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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ge 8 __ , ,,, , ,,, , , , , , SHELTON-MASON, COUNTY JOURNAL i , i i lear [ ......................... A W||J ! VI||L} U[IIU  |Ttluilding, has moved his headq uar- B ............ ..... "&apos;':::: " ¢" , ',', " ,,,  " &It &f hff &l  4g ,#' lht & &Yl< lA &lg&| it lld building" ,1 I: sl.r,,,L, Mr. View. | rC 1 rNl'I3t MASON I*,i Ill ll !11 !1 /11 I I I lU r. I I. I-I , II i,'/ t''rs t<'thc ne'v I'.U.I'. ::w',r,,housc. I N| / MOflg t,t"Tt41E tqlTlOIq IN PApl AN PAPRBOAR [  t'Ahot i],s h,',,u [';,'i:, (h,' space '--. '|" COUNTY RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS ] ' 1/OUCXION 114 1946--o /,T.8.t €'.0e,9.) 7"o,qa I Among scveral recent improve- I inf., plumbings, an€ v,frigerat.ion o '('uo €,(1 v t e ('a'r, FI ctri'  vAtu , .1 'moJit.s made by Ralph Crabill ,,ten,Jneoring firm. '','*: :J'., o  *,' "z""  ld' "a his gr),ery store on Hillcrest is' Ah, g witl, tles, in:pr, ve,cxt; :'t l,.]..i"(<'t, x , 't v,,r ;:;; " ' ' 1 tbe installation of Mason Cotmty's Mr. C:rabill has ,,is,, (,hanged ti,,',: "F[:e' ,.,t:v : i,., :  ' :: €,I ,r-I ANNOUNCES THE WINNERS OF RAWLEIGtI'S I ¢[t first self service free-vision open- store's name from t.alph's Grocery ,ltc, I:,(:1 ,i sin,,1,, 'h,,H,,, "H¢' -" top meat and dairy products re-'to l{alph's V'ine I"ooq.; new tch h, (." :",), ;'is'';'8 ::;c'; fz'tgerator unit. " ....... !tit(! now in:tiling ,,cl,.tt',!s.'; is 13ox ] 60TH ANNIVERSARY AWARDS 'fhc handsome new food preserv- Advice on new beauty tech-il5S S(,i¢) ing display unit was placed it I niques, hair care and male-up i,s; ..... ::: :: .... [ operation last week and e.ompleted! offered with expert ba, cl:ground[ .:tl,s:utnshi, ,.,,(,,,<,,,.d ,i ,',,,',,'d, 1. Mrs. William Reitdorf - - Highest Sale of Week a general re-arrangenlent and Ira- t by MeConkey Pharmacy now fol- t,, Bill Jackso  and I?.av B ill nan, I l Olo.lqLw,hh, I provement of tile stove w:ich ] lowing the recent 'ttendance of I it thtir Rnv's Richfield Setvic-, !  dT-¢ R T') P llhaxr First Number I + m--"ro+A u.,;. p,a ., I within the past wek weeks has] MISS Helen Price at the I)uBarry I For sc, lli,:ff the most Cbevroh,tl =  PAPOPlotO¢"rtom 19.1o1,9 J included the addition of several cosmetic school in Seattle. parts ¢1' a'ny auto I)rts distri!- q ,T, 1. W Tnxrln- ..... new mer(,handise islands and dis- * * * !uting point in Mason County (Itu'-i ............. --,-d,v, Second Number  (zoooe) "r I play counters. I Consolidating his office storo-j ing the first qu:lrter of 19It) {hey] :  , The new refrigel'ation unit was  roonl and repair slIop into one lo- i received t taJ)h, n(*ch,1 t:."diollt + I installed by Emmett Smith of cation, Craig Eliot, Shdt(,n ehc-[ rndio from tl:e Moll Chevrolet] ........ Smith & Wilson, Inc., local heat-, trica engineer who has been doing Conlpany. i "t, J.J:" =_._ ' ""15" -t HIt, A. "m ,t,t-. I I _..#J4(,k " ' 11, `.+' i" O ou I h=m'lt'u -?_..............rl, t,Il .':'a  w c'r,/ I ,me++++ 'I I * E' 311 • / we+m+m I 1 + ++"++"+ .,I .... ,++-,- .. I'. t"- i I Earthquake Shocks [ ,tl DEATHS P' Shelton Wednesday ,,:M,, ,,,,,,..+.,.,,.,: ANDE|{SON (C(+IttJlILI<* ll",lll ]Rgt' ]:1 went on era( l'!"ency h:]si8 foI' , short time '4 'ter the tremor witll excited perso,s making calls seeR- ing and givi.g information. Groceries Look a big dt'(,p at the Safeway store. The quake dis- lodged shelves of canned goods and glass j.trs that rolled and broke on the floor. A wall was cracked and plaster fell. A lleavy door to the money :a.fe at the Shelton branch of Seattle- First National Bank was opened several feel willie the transoms overhead fh£ttered. A main sup- porting" cross bean] on Lhe ceil- ing was reported swaytng with snake-lil(e movement. EAI{I,Y I{EI'OliTN indicated no serious damage was clone in the mills, but checl-nps ave being nlade. Water in reservoirs at the Shel- ton Airport was sloshing over tile tips duringthe height of th¢ ire- ]hers. No "visible" damag( was ]'e- ported Fire Clicf 'rhcoclore Deer asks that all persons check possible damage in their )tomes to ehinl- neys, oil and gas connections and electrical wiring. The earthquake was spread ev- e1' a htrge area of tile Northwest fl'onl VancollveJ. Wash., nol'th to the Canadian border. Shelton's sturdy I)tiildings survived the shock ,,athei' well. Finance Leaders Piepare Campaign (('l)llIII1Ll'd IINIII ])tlt + ] }' ton. '['lese will be availal)le both in advance of the festival and (lur- in the cclebration, hlay 12 13 :.n (J 14. W. F. McCttnn has vohmtcered to head tile festival bannel' torn- rnittee, President. Werbergev an- nounced. [cCann is to <.on,act. till firnls tnd organizations which ;pollsored street bannel's ltst ye[Iz' and to supervise banner installa- lions ahead of this yen r's festi- val. QILEEN MARY (Tal'nes tnd Princesses Ella Mac Noble. Lot:, Ayers, Chh)e Dickin,on :tnd Bet- ty N@+WnlAII were gue;4ts of honov in Olympia today. They were t() a.ccot]lpany V, erberger to tOovev- nor Artlmr B. Langlie's office m the ,fternoon and to be guests at the GoVe,'nor's Dinner. spon- sored by tle Ke;ep Washington Green Association in ,,he Hotel OLYmpian this evening. Funeral services for Emma Christine Anderson 7. were held at 2 p.zn. April 13 from Witsiers l"une,'al Home with tile Reveveltl I Sam MeGill officiating. After a. short illness .;lle was taken to a Shelton hospital where she died April 10. Born May 22. 1941. in Shelton, I she had lived here all Iler life. Her family belongs to the Assem- bly of God Tabernacle. Survivors melt,de her fatller Albert L. Anderso]l, nlother, MI'S. Lois Anderson. both of Shelton. two brothers. David Anderson. 5. and Richard Anderson. 2, Shelton; tllree sisters, Dorothy Anderson. 14 Eillen. ]2. and Darleen, 10. alJ of Shelton: grandmotller. Mrs. Christina Vig, Shelton, and grand- father, F.obert Meister. W o l f Point. Mont. Interment was In Shelton Menl- " orial Park. I[ICIIARD WYATT ,'ANDEI:I,IN A ,.esident of Belfair commun- ity for 18 years. Richard Wyatt Sanderlin. 59. died in a Brernerton hospital April 9. and the funeral service was hel(I at 2 p.m. At),dl 12 f,'onl Witsiers Funeral Hol,le ill She]ton with the Reverend Wayne Wright in charge. Mr. Sa.nderlin was b(,rn October 31. 1890. in Salem. N.J. Survivors include his wife. Gladys Stndcrlln. Belfair; + t+wo , sons. licbard W. Sandcrlin. Mal- imkus, Maine. and Franl¢ E. San- ) rlin, Belfair; five daugiters. Mrs. Sylvia Petty. Olympia. Mrs. Nona (?vou(.h and F;ntna Mtl'te and Glol'ii Sttnderlin. all of Bel- fail'; i slste,', h{,'s. I)ortt Tbontp- .non. Stlem. N.,I.. an(1 four Kran(I- I cllihh*en. Interment was in Shelton Menl- orial Pal'l¢,, ] Union Firemen Meet t At Buechel's Garage I Men residing in the Union nei':h- I borhood tre invited to att.enrt a meeting of the Union volunteer fire department tt+ Dick Bueehel':; garage Thursday evening aL 8 o'clock. A demonstration of eqtupnlent in the Union fire ha.ll al,d tra,n- ing' of voh,nteers in the handling of the fire truck and eqnipmenL DIVOi(CE One final decree,of divol'ce wa:s signed April 1G in the Super,or Court of Judg'c Charle. T. Wright. It was the case of Kenneth S. Hansen vs. Bz'Jdget L. t fansel. I PHEASANT PROI)UCTION FARMS BUSY THIS[ TIME OF YEAR TAKING BROODSTOCK EGGS[ The plle£tsant t)roductton t'arnls pervisor, expects till, l)roduetion operated by the state game de- partment are busy places these days;' as tbe various farm super- lntendents and their staff pre- pare for another bird hatching leason The various game fttl'nls ha, ve been put in tip-top shape during the. fall and winter months. }uildinRs have been repaired, fencing worl¢ done and other projects carried .out So tllat an- other 100,000 offd birds c'an be prodUc(!d' this ,pring. Harold Witham, game farm su- t _ . . Ticklers on the vat'iotts farms will put the l department near the top of the national list again. Production last year totalled 117.000 bh'ds. The game farms are located at Colville.' Deer Park. Kennewick. Coupeville. Walla Walla, Auburn, Wintbrop, Ellensburg. Yakima, Centralia and South't ,,'onl The taking of eggs from brood- stock at Lhe vai lt,tlS lal'Ins Will be followed by release (,f thcad, dt birds SO hey can nest az<l ,'ai:+e their bro0ds under natural cot- ditions. By George GARDENSIDE. STANDARD, SWEET GREEN PEAS ....... 00ooz00.. 9 € GLENN AIRE OR LIBBY'S, WHOI.E SEGMENTS GRAPEFRUIT 3 Calls 50 ¢ ROUND GOLDEN PARTY CRACKERS TEA TIMERS ....... l-lb. pkg. 25 = GARDENSIDE. A WONDERFUL VALUE! 29-OZ. TOMATOES ...... 2++,.+ ]]o Libby's, halves or slices. Cling PEACHES. 30-oz. 31¢ Catle Crest, halves or slices" PEACHES. 30-oz. 29¢ Del Monte, 17-oz. can Boysenberries ...... 27e Hostess Delight, 17-oz. can Fruit COCKTAIL 21¢ Libby's, Hawaiian. 46-oz. Pineapple Juice .... 39¢ Welch's, Pure Grape Juice ...... (i t . 45 Town House. 46-oz. can Grapefruit Juice .. 25¢ Wcstfair Apple Juice .... qt. 19¢ Whole Kernels, 12-oz. NIBLETS ......... 2 35C Walla Walla, fancy. "-Ib. GREEN PEAS ...... 15e Blue Tag, fancy, sliced. 19-oz. GREEN BEANS '" Libby's or King's Gate Tomatoes 19-oz. 20c L/bby's. King Size Ripe Olives 89z-oz. 31e Nallcy's Treasure Pickles ........ 12-oz. 24c Zesty, rich, 14-oz. lIeinz Ketchup ...... 24c Moncta, 11W-oz. bottlc Chili Sauce .......... 19¢ Sm from 5c to 10c' per pound imil,iiimmIm N . ]xt,y 93 € blend ,2-LB..- m mmmm mmm AII RWA'Ir m:ta ,.a 89 ¢ mellow : 2-LB. = ==1= EDWARDS .... "SL' - ' c  De luxe +,+,.03 4-LB. $2.(,5 LAIGE EGGS = Large "AA" White DOZ. PAAS EGG DYES, double-size 2/27¢ Nu-Made, guaranteed fresh MAYONNAISE .... qt. 76¢ Nalley's, popular MAYONNAISE .... pt. 43( Lunch Box (Quart 63¢) Pint SANDVtrlCH SPREAD 35¢ Dutch Mill, 2-lb. loaf AMERICAN CHEESE 91¢ PivaLc's Gold, 2-Lb, GRAHAM Crackers .. 57¢ "Bader's" round, fresh Shortbread COOKIES 19¢ ,OOK &'' I'IIIEPE LOW PRUCES ON FANCY SKINNED FULL HALF OR WHOLE Short shank. 16-1b. sizes and under. Diamond "F." 59,= Fancy Skinned Hams. Ar- mour's "Star" or Morrell's "Pride,' Rath Blackhawk, Hormel's Dairy. under Lb.V = Ibs. LB. i SPRING WINE FAIR Roma Dessert Wines .. 5th 99¢ Roma Dinner Wines ... 5th 82¢ WER- BERGER Dessert Wines 5TH 97¢ LUCERNE MILK Grade "A" Homogenized or Regular. Fresh Daily Quart 18= COTTAGE CHEESE, mossom T,,e ... l-,b. _. c HALF & HALF, 4([€ Lucerne ................ Pt. JL COFFEE CREAM, 22 ¢ Lucerne .............. t/2-Pt. POTATO BREAD MRS. WRIGHT'S ,+**,,,,,++,,++,o,,14 = rilht aw,ty  ...... LB. White or Wheat ,rs. Wright's. enriched, 21  tendc,'. . 1i/2-1b. loaf ""°Y FRYEIkS DRAWN Head and feet removed! The mod- ern, sanitary way to buy 63 ¢ Chickens ...................... LB. Round Bone Cut. Shoulder PORK ROAST ........ lb. 49¢ Rib End, Loin PORK ROAST ........ lb. 57¢ Half or Whole, Fresh PORK LEG ............ lb. 63¢ FRESH BU?TER +. 62 = , ENREBE FLOUR i "";;;" :{,:',. ,?;° l°'lbAs:' CORN :ME LL SHORTENIHG Purpose, Saving O3 Pr+ce' 3-lb. SPRY SHORTENIN00 vegetable. When you bake or fry, 3-lb. SNqWDRIFT +o,, 89': light pastries and cakcsl "%lb.u ASPARAEU5 CRISP, TENDER" SPEARS DELICATE FLAVOR U. S. NO. 1 GRADE, FANCY 12Vz= RHUBARB GRAPEFRUIT Strawberry Variety, Fancy, 5¢ Florida, Macsh Seedless, 91/2 Long Even Stalks Large Size - Full € Outdoor LB. of Juice LB. • GREEN ONIONS or Radishes ........................ 3 bunches 13¢ • TOMATOES, facy, solid ......................... 12-oz. carton 23¢ • PEAS, long full pods ................................................. lb. 12¢ •SPINACH, washed and trimmed .................. 10-oz. pkg. 19¢- • FLORIDA ORANGES, Valencias ............................ lb. 8n¢ • WINESAP APPLES, fancy and extra fa:cy 4-lb. bag 49¢ PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATUROAY, APRIL 15 & 16, 1948, SUBJECT TO MAflKI:.T CHANCRES ANID S'r'C) CK rN SHELTON. NO SALES TO DE/LERS. SORRY, WL MUST FlllSERVE "'|..E RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Package of 8 HOT CROSS BUNS .... So¢iete, Jelly Candy BIRD EGGS .......... lb. Snow Cloud, 8-oz. cello MARSItlVlALLOWS Tuxedo KISS=KETS ........ 8-oz. Camel, Lucky Strike (Ctn. 1.69) CIGARETES ...... Case (24) Stubbles RAINIER BEER .. cs, H Cudahy's "Gold Coin" SLICED BACON ... U.S. Graded "Good," Standir RIB ROAST .......... U.S. Graded "Good" Beef RUMP ROAST ...... U.S. Graded "Good" LEG OF LAMB .... Medium Size, Paoific FRESH OYSTERS Whole, Pacific FRESH CRAB ........ "FAB"-DE Buy a pkg. at reg- 41 ular price, get one more for I/2 price! l'-ItS. WHITE KIN Granulated. Makes lots of suds. Washes whlte. -OZ. LUX SOA The toilet soap of 1 the movie stars. Regular For IVORY S Pure, mild, floating 4 Ivory Soap, Famous for years! Personal For LAVA SOA Cleans grimy hands quickly. Wonderful for mechanics. Bar PAR SOA The granulated soap that contains Hello. Big Savingl 'OZ. ,,' g¢+pi,g house, d¢,'. EVe" ling is upside ¢ownY'