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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lpr!},,14, 1949 SHELTON-MA£N /SITY J(IINAL, "  5 2"' l' "-"--'------- l) %[qNIITFI{ B()IlN •  i;6  d  I 'I " t ''" .... Mkrble II M' ,,,,,, . ,:on,rd B, cki, Veterans Cemetery I)eclare War On (HURCHES HOLD EASTER SUNDAY ....... :!. the Ito ' .011ev,,e are prents o'  .. • .i 0,___, Ir__, ,..,__:u.._. ,, ,:,ln.,..-,o ,, ,,,,,, i.. ,..,, / OF COURSE ! ;1'..JP-r-  II d..,ght,r born p,'i, ,o ,t e,.,,c nearln IS lt[e(l lellL LJiiterpllldl; I..I₯11UU, llh LJII AlhLI Ik&l:Ul'll .j __ ,., , , , ,,i,, ,,,,,, e_CtEsoCgMAPcA..iy. ][ Hospilal. IJ.. "T,4- rPh .... -,r.r [][,|,-.o ,111(IzrrL," (c:ontlnuo,1 Yrom Page ,?he) Other groups in Shelton that  _ 1 :,.:'/ur.f nt I I The N.,--o,i-z(,-d-i,,,e - ! l' HI l t::2|, |iltillldy I JI/'UtA(tlt:;o J.klta, ,, jtx will be a "sunrise s0rvice' begin- will hold Eastcr services are V i; .1m4[  ' oteven8 " ,h , 55 tie ,,  o - r , • • ". Tent ('derl)illars :t'e nat( firg ning at 7 ocloela Mr. View . , .... dWY41 ,omvens -Phon n. [ 4.' .. (, + ml n . l),ltl. It ,, bc d el eounlJ,. (:mmm: .... U'mt Truth ( ente Mina Hock " _.:, e .... [ ..) 1  Sl) it, 47 s., ., (. , 1- ) I • mWl. ve re('eJved " nlap pro- 11' )m then' e.,s, " and' eating' h-,ves, . In'• ..nch.. Sunday .school .... gathers,,., ett Y408 ota stre 't h reb of- gI  , ' ..... . , . '' . ;IE D :lOa In ano :ne 2VIU OliVe C e , C I .. .i  Ipholo ,n(I one })hnq) squadron:. [po,w,. htge.  l e S( 'vtt- "hi M .... etnniy res lenl.; a' :: . '. ", - - -..':- " Christ Mrs H b MillerandW ,€ 1 • i " " " ..........  ................... r " I " , . ' ..... ' Hlnl(lay scilOOl sEarEs al: ulq;) a.ln.  , . • •  • ' • , ..... I')::.,', ,.L"'"',::',,.; :,),l: !2,,:21,'2! ,,,,,l ,o dec!,re ,,,a, on ti,e,n, ,,'a.lar srviees a,'e t n a.m. 5:'bel'.a'':.:Fitan_ science - ..l't[ '"",' ....... '."" • ""'.: " ..... '."":F",', Andrew I,:rmswya. eonmy ex- T u B.ew, rend William H A bach (,huron, :.$oz .AloPr sLl'eeL '11]  *--" - tits....__ :, ,.,nr,ng t(,v to :l.m., l i,, z,, tensi.n agent, dec.lares, will give tiw sermon In other chul'ehes in ttie var- J I " J 11_ [IU-,g]]l]l i'Pa(,,2|'r I|'N, TNT[ NI 111(' ('(LII'I.I1OIlSe. The tent caterpillars ave start- F;--" ,,,.t,^,4;o.,. t.. .... . .i,)a ious sectionq of Mason county r f -,i _,lb,,It .... l: 1121tk'711il l₯11.1LNl±lllJ[ O',VP.OI'. " t lc FI')nlJ c, in " to feed on the leaves of trees ,,,'°'w'.'.',""''*'.,'2,' : Easter services are being held " II fO II AXv -- Ill the plat are the Veterans of anti if they are not destroyed tile '^;" xr.. I'" " *I -  '--" ................  J   r g2k. , " ' 3  • . ' 7 ...... ( . Y ai,.j vvr., wLtt o, t,,.,,.=,,o tntl i-looo Hal  U 113 Ill U I1 1  y V " tt DEVELOPMENI CO. ,,o,e,gn-XA a,s post 169,t and the wall eat all the leaves m normally- new members Communion set- Church, io)dsport, wi]l hold a TIE OFFERS SHARES STOCK 175,000 COMMON NON-ASSESSABLE 41)' PER SHARE Fb YOUR COPY OF THIS PROSPECTUS J. J. SIMMONS 2 SOUth Montgomery Street Or 201 4th Street Building ' REMERTON, WASHINGTON rod B. Wivell American Legion healthy orchards, Kruiswyk said. po.:l: :]1. Fred Snelgrove drafted t metcury or sliver colored mass the plat. on the limbs of trees during last A h,tter reque.%inT: commission- i'all iudicates caterpillar infettion. ers to desb4na.te a (him l) for tim The best control of the eaterpil- use of Grapeview re.fidenLs was. lay .is a stomach poison, stated ea(I lo the COlllliSsiorielS at their I ](Flliswyk. "I recommend tree Monday se.::ion. The leliel' wae: owners .;1)ray the limbs and leaves lron Lydia Wren, rel)res(mting twith two pounds of lead arsenate Lhe vomnmni/y club in tirol city. *to 100 gallons of water "is early l),ids ha',' been called by county ]as possible this Spring." (,Ollnlin.;ioneFs foF : 6()0-gallon j m, ih,.-t,pc ,,ii di.trit,utor, to, a GAME DEPARTMENT )land-opel'sled I)olc Krader with aP. eiKhfi-foot l)lade, ;rod for a l)i('.k - 11 t) tl'tl('k for the ('Ollllty eug.;ineer. The I)i(I.: will be (q)onc.(I May 2. [ THE FORUM SCATTER PINS wa.,'. and . Davis commended the helpful- FOSTUME be fi, e, uen JEWELRY l :..e e .o ,,o,,,0. o ,,o,,, try thh dilFeren: method cf l:ci:lr3 - fr tion. Blend a little curry Ix,wder with E. BEcKwiTii yolk, salt and a bit of vinegar or lcmolx juice . . . Makes a mhty fine addi- t lion to a snack tray.  JEWELRY GIFTS Another "last word" in shopping 1. ! ' 19 n ..... / luxury comes from Chicago f plans , -' n,tlroad Avenue - Phone 143 - go through. A drive-in shopping center is being considered where all lmrch;Ises -- can bc made fn)m the customer's car. from: $149.50 for 4-h.p. Single $179.50 for 5 h.p. Twin $199,S0 for 77.5 h.p. Twin FEATURES ii  SHIFT MODEL ANY @ New Rotoflex water Pump il  New Duo-grip Carrying Handle i : sNueWe sStliaPrtiCl;twhth finch Pull !  4b Rain-proof, Sea-p;oof Operation I| See Them on Display Now at l,,Shelton Recreat, on & 1 bporting (00oods Letter to Readers: I know you have been reading about the sad ending of little hTathy l'i;cus who fell into an op- (,n well, and for whom a desper- ale rescue effort was rallied in "ain. In Mason county my atten- tion has been c.alled to three open wells tlmt may have been a deai.h trap for wandering ehildren. My road crews in commissioner dis- triet three have filled them. However, there may be other open and abandoned wells in oth- er parts of Mason county that should be filled before a tragedy similar to that in California can oeollr. Persons knowing of these well, are nrged to contact the county commissioners that they may be checked for safet.y. 14OY CARR, County Commissioner in I)istrict Three. LILLIWAUP HOME OF BERT DAVIS DAMAGED B FIRE Fire believed to have l)een start- ed by a defective chimney early Sunday morning caused an esti- mated $2,000 in damage to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis at Lilliwaup. Through the spon- toneous and voluntary e£1orb, of nci.ghbors and friends, household furnishings and personal effects were removed without loss or damage. Thle loss was partially covered by insm'ance. Equipment of the I-Ioodsport I Fire Department under Chief Ar- I chic Callahan responded to the alarm and were sucaessful in put- ting out tile blaze, minimizing the loss that could have resulted without their assistance. Damage was confined largely to the roof and as a restllt of sin.eke and STUDIES WINTER DAMAGE CLAIMS Numerou: game damaffe elaitns have been sent into the state au- ditor and referred to the state game department as a result of the heavy snows of the past win- tel'. O. L. Resner, in charge of the damage control division of the de- , partment, points out that every claim presents a problem of its ewn and no two can be considered in the same fashion, "It is our de- ,dre that every claim be considered and appraised in the fairest pos- sible manner, in order that agree- iments may be reached and pay- ment can be approved by the state legislature." "Orchard damage claims par-, tieularly must be studied over a [ period 'of several months to de-I termine the percentage of loss / due to damage by game and dam- age attributable to other factors for which the Department is not responsible." i t The work of preventing damage, ] and of making seLtlements when t damage does occur, comprises a little-known portion of the gener-] al game department program. 1 t "And yet," says, is Resner 'tl] iS an important work. It takes con- siderable time, experienced per- sonnel and expenditure of funds. The sportsmen of the state should realize that some of the most important work done by the game del)artment is of his type---im- portant, but not showy and spec- tacular, and often not appreci- ated." JosePh BiUmTaiks Of Cancer During Kiwanis Luncheon Joseph E, Blum, executive dir- ector of the Washington State Di- vision of Cancer Education, ad- essed members of the Shelton wanis club on the subject of cancer at the club's weekly lunch- con meeting at Memorial Hall Tuesday. An added feature of the meeting was the attendance of a delegauon of the iaeiton Zonta club as guests of the Kiwanians.. vices are being held at 7 oclock tonight. Two worship services will be held Easter morning, one at 9:30 and the other, 11 a.m. Sermon subject is, "The Mean- ing of Easter." Special music will be rendered by the choirs and the high school sextet. un- day school is at 9:30 a,m. Eve- ning session starts at 8 p.m. The Reverend Wayne Wright is pastor. Hoodsport Builds New Playground (Continues from page z) CLOVERETTES were repre- sented by Joan MeClanahan, Dar- lene Hicks and Judy Hale. Oscar Ahl, one of Hoodsport's oldest residents, helped to kee a watchful eye on members of the i younger set, Jo Dean O Nell, Lin-[ da Hale and Russell Hill, who were I busy helping everyone. I Lunch was served at noon. Mrs.! Dick Addleman, Mrs, Victor Whee-| ler, Mrs. Sid Jarvis, Mrs. Alice]l McClanahan, Mrs. Shirley O'Neill and Mrs. Steve Hale contributed to its success. MRS. ALICE McClanahan, in behalf of the Hoodsport P.T,A., wishes to thank each prson who generously gave his effort to this project. The Hoodsport Community play- field is for community use. Ma- terial is on hand for onstruction of tables, benches, sandboxes and swings, as well as bricks donated by Emil Lauber for an outdoor picnic stove. Anyone who feels he can spare an hour or two any evening or on Saturday is asked to come and give his help, Mrs. McClanahan said. DON'T RELEASE UNWANTED CATS TO BECOME WILD The program of the state game department to prevent the release in the wilds of unwanted cats or kittens has had considerable ef- fect in the past four years, game supervisors declare, but the warn- ing against such releases must be repeated periodically. Cats soon adjust themselves to the woods and become predators, depending on birds and small an- imals for their food. The toll of young pheasants and ducklings is heavy when cats are around. The game department again urges that unwanted cats or kit- tens be given tO someone or dis- posed of, and not released along some country road to grow into enemies of wildlife. "sunrise service" at 5:30 a.m. Easter Sunday with music and speaker, Richard Bates. Chil- dren will participate tn a spec- ial Easter program during Sm- day school. The worship serv- ice begins at 11 a.m. with a cantata, "The Victorions Christ," followed by a sermon by the Reverend PaUl Sweeney. A bus is scheduled to go to llni0n for children who wonld like to at- tend. Matiock Mission Church will have a children's program on Easter. A dedication of babies by the Reverend Newton Kendall will be at 2 p.m., and guest speaker will be Reverend Sea- man Krup of Hoquiam, The Easter message will be given at 8 p,m. by Rev. Kendall. The services will last all day; there will be basket lunches. .In .Dayton the Sunday school will hold a special program at 10:30 a,m. Easter. South of Shelton is the Kamflche 'ull G6spel with the Reverend Fred Cottriel, pastor. Happy Easter to all. Establishgd 1895 C H A N G E 0 F L 0 C A T I 0 N CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL OFFICF ENGINEER - CONTRACTOR HAS MOVED SHOP AND WAREHOUSE • o the P UD WAREHOUSE BLN" MOUNTAIN VIEW K Street- Just East of Highway P.O. BOX 158 Shelton, Wash. "Phone 788 Mrs. ],3. H. Faube served as i l , , program chairman of-the day and introduced the speaker. Visiting Shelton inthe interests -- _     "    ".. of the present drive-for funds to ' /  dl!, fight cancer, Blum told of efforts " I 'r"' t ' ' ' "  # that are being made through re-  O=,, search and other means to combat the dread disease. He made sev- eral other speaking engagements while here. Columnist Frank Lyneh PRICES IN EFFECT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY To Talk In Hoodsport Frank Lynch, columnist, whose "Seattle Scene" vividly acquaints ! the reader with the less-publicized people and neighborhoods of that Large AA  White Standby 14-Dunce Hunt's city, is, to be the headlined speaker for the Hood Canal Woman's Club ECS do 57* FRUIT CATSUP 2 bottles 31' at its regular monthly meeting ......... Z. ' . Thursday, April 21 in the Hoods- port school. • • COCKTAIL • In bringing Pat Campbell, suc- cessful novelist, to speak on the Kitsap Dairy NO. 22 TIN l-Lb, 2.Oz, Bueno March program, and presenting .....  ..... . . , Mr. Lynch this month, the local woman's group is adding to its BUTTER ....... lb. 67* $' RiPE OLIVES ... 25  reputation for interesting pro- "," grams. Mrs. Mabel Avey is pro- gram chairman, Guests are always welcome to meetings of the club, Dole Sliced $ Louisiana 5-OZ. TIN whicll holds its business session at 11 a.m. and its program fol- PINEAPPL E €  lowi luncheon ............ 7 SMALL SHRIMP ......... :37  EleCtion of officers for the cotn- ing year will be the chief ,busi- ness at  morning session at SPECIALS "-' - which Mrs. J. R. DeBard, presi- dent, Will ]re.ide. e.h,  MEAT r lb ' OLORED FRYERS ............... SaC  BritiSh :Parliament lmy$ fhat Average 3 to 4 Pounds ture generations of Brittsl% s must remove slang from thel eech. Aw, they're just beaU RED ROASTING HENS ........ ,,ti'. Sheir gtms, k.i, ds., * Ike University sv.ieff are wrestling wlth experiments con- cerning extra-sensory perception. ;Shucks, aly ordinary mad'tied man can tell you anything  y0U want to know about that, r here  Eto solid standing room on the sun, scientists say. And, vf course, it's too hot to flt dowr Headline: Californians have dif- ficulty fleterminiag damage of re- cent cold waves. To what--the fruit crop or the climate? CALL FOR BIDS NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Monday April 18, 1949 at two p.m., sealed bicls will be received by tim Board of County Commissioners of Maon County, Washingtort, at their office in the Court House in Shelton, for the purchase of the fol]owin, g: One used 16x8 or 18X8. QUICK Ctmnge Lathe. single phase motor; geared head; independent chuck; , tedy rot centers" fieo plttte; tool post, two 3/8" Armstrong tool holders; right and left; one " boring bar. The Board reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. Dated tlkis 28th day of March. 19,t9. IA SOI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, By LYLE O',DELL. Chairman. 8-31--4-7.,.14"-3t • FLORIDA ORANGES ...... lb. 9* R:R’ .... --- Average 5 Pounds  I.. U  NO 2 PICNIC HAMS ............... ,.,,.., ib. &’ SPUDS Shanktess, Average 4 to t P'Ofids --'r,w 50 LBS , •, .. ,, .. .... $1.33 SMOKED BOSTON BUTTS .... b. _g’ 90% Meat ............. --,---- ..... ,"T"--'---- .... FLOtI I D A 1.1" A   SWlFT'S PREMIUM " At Lowest 1*₯₯ ....... =:=: -== ........... - - POTATOES ,.e M/P-, 3 It.',=S’, •  |b" 71/€ !eedham rood C, BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONE 199