April 14, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 14, 1949 |
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16.--.arnegle "Foundation il
fqr Advancemest of
Teaching founded,
-Easter Sunday.
.liIP" I--Federal troops abar
/i&g 86. f
-- I L-FIrIt automobile dem-
,j- onitrated 1893.
-"'_.. IL0--Terrlto of Wiscon.
_l=---e sin organized. 1836. q
" 21--Samuel I., C omens I
---i---/'///' INLwk Twain) died,
1910. .#
'-'J-"° 22--M I s s I s s i p p i Rtver
bridged, 1856. "
Page 12
-- } - -@ttt tt-t t-t tlt¢It i€€I t o 41 , Ii @ @ • t • i € € t
tienearsai 00iat00J ':i: • -- :!:
For Music Program n I I v 0 n € ?::
00lma=, " ' " <
A group rehearsal of the varlotts %% ql V qlp I I • i v i • • I # il."
1,o participate ul Lne Music vvceK/.14 " " ........... **
. * $ a %.* ** • a a a € a • i t ol4,e • • € ca , e €, , o o i o e a a i e , # , , li_
vesper program wfli be held at I-%.. ..:*.:*g':*u*.u"g*.:*-:..***' ......%-i..*;;;**;.*,.-*%****.
8 p.m., April 18 in the senior ,-., ,_
high a00,ditorium, it has been an- 00Sororlty Grout} Gay Nineties Bazaar
nouneed by Bernice Stewart, pres-_ _ _ _ a: rlP I-I--!1 lr If .oli,-
' . r-- S II I Im Ar J .ll.l .IAqJllLJl J'Jl Jll.4£111111111..l
' Lynn Sherwood win be the di- At Belfair April 23
tdent of the Shelton Mixed unoru.'. L Juncneo n lylee
iyector. Shelton members were hostesses By Chris{ine Ahl
All members of the Mixed when the Iota Chapter of Delta
Chorus are expected to attend Kappa Gamma met for a luncheon
special rehearsal immediately fol- at the Colonial House, April 9.
lowing the group rehearsal. Guest of honor was Mrs, Era-
Those wishing to join the Mixed mitt Olivcr who talked to the
Chorus may obtain mcmbership group of women aae.hers from
Office at the Bus Depot
cards from Mablc Burk, secretary-
Gold Star Mothers Will
Hold Business Meeting
Business of importance will be
discussed by tile Gold Star Mo-
thers when they meet at 2 p.m.
April 20 ill the Forty eL Eight
hall at the Shelton Hotel.
Eligible mothers are asked to
contact Mrs. W. F. Compton,
president, at phone 945-R, for fur-
ther information.
WS,T WOODL00;i/. VORT0000D
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Day of
Union drove to Woodland over
th'e week end to attend the funeral
services of Mrs. Elzadia Kamle.
While they were gone they also
drove to Portland to visit Mr•
Day's sister, Mrs. Hattie Fordyce.
On every trip, long: or short, for business or pleas-,
urego first classgo by Bremerton-Tacoma
Stages, which make direct connections with Grey-'
hound Lines for all points on the continent. It's
smooth riding, with lots of comfort and relaxation,
frequent daily schedules to save you time and low,
bus fares to save you money. Next time--go best.,
go by bus. Shelton Bus Depot
Phone 162
Olympia, Tenino and Shelton on
"Teaching Among the NavaJos."
Colored movies furnished inter-
esUng illustrations for the talk,
along with a display of Indian
Presiding over the business
meeting was Mrs. Dwight Jordan,
Olympia, chapter president.
Hostesses included Mrs. elite
Cleveland, Mrs• Venice Fagergren,
Mrs• Mary Anderson and Mrs.
Florence Weeks; also, Misses Dor-
othy Hawthorne, Alice Gee, Ruth
Creasey, Margaret Baldwin, Ce-
celia Bell and Irene Burright.
160 Guests For
Guests numbering over 160, at-
tended the Eagle's Auxiliary get-
together in Shelton last Monday.
Present were women from Elma,
Bremerton, Olympia, Port Or-i
chard, Aberdeen arid Hoqutam. I
Two reels of film on ttle 19471
and 1948 Mason County Forest J
;Festival were shown by George]
Andrews as part of the enter- I
tainment. Two solos were sung J
by Amelia Eacrett. Members of l
the aerie were invited to join
the group for refreshments.
Residents of Tile Pines spent a
busy Sunday last week end, when
they all got together for an "im-
provement' party." Activities of
the day included creating a play-
Saturday, April 23, is the date
sct for the "Gay Nineties Baz-
aar" to be held at the Masonic
Temple at Belfair.
The ladies ,f the Belfair Eas-
tern Star Social Club, who are
sponsoring the bazaar, met Mon-
day evening to make final plans
for this second annual affair•
They announce that it will be an
interesting evening of entertain-
ment and games.
The lunch room will open at
six o'clock• Tllere will be home-
baked bread, pies and cakes,
plants and shrubs, all ready to
plant, hand work and gift ideas•
Madam "Ronile" will be there to
tell fortunes.
The popular "Olympic Four"
quartet't vdll add an air of real-
ism to this period theme in their
The public Is invited to attend
and try for the many door prizes.
Bake Sale at Belfair,
The Women's Society of the
Belfair Community Church will
hold a regular monthly bake sale
April 16 at Knutzen's Market in
Features of the sale will be
home made baked good, candy
and colored Easter eggs•
The next meeting of the society
will be held April 21 at the home
of Mrs. David Crosswhitc.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Payne
Harris of New York became par-
ents of a seven pound daughter
born April 1 at St. Clair Hospital
in New Yor k . The little girl, nam-
ed Tracy Payne, arrived at 9:37
Of special interest was the fact
that Tracy arrived on her grand-
rains of the show and the com-
mentating was done by Mr*q. Paul-
ine Payne Harris.
eats are Mr: and Mrs. Jack Bi-
shop of Shelton. Mrs. Harris is
ground area for the children• A
space was cleared and play equip- mother's, Mrs. Pauline Payne Har-
ment constructed. ris, birthday. Maternal grandpar-
After the work was completed eats are Mr: and Mrs.
the group joined for.a pot luck shop of Shell on. Mrs. ]
picnic, the former W:Ida Bishop
'o o • •
Pictorial Previews Spotlight New
Style Trends In the 1949 Fashions
Pictorial Pre vt ew, presented dress u f:nery b
April 8 by the Lincoln P.-T.A., that ag 3he gir n'e
gave the fashion minded women aiYn y' ",:la'(a . iYr
of Shelton an opportunity to see ' 'Ci
the fine array of stylish, colorful tel
clothes available to tlxem at the dr
Lumbermen's Mercantile Company ar
and the J. C. Penney Company. 'in:
Organ music playcd by Mrs. a f
Robert H. Keenan opened the cur- i
the former Wilda Bishop.
Pictorial P r e v t e w, presented dress up finery worn by girls of
that age. The girls wcre Lorraine
Andrea Bailey, Annette
Joslin, Radon
Lynch, Sally Sharpe, Carol Sein-
ers, Karen Webb and Roberts Wil-
cox. The collection of dresses fea-
tured ruffled flounces and flatter-
ing touches of lace trim.
Fashion highlights of the show
included a lavish use of color with
orchid proving to popular
along with bottle blue, toast, yel-
low and green. Choices of material
seemed unlimited with cotton,
gingham, sharkskin, spun rayon
and chambray shown in a variety
of stye, plain colors and prints
all sharing the spotlight. An es-
pecially interesting material was
a gingham with a taffeta appear-
Styling details showed that
back interest popularity rating
has grown with flairs, peplums
and drapes adorning dresses, suits
:and coats.
Strapless sun dresses with bal-
ere jackets also made their ap-
pearance in the style trends,
• Unique in the bathing suit line
was a famed Schiaperelli designed
Catalina collection number con-
vertible to three styles, brief,
briefer and briefest. The briefest
of which is suggested for sun-
bathing in your backyard when
you are rcasonabl. certain that
you will not have callers.
Lovely dinner and evening
gowns were shown in tile last
group and the finale concluded
the show.
Teen age models were Gall
Ahlskog, Jerry Carlson, Mary
Carnes, Chloe Dickinson. Beverly
Dickinson, Joan Frisk, Ann Hul-
bert, Myranell Jackson, Mary
Anne Keenan, Ella Mac Noble,
Maxine Holman, Penny Powers,
Cherie Fraser, Georgienne Durkee,
Coco Lovell, Donna Jean Paulson,
Delores Groshong, Eleanor Carl-
paRA.MOUNT Show stealers were the small
fry, "who tinablc to see the aud-
ience beyond the footlights, play-
ed as thoujh unobserved. Altho
startled'by the applause of the
appreciative onlookers, the young
showmen were undaunted. Bo
Fletcher modeled a brown tweed
8helton, Wash.
..... ' Thursday - Saturday, April 14 - 16
short suit with a dark brown cap,
when he wasn't busy showing the
people the toys and calling for
his mother, Mrs. Robert Fletcher,
to come up on the stage and look
at the people..
Mike "Two-gun" Smith, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, provided
entertainment, wild west style,
while modeling blue jeans, a red
and white striped tee shirt and
double holster's. He was coopera-
tive to the extent of leaving the
stage to let first row customers
examine his guns at closer view.
Other young pez'formcrs were
Rtclmrd Andrews, Susan and Sally
Dorntan, Judy Frisken, Margaret
Fuller, ' Jane Grlsdale, Toinmy
Harrison, Jill Pierce, Marcia Red-
rnan, Cheryl Stoy, Jantce Tiffany,
Diane Woods, Linda Burgoyne,
Sue Gilmont, Mary Heuston, Kath-
erine Itcuston, Karlec Hunter,
Ginny Lanton. Robin Marshall,
Marilyn McKenney, Betty Mitch-
ell, Pamela Pratt, Judy McGin-
nis, Lou Anne Rotten, Mary Ru-
pert and Jane Rucker.
Pelt-teens misses "approaching
teen age, previewed Easter and
soil, Mildred Dugger, Jackie Hal-
bert, Patty Joslin and Sharlyn
Modeling matron fashions were
Mesdaraes Mel Moi'gan, W. J.
Alexander, Harvey Boysen, Milton
Clothier, Mark Fredson, E. N.
Giles, Oliver Kelly, Robert Mar-
shall, L. L. McInelly Catherine
Reed, tIoward Seiners, Bruce
Thorpe, C. R. Wtllour and Misses
Shirley Dittman, Joan Frisk, Kit-
ty Price and Gertrude Thomassen.
Entertainment presented during
intermissions inch lde.d a film "on
Burmuda and a girls' trio consist-
ing of Norma Davidson, Alene
Lougllnan and Mary Anne Keen-
an. Door prizes were also award-
ed during the intermission. An
overnight bag was won by Bar-
bara Jo Baxter, a woman's hand-
bag was won by Angus McNeil
and shoes were won by Mrs. Fred
Watkins, Mrs. L. D. Hack, Ann
Kelser and Mrs. Fvanl¢ Salmi.
Friday, April 15
"In Society"
Abbott and Costello
Sunday, /pril 17
"Deep Waters"
Dana Andrews, Jean Peters
Fri., Sal,., April 15, 16
Joan Fontaine, Louis Jordan
Mady Christian, Marcel
She gave him the great-
est Love a alan could have.
Adults 50( Ctithh'en 15¢
........... O ...........
Sun-Men-Tues. Apr. 17-18-19
Dane Clark, Alexis Smitll
Zachary Scott, Eve Arden
No harder Guy ever lived
... no softer Lips ever lied!
Adults 50€ Children 15¢
......... - -O ......
%Ved., Thurs., April 20, 21
Double Feature
John Payne, Jean Caull'lcld
Dan Duryra, Shelly Winters
€6 ,,
Dorothy llart, l'alrlci Ai-
They made their own
rules-- and playcd for keeps.
Second Hit
Eddie Dul
Nancy Gates, Roscoe Ate
I Mrs. McBride Attends
District Welfare Meet
Mrs. Mary McBride, Mason
County Welfare administrator, at-
tended a meeting of the boards of
county commissioners in Port Or-
chard April 7 where general wel-
fare problems were discussed.
Welfare administrators were
present from the counties of Clal-
lain, Jefferson, Thurst0n, Mason,
Kitsap, Pierce and Grays Harbor.
The session lasted all day.
"A growing need ill Mason
county," Mrs. McBride asserts, "is
an available nursing honle within
the county. At present there are
no licensed nursing home facili-
ties where local persons can go
and still bc near friends and rela-
The surrofinding counties have
nursing homes to whie, h local resi-
dents may go, but there are none
here, Mrs. McBride said•
Plans For Float
Made By 4-tt'ers
Plans for the 4-H club float
for the Forest Festival parade
were among .the business con-
ducted when the Little Egypt 4-H
club held a regular monthly meet-
ing in the Dayton Community
Also discussed at the meetin
were plans lor the carnivaJ to uu
held in May in the community
hall and the bake sale which was
held April 9 at the Lumbelqien's
Mercantile Company.
Demonstrations on propel' can-
ning procedure were given by
Audrey Bailey and Connie Cowan
showing the correct way to et a
table• Refreshments were served
by Gwen Johnson•
Whitman College Honors
Winnifred Collier
Wimlifred Collier, of Shelton.
was among 24 Whithlan college
coeds selected to Signet Table,
junior women's honorary at a
dinner April' 11 which was spon-
sored by Mortar Board, senior
women's honorary.
Chosen for their service and
leadership, members of Signet Ta-
ble provide candidates for Mor-
tar Board "tappings" at the May
Fete May 14.
Miss Collier iv the daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Collier and
graduated from Irene S. Reed
High School in 1946
Mrs. Donovan Pahner was the
guest of Dale Pahner in Seattle
recently at the performance of the
First Piano Quartet.
This group was brought to the
U, of W. through efforts of Dale
in his capacity as chairman of
cultural events at the University.
This was the only appeararice of
the group in the West this sea-
son and Meany Hall had a capac-
ity audience both nights.
Bordeaux P. T. A.
Rummage Roundup
When you arrange your closets
during Spring housecleaning, be-
menlber tile annual Clothing nnd
Rumn]age Roundup Sale of the
Bordeaux P.-T.A., whiciI is set
for April 22 and 23 at Anderson
Motors, 1st and Cote. Proceeds
from tile sale will go toward the
building fund of the outdoor play
shed for the children at Bordeaux
Articles wanted are men's,
women's and chihlren's clothing,
shoes, millinery, dishes, furniture,
plants and shrubs.
Persons having donations are
asked to call Rubye Frisken
4 o ,v r
o,°5°-A r', Ruth E(tgley ,)l-i or
Audrey Crabill 819-R and l)ict(up
will be arranged.
Shelton Woman's
Club Meeting
Guests from the Oiynlpia
Woman's Club will be entertained
at the meeting of the Shelton
Woman's Club at ]:30 p.nl. on
April 19.
Mrs. W. M. Elliot wil be the
hostess at her home on 6th and
Cedar Streets. Assisting hostesses
will bc Mesdames W. A. Witsiers,
E. J. Dammann, Purl Jcmison
and G. C. Brewster.
During the afternoon Mrs. H.
E. Millet" will review the book,
"Nortlwest Harvest."
Women to Buy Church
Communion Service
A record attendance was present
at the meeting, April 6, of the
Faith Lutheran Ladies' Aid at
the home of Mrs. L. L. Hoff.
It was decided by the group to
purchase a communion service for
the church. The next meeting will
be held May 4 at thc home of Mrs.
Jack Miller.
Dr. A. N. Parrett, Rayonier's
director of research returned to
Shelton Sunday after several
weeks in the East in connection
with company business. During
his absence, Mrs. Parrett visited
relatives in Seattle and Port An-
Ray's Jewelry
117 Cota Phone 633
By Bonded, Licensed
207 Cota Street
• ;)
• {;i
• For fo'undations
• For basements
• For garages
• For complete buildings
• For homes
• For septic tanks
• For drain fields
• For sewers
• For culverts
• Our long and varied
in solving all
to the use of concrete
disposal. We will
help you With free
answer any questionlk
you intend to contract)
or do it yourself.
Vour first thrill is. seeing-it...
Your 00reatest thrdl is drivin00 it!
The ,lellno De Luxo:
now made even more attractive by new lower-
Io most Beautlful BUY for Styling. Yes,
it has smoother, smarter lines--front,
top, idc and rear! Add to tMs the glowing
color harmonics, tlie hlxurlous fittings anti
fabrics of its Bodies by Fisher, and you'll
-mdcrstand why people call Chevrolet
the niost beauhul of cars.
The most Baaufiful BUY for Driving
und Riding Eme--with ncw Center.Point
Design. This great 4-way engineering
advance--including Center-Point Steer-
ing. Center-Point Scaling, Ik, wcr Center
of Gravity ithoat loss of road clearance,
and Ccntcr-l'oint Bear Suspension_
bb:gs y(,u a brand new kindof driving and
..dmu ea cxclusivc to Chew'olet and
mgacr-vriced cars.
T/ most Beout/fd
}:n joy the lolmging
Size Iuterior with
elbowroom, and
and ing
I rcathes.
at extra cost.)
Tke most Beaut/[ul
Safety. Featnring:
with "Dubl-Life"
(3) Paaloramic
(;lass in all windoWS,
safe Unitize"
The mostBeautifulBUYfor Talk about thrills!
Porformance with Economy You'll gel the biggest
"lriple-thrill" in
motoring out of seeing, driviug, alul saving money
with this new Chevrolet--the most beauliful buy
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And, while you'll naturally bc happy to know
it's the beauiy-lcader, wc believe you'll get your
greatest thrill out of driving it. Yolfl[ experience
amazhig new handling cast and riding ease, thrill-
iiig acceleration, and outstanding hill-climbing
ability--plus typical Chcvrole economy. For
here's the only low-priced car with a world's
champion Valve-In-tired engine--of the type
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Give yourself and your fauil]y the biggest
"triple-thrill" in motoring--see, drive and save
with Chevrolct--th most beau'Jful buy of aUl
First and Grove Streets hon0 777