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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I'age lS e _ 2.222 ............... , ........ __ ................... --' _-'!'_: _- ................ I HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms tL Re asonakle Rates . NO DELAY Mamn County Saings & Ian Association flue InsuPan Bldg.  = SHELTON.MASON COI_Y 3!,UPNAL " __ . "2L-----' __..Z ......................................  ......... i. - i. . .._.__',2'-,':, , " .... '.2" ......................... SI ()I00lS00 TOBEY, CLARY, SKAGEN HONORED AT PREP BASKETBALL ASSEMBIX Nine varsity ba.ketball loiters I oral all-aroun(i Ll.ilude, hard. earned during the ptst hig'll ] work and training, school collrt seagola were awllrdod TIIE iel)lII, NIIOOTIN(; trophy to ttight;lirnb-r tAavors by Coach[ is -iomeihing new, an idea pre- Chet Dombroski :il the annual senled and sponsored by (lien leer- basketball assemi)iy at Irene 8. Reed High Scllool Friday, along with four other special awards• Bob Tobey, the team's top seer- el' over the entire season, was presented two of the, special awards, the honorary eaplaincy and a new trophy for being the best foul shot. Wayne Clary was presented with the team's mspir- ational award and Jimmy Skagen with thc coaches' trophy for Ken- guson eL the Shelton Hardware. i T0bey earned it by converting 53 foul shots (hiring the season lie missed 33". C!lary was iris closest liwd with the same munber of conversions bnt 44 nlisscs. Doug Cole and Norm Buck were tlIe only other n'mmbers of the team who connected oftener than tlley missed at the foul line during the sea:s/in, l.)oug has 13 to 12, Norm q7 to 30. C(nupleting the statistics, Bob Ashley ha.d 1 t.o 29. Jim Skagen 2 to I:;. (h,,w Vv'ells 20 to 28, Toby Vt>;!.n(I,r 8 to 13, 1)eb Get> Ly 1 to ;;. :,n(I ,lacl¢ I)avid.qon I to 1. Th't( /.;IVC:, ,t :,c;isonltl LCaDI l'¢C- ()l•d of ;l)(i c(nverslons against 202 mz,%e.; ,n lnc fcad S]lOl cate- gory, TIlE NINE LETTERS were awarded re Tobey, 01cry, Bunk, Wells, Ashley, Skagen, Cole, Va.u- binder and Ken (ohrick, Every one of them is a senior, so tile Highclimbers will be ()mpletely devoid of lettermen when they open training for next basketball seasoll. II Members of lhe Highclimber squad I)resented Coach I)ombros- ki with a noel(tie and clasp in ap- precialion of his efforts, which re- sulted in the finest record a Shel- l.on team has nlade since heeom- ing a member of tim present Southwest Washington northern division conference. LUMBER BLANKS WOODFIBER, TIES FOR GONFALON SIMPSON W()MI;N'S LEAGUE (Final Standings) W L ,Voodfiber . ........................... 45 30 Ltmlber . ................................ 45 30 Ptlrchasing ................... 39 36 1 Olympic ]'lywood ............... 34. 41. Accounting ........................ 33 42 l,;ngineering ................. 29 46 Hi series.--Freda l're(lson 450 Hi game- .- I.yle MacDonahl 182 NOTIIING is a cinch in sports, Woodfiber had a three game lead and rosy visions of winning the ril'st Sirnpson women's league bowling, pennant going into the final match of the schedule Sun- day night Today, Woodfiber faces a play- off if it is to hoist that 1)ennant for Immber boldly snatched all three games and erased Woodfib- er's lead m one fell swoop. The second game was (lose but Vir- ginia Westman kicked through with one of her three good games to win it by 12 pins. irgmm had also paced tile opening game vic- i!e; To Say "No" Ken Wca.ver. w;'iting in Allied Youth. Oct.(ber, 1948, says: "1. Remember that you have plenty of company if you choose tot to drink. Many of America's top- flight businessmen, such as Thomas J. Watson, presi- dent of the vast International Business Maelaines Cor- poration, and J. C.' Penney, nationally known merch- ant, are well known for their sobriety: Athletes by tile htmdreds leave a!cohol alone and never hesitate to say sO publicly. Such All-Aterican staz's as Johnny Lujack of Notre DatMe aad Gilmer of Alabama, Glenn Davis and Joe of Army, Walden Humble of Rice, Bob Davis Tech and Doak Walker of S.M.U. are in ,tliisgroup. So als0 are such Big League baseball stars : a Do'n Black and Jackie Robinson. The-list of coaches Whodo not drink and who emphatically oppose drink- ing by their teams is endless. 2. When you decline a drink be casual and natural. Instead of saying, "No, I don't drink," just say, "I'd like a coke. please" or "May I have a glass of orange juice?" There is no more reason why you should take a cocktail than a cup of coffee if you don't want to. 3. Never, never' assume a holier-than-thou attitude. Be a good sport if you have to take a ribbing about not drinking. 4. Remember that in the long run most people respect those who stick by their convictions. It is the sad experience of some people who forsake their convictions in order to please the crowd, only to dis- cover that they are really despised for being woak- kneed, 5. Win your popularity by your pleasant personal- ity, your skill in sports, your' ability at dramatics or speaking, If you do these things and make friends easily, you will seldmn have to worry about being un- popular' just because you choose not to drink," ---Methodist Clipsheet Paid Advertisement) Kimbel, Pantorium Tied Going Into Commercial Finale COMMERCIAL PIN LEAGUE W L Kimbel Meters ...... 50 31 Pattorinm Cleaners 50 31 Morgan-Eacrett [br... 46 35 (h'unert Service ....... ,12 39 t,o('nl 161 .................. 36 45 ()lymptc Plywood ...... :15 46 Simpson Electricians.. 34 d7 AmcYican Legion ...... 31 50 Hi series- -Bow Newcll 581 Hi game. Clarence Bare 219 KIMBEL MOTORS and Pantor- iunl Clemers rolled rough-shod over their opponents last week to score slmtout victories and enter last night's final matches in the commercial bowling league tied for first Bob Newell pitched tbe Kimhel victory over American Legion, his 58l being the night's top series, :m(1 his 215 opener being the sec- ond best individual .game. He re- ceived some timely help from ev- ery" other member of the lineup, the Kimbe] club being "hot" and lianging .up a 27/)8 total for the night• 1[ was 460 pins nlore thaa the Legionnah'es scorcd and there nevel.' was any doubt of the out- come in any game. PANTORIU M, on the other hand,, had a real rassle on its hands before downing (]runert's Chevron Service, winning the opener by just six pins even though Clarence Bare of thc Chevron club hit : 219 for the evening's top singh, garne, till Beseh warmed up in the last two tussles to pace the Cleaner victories, ea('h of which was progressively by widcr mar- gins. It was shutout night all. down [CHEHALIS HERE TUESDAY NIGHT y ASSHELTON OPENS LEAGUE PLA , DEFENSE OF CONFERENCE TITLE. Faring better by night titan hv day, the Highelimbers split their opening home bail g-anles ove]' the \\;reek ell(t. 0roppin o ;t 5 tO 4 ten tuning decision lo South Kitsap t)y (htylight Friday bu( shutting' OlIL North l(itsap, 4 to 0, by night Monday. Bob Tobey, veteran southpaw. and Wayne Chit'y. the pitching infielder, collaborated in tossing lhe shutout vi('tory. Tobey pitched tile first five franms, ivmg Ul) the only two hits to the el)posi- tion and striking out seven, tie also batted home three of Shel- ton's four runs, so played a one- nian-gang role ill tile tussle. Ills FLY in the first scored Clary, who had opened with a triple to eenter field• Then Tob- ey's double to left in the third scored I,arry Swift and Bill Ta- bor, and .Johnny Miller tmpled to right to chase Tobey acro.:s with the lnst ]'lln Of the galliC. North Kitsa t) never had more than one man on base nntil the final franle• when an error am[ a walli I)uL LWO aboard with two OUI:• Sophomore Bob Eacrett deserv- ed to win him first pitching as- sigmnent fur thd Highclimbers Friday. He gave tip no earned runs to South Kitsap and went into the seventh and last sched- uled inninff with a 4 to 2 lead. lIE N'I'AKTI,;I) his own down- fall by hitting A1 Williams, his rival pitcher, anti lhen Herb Loop booted a dotlble play ball. South Kitsap took of those two breaks to push across tile tying runs on Toby Vasbinder's bobble and a sqlleege bunt,, then the second t)ut Tabor st;ll'led a IWO-I'Un spl'ec for the ilia hclimb- ors in the third wilh a hil to deep short which \\;va: followed by a hit batter. ;L beaten out sm,ri- lice bunt laid down hy Loop, and Tabey's single lo 4'O]11('1' fol' the two scores. VASBINI)EII slatted ::nothel two-run olltblu.s! in the fourth with a drive to center, after whieh he stole, Don Cleveland lac- ed another safety to c.mec to register the Higtmlimber lhir(l- sacker. Eacretl walt,:ed, and Clary skie(I to center Lo score. Cleve- land. A sensational (living, back- handed catc]l by Centerfiehler Schlief kept Shelton from win- ning the gallle ill the ninth, Loop beidK robbed el' a tmple with Clal'y on second vthcn Schlief speare(t his scorching drive to h'fLcenter. The Highclimbers have ;tll Oi)e!l (late this week end, but phiy their I £il'st conference game of the year next Tuesday night when they entertain Chehalis i.uittcr the L(op Field, lights at 7:30 o'clock. the line with Local 161 jumNng into fifth place on a ;l to 0 trY- wonit in the tenth with Clary mnph over Olympic Plywood and pitching when both Vasbinder and Morgan-Eacrett Lumber cenlentinff Tobey gunlmed up Bob Graham's its third place position with a,drive down the thir(t base line whitewash vcrdict over Simpson lHectricians. tory, then Lyle MacDonald came along with a 182. which was the night's top single game. to win the finale. All the while. Freda Fredson was bowling consistently to hang up the evening's best ser- ies aL 450 and Lumber wound up with a handsome 2446 total. THE ROI,L-OFF hasn't been dated definitely yet, but perhaps will be hehl April 21, the same night the Simpson men's league holds-its championship playoff. In other matches. Purchasing relegated Engineering to the base- rnent with a 3 to 0 victory behind Chris Redman and Shirley Dirt- man, and Accounting won the odd game from Olympic plywood as Juanita Miller finished qm sea- son with two average boosting scores, RNADERS' POLLS S H O W; Women read the society page, men read the sports page, every- one reads the classified page and your ad will bring results. Phone 100. which scored Art Schlief with the winning run. The visitors had scored first in North Kitsap ab r h o a e Stevens• If .... 2 0 ] 2 0 0 Johnson, cf .... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Pierce. 3b ........ 3 0 o 1 1 0'nmte, 2b .... 3 0 0 0 .0 t Hansen, p ........ 3 0 1 1 3 2 Edgren, lb ........ 2 0 0 6 0 0 Culbertson, ms_ 3 0 0 0 0 0 Murphy, rf_ ...... I 0 t) 0 0 0 Blake. rf ....... ] 0 0 l 0 0 Iverson. c ........ 2 0 0 7 0 1 Totals ....... 23 0 21 18 4 4 8he[tort ab r h o a . ClalJll  ss-p ........ 3 1 1 1 2 0 Grigs,,, if 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tobey, p-If ...... 3 1 1 0 ] 0 Miller• rf ........ 3 0 1 0 0 0 Vasbinder. lb ._ 3 0 1 6 1 0 Wells, cf ........ 3 0 1 1 0 0 Loop, 2b "I 0 0 2 2 0 Swift, 3b ........ 2 1 0 0 2 0 Tabor, c ............ 2 1 0 8 01 0 Dale, If ............. l 0 0 0 0 0 Cole, If ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 MUler. ss ............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Valley, 2b ....... 0 0 0 0 0 1 Priszner. c .... l 0 0 3 0 0 Totals ....... 25 4 5 21 8 1 [  L I I I  /7 i li I.] ii _ I II Remember Mr. Fisherman! ! I fD I One : Sh!rmp on It, reducing every ember to powder. Then rake it aver thoroughly. Then dou=e it wDh water untiL€rot the slightut spark remains. Your help  nKh to keep America green, m rCdtin4)ur forest lands at theiPprodu INCO00TED R0Y l Iff00E c000ERPRISF00 GEO M. CON00R00ON i i ii i i i II i IIII I ..... h Score by llanings , North Kitsap ........ ..'j 000 00070--.0 hits 100 (t10 0 2 Shelton .................... 10:-t 000 x---4 hits 102 002 x,--5 SUMMARY. 3-base hits--Miller, Clary. 2-base hil--Tobey. Sacri- fice hit--Griggs. Runs batted in --Tobey 3, Miller. Struck out-- Tobey 7, Clary 3, Hansen 7. Walks .... Tobey 1 Chu-y l, Hansen 1. Hit batter -Tabor by Hansen. hm- ings pitched.. Tobey 5. Credit vic- tory to Tobey. Stolen base - Wells. Port Orchard at, r h o a e Stautz, lb ........ 5 1 0 13 0 0 Smith, ss ........ 5 1 0 6 5 1 Wagner, 3b ........ I 0 0 0 1 0 Wilt, rf-p ....... 5 0 2 1 0 1 Swearingen, If. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Saxby, 2b ........ 5 0 1. 0 6 0 Sehlief, cf ...... 5 1 2 4 0 1 Boatright, c .... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Bayless, p ........ 0 1 0 0 1 0 Williams, p-rf .... 2 1 0 1 0 1 Graham, c ........ 3 0 0 3 1 0 a Oie ................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ward, If .. ....... i 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ........ 37 5 5 30 14 4 Shelton ab r h o a e Clary, ss-p ........ 4 1 1 2 0 2 Loop, 2b ....... 5 0 1 1 2 1 Tobey, lf-p ........ 5 0 2 2 0 1 Miller, rf ........ 5 0 2 0 0 0 Wells, ef ........ 4 0 0 1 1 1 Vasbinder, 3b .... 5. 1 1 3 6 3 Cleveland, lb ; 5 1 i 16 0 0 Tabor, c ........ 3 0 1 2 0 0 Eacrett. p ....... 2 1 0 0 6 ] Griggs, If ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Miller, ss ....... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Priszner. c .... 1 0 0 3 1 0 Totals ........ 40 4 9 30 16 9 a batted for Swearingen in 5th Score by Inning, Port Orchard .... 001 010 200 1 5 hits 011 011 000 1--5 Shelton ............ 002 200 000 0---4 hita 103 210 100 19 SUMMARY: 2-base hit--Miller. Sacrifice hits --- Wells, -tautz, Wagner, Ward. Runs batted in--- Clary, Tobey , Cleveland, Witt 3, Graham, W'ard, Struck out .... Eacrett 2, Tobey 2, Clary 1, Bay- less 1. 1, Wilt 1. Bases on balls---C]ary 1, Wiliams 1. Inn- ings pitched---Eacrett 6 2-3, To- bey 2 1-3, Clary 1, Bayless 3 1-3, William 5 2-3, Witt 1. Runs re- sponsible for---Bayless 3, Eacrett 0, Clary 1. Winning pitcher--Wil- Dams. tossing pitchcr--Clary. Hit batters---Clary by Bayless, ,¥il- liams by Eacrett. Wagner by To- bey. Stolen bases.--Wagner 2, Schlief, Tobey, Miller, Vasbinder, Passed ball-Priszner. TURTLE LAKE FISH O BE AMBUSHED FROM GOOD FLOATS Members of the Mason County Sports and Skeet Club spent Sun- day afternoon 'repairing and plac- ing floats in Tul-tle lake for the use of young fishermen.' Frest- ter fishing days begin April A crew from the club cleared the puMic cntry road into Spen- cer lake a week ago in readiness for the fishing season. A few lnore lo,lds of gravel an4t some travel on the road will result in a hard surface. The roadway i soft near the lake, and anglers are asked to be careful lest they ,et stuck, Fishcrmcn know... "It's a Case of E0000/oyment" OI. YMPIA BREWING CO., OLYMPIA, FISHING DAYS 1 e SELECT YOUR FISHING POLE All Types 3.75 to 32.50 \\; DIP NETS 2.s0- 9.95 FISH LINES 15 ¢ to 4,S0 @ FLY LINES 1.25 to 12.95 SPOONS .......... 95€ to 2.75 LEADERS : ......... 10 ¢ and up Monel & Nylon EGGS, jar " 20€-65 ¢ FISIIING And 1949 Fishing Pamphlets Our Sporting Goods C'MON * Lakes are bubbling more the t4shing season complete, line of fishing an unusual assortment of for all types of fishing. CANNED SNELLED HOOKS, Rod Ho00der00 1.9S For Boats B KEELS TACKLE BOXES 55 ¢ to 38.95 3.50 to 13.50 Johnson Mote P ............... 5HP m • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $134.50 $174.S0 "10-H. P. (with gearshift) $310.00 SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT "Established 1895