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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ag [ SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL L fill I I i I .... -- ,, , , .mr  .................................... ' '" Hoodsport Pupils use Journal In Hood Canal Communities , Plans are being made by Hoods- port school teachers, Mrs, Mardy    ! r r Means Quality Gable, Richard Bates and Mrs. HOOI00PORT Nancy Brown, for the first four MEN CATCH LIMIT Cushman Ladies VISIT FROM HONOLULU FRIEND FOR MEN • FO! WOMEN grades and kindergarten to pre- o sent an elaborate and interesting IN BLACKMOUTH AT QUILCENE Get Prizes For 00MARKHAMS OF LILLIWAUP ENJOY eaa" Hosiery musical on May ,13. i Lingerie This program will feature chin By Frances Radtke home there from now on and is y ,'runces R. flIIl I Stone of the Stimson Mill Co. 'ltrta Dresses dren acting and .singing several Pete Allard accompanied Leo offering her Hoodsport house with 4-H Fair Entries  and Mrs. era L. Markham Seattle were overnight guests at 'nderwear CoatB unique numbers, using swings, Johnson on an overnight fishing four lots on Cushman avenue for. By Frances Radtke have had as their house guest the C. E. Hill home Tuesday night aJama8 Rainwear teeter-totters and a rainbow. They trip to Quilcene Thursday where sale. Mrs. Kilby, who is 88 years Lake Cushman ladies were glad Mrs. Albert E. Coxhcad of l-lOnG- last week, following a business rUIwear Sportswear will wear crepe-paper costumes, both gentlemen catgh their lira- of age, has lived in Hoodsport for to receive their prize money for lulu, T. H. Mrs. Coxhead has tour of the penninsula. The program has been present- it of Blackmouth weighing from the last 40 years, their entries in the 4-H fair last spent the fall anti winter on Hood Mrs. Tress Rice of Seattle has Accesories Accessories ed by students of Mrs. Gable on five to 15 pounds each, They trav- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ewald from fall. Mrs. Vera Linscott received Canal, in Seattle and Portland, been visiting in IAlliwaup at the Real 8ilk Hoe|er Mills, luG. two other occasions at different eled in Johnson's newly completed Fresno, Calif., spent the past the most prize money won by any Ore., and will return to her home home of her sister, :Mrs. GuN YOUR RIgPRESENTATIVE schools. Solos, duets and drills will 221/, foot cabin cruiser Which he week end visiting with the Harold one person in the Hood Canal in early summer. She says that Petcrson, and her brothca', Gusl be featured ttmonff them a hu- built for himself. Millos. Seattle friends who arriv- Garden Club. Winner of the next the contrast of this winter on Orgren. She returned to Seattle S - W - I - K. L. MANN morous upside-down song, Would Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fish from ed to spend Sunday were Mr. and highest amount was Mrs. Maxine Hood Canal with that of the genial for the. Easter week end, planning you like to see the children sing Portland celebrated Mr. Fish's Mrs. Fred Schroeder. Peterson, and third highest, Mrs. tropics was of great interest and to come back to Lilliwaup during standing on their heads? birthday Saturday at the home of He ODS PORT SCHOOL is Alice Hill, Garden Club president, enjoyment to leer, as are the next week. 'INTO Hoodsport, Wash. This program, which is planned Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Winne. Fri- scheduled for a five-day spring Other prize winners at Cushman beauties of Hood Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie 1)tees of to last an hour or an hour and day night guests of the Winnes vacation beginning Wednesday of were Mrs. Nancy Brown, Mrs. HER VISIT brought memories Olympia have spent the past two ... In fresh _ a half, will be well worth seeing were his sister and husband, Mr. this week. Mrs. Mardy Gable will Vera Bitney, Mrs. Frances Radt- of a goat-hunting trip with the week ends at their Indian Point Bring your suits, ! and is planned to demonstrate tal- and Mrs. Lon Ford of Los An- visit with her family in Seattle. ke. Mrs. Blanch Radtke, Mrs. Iva Markhams on Howe Sound, B. C., cottage, after a winter of very in- 'n' everything ' ]mJmJLllg WASHES ent among the youngsters as well geles, and Mrs. Helen Cook will visit Collins and Mrs. Cora Peterson. where three goats were bagged frequent visits, due to weather as raise money to buy something friends in Anacortes and Darting- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke re- and bitter and tough was the re- conditions and a trip to California : Vk'EEK END guests of the Era- Belfair for the lower grades to use and ery Winters family were Mr. and ton, as well as her parents in turned from Seattle Sunday bring- past thereof, to buy for their gift shop. . enjoy. Just what this will be has Mrs. Roy Goes and son Jerry of Wickersham. inK Mrs. Radtke's daughter, Mrs. * * :: ARE YOU GOING to the Fire- l [  [NRL not been decided upon. Seattle who remained for the Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smart and Nadine Lamaster to care for Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Robinson men's Ball in Union April 23rd? • -, week, Mr, and Mrs. William Paul- Mr. and Mrs. B. Reed from Seat- Radtke who is recently out of the are leaving this week to spend It'll be a success if we all urn PHONE | tie were guests of Mrs. Helen " *"*' epral¢ llgarly son and son Gary of Port An- hospital after two major opera- several days in Tacoma with their out the way the Hoodsport Fire For MB Spraylng to protect your garden geles, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank C°°k last Sunday'. . . ti°ns'Shcis feelingmuehimpr°v" son, John, and his family. Mr. Department did Sunday m°rning: Delivery |hoUld begin before insect or tung- Winters from Fort Lanning, Me. ed and only needs plenty of rest Robinson is making some improve- to save the Bert Davis home! us damage is apparent. After the Dale McCotter of Tacoma is Guests of the Floyd Gibson faro- for about four months to be feel- mcnt in health recently. The Rob- damag is done, It is too late. visiting his grandparents, Mr. and ily Friday were Mr. and Mrs. iiig fit ' Mr. Radtke is also insons had as overnight guests Mrs. H. E. Lockwood for the Eas- Tommy Wilkerson from Tacoma well after an attack of pneumon- Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Corwin -6LO ..0 Mr. and Mrs; William Baird[ia. hi i n t f .... ter vacation, from Tacoma. Sunday arrivals I TIlE CUSHMAN Sewing Club Chase of Kirkland, who have re- cently returned from a trip to um num a s or N 0 W oue, t of Mr. and Mrs. Herb were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Getty ]met Wednesday at the home of Arizona. Mr. Chase is an artist . Dickinson Monday were Mrs. from Olympia. Mrs. Getty is Mr. ] Mrs. Nell Laramie, who entertain- and brother of Waldo Chase, Hood EMIL LAUBER PHONE 7 GERT Dickinson's brother and wife, Mr. Gibson's sister, led with a one-dish hmch of dell- and Mrs. C. B. Calkins of Rose-     I the Time burg*, Ore. Gladys Wolcott returned Men-talons home made cake and ice Canal artist. H00DSPORT LUMBER Port Angeles guests of Mrs. Ks- day from a two-week trip to Coos cream. They say there is nothing Mrs. David Salisbury of Sparta, WeQ#lal| • • . To Get Your Boat tie Abbey were Mr. and Mrs. Or- Bay where she visited her sister, new under the sun, but we think Wisconsin, and Miss Alice l¢obin; : Shipshape For ville Krider who arrived for the Mrs. Mary Kielblock. one lady had an original idea. son of Seattle, sisters, and nieces GOOD FISHING AHEAD week end. THE REVEREND McDonald re- She is sewing her husband a pair of Frank Robinson, have been Lumber, Building Materials, Hardware and Mr, and Mrs. E. O. Gifford left turned Monday morning from a of shorts made from parachute Lilliwaup visitors this week. They Complete Builders' Service DICK Supplies and Equiprnent Monday for a trip to Seattle. revlvalism trip through Oregon nylon! arz'ived Thursday tfter a trip I FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES and California, having been gone April Cushman party is to be from California, where they met SMITH MAR * * * since Jantmry 2. held Wednesday, April 20, at the in Los Angeles t3 visit relatives. Mill 0 it BUECHEL'S Mt., Mary Jane Kilby has moo- Frank Ahl is still in the Clinic home of the president, Mrs. Nan- They were house guests at the rgan e Phone Union 242 ed to the home of her daughter, hospital in Shelton but is now cy Brown. , home of their cousin, Mrs. C.E. :' - UNION - PHONE 387 Mrs. Alma Heath who lives at able to see visitors. Mrs. Iva Collins, who ha.'; been Hill during their stay in Lilli- Vashon. She expects to make her Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Essex of in the Shelton hospital since last: waup" Enumclaw were Sundag visitors Tuesday' was to return home on' SATURDAY they drove with of their son and wife, Mr. and. Tuesday of this week. the Hills to see something of the II I I Mrs. William Essex. ] Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Peterson Olympic penninsula. They saw the  . Dorothy Lockwood is working are leaving today for Los An- view from the top of ),It. Walker GROCERIES" MEATS" for the summer at the Rainbow ] geles where they will vacation for and drove as fat' as Lake Cres- Fountain Limch. the rest of the month visiting cent during the day. On Sunday Work is progressing on the ptlb- their children and families, Wen-the visitors drove to Tacoma, LILUWAUP SHOPPING lic park at Hoodsport which is dell Peterson and Mrs. Geraldine where they had dinner with their being built on the tennis 'court Mincher. They travel by train, cousins, the Jol'tn Robinsons. grounds by members of the P.- SUNDAY evening dinner guests Entente they enjoyed coffee and T.A. of Mr. and Mrs. Rea Howry were a birthday cake at the Victor Rob- (Where Buying Is A Mr. and Mrs. Rex Howry and inson home near the Junction. Exams For iilliwaup Pamela of Shelton and Mrs. How- The cake celebrated Mr. Hill's ON BEAUTIFUL HOOD CANAD ry's mother, Mrs. Addle Higby birthday and he considered him- Postmaster Coming Up o Seattle whe is laere for a visit self lucky to have had two cakes L. A, Evans Lilliwaup 15Wl W, I of a week or two. and a pie baked in honor of his A successor to the postmaN- Mr. attd Mrs. Ray Peterson took anniversary. tership at Lllliwaup to fill the an automobile tour to Oregon * * * " vacancy created by the resigns- Monday and Tuesday. They spent Walter Hatch of the Lilliwaup tion of Bert Davis is to be se- -- letted as the remflt of a Civil Friday in Tacoma with Mrs. Rob- Shopping Ccntcl', returned Friday FISHING SEASON ", Service examination which will ert Smith who accompanied them from Seattle, where he has been " be announced soon. Applications from Potlatch. taking care of a badly sprained ..... Snow can still be seen along ankle. Opens Sunday • for those desiring to take the the road to Lake Cushman even DAVID STIMON and E. C. ..... examination may be secured t.hough spring is here and Sunday • ..... ... from the Shelton Post Office on is the opening day of fishing sea-  Greg° "- or before April 29. Improvement Club o, . son. Allle Robinson reports that . The position catrrles an anmml his boats are all rented for the Complete Equipment • "" salary of $1350. Mr. Davis has " Not for dumbbells! Re l M eti : ,,, ,t, we now I Belf i Hold "' wasp for many years and quit some good weather to make the n a r s ,oo us Now undo • - anglers happy. Be Prepared ...... .... his post recently when he re- ........ operation on his right eye Friday By Dollie Parsons J's BELFAIR serve until his successor is llalll- ed. and is progressing nicely. The Belfair Improvement club Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott are held its regular meeting at Of expected back from a trip to their sews cafe Friday night. Seventy- ..... EACR time this newspaper comes out it pays a compliment tO Oregon ranch on Tuesday of this five members "and visitors were ' your intelligence. It is not published for dumbbells, wek. present. As are all American newspapers, this one is published for "STRAW" VOTE onGUestSsunday°f MrS.were FranceSMr. andRadtkeMrs, utyThesheriffP°ssibilitYat Belfair°f havingwasa deP-dis_ After the people like you who are smart enough to run households and Gus Lempst of lh'emerton and cus';ed A committee was up- ELECTS their, Mrs. Ellen tlolm pointed to meet with" the V.F,W. businesses, to hold jobs and elect Presidents. People who can o Compton, Calif. to try to get a playfield and ball --- 'separate the wheat from the chaff in the day's news and come ................................... park. ..?" Horne made ceam puffs and Our Malts and Agriculture Program dot, hnu '" :"' " .......... up with the right answers ........... g ts were served by the re- ....... IJesailne e 1tiny I freshment committee, Mrs Bob ## ........ • . . NI[IIK II&KeS . . . May 1 has been set as the dead Nelson and Mrs. V. Sheppard. f ....... Made with Richer Full line for farlners to sign up to pat'- I * * * Wc arc able to publish because you find in the newspaper , " ticipate in the 194, €) Agricultural I Mrs. Kathy Landron drove to the facts and opinions on which to base your thinking and Flavored Ice Cream Conservation Program according I Los Angeles with her parents, Mr. ,- and Syrups to Bert Rau, ('hairnmn of the land Mrs. Wallace. Tlaey plan on ' COME TO shape your life. , county committee. [ being gone a week. .. The facts may be good or bad. Congress may veto a tax re- . ' .... The sign-up consists of filings] John Stytes made a business CHICKEN duction. Rains may reduce the corn crop. How you react de-  home 'OIKB.  farm plan listing the practices[trip to Bremerton Friday. each farmer intends to complete I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelsan and ..... pends on your point of view. What you think' we Also Have Them during the year. This may be done ] daughter. Karon, spent the week ......... at the ACA office in Mason court- I end at Fox Island with Mr. 'qel- 3 MILES EdT OF UNION TO /ag OUt • "' is based on what you know. ty courthouse at Sheltoll. [ son's father. .... " Special Easter Men0 .......... Similarly, certain opinions may please. Other* .... . ..... • . • £':. - may displease. You approve the theories of DII J[|][) ][A][ q[ assistance amounting to approxi-]day at Aberdeen. Mr. Eddy passed ALSO - nr,=.rmn Ii]'lsi merely 50 pet" cent of the out-of-[away April 1 and is the brother i one candidate for political office and deplore ............... f • € the-pocket costs of completing the i o Walt Eddy of Belfair. PRIVATE DINING ROOM WITH DANGil : those ethos opponent, You read both sides of a (UD approved practices. I * * * Ollwr With the establishment of the I We see the P.U.D. Belfair Serv- For Banquets ann Partivs question and make your choice. -------- deadline chairman Ran urges lice crew were llmbing trees by Open Every Day Except This newspaper prints all sorts of facts and Bill and Nellie farmers to sign up at once and I the power line at the State Park Open 10 A M to 10 P M not delay, i last week. This will help greatly For Reservations Phone Union 294 all shades of opinion. It is our job to do so. ' ' ' " --- during the winter months when - Mixed with the news ofwedd/ngs and wars and r T,,.a T ...... 1 "xr-- AA, ' we have our heavy snows. , • Mrs. George Parsons of Seattle[  \\;,, ,-,,, all the thousands of things about which you - -7 ....................... ; ..................... i I visited last weel with her son and I1 daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H.I  want to know are the views of legislators and NEW LOW PRICE SCHEDULE AT ' 2 ] L Parsons educators, of labor leaders and businessmen, of conservatives   "" W --LLaUp Comnlui and radicals. I00/tlD DIIII I00I?DO OIID IV ]ILdli ty There are those who oppose this kind of newspaper. "1"o their' DZLrfillt DUlhUr000 i3UI'[LI I CIp u b Gives Pinochle t thinking you should read a different kind--one that prints (Formerly A. E. Vissll" Lumber (3o.) I ary rrioay tsight only the facts they want you to know--only the opinions DOORS l lll dayFridaYthey nightwork theYat thePtaY'LilliwaupSatur" they want you to believe. One panel Interior Doors __t All New -- All Fu Size [[ C°'tdta;ity Hta, IL til 15 the Lilli Acting as committees with appealing titles, " Glear Panels with Spliced Style I{ ' _ "g . P' " ..... a =va Each I waup Uommuniy Club is giving ' they are agitating for laws to limit publics- ='-u- - ^  v-v   ^ •  /Ts " ......................................................... .......................... -.v a Each fll pinochle to which .all 2-6 x 6-8 x lays ...................................... ," ,,,= Each riends are invtted. The following tion of facts and opinions. They claim you v. ................................................................ "-"5 Each day volunteer workers will as 2-8 x 6-8 x 1 [' se " cannot be trusted with all the news. What 3-U- X 6-U- x ]'a .................................. " ' ............................. . '7"45 Each dltt" ruble, to ,start" building an, ad- ........................................ , .......................... on to the hall for men's and they mean is that, if they can keep you un- women's dressing rooms. * " informed, they can steal your freedom. flMIp¢glrlPlrbN. I.I'M''INI( ' Mrs. Fred Thatcher and Mrs. ,TO n¢rrr,D ,x,', Y l£neelRnd arc hostesses for a • * * 210-,b. Rea & Greentl'¢k"buts;: ==?=:. $9.25 per square :d pl;ty tomorrow n!glL. P.lay- 90-1b Red & Green (nails and tar) $3,75 per roll S J .comnzcnce,..a  o'coc¢ Of course, they do not attack you directly. ' .................... ---- er roll ano x'ezresnments wm oe ser ea at 55-1b Blaok (nails and tar) ................ yze= p the " - " • " ...... ' ................. -'= -er ro I ClOSe o the evellilg. Their target is the newspaper. Because it is 45-1b. BlaoK (naris ann tar) .................................... et.a p Plans * z "b 'l" o. - , .... ft IO & tll Cllrlt Dec i0,L NO, 8 Sheathing (tar paper) .......................... .... $2.85 per 500 • : " " your main source ofinformationtheypropos¢ urday were made at the club's business meeting held lst Friday regulations to govern what the newspaper can PLYWOOD SPECIALS night in the hall, with President Bob Moffet presiding. Immedi- print. They dress up their plans in noble- 3e" x 72,, x  Exterlor SOIS ........................................ $3.25 ca. ate action on the club's plans sounding sentiments. 12" x 96" x 3A Ideal for Shelving .................................. $1.15 ca. for improving" the comnnmity hall and its equipment was urged at But it all comes down to the same thing. Thty know that if  SHINGLES - SHAKES this meetin.g New lighting fix- * they can control what you read, they can control what you know, s" Hand Split Shakes (4 "bundles) $12.95 q. tures are being ordered; etim- .............................. ate on re-roofing the building are ..... IFhen they control your mind, they control you. 16" No. 1 vertioal grain clear shingles ........................ $10.80 sq. being sought, and the buying of The real attack is against you. Newspapers are a sort of 16" NO. 2 Gertlgrade 12" clear .................................... $6.45 sq. ganm cqmpmcnt con,ddered. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans are front line, Their stake in a free press is no greater than yours CEI)AI PANELING loaning a ping-pong table to the vlub, Which hoPes to offer local because their right to publish is tied in inseparably with your xa and lx6 R/L Kiln Dried "V" Paneling  yuung people and their friends an fight to read. Just as long as you arc free to know--you are Special ......................................................... : ................. $139.00 M. opportunity to use ttm hall for I N P | R $ O N free. When your sourcem of information are done, your free- WATER PIPE recreation'on scliedulcd cvcning. ON OUR STAGE dom goes with them. NEW GALVANIZED PIPE WITH COUPLINGS .......................... "ya.lnch ......................................................................... 18€ per foot Milk tDtal|ty ,-Inch ............................................................................ 22¢ per foot Clean, sterile utensils, prompt right i k II liberti ,, prices Irlude Delivery To Your Jo$ite tooling 9f milk or cream, and keep. YO inK milk and cream cool ntil mar. ur to know s the ey to a your es ,.o ORDERS TAKEN -- BELFAIR 5-3512 keted are key factors in maintai,dn8 I J I I I II[I [ / I . .I .. I . I Ill I II lai.qUalR£.