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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14, lO&apos;tq. I II I I II I I I II YOUR .-HOUSE in To The Dogs? To a LONG LINE of Hard To Beat Merchandise ALWAYs AVAILABLE AT Lumber Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson 420 SOUth First St• Phone 56 OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON p GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Grange Masters [ In Mason County Begin Spring Jobs With in('re:l.','d u('tivity ill Mn- H()H (':)llHty  uallgos St;l ]'i ill;" iu ,l)rim:,,, many persons ar,, inl(,r- ('Hl'd hl kllowin lllo various h,ml- ,r. that they in:,y be ('()111:i('tOd ill )'(.f,,v(,ll('(. (o individual, .;)'olI ) or dish'mt I)rojeets. The nmst(,t's of the 12 '.)'allg( ulits are as foUows: Carl L. Ie, ms- ] Icy, Pnnmna grang(,, Route :i Shelton; ltalph Prescott, Agate rang(,, l.oute 2, Shelton; I]dwin Taylor, Progress grange, Route 1, h(,lton; Viltiam Lundquisf, Mat- lek grant,e, IouLe l, Elma; (:h(,,q- t(.r Valley. Skol:()nli.:h gl'illlg'(', Star Rout(, I, Shelion. Wulter Hieste)', Shelton Wdley ,.rango, Route I, Shelton; C. W. Sh'cckenhaeh. Ha)'.t ine grange, ! l>,oute 2, Sh(Aton; Vir;;il lherbow- el. lhttchery grange, l{oute I. El- ms; (leorge Hliboki, Cloqualhun Yal/p,e, Lost Lake Route, Elma; Marion W. N(,wkirl¢, Twanoh grallt4e, P.O. B,)x ;:5, Belfair; How- ard Yuh?, SolLthside grange, Route 3, Shell.oiL :rod Orin tueRingham, ] Fair tlarbor grange, (lrapeview. ' Monarch & Tone Stoker .... $8.50 Lump .... $10.50 Range.... $9.50 CAPITAL CITY FUEL 504 N. Garrison St• Olympia Phone 5515 (Collect) 00ester "'''" A NEW VISITORS KEYNOTE WEEK'S NEWS IN ALLYN DISTRICT ]h'.. George Miloscvich enjoy- ed :t visit with her brot.her from (!(los l];ly, ()I'e.. over Lilt' week ell(I, M)... A)'vhie Lhulsey, who is I.ea('hinK m Elln:2 spent her Spl'in, VII 0;11 ioll }:I, I'101110 Iasit \\;v,,,e]{ HELTON-MAgC)N COI.rNY JOt.RAT II I I [ ........ I i _ J THE AMERICAN WAY i i • . .... L' Mrs. Coleman tmd Mr. and Mrs, Bud Melnnis and son from C, ig Harbor visited at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weckhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin, of Shelton, spent the week end with his folks Mr. and Mrs. William Austin. Robert Austin was also home for a visit Sunday. t Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hawk at- ten(led a birthday party in Aber- deen last Saturday, given in hen- t)r of their granddaughter. Alice F()dge, who is now six years ohl. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hawk. Mr. and Mrs. George Harthill and Leilani tool( a drive along the Hood Canal Sunday afternoon. [iek Shelgren m still in the hospital but is improving. His mahy friends wish him a speedy recovery. A wedding shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archer. of Victor. was held Friday evening in the Victor Community hall. They received many gifts. Dane- ing, card playing and community singing provided diversion for the evening'. A delicious hmcheon was served. ..................................... BELFAIR 4-H'ERS TO RAISE CAMP FUNDS WITH DANCE The Belfair 4-H clus are spon- soring a free dance tonight, April 14, at the Belfair Barn to help raise money for the im- provement of the Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp. Youngsters, sparing no efforts, have prepared a big affair with Walt Bishop's orches- tra, door l'izes, concessions. Tickcts"for the door prize, a steam iron suitable for pressing c.lothes as well as for bopping hubby on the head, are being sol(1 fro' 25 eems each. Profits from the tickets and concessions will be thrown into the common Pan- handle lake effort. Be a "Man of distinction" this Easter! Our VERY varied collection of soft-hued felts  ;h smartly harmonizing bands includes snap ar:! roll brim models in all widths to FIT ycvr per, 3 Cty . . . from $8.50 to $16.50. Other hats frc:n $5.00. Miller's Men Shop . Hotel Shelton Building Phone 609 i: 7 The Un.,.qtreamlined Model Belfair Veterans Groups Hold Joint Installation Meet By Dollie Parsons The Mul Curtis Post 5372 Vet- erans of Foreign Wars and Aux- iliary of Belfair held a joint in- stallation of officers at an open meeting at Bishop's Barn on April 5. Walter Wadrich, post com- mander, was installing officer. Those installed include Homer I,. Parsons. commander; Frank DeMiero, senior vice commander; George Wandell, junior vice com- mander; Carl Nichols. chaplain; Walter Wadrich, post advocate; L• Lindeman, surgeon; J. White. guard; William DeMiero, officer of the 'day: Fred Lindsey, quarter- master, and James Huffman and Jesse Brain, trustees. Matilda Reed, past fourth dis- trict president, was installing of- ficer for the auxiliary. Officers installed were Dollie Parsons, pres- ident; Nellie DeMlero, senior vice president; Dorothy Newkirk, ju= nior vice president; Evelyn Beck, treasurer; Mildred Nichols, chap- lain; Zola Greenler, guard; Bur- nell Lindeman. conductress: Mrs. Woodrich. Anna Crosswhite and Virginia IAngren, trustees; Donna Olsen, musiclan: Alice Squires, historian; Laura Beck, Virginia Lingren and Mollie Mongrain, col- or bearers. Refreshfnents were served after the meeting. The fourth district post and aux- iliary of V.F.W. held a meeting at Belfair on April 10. The post members met at the Belfair school then joined the auxiliary at the Belfair Barn for refreshments. There were 120 members present. Now would be a good time to sell camping equipment that you don't use. Classified ads--'phone 100. THE FORUM NEW OLDSMOBILE"I] ...LOWEST'PRICED CAR ITH HIGH'COMPRESSIO "BOCKET"ENI)INE! L .,, i [ )it "'Roch,t" Engine. el)tipment on Serie at extra cost oa optloaal at o.wra cost, e nic styling! Oldsmobile brings you "Rocket" Engine power! them in the thrilling "88"... the lowest-priced "Rocket" Engine carl got to drive it to believe it. You float through traffic in this y with a sensation of quiet SllloOlhlleS tllat you've never power, that makes every mile pure pleasure. ')',t Ohls. pression "Rocket" Engine actually saves on fuel! What's ahnost drives itself, thanks to the magic of l lydra-Matic Drive*. clutch-pushing • . • all you tic is step on the gas and go! "88" for style, for maneuverability, for the salid eomfi)rt of a • and for the New Thrill of "l{oeket" Engine performance! "Rocket" Engine Oldsmohile "98" at your Ohtsmolfile dealer's, 777 Or 778 ,OLD S M OBI LE E YOUR DEALER SE NEAREST OLDSMOBILE ,, CHEVROLET CONPANY I First and Grbve Streets Paffe , , ..................................... , ............... j]] '- Mr. and Mrs. John Public 4 HAPPY EASTER TO YOU! : To Complete Those Words . . . , 1 WE INVITE YOU TO OUR SOUTHSIDE GRANGE HALL FOR YOUR EASTER BREAKFAST 1 1 Served from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 1.7 ( Adults $1.00  Junior Plates 50¢ ( --=v ALDERCROFT NURSERY Buy direct -- Get quality direct from the ground -- Save money. We do not believe in cold storage plants -- We grow most everything we sell. FRUIT TREES ....................................... $1.50 Over 50 Varieties, 2 to 4 years Old, Welt Branched Complete Line of Berries, Soft Fruits, Grapes, Etc. SHADE TREES .............................. $2.50 & up 20 Varieties. Large and Well Branched Camellias, Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Choice Northwest Grown Rose Bushes and Many Other Varietlee of Flowering Shrubs Priced According to Size and Variety EVERGREEN.; (Coniferous and Broadleaf) Wide Varlet, /',fl Sizes, Priced A¢,ordlng to Size HUNDREO@ OF OTHER NURSERY ITEMS Comple:e Nursery and LandsCaping Service SHOP WEEKENDS IF POSSIBLE 0 ALDERCROFT NURSERY 1 Mile East of Olympic ttighway on Fairmont Street Wilbert Catto Phone 591-W AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RESIDENTS AND BOARD MEM- BERS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 45. While attending the recent Dis- trict No. 45 School Board meet- ing', I observed and learned some amazing thin. It appeared at times that Mr. Kreidler might be on trial for his life, with various individuals play- ing the part of the district attorn- ey and Mr. Kreidler having to be his own defense attorney. From this and other things I have over- heard at different times and places, I can draw only one con- clusion--that Mr. Kreidler is be- ing unjustly accused of some things that the board should be blamed for. It is true that Mr. Kreidler has made mistakes but, a£ter all, who has not? We all know the saying "The man who does not make mistakes is not do- ing anything." At least, Mr, Kreidlcr has the interest of the pupils' health, edu- cation, and housing, while being eduoate.d at heart. From the discussion at this meeting, it also appeared that if both the residents of the district and the board do not cooperate as a body, we are liable not only to lose what mhool system we now have in the district, but, also, some residents of the community, for I feel that a community is only as good as the school system might be for the children. The general opinion of the dis- trict residents seems to be that, as a whole, we have a very good faculty. At least the view one ob- tains from talking to various mem- bet of the faculty is that their relations among themselves is very compatible, Therefore, I believe we should do our utmost to retain the faculty. Should we not, as adults, consid- In the Ice Cream Everyone Raves About Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month , "BANANA NUT" SCOTT'S ICE CREAM Second and Franklin Streets Phone 202 ii a,m. to II p.m. Daily, Including Sundays and Holidays "" ,,#/// ";>;.,#. .,,<9' --r -,@lit,, uqli\\;\V,,x,,- er all the pros and cons and oome answer°Ut of this melee with one good . ')  J...,a.m. that would benefit the dis- THE  :vi:! IS trier as a whole ? We cannot ex- pect to keep our school system at its pre¢nt,,, standards without as- W tinghous sistanco from sources other than FAMOUS S e AUTOMATIC WASHER the tax rolls. In other words, we will not get state and federal matching funds if we do not make an attempt to obtain them. • I believe that many topics were brought p that could have been handled much better if treated be- tween the individual parties con- cerned. It seemed that most of these topics were, should we say, thorns in the side which had been left to fester, If we have complaints, let us, as residents, go to the one con- cerned and "iron out" the trouble as soon as possible after it has occurred. 1: am sure you will find the faculty members very cooper- ative if you will only approach them in the proper manner. Leave the chip at homedo not wear it around on your shoulder. We must admit that our children are not perfect and, bring home some very distorted ideas. By the sme method the board members should remember that they are servants of their constit- uents of 'the district and should, in treating matters that come be- fore the board, leave their axe- grinding and personal prejudices at home--at least, out of the meet- ing. Our school system is not in the channel to be considered small business. It, therefore, behooves both the resident and the board to act as adults and to keep in mind that we should "do unto others as we would have them do unto us." A. J. Woldridge, Belfair, Wash• Retenone Treatment Of State Lakes To Begin Fisheries biologists of the Washington State Game Depart- merit ah'eady are at work on one of their most mportant projects for 1949- -the determination of which lake areas arc to he treated with rotenone so that sorap fish can be eliminated. The fisheries management div- ision, headed by Clarence Pautzke, is continuing its ambitious treat- mg program which is designed to add additional fine lakes to the list of those offering good fishing. Treating' of the lakes wtll be- gin a. soon as surveys are com- pleteo and water conditions per- mit. After the, scrap fish are elilated, the °virgln ' bodies of waVe.Will be planted to game £ish. wilh te S29900s LAUNDROMAT Is a Trade-Mark, Reg. , Pat. Off.. Look at thes, Featurosl Only Laondronud Ires tintl e t' SL,N)'ING F,ON r--No awkward bending or stooping when lopdiag " ? or unlaadin, washer . . . ,he loau shelf is a time ann wor saver, StNOtt OtAt €ONr#Ot--AII O l.. tions performed automaticalltl: If m)y, ¢oadai wyl Starti stopping, flUids, wa temperature, washing, rlnai damp-drying. € INCttN|O IA|K|T--An hal'O merit over all known washing meth- o&, Inclined Basket glvu  wub- ins action that is ama=fizr ltdea, Phone us,and make ar- $|tF.¢LIANING--The rangemet to ee the has n0 l[n trap. Wash ..mud lm Ladndromat wuh a load of wat keepiaterio mL your clothe. IT'S FREE. INSTALLS ANYWH|I/No boltlnl  Pleat. ,. No Yibrll Shelton B, W. SORER Govey Building Phone '154-W TUNI IN TED MALONE f 4