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jl III
3 .,oo00sSl.80
Other Plants
..... ....... !" .... ,,
II Shelton Choral
Groups to Present
Program May 1
l:n(ler the sponsorship of the
Shelton Music Study Club, all
(hur(:h choirs, high school choir
and the Shelton Mixed Chorus will
join t()gether in presenting a choir
festiwH in the junior high school
auditorium at 5 p.m., Sunday
May 1.
This (late also marks the begin-
ning of National Music Week
whose keylote is "Music strength-
ens friendly ties of individuals,
.,.,"roups and nations."
Stc i) by step the National Fed-
eration of Mnsic Clubs has risen
to the position of leader in the
fiehl and, as such, has accepted
every challenge presented both at
home and abroad. Today they are
stressing music in religious edu-
cation in all of the divisions of
junior, student and senior, making
it a strong link in the worhl pic-
tlli'c of reconstruction.
The scholarship fund ¢ommittee
of the Shelton Music Study Club
originated this idea of a choir
festival to increase the scholar-
ship fund that was started three
years ago. There will be no ad-
mission charge but a contribu-
tion box will be placed in the
A group rehearsal is scheduled
each Monday evening at g p.m.
in tle high school auditorium, un-
der the direction of Lynn Sher-
wood. All who are irterestd in
participating are welcome.
Carl Edward Howard, 17, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard left
Shelton April 9 for Camp Rob-
erts, alif., where he will receive
basic training' following his recent
enlistment in the regular army.
Carl, who attended Shelton schools
was formerly employed by Safe-
way Stores Inc.
The only place you can obtain a new household
SINGER* Sewing Machine---or one reconditioned
Any other stores or repair shops which, offer
"rebuilt," "factory-rebuilt," or "reconditioned" ma-
chines are not sponsored by SINGER.
The SINGER SEWING CENTER serving this srea is listed be!o.
ONLY here can you, obtain . . .
1. Brand-new-SiNGER Sowing Machines. (Starting at $89.50)
2. SINGER Sowing Machines reconditioned by
SINGER with war€an.ted SINGER ports.
1. Guaranlled repairs by SINGER oxperts hlsed
on written estimates furnished in advance.
SIN6E ..._o..___.
PHONE 7586
I " n | nil I I I I II I
SOCIflL 07(00S
Shelton Pre-School unit will tmld
a monthly meeting at 8 p.m. Mon-
day, April 18, at Bordeaux school.
t'arents and friends are inviled
to attend this interesting meeting.
The program will be divided in-
to three main groups. The first,
"Back to the First Grade," will
be tr discussion by first grade
'teachers led by Mrs. Chet Dom-
broski. They will give the ptu,cnts
an idea of the new reading pro-
gram also mention the social
graces expected in the first year.
Any particular problems brouflht
up by the parents will be discus-
The problem of the timid or
frightened child wire will be en-
tering school will be among the
i questions involved in the "Back
to Kindergarten" part of the pro-
gram which will be handled by
Mrs. Frank wanson, Mrs. Pat-
terson and Mrs. Jack Swanson,
kindergarten teachers.
For parents of children up to
the age of four the topic will be
"Playtime is Growing Time," in
an info,'mal panel discussion led
hy Mrs. Charles Phillips assisted'
by Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Hen
Dorman and Mrs. Ray Brown.
In addition to this full program
there will be an election of offi-
cers and Mrs. Mervin Wingard
:will report on the Pre-School clin-
ic which has been tentatively set
for May 3.
Bremerton Guests Are
Entertained Lodge Here
Forty-four guests were enter-
tained by the Shelton Ruby Re-
bekah Lodge when the Bremerton
Rebekahs were their guests April
8 in the I.O.O.F. hall.
Hilarious e n t e r tainment was
provided by the fashion show pre-
sented by the men of the h)dge as
part of the program.
The next regular meeting will
be held at 8 p.m. April 22 in the
I.O.O.F. hall. April 23 is the date
of the district meeting in South
Eighth Birthday
Party Celebrated
Miss ,Tacqueline Haskins was
h()n)rcd with a party celebrating"
her eighth birthday on Saturday,
April 2. The party was given by
her mother, Mrs. Jack Haskins at
their home.
Twelve school friends of Jacque-
line's met at her home at 12:30,
each was presented with a prim-
rose and violet corsage and all
;(trended the matinee.
After the movie tle party con-
tinued at Jacquelin)e's home where
gaily Lrimmed yellow, blue and
white crepe paper bonnets were
given each guest along with a
balloon of matching color. A large
sheet cake trimmed with yellow
and blue vts the treat of the af-
ternoon served with ice cream
cups and pink lemonade.
Guests for the afternoon in-
c.luded Judy Frisken, Barbara
Bampton, Susan Byars, Radon
Lynch, Arlene Gott, Eleanor Buck,
Ida McKinny, Marilyn Sherwood,
Norene Michaelson and Shirley
Joining the group for' tte cake
were Jacqueline's aunt, Mrs. Bob
Turner and daughter Terry Lee,
grandfather, Thomas Rowe; cous-
in Tommy Thomas and her bro-
ther and sister Jcrilene and Jef-
fery Hawkins,
On April 7 Miss Marily Lake-i
burg entertained with a dinner
and theater party at iler home
the following' guests: Juanita
Cross, Shirley Swank, Helen Mc-
Cay and Nancy Lakeburg. The
occasion was the birthday of the
• An Easter motif was cleverly
used to decorate the dinner table,
tn¢i rooms.
[ Mrs. Alfred Greenwalt and
Ichildren, Randy and Linda, l)lul
[to join Mr. Greenwalt Soon in
[Friday Harbor where he is tem-
|porarily employed with the IAne-
Staley Logging • Company.
Rhododendron Club Members Name
Flowers At Session With Mrs. Wenz
By Della Goetseh ice Barber, Theressa Orr, Hazel
The Rhododendron Garden Club
held its April meeting last Thurs-
day at the home of Mrs. Lena
Wenz in Shelton. Mrs. Anna
Crosswhite assisted with the
hmcheon which preceded the bns-
iness session. Club president Flor-
ence Brain called the meeting to
order at 1 o'clock and members
responded to roll call by narng
flowers, giving both botanical nd
colnmon names.
BES|DES THOSE already men-
Moon, Essie Kinney, Della Goet-
sch, Deh'ue Thompson, Gunda
ShOrt, Lela Evans and Alice/
A letter of resignation from
Mrs. Myrtle Olivet' was read by
the secretary and accepted with
regret, as her withdrawal from
the club is due to contint!ed ill-
negs, Mrs. Lillian Lince was el-
ected to membership to fill. ne l
p la'ee vacated by Mz's. Oliver.
Sevef'al members reported hay-i
ml| i I
l i ¸ ,
................................... , ea,, 1
I Luncheon (;iven
Honors Birthday
A hint,been hon()rill Ihc )irth.-
day of Mrs. \\;Vu'vcn ]<,nulzen wa.
/givt}n t( the h()rnc of Mv.;. \\;.Vih,y
SurratL oll the ;l[[(wnl)oll ()(' Aln'il
Gnesi:s in(:lud(,d Mrs, l]()b Koh-
lcv and (laughLev, Mrs. (3term
Miller and sons, Mrs. I)an C()r)n-
ier, Mrs. Ted I'endall, Mrs. W.
Porter Surratt, the hon(n'ed guest,
Mrs. Knutzen and chihtvcn :u(I the
hostess. Mrs. Surratt.
: :2Shelton
..... i,O.O.ii,"
M,', 1, l,%'(,ry We0)w:(l: V
,; p.m.
l.().l).l,'. 11%i L
Visiting,,' Momb(,rs Will he
rPI[(H',I.\\;N J. .V2.'TS..) v.. N.(I.
II ,ItI,Y ('.-\\;I]A)N. Sec;','lary
Itul)'; lhq)ekah lo(Ige No. 7*5 .....
Meets 2nd & F(mvt:il bh'idays
I:[i]Ul,,\\;/I lll,',l,Slqi{. N,(I
II I,]l ,ICN , )1,1';, *I(" (q:kt'y
F Hampslure '1 1 or 1
l,'i} BABY" ....
from breeding flock 7th
CHtCKS ,.,,,., 0., 00,o00o..n..
entire U.S. in 1948.
219 1st St. - Phone 28
Newly ent4aged Miss ,Joan
Moran and iler fian('e, Alhtn Wes-
ley Eaton phl.n a ,hint w("(hling in
San Digo. Cttlifornia. Miss Moran
attended SeaLtle [Iniversity nnd
Weste)'n Washington College. Her
parents are Mr:. and Mrs. Ralt)h
Myhrc of Shelton. The young man
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
S. Jacobsen of Shelton. He at-
tended Western Washington Col-
lege hefore entering tile Navy,
He is now stationed at San
Plans Made For Dance
April 16 By Shelton
General Welfare Club
A gay Lirne was ha(1 by tllose
attending the April Fool's dance
given for the public by the Shel-
tofi General Welfare Ch|b at the
Memorial Hall on April 2. Prizes
for the funniest hats were award-
ed to Mrs. Edna eli anti Mrs.
Gladys Moore.
It was decided at the last club
meeting that a spot dance will be
given on April 16 at the Memorial
Hall. The public is invited to at-
tend in all of their Easter finery.
A meeting of the club will be
hehl before the dance on April 16
at 8 p.m. sharp. All members are
urged to attend.
ii iiii
ew c.()M'.., a light dancing red.., red.., red
" .........
,; r
Lastron Nail Enamel, Lipstick, Fashion Plate Face Make-Up, Face p6wder
l)r Spring! Tlle fresh ne____w red that adds a lilt to fashi(m's muted colors
..... " Now Revlon gives youa lively vivid red t0 set )''l:iWio6,.. a rcil ll).t,lola ;
tioned, members present were AI- ing heard from their Mystery Sis- } a sl)eeial magic to everything you wear. A da,,ci,g red with l{cvh.n's ('ha):al¢:d=
ters, Mrs. Kinney told about a
' pretty plastic tablecoth which she ' ]if(; wear.., you must have it today on mahhitg lips, fingertip,,', and fa(,c.::iL'; "
,'eceived on her birthday; Mrs. , ' . ........
Wenz wa given a small shelf Lash'o, Nail Enamel .60; Lip Fa,sl:io, 1.00: All 1)lus Lil)s/iclr 1.00: ...... :
in maple leaf design; Mrs. Bar-
berhand.paintedreported Valentine,the receiptand Ofsaint,a 'ace Powder 1.00; Fashion Plate Face Make.Up 1.00, 1.50... plus tax. ,
Patrick Day cards were received
by Mrs. err, Mrs. Short and Mrs..
Squire, the last accompanied by
a lovely hahdkerchief. " • "" _ - ,.
THE CLUB voted to accept the' ( I E,kSTER i)-. ehl
Evergreen Garden Club s invita-( I,Wi,;00j TO ii it I
tion to assist with a fair which YS
is to be held at Belfair next fall
Yea," books, beautiful creations ''7;: I[I
originated by Ann Thornton and % They re So Soft end Cuddly
4 ounce
",; Betty Matson and made by those OYS JOY
ladies, assisted by Virginia Ko- 'n""]i. :otjjld
vack, were distributed among T O[ ' "" '-' tin Jl
( club members. The white pages [/' c [FI7"I i q/ -- -' - I
of these books are cut to con- 15" Du ks, rabbits, lambs, roosters |rl.'lJll] LITTLE . --..LJL-,|
f°rm t° the lines °f their c°verl (( ))!
... all button.eyed, beribboned ti T£ilt! GOLDEN ]
' L h is of pink cardboard in the beautiful, They're true dream ;AB}I BOOKS (€.:,."
stuff m cloud soft lush
shape of a cluster of Rhododen- [/.t ..." .. p ". -,#W::![]t] The stories that, , II e,,A..:mm HI
!, • dron blossoms and leaves, with' SPE A ----_ II ';':,.-'.lff'lTJ the,/ like Good q]h II -- = "¢ ; m HI
HOW TREES e individual floretS outlined in ,€, C, LEA,TER " 79 IJ,IVq "-' matcrialft)r dile,//'/I 'i Cai,iP,,,, |[|
ink. This handiwork is from the "ASSO'TENT: :: '7 ;g;;d;::S/ [[ aJ-:?:''4': III
industrious and artistic trio who you
i ARE MAKING. 11RlI club.delivered them to their grateful,
Mrs. Thompson offered and was J t,k t
ER ,,.o. and have them delivered }% /,]--' BY COTY / ((r 'JL""::" '7) T,ke$8 Pitt,re' n'5
to Mrs. Olive," and Mrs. Foster. V/]v(....J^_ 6 beauty aids in ] \\;\m)'/ 0n.12?Film. o- [[ ,,',m- II
i .... !!!'"v'"':i':i"*' J '! AT TItE CLOSE of the buai- [ sizes-- $4 ,= ,r= ..a, .., ,;,.,..¢ II T,e €o,, II
i . who are both ill. ' //A \\;\ _.. handy miniature If "k_ t-;-,a , ,y.,..,,, i| _ r. v, al_,± !1
ness meeting Mrs. Brain gave a Gift box... I qlnkli! ,i.,, t.... ;., t .... )... [ ] LIHE'OF II
demonstration of a way, which (% .... -- . " """"-"°'
she has found successful, of Assorted
starting camelia bushes from cut-. \\;k7 ' COMPACTS " FED-FLASH ,lilt 4-$M BULBS 451 tl °Wd&": Ii
tings. , I , ' H rdltlH
The next meeting is to be held., I| ;L ,,. , )]1
on May5 at the home of Deh'ue y ':::,::,
Thompson in Belfair, with Della V_' 'priced$4. $ ¢;m'¢.t* ,,.. ,,o<, .i ,.,,,., ,.., o, ,,,. jl
,)lltll Usis FOil WOO* ctttUt0S! II Many research accomplishments have[over a period of Officer ted
At P.T.C. Meet ,. Ow TOSAC¢O DEPT. - - -I 7¢i1111 nt. Iii
' .ili. ' ' | years, improved the wearing qualities of automobile and Mrs. Bill Sanee was elected the '" !Z' !!1
';,,:?i:=:'?:: | truck tires. , new president of the Middle Sko-;
komisi, Parent-Teacher Club at, ,C#IRS : S, S, S 1" ll "-- Jtii
0tl:ai;:leTI;yacturearthe m°nyend I None, perhaps, is more important than the adoption of the regular meeting held April 7.. .tllLt, b[ lt ..... i iltlt I:!i'11 € i .....
Ill I . , . . . Mrl. Rex Hendrick, vice president; ,
--derived by chemma]ly processing wood s a basic raw Mrs. Eric Sjholm, secretary-tress- !
iS llklnll vlscest.
," "" ll!:i00 I -,.. --, _ terial for (Baking the ,tron ,ou h cord,, g) , . urer; and Mrs, Frank Minor, his- [ tdrian. ' ,
kh)h . Guest speakers of the eveningj
",o,,d¶'*nd ..m., I When. synthetic, rubber tires for heavy duty were lntro" " were Mrs. C. E. Hill of Lilliwaup, I
-::,' duced, use of viscose tire cord was essential to withstand and Mr. Sparks. principal of the t
._._ | heat and fatigue. Today, these high-strength yarns are used coloredH°°dsp0rtfilmsSCh°°l'on the fluorideThey showedtreat.
. ,l,t, tlu,, - ' i to lengthen the life of Both natural and s nthetie rubber fires ment of teeth. A local dentist
'' i , on. y
II R,.- made frem I --for passenger cars as well as for trucks and buses, spoke on te treatment.
.'.,*,,c,,,.,.,, " I! ' - ,]tune E.asoome,
"'llld "RAYAcIA" •
Rayonier does not make tires or tire cord. We do make Plans Trip To Europe
the highly purified wood eelluloae used b the e ll ' June Eliason, daughter of Mr.
turned from Juneau, Alaska where
she is employed witt the Alaska.
Road Commission. For her va-
cation, Miss Eliason has planned GO TO CHURCH SUNI)AY
specifically for this purpose.
lilltiqlil'0ffl(fl • 122 East 42nd Street, New York 1L New Yok • MILLS: H0qulom, Port Angeles, $Stlton, WetSin|t0n; ftrnendlite, fl0rldo
a trip to Europe which will take . ..
her from New York City, to Lon .......
don, Paris, Stockholm and then to
Norway where she will meet her
fath' and visit relatives. Mr.
Eliason will make the trip to Nor-
way by air,
On Jue 6, June and her father
will leave l%Torway and returnhome,
! via Iceland. Upon cOinpletto a ot'l
this trip 'Miss Eliason WIll return)
"U0 ier work in Juneau. ..... i i ii ] i , i ,11 ....... . ..... i ..... [[