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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Aerie No. 2079 I Order Eagles n $. Peterson, W.P. J&apos; Kraal, Secretary EVery Monday, ,q p.m. )tfice Hours: p.m. to 8 p.m. a.m. to 4 p.m. a.rn. to 4 p.m. ('aster Executive ; SPORTS AFIELD Gives Fund-Drive i Talks I SI I( .i, 00,mc to, Ii le Oil i,,,:,l, lt,,>.'lr y,>,.. ,.,1hoard is a Spoaldnv hereto several v.1 ps r;m'ty l,v<,nt mode|, it prohably in ilellol] Tuesday exphlinilE,4' lho] won't i'C(lllil'e eKlcilsi\\;'e rcp'iirs, anti - ean(.,:r Fnovellent of 1he; x,'l ires boating' miihm'ity VVill'ird Alllorieun Cneer Society, ,hseph! (i;randal], hut the uppearanee of |']. [,hllll, st:lie exevulive dile('Il,)the t:l:ilI *'all he Spl'tl'ed lip if told o[ m,ot]. for educa|ion :tml I'('- S('I[I'i'('(I ;ll(I Wl)l'il spots "/l'e l'ixcd. f:(',ql't'}l. ,'ll](i II /Ill IW\\;V (O{It ()r p:iil]l is VteoIt- BLUM SPOKE II= Ki,,\\;'ani:; ed, yive it :l 'food cle:lning ,job. ZOlII.iHII,;..lily(rOlL'-;. f]li'lll})(WY; ii! [hol l'(" ('ill'orlll )](Jt l(I 11(! leo pl),\\;:lq'- clltt!tl.V t:an;:t,l' field iVl'lly, ;ll{ lll llll ;I ('le;lllillg :tl4ent. Try id.tin |ilo jlinior ilig'ia,school. ' \\;vtiltq' IH St;HI3 Itl](I water rh'st; i .c(llll'ill;, ])oWdel,;q slllitlltl I)e imed ('Ol-iinleiltlillg resid(mls hi .M:lsoil with (licr(!iion. C(lllllty foil', lheil' C;tlill):liLll I:ll[ A vle:ln, ,solid, (h'y .'ili'fll(!c' ill year whit:h I'aisvd ,I,()L)(;.II, o\\;'lqi ]]lllil;i lll I'il':;1 t'.:-senti:/l tO l. good paint dotihlc the qlloia or $,lSX, / i]llii'e .siln(tinl. }lol.weeil i!oats, tile ilrKcd intonsified drives thi Vo,<tl' i i°ll"Th;il illeallS sanding' and {ho "so lhat proieeis ah'eadv md+,r- w ly il  ller wol'k w " n t b I I)eltt'l' the jOi). l:):lint %vhile tim • i i i" .; tlry. If you "lFe ollt{IOOl'S, {'m'talcd for laett of flmds." l it's host to paint only in the nli{I- The quotli foi' the cfin{!e]' cam-! die of il dry (lay; if possiblc, olio l:}aign this nionth is $.188 aim tim: reasonatlly w'u'nl after several statc quota, $16G,{lt)(i, of whi{qi 00' pcr cont, Bllilr] said, renl3h/s in i d:iv. of' dry wcalher. Avoid paint- inv tit the dil'ec, t sun, <!.n{t in wind the state for allo(,lilitm hy lh('lti)a.t eltn ])low .;and arid dirt all state execntive committee. 'ovo)' tile j()i). THE 60 PER CENT ()f 1,()62 Ir:e only ]llflrine paint with tiny raised in Mason county am(>unl(M wood hllll and follow the paint to $637.20, of which $385 w:m :ll- niallul'Hettlrel"S directions. Small locatcd to the hospital bed I]ay - , boats that are in salt water only ment plan at lho Silelton (](,nernl I durin°' actual use need no :::pecial Model G.16 toll Hospitall '[)lum wyote in rt letier to I i)ottom paint, but iilose left in 26" Iwclih . . , FI/! it 10 HP a Shelton eanccr worker, while i(lle must havc an 'mti-foul- The suln of "$2,:{.t0 was alhmatcd I illl' paint on tim bottom. Laun('h- for tlu yearly operation of thc I ing tim ]]oat i)efol'e eupper-bottom i Thursten-Mason cr;unty cancer de-[ inorel)atnt effective, is entirely dry nmkes it tection center at Olympia." The I Plywood boats shmfld ordin,r- tot,nl amount rsied in the state l 00ua'-'er ,list ,ear I'iiv ;,ave n, ore p*int, o, ,,a,o00sh. lli,.n other types. qPll. CANCER CAN ho cured oillv if I A finM coat of marine en:lnlol • ,,,age it is found and treated early. ;rhe o,' spin' va,'nisil ,\\;'ill give almost danger signals incllide (i) ally ll.]ly boat an glossy ap- demonstration on,,# sore that does not heal, particu- pearance. About the' only reason larly about the tongue, mouth or for following,enamel with varnish I lips, 121 a painless lump or thick- is to protecl tile enamel from vegetation evenly ening, especially in the breast, scratches. A final coat or two of depth...aer, lip or tongue, t3) progressive varni.,ih is recommended fin' al- it humus..0 I change in the color or size of a most any boat in regular salt and profits for , wart mole or birthmark, (4) per- water use, I slstent indt,estion, (5) persistent Varnish and the last coat of SIELTON-I?IASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursday mornnlg Meinlier Of WlIRlllngloli N(:w,¢liallor t)tlbll,hPr.q. A,,toeltl.tloli alid No.liollsJ li]dlhiri:tl /,ll,qol!ifllillll Elit0red a,q P(,rin(I-f,l,'lMR lli:i|h.r fil file polll,rlioe :il [qholton, Waiilnl),,ton WILFORD L. JESt;lIP AND A.q4OOIATE,q, Pnb]iMors Subscription Rate. : $,'].50 pt,r y(uir Jl) ,"lllv,qllel,; i'i lil,)lltli .q}L){lO; ,llli(l! M:loil (,,)lliily $3.7 Modern Martyrs all garden hoarseness, unexplained cough or enamel, will look better if "flow- tine unit with difficulty in swallowing. {6} bloody ed" on, not vigorously brushed, i COOPERATIV E FARM-GAME DEPARTMENT on both garden discharge from the nipple or ir- Don't varnish a surface too hot or 'P°wertake.offmodels. regular blecding from any of the to<, <'old and don't shake or sti," BIRD ItABITAT PROJECTS PROGRESSING terms, natural body organs, (7) any the va)'msh, for that will only fill it with bubbles. I Much progress was made on the birds have been installed, fencing A natural-finish hull should 1)el Sol'met Cooperative Ut:)hmd Bird has been provided and other work free from discoloration before habitat program during the past done to help provide greatly im- nlore varnish ;; addcd. If sand- year. ing won't relnove discolorations, Probably the most important The deparLment has habitat pro- tree varnish remover. Some bad single item of progress, was the e.ases have to be scraped down to standardization of meUlods in ae- bare wood. Never nse a blow quit]on and development of habi- to]'eh on :t nal;ural-finished ]]till tat areas. - that only blackens everything. These areas are set aside by tile Any unpainted surface that is to farmers in agreement wittt the receive varnish should he well game department, which super- washed, then completely dried and vises the habitat (levolopment fhmly sanded first, work. . - .......................... Grass strips and areas along IllI,L(711ET IAI)iE;'4 (riBCLE draws have beer obtained for The Hillcrest; Catholic Ladies planting to permanent nesting Circle will meet at 1 p.m., April cover', feed stations have been es- itt the home of ]Vl]'s. Hem'y tablished, numer.ons plantings (if ,lost, 66H, Dearborn. multiflol'a rose have been made, 'l"}m lmt meeting was held at cist'erns, catch basins and other ihe horse of Mrs. Stuart McGee. means of supplying water for the 001684.90 .( Delivered Here, License and State Tax Extra)l UYsu MU II ,%, ',/ FORD SIX TUDOR SEDAN Thls de!ivered prlce Includes transportation from the foctory, federal taxes and an oil filter and oir filter, too. And It includt that wonderful new Ford "feel" I I i the feel of Ford'l "Mid Shlp" Rlde i i ; the feltl of Iord' "Magl Action" Brokes l i l the feel of new "Hydro-Coil" and "Fara-Flex" Sprlngs that smooth the bumps ; I i "Fingertip" Steerinll. Come In ond drive the '49 Ford. You'll want to order right now. in your filtum. A1 H/terby Notors 5th & .lilroad Avenue, Shelton Phone 16 grams nnder way in Douglas Cotlnty, Clallam County, Benton Cotlnty, Whateom County a n d IAneoln County, but tilese pro- grams are not extensive as those in Spokane and Adams Counties. One of the major progran4s in the planning stage is that for the Columbia Basin project. Much work also is being done rby the lands division oP the game department with Pittman-Robert- m :,Page .7  I II I II I IIII"I[L I E _ •  THi00 AS THEY 00Eltl [ ((}OlninilOd l'y, llll ]),[O ]) I ,¢teeuHty depal'tnlont at" Olympia. I Tiffs trend, the itt;'port says \\;villi continue for sonle lisle, lPavorahle I \\;veathoY has )ocl'-il It vital fn(qor, I since agricultnre has now opene(I I up and the retm'n of Idle men to i ,;wlnills anti log..%'ing iudusLrie:; is I ItO"" [n progi:e:::.. At the present; time there are apt)roxinlately 3.- 000 worker, imllnphLVed in Thin's- toll and M).tson (:ounties, comp'trcd to 4,500 tt month ago. Of this, num4)el' about 2,000 are in Oly]-t- I pie and, iLs imnlediate vicinity. II I Business Ln general shonht gradtl-il ally rettn'n to normal basis as soon as our niltjor industries Of logging, hlrnbm', plywood and ag- riculture are returned to capRcity production. The two major in- dustries of logging and hlmbering are in the process of returning to normal production. Several op- erations are working at full ca- pacity. Some logging' ope#tions are still down due to snow and gyppo loggers are still hampered by soft private roads. Only one veneer plant in this area remain- ed closed and that is due to re- organization. All others are oper- ] ating at or near normal schedules, i a condition that was not prewl- lent a few weeks ago. IIN recent weeks the thesis has L been advanced that the rate at which economic activities begin to pick tip during spring months will fflve the cue to whether the year 1949 is to be known as an- "other period of near record pros- perity or whether it will be re- membered as the year of the first major post war recession. Enl- ployment gains and unemploy- ment decreases will be closely ob- served in this c6nnection. Non- agricultural employment increas- led nearly 10,000 between mid- IFebruary and mid-March. Prac- [tically all of the gain is identt- i fled with construction and manu- I facturing. Construction increased by 3,500. The lumber industry ac- counted for most. of the manu- facturing gains with an increase of 4,000. There were other note- worthy gains; aircraft, shipbuild- ing, primary metals, stone, clay aml glass, and food processing each added workers. Declining in-I dustries inclnde chemicals, ma- chinery, and transportation. The' large wholesale and retail trade  group did little better than hold its own. The fact' that the state's employment is nearly equal to last year's level for the same period tends to make th unfavorable si- ttlaUon of the past months seem less serious. It should be remem- bered, however, that the year 1948 witnessed considerable industrial development. During the latter part of 1948 nonagricultural era- son (federal) funds. Habitat de-] ployment was exceeding the 1947 velopment tracts are located as record by over three per cent. If follows Yakima-Benton Col sties, the economy had e.ontinued to op- 7; KitUtas, 5; Thurston-Pierce, 9; crate at the 1948 cltp throughont Lewis, 3; Skagit-Snohomish, 7; the winter, employment would Whatcom, 6, and Island, 3. have now been substantially above nother of the major programs the last year level rather than u;.ler the lands division ts that re- slightly below. • la'ing t o t il e Columbia Basin Project. Habitat ai'eas on state .T ° our desk has come.:tt ,hi.- hind have been selected, with a l I chur e from "Georg|as ldrgest ! total of .a,3 to be chosen prior to tobaeet.lnaket," 'SOtlti Georgia's Alloust, L949. 'Selection is based livestock center," and "Leave Us tm land classification and location Alone Week headquarters," tn in regLrd Lo possible farm units. Douglas, Georgia, The pamphlet Areas are from ° 10 to 20 acres in urges us to join ill making April size, with full habitat develop- 1-8 national "Leave Us Alone ment being planned for them as Week," a seven-day period dedi- scum as such work is possible, , cited to the merchants and bus]- ................... nessmen of the nation tn whieh H CI i i they keep themselves f,,ee fro,n ouse ean ng n fund-raising drives and soliettors. .,.... Mcr%ar., City ,t woukl seem to us that snch )S a movement would collect great many followers. Knowing how Park is Scheduled merchants and b.siness bot,ses are asked to eontribute to in- House-cleaning and modernizing numerable canses, good arid bad, of the McCleary city park for we can understand how a week's conmlunity use this summer was breather would be appreciated. reported by the McCleary Park The "week" purportedly started Boar(I this week. as n, publicity gag in Coffee coltn- Bus Worland, chairman, an- t y, Georgia, during March, 1948. nounced building of an olitdom' It was such a success that it c.ooking oven is to be started soon will be made an anmlal event. by Isadore "Shorty" Croci, who The idea now Is to give the nler- also is supplying two drinking chants at, least one week of the fountains which are to be install- year free from solicitors so they, ed in the park area. the merchants, can take care of TWO llUHTIC dining tables, their customers. Another objec- each equipped with benches, have tive, says the Coffee county been set tip for the convenience Chamber of Commerce, Is to "give oi families Wishing to "eat out" merchants time to figure how they an(1 the park board has received are going to pay back the money 400 feet of pipe to be used in pip- they borrowed to pay their in- ing water around the grounds, come tax." It could be a break for Win'land and other board mere- the merchants, but the trouble is hers, Kelly Thornton, Ernie Tea- they probably will be lair twice as gle amd O. C. Woods. will meet in hard the following' week. the parr this,, week to line off e areas for future improvements. A 'PPOSINC a veteranW bonus is tennm court is planned for con- t# about as thafikless a task for struction when the board has a politician as questioning school Iuuds to complete the project, finances or bucking old-age pen- To stimulate juvenile activity on sions. It takes real political cour- the grounds, the bord is install- age to scrutinize appropriations ing a "cireus" and "merry-go- In any of those categories, for rotmd" built of pipe. The circus there are powerful forces behind included acting bat's, trapeze and each of them; forces which regard monkey rings, thetr demands as almost "holv" ' THIE LIGHTED softball .field and untouchable. The recnt ro'il- has been improved with the call vote in Congress which shelv- spreading of 400 yards of dirt: ed the idea for a gigantic veter- and 25 loads of gravel has been ass' pension bill. therefore, was placed in the children's play area somewhat of a miracle. There to provide drainage, were enough congressmen, how- . evel', wiIling t,o stand up and be .vvvvrv.....v,r.vvvvv* counted against an idea which Kamilche News wou,d h.00o ha. a ter,,f,c ,mpact on the nation's treasury and which By Bertha Taylor does not seem to have had the Mrs. Clova Alaways of Clear unified support of the veterans themse]v0s. In our own state, the Lake, VaSh. is visiting with her idea of .olie irVlustry---the tobacco sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and business--- fihancing a 'Veterans' Mrs. H. Carr. bonus bill is very much alive lies. Mrs. Esther Boise and daughter pile the one eourt ruling tat it of BremerLon visited at the Ray is unconstitutional. A veteran Of Keyzer home one day last. week. World VCar II was the only nega- :Nil'. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox were tire voter when the idea was ap- Sunday callers at the home of proved by the House of Represen Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schiler. tat]yes. "T"h e Senate likewise Progress Grange will hold a adopted it and the Governor has Bingo Party this :Friday, April signed the hill. There still re- 15 at 8 p.m. A special table will mains the poss0aility of further be se tip for the yotmgsters cmtrt disapproval. If the qourt lveryone welcome, i should rule again that the itate Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ball of Aber- i veterans' bonus plan is mit of deen called on Harold Carr and order, the next Legislature will Roy Carr on Sunday. have an opportunity for both Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schiller will be courage and intelligence, It can at home after this week to their turn to an ex'cellent ate Syst:em friends on Bremerton, Rte 6 .... such as the "Nebraskt Plan"- .... Progress Grange will have an- which providesself-perpetuating other dance on April 23. Soon emergency aid for truly needy we'll have enough money to put veterans. a lew floor' in out' hall. Progress Grange will celebrate it,s 40th Anniversary on April 23. RAINBOW SKATING PARTY It will be pot luck. It is hoped Aaother Rainbow skating party all members that Joined when the. vi]J be held on April 19 at 7:30 VHK " Grlge was first started will be I in'the rfftk on Mt. VLew. ACADEMY OFH00( SELECTS THE '49 FORD AS "FASHIOH CAR OF THE YEAR" present, The reports at present " "InitiatiOn Will be held on April " "' [t 'l)j that we have about fOUl' 25: The tnee{ing will 'start prompt- S 'T ' TA,.. FY LL N(.II1,, for Buslnes, /lr,ll< From a sandwich to a blue-plate special, you'll find our lunches give you the energy you need to carry you through the afternoon. Pre- pared to suit your taste--priced to fit your budget. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY HEINIE H|LDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX CAFE Modern $c;ence ;s achieving mlracles in the treatment of poliomyelitisbut proper medical care over the usul;::::S; prolonged period of recovery can strain family finances to the breaking point. / lrrovident's Security Polio Policy pays up to $5,000.00 ]or eatb insured member el tDe ]nmily who is stricken by' this dread disease---enough to guaraatee the most advanced treatment and the best of mcdical care--at a €ol eu#r [amil s can ,il affo,d. . Provident Life & Accident Insurance Co. YOUR NAME HERE Blank Bldg , City and Ste Phone Central 99 Please rush full information regarding MAIL Provident's SECURITY POLIO Policy COUPON Name .... -- TODAY Address .... : .... -- (Poll II i !I " IN$11RIqNC00 )r REAL ESTkTE- ltDIDS ,NOTARY PUBLIC PHONE 304, • SH:ELTON., WASH. t ............................................................................................................................ -e ....................... NOWl Beautiful KENTILE FLOORS are GUARANTEED for the Life of Your Home Now, you can create your own design in your choicB of beautlful Kentile colors and your Kentile floor will be installed quickly and easily...tHe by tile... in any room in your house. Wonderful colors can't wear off;..they go clear through to the back of each tile, Kentile wears so long, resists soil and'll say it's the easiest floor to keep clean you've ever'knownl COME IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATi! TODAY zczxTZZ00 )*. / AVERAGE 8 x 10 KITCHEN COMPLETELY INSTALLED ABOUT s27,000 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Established 1895 people left of the original. I.l..k