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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 1.0 ............ ............... &apos; "'"' Des Koch Wins 3 ...... + .......... , 3 R E A S O N S T Why LO[ S RADIO Can rve You Best 1 TOP GRADE PARTS 2 GUARANTEED SERVICE lb PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD HONP.S BUSINESS IS G()()D BUSINESS LET LOU,S RADIO SERVE YOU Mt. View - Near Skating Rin PHONE 675-W Events As Sheiton Takes00d Place e' Scoring  single point in th. relay, the Shd!to 141ghchmbers edged M0ntesan0 for 'second place in a quadragldar track mee at Hoqlliam lriy, 28 ta 27. The Climbe'rs ap.d Bulldogs were sand- %viched between Ha'qiam' 66 2-3 points and South lbn's 19 1-3 points. . Des Koch, Shelton's all-around star, was individual high point performer in the meet with, three first laces, in tile discus, .high hurdles and, shutptlt. He wins te only first place winner for the Highcllnbers, He heaved the'plat- ter 143 feel 6 inches, the shot 43 feet 7/. inches, and skid]med the high slicks'in 16.8 secorls. Other Highclirnber points were earned by s:'ond places scorefl by Tike Hillman 'in the broldjBm and Bob Phillips in the 220 yard clash third places registered, b.y Phlllip., ti the century, Joln Mar- shall in the mile, Paul Kocl i the discus, and the relay team: .......................... by Jack Davidson's fourth in ..... ande lO0 yard dash. , .......................... th+h e .......................... _ Highclimbers will partici- pate  in the anmxal @entralia re- lays at Ceptralia this Saturday. FRISKEN S The meet results at Hoquiam: pole vault Crook (SB). Free- man (Hi. Beardslee (M}, and FUEL KIDS .,oi,0000on sankus ,.l, Free- man tI-[. 11 feet, 3 inches. l½igh hurdles Koch iS), Ray HAVE OIL ON HAND (l); McFeely (H), Smit'h (M), 16.8. FOR EA<JTEI DAY. 110-yard dash ..... Bo/danovich M), Smiley (HI, Phlllilm (), IM CAGE OLD ,L Davlqon is). :10.7. Mile-Vigron (M}. Watson IH). Marshall (), Neiworti (l-I). 4.48. Shot put .... Koch (,"4), Wardh)w (]-1), PJogdanoviel] (MS, Sanl<tls H). 43 feet. 7: inches. 440 Crook ISB), Slroln (]..I), Church (SB), Davis (HI. :56.6, Low hlrdles.-MeFeely (Hi, Os- tergard IH), Arias (SB) Tl'aut- man M). :13.1. High jump--Roberts (Hi, Vuk- ich tM), Lamb (M), Wardlaw (Hi, Moore (HI, 5 feet, 5 inches. Discus--KtmJt (), Wetland (Hi. Sankus (H) IL Koch iS). 143 ft., 6 , inches. Take the pain out of chilly 220-yard dash-Lauritsen (Hi, nights and mornings by putting Phlllil)s iS), Lahti (SB) Moore cold to rout. We're ready to (H). :24.]. 880 Elway (H), Bear&slee (M), deliver a full tank of fuel oil at WeAsel (H), Perry (H). 2:10.5. a momen't notice. . BroadJump ..... Haelquist (H}, Keep your tanks full of oil and Hllhnan (½), Lamb (M), Traut- man (M). 19 feet, 7 inches. your home will always be warm. Relay -- Hoquiam" (Ostergard, .......................................  ........ -= .....  Roberts, Smiley, Latlx'itsen). South Bend, ,helton. 1.38. STORAGE TANKS ........................................ 50 to 1,000 Gallons for new burner Installations. GO TO CIIURCH SUNDAY ANNUAL PLE/k TO LEAVE FAWNS ALONE SOUNDED Spring means the arrival of fawns, aml also means it is time for the annua warning against handling or "recuing" ann young deer which slay be found alone in the woods, Game Director Don W. Clarke declares. "Each year we get reports of well-mooRing persons who pick up young deer which they find," Clarke said this week. *'Again we mtlst emphasize that these fawns are not last, that their mothers are nearbr" "If the fawns are handled by humans, the molihers will desert them. ' "Leave them strictly alone. Tak- ing them into captivity can mean arrest by a,game protector." i ii i i i i •  i _ .  . i i Plus til.54 Federal Tax Installation Extra RCA Vlte 81'241. AC elmtlen. The Byander, greatest Eye Witm valu in. the history of television, means that any, fattlh y¢l fmily can now afford the exciting entertatmmnt of ttite tele- vision. Bright, clear pictures on a big $2=lq.@n. icree,, by RCA Victor's Eye Witmu Picture tt. chronizer. Simplified controls. Mlti-Chmme| Automatic Station Selector. Walnut or mahogam/firdlb, illond finish slightly higher. *ls=tllntbn by oxllerts b yours when you pmhase the RCA Victor Televn Ownar Cordract. Thl= contract covers oil dtorses for anfenna and imtalletlon by faOory-trained expert= of the RCA Service Company, and a full year's guarantoa of fine Eye Wifm,H pedormam:o. SEE US FOR A DMONsTRATION EELLS & VALLEY A?PLIANCE CENTER 123 S. ID STREET -- PHONE 354 ' . . .:_.._. ,i ....... 2.. :,: -,. ...... '. ! ................................ ' " " i iii i jll ii J II i A. •  ..... . AT THE AC OF* I% VOLLEYED AND BACKHANDED THE 5K-FtLS 01: THE 948 IT- IQMAL %INGL AT FOREST nlLk. HE TUMI)HE:D [ GvJ ,cJ.L- A H/;'V LIKA.,.JR.,hJD OARDNEP UL- BEF01I r BOWING TO %"£ffH AFrICa'5 EIC STU'. H1M.{LF ONE C THE BIGHIET Pk-SPi:.:CT5 ONI "IHI:: TENNI HOIZONI. .00COR, ING MARKS (RA(KED, ,, RESEARCH WINS SIMPSON FLAG SIMPSON MI,iN'N IA,L.(;I'I,: W Research ................ 26 IAllnhernlelt'S Mere. .... 22 It.cod Mill I "21 Reed Mill 2 21 Offi(.e . ..... 2l} Enginecring 19 Woodfihcr ...... 15 Olympic I)lywt>od 15 Hi sern, s Bah Stewart 672 Hi game Bah Stewart 258 ia l:; 17 IS 19 2,1 2,1 INi)IVII)I'AI S('OIHNG rec- Ol'(l, /oppled hviee in the Sallle night of play m the Simpson men's bowling circuit lasl week anti Research wral)|)e(I Hp the see- 1 The Silnpson ('ircuit winds ll) its secon(I hnlf s('hedlde lonig'ht, then I;,cse;H'cl and Iho fir.t h-if l (' lamp on l,]ndileCr.; t;n h' Al>ril.I 21 for till' scns()n':; Illh' :11(I lhc lr;ive|ing Iro]'dl)/ \\;vhJ II t't)¢' ',',=llh it. PIIEI' IIASEIAI,L S( '( )l{ l':S I)orl (-)r('h;H'd 5. Shelton .I , 10 ihnings, O'l)ea 6. St. Marlins 2 t3oistfort 4. Cenlr;/li: 1 ,'-:,1 Martins 7. Yclm 6 Olynxl>ia I;;. OtH(vilJe s AI)e)'(h,en I 1. M<)rlil):: ,t Thlll":Irl:lV Morgan & Lumber Co. 132,1 OLYMPIC HI6IIWAY Phone 656 Ior PITTSBURGII PAINTS HAULING • BUILDING SUPPLIES City Pin League Tied Going Into Last Night's.Play CITY BOWI,IN(t LEAGIE W Pastime ............................... 45 W.H.S. IClectric ............... 45 Simpson Loggers ............ 44 Beckwith Jewelry ............ 43 Frisken Oil ........................ 41 ].AlnlhoFnlen's Mere ......... 38 Lake Cushman ................ 4 Active Club ................... ;]4 47 Hi series.-George Merrier 580 Hi game-.-Phil Bayley 231 Matches i,'riday 7- -Simpson vs Activians Frisl(en vs L.M. 9 Cushlnan vs Pastime, I Beckwith vs Electric ,PRINTING for the tape, wlIieh t they'll hit tomorrow night, t'dur teams are still in the running for the city league bowling champion- ship, thanks to the 3 to 0 defeat Beckwith Jewelers hung on Pas- time in htst Friday's play and the shutout victory W.H.S. Electric posted over Lake Cushman. Those two results, t)lus the Simpson Loggers' 3 to 0 triumph over the Lumbernmn's Mercantile, left Pastime and'W.H.S. Electric tied for first place, the Loggers 'trailing one game back, and the Jewelers two games behind. The way the final night'q sched- ule falls, the fourth place Beck- 'with quintet could squeeze tlll-U to win the title by blanking tle Electricians while Pastime was losing a shutout decision to Cush- man and Simpson was dropping the odd game to the Activiaz. The way things have been going, it could happen. THE JEWELERS had the ben- efit of the night's best in(lividual scores Friday while goose-egging Pastime. George Merrick hung up;. the top series at 580 and Phil Bayley closed with n. 231 single game. Meanwhile, Bill Pearson had a big hand in winning the opener. I. H. Woods anti Ab Fisk paced the Electrician triumph ove r Lake Cushman, and Simpson won behind tim singlc game spurts of Fred Snclgrovc, Paul ]i'redson an'd Paul Marshall. The Active Club ended Frisken Oil's victory string with g 2 to 1 victory paced by Buck Price and Dick Gardner. SPORTS CLUB TRAP RANGE SCENE OF SUNDAY SlIOOTING " The Mason County Sports Chlb trap range was the scene for a meat and merchandise shoot last Sunday witl a ,large cFowd of scatter-gun artists ldrning out to win the prizes. Len Attwood, a double winner, made mire of his Easter dinner by taking home a huge ham. My- ron Lurid and Don Anderson were .other double winners. Lewis Ser- geant ran a straight string to win a ham. L. M. LaPlante, Les Hickham, Henry Jackstead, Dutch Lund, Jerry Eck Dick Coleman and Kel- ly Lund were single winners, Eddy Metzler and Lewis Sergeant pair- ed up in the buddy shoot. They beat out other pairs in a handl- cap finish and took pi'izvs, William Schirmer and Myron Lund had a shooting batt111, working back to the 2,7-yard marker before Schlrmer won. The public is invited to partici- pate, in future shoots: Plans aFe tmderway for leveling the grounds and for building' a cement ramp for shooting. We hope to have the job completed before long, H. J. Skelsey, club secretary said. Steelhead Program For Coming Year Ambitious Working in cooperation with the state fisheries department the fish malmgement division of the state game department estab- lished an ambitious steelhead pro- gram for 1949. The egg quotas were set as fol- lows: Samhh River, 150,000 eyed eggs; May Creek on Skykomlsh River, 150,900 eyed eggs; Green River, 390,000 eyed eggs; Lewis River, 100.000 eyed eggs. Development of tim summer run steelhead program in Southwest Washington has received much at- tention, with the fisheries man- agement division continuing its effort to establish runs of sum- mer steeltmad in several likely streams. PREP ',RACK (ORES MonEesano 2, South Bend 3.1 Longview 60, Chehalis 5q Centralia 78, Olympia 35 Aberdeen 69 1-3, Bremerton , , r ,, ,,, 43 2-3 j Tidesof the Week [ Comp.gted for Oakland Bay' I (Hood'Canal tides are one hour I and 55 minutes earlier} Thursday, April 14 Low .............. 12:59 a.m. 3.5 ft. L IHigh .............. 6:36 .m. 14.9 ft. 36 Low .............. 12:29 p.m. -1.7 ft. 36 High .............. 8:17 p.m. 14.6 ft. 37, Friday, ,april 15 38  Low .............. 1:47 a.m. 40 i High 7:08 a.m. 43 Low 2:13 p.m. 47 4.7 ft. 14.7 ft. -2.2 ft. 14.5 ft. High .............. 9:17 p,m. Naturday, April 16 Low .............. 2:39 a.m. 5.8 ft. High .............. 7:42 a.m. 14.1 ft. Low .............. 2:58 p.m. -2.1 ft. High .............. 10:20 p.m, ]4.3 ft. • Sunday, April 17 Low .............. 3:33 a.m. 6.8 ft. High .............. 8:22 ,.nt. 13.4 ft. Low .............. 3:48 p.m. -1.6 ft. High _____11 :26 p.m. 14.0 ft. Apr. Low ...... • ....... 4:40 7.4 ft. High .............. 9:05 12.5 ft. Low .............. 4;44 p.m -0.8 ft. Tuesday, April 19 High .............. 0:40 a,m. 13,9 ft. Low .............. 6:03 a.m. 7.5 ft. High .............. 9:58 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low .............. 5:45 p.m. 0.1 ft. Wednesday, AIr|l 20 High .............. 1:50 a.m. 13.9 ft. ,Low .............. 7:39 a.m, 7.2 ft. High 11:15 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low .............. 6:50 a.m. 0,9 ft. on(1 half title (lespite a 2 to 1 dofeai.. Kenny Fredson hehl lhe in(livid- ilal ttll'ee-gatne ree,.)rd L'or jllst two hours, his 65:; total breaking Ball Stewart'.'; l)r('viotm high of 612 on the earty shift and leading Wood- fiber to , 2 to 0 victory over Olympic Ilywood. Hc had games of 221, 228 and 204. But Stewart (.anm right back on the late shift and regained his place at the top of the list with a blazing 672 series, during which he also set a new single galne record of 258, which raised his own previous re(,ord which had been 246. The LumhermelVS Mer- cantile, with this sort of inspira- tion, climl)ed into second place with a 3 to 0 triumph over tle Office. Stewart's three games were 197. 217 and 258. REED MILL 2 was another shutout victor and climbed into a third place tie with Reed Mill 1 by blanking the first half cham- pion Engineers behind the scor- ing of Toad Sergeant and Jess Baxter. Reed Mill 1 earned the odd game froln the elmmpionship esearch chlb with De] Sergeant and Bud Temple pacing the wins. AIRPORT CAFE NOW OPEN DAILY Short Orders Lunches Pies - Cakes Soft Drinks Bertha Phillips, Prop. At Mason County Airport Sfudebake, #  ...AND CUT EVERY MILE Studebaker's sum total of value is "some total" New decorator-fabric upholsteries * New body colors • Self-adjusting brakes a Vari- able ratio "extra'-Ievexage" steering * Pan- o,'nmic vision a Seats centered between the axles • Low center of gravity • Glare-proof "hlack light" iostrument dials • Auto- matic hill hoJder--available on Champmns at slight added cost. but standard on other models. • Automatic overdrive. Clima- tizer heating and vcntilating, white side- wall t res and wheel trim rings or discs are optional at extra cost on all models. ..A OPER,TING economy speaks out to from every graceful, Iow-swnng line new 1949 Studebaker. You don't see a trace of gas-wastin age in a new Studebaker's flight-streamed Studebaker's an all-out thriller of a kling performance, too--a marvel in easy to park--easy to maneuver in tight No other automobile dollar bu Studebaker dollar does today. ahead in dreamlined modern sty thrift--in wear.resisting p! ANDERSON MOTOR The Veterans" PHONE 52 FIRST AND COTA STREETS, SHELTON, WASH. Corner our Directory Of Veterans Doing ,..lhasiness Ill asps SEE Us FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Owner AUTO TRUCK FIRE Complete Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner Simpson Employees Farmers Insurance Group PHONE 654 Bill Pearson, District Agent FLY WITH . . . SHELTON AIR SERVICE, INC. Len Tiffany, President ABOWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William .J EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eells George Valley Phone 26-J Power Line Construction Co. Jack Chisum, Mgr. Mt. View WHITE SPOT Jim Bleeoker CLIFF WlVELL'8 TEXACO SERVICE" 100% Veterans Federal Credit Union SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson Employees Bill Pearson, Treas.-Mgr. SHELTON'S FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products Bill Miller, Owner STOP-INN CAFE Jack Wallace, Owner Dewey Daniels PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100% Veterans BOATS - RENT/LS - REPAIR SMITH'S MARINE "Jim and Pat Smith UNION PHONE 242 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex-Servicemen Groceries - General Merchandise LILLIWAUP SHOPPING CENTER Walt Hatch, Co-Owner FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Mager PHONE-162 F o R CITY CAB Mel Robertson VET'S DOIN'S =ll * * Two major' changes in leave pol- icies affecting veterans enrolled under the G. I. Bill in job-train- ing establishments or in schools below the college level have been announced by the Veterans Ad- ministration. Effective immediately, the VA said, veterans will be allowed to apply for 15 days leave at the end of their period of enrollment. in addition to whatever leave was taken while in training. The second change of VA policy places full responsibility for the granting of leaves of absence to G. 1. stntlents during tr.a,ining up- on the school or elnployer-trainer. within a maximum of 30 chys yearly. Veterans will be granted leave at the completion of their period of enr01]ment only if they have enough entitlement to education or training to cover it, the VA em- phasized. Periods of enrollment for on- the-job training and in short, in- tensive courses usually inchlde the entire extent of the training course, Enrollment periods for veterans in school below college level most commonly are the or- dinary school years. t For Home Delivor,es Call 26 BOB KOLAR Distributor of Kitsap Dairy Products Milk - Cream - Butter UPHOLSTERING LITERAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145" GORDON'S MEATS HOODSPORT Gordon Bayes, Owner H(mdsport Mercantile Chuck Winne, Co-Owner Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 BANNER & BURNETT SHELL 'ERVICE 1st & Cola - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKES AND RASTRy SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt Sherr, wner "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S* MERCANTILE ,107 South 1st John Hunter,. Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP i Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Groceries - Meats UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Owner UNION 242 CRAIG P. ELIOT eLECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street - Mountain View P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN Dick Valley, Prop. FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Glenn Roess¢l EATON FENDEB and Vern and LES Chevron H illcrest " HILLTOF 'Auto Repair - Ed JohnsO¢ ° EXPERT RAY'S * Liberal Ray m PORT Phone Cottages - Jack and BELFAIB Bill Land Gordon SqU! 1000 Ft. Road CALL Dick's Dick