next step m this unc4hical put; Alvia Chapman first, Miller, series was the use of a well- second, Stewart, third, discus; greased line and leader, and skit- Koch, second, Tom Kneeland, third, tering big" skater flies across pet'- high jnmp; Cole, third, pole vault;; fectly flat water. This method Koch, second, Ristine, third, broad l jump; Shelton first in relay, i seems to have unusual appeal to Class C--Alfred Handley, see-' large trout. ond, Dick Doak, third, 50-yard Since then, Knight has elabof ated on the skittering method, dash; Handley, third, 100-yard combining it quite successfully dash; Cliff Ristine, second, Jack l with the downstream tcctw.ique. Moore, third, 220-yard dash; Ed l i Belicvc it or not, it really works. Pratt, second, Ken Brown, third, 108-yard low hurdles; Brown, sec-] ond, Walt Standsbury, third, shot-I Rainiers Take Opey]er put; Standsbury, first, Pratt, third, Seatth: opened its 194,) home discus; Ed Barrett, first, high season Tuesday afternoon by nip- jump; Barrett, second Moore, l ping Sacramento, 3 to 2, behind third, pole vault; Handley, second, lthe pitching' of (:;harley Schanz broad jump. [in a thriller witnessed by many The Blazers' next meet will be April 23 at Loop Field with Che- Shelton baseball fans who helped frm a capacity crowd for the halls as the opposition l.ainiers' home debut. g(" ' ...2.. Y ,N,j 'v : ,' /: i !. # .... +'" WASHABLE PRINT DRESSES .: i,l:i - Percales - French Ginghams !i ii from $7.95 to =9.95 :':!71 " WE HAVE A FEW LEFTI 'v., Choice Easter Bonnets • Fur Expert Crane s AppareJ Here T6day Storing - Repairs Remodeling 403 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 886 S AT THE ) O LADLES' SCARFS legular Saturday Special $2.25 Sl.69 ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE DEPARTMENT BOYS' S PORT S H IR T S By Tom Sawyer - Sizes 8 to 18 / Regglar Saturday Special $3,50, $2.49 MEN'S SHOP ALL PAINT PURCHASES # " of . $10.00 or Over WILL RECEIVE ONE $2,50 Wall Brush F,R-E-E PAINT DEPARTMENT A.B.C. PRINTED PIOUE Reg, llar 98¢ yd. DRY GOODS DEPARTM-NT Saturday Special 79  yd. 7WAY FLOOR LAMPS Bronze Finish - Plastic Shade FURNITURE DEPARTMENT BACON By the Piece - Any Size Piece Lean Streaked 45 = MEAT DEPARTMENT MEN'S OXFORDS Cordovan Brown Moccasin Triple Deck Essex Sole. Number U708 Regular Saturday Special $8.95 $6.95 SHOE DEPARTMENT 50 FT GARDEN HOSE Regular $6.30 Saturday Special $5.69 SPRINKLING CANS Regular Saturday Sl)ceial $2.35 $1.89 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT MARKET PEAS Exl ra Slanilar(I Size 303 Tins Fo,, 19 = GROCERY DEPARTMENT LADLES' CASUAL JACKETS Spun Rayon in Gay Plaids - Size 12 to 40 Regular Saturr(l'y Special $5.95 *3.95 READY TO WEAR DEPARTMENT GIRLS' BLOUSES Size 1 to 6 Regular , Saturd',t3, Si)(cial $2.25 =1.69 BOYS' WHITE SHIRTS Sizes 3 to 6 Regular Saturday Special $2.2o $1.69 KIDDIES KORNER • ., (.,AS I ING ROD Regular Saturday Special $3.98 ' $3.29 TELESCOPE FIN ROD Regular Saturday Special $5.95 $4.95 SIJI)I'I4AS 1 RI;EI2S 1Leg u lar Saturday Si)ccial $2.2o Sl.98 FIRESTONE STORE