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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2O Clsslfied Servleo CHIMNEYS CLEANED and recapped. Oil stoves and furnaces vacuum , cleaned. Free estimates. Phone 3486 days, 7026 evenings. Olympia, Wash. " . P3-24tfn. EXPERT WORK.. ReasomLble cmu, tlmatu made in your home. by eotwtto__bonded employs. No o itgatton. Leave calls at he Journal i helton Phone I00, &apos; SlNG]R SEWING MACHINE CO, 810 In. et Ave. Olym GUARANTYED auto painting, $50, at Butler's Cove Motors, next door to Butler Cove dance hall, V8-314-14 rating, harrowing with lractor, Call ' PIIIIp Hardle, Route 1, Box 137. " ne 766J1. 3-i0tfn eal oantrts old age uslstanee, or direct wltn You on Your doctors oder. Prep'k Drug Store, 9_..nd New hardwood floors Installed, old • or new homes. J. A. Schlange. Box 28, Belfalr. Phone Belfalr 5-391. 7-17-47tfn. rR-'A'S-- U i i NG--'DO N g. --A n y" , kind. Phone 785-J-1. Walter Bueslg. 3-24--4-14 A'Y:OR NIGHT guaranteed service on i hg.s or auto radios. Free estimates i gladly given If desired, Reasonable , priee. Free pickup and delivery. lossd Friday eventngs and Satur- oays, or leave work afKillmer Elec- tric. BURGEON RADIO SERVICI, I Franklin. near Loop Field. Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-0-tf I I I _ I Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Hauled Away Quick. Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia ...... ' Phone 3486 or 7026 ..... " 1-15---tfn. I I I II I I I  .......... WE REPAIR '' All makes of RADIOS, *WASHING MACIIINES and , SMALL APPLIANCES -:xpertly and Reasonably RIIDID t1,1111111 I • I KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tsnk8 (ny Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W J IIIII Rellablo, Expertly Prepar PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the on CoUnty Medical Assn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 I II I I ,I for IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton. Wash. [ , , ,, , - E. F. FULMER DECORATOR pinting, Paper Hang- :|rig, Spray Painting PHONE 100 or write me, Star Route, ALlyn F.dNGINEERED |1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 words or less (m!nlmum charge) 75c single insertion, $1.25 two insertions, $1.50 three inser- tions. Additional insertions 20c each, Larger ads at rate of 10c for each 5 wors above 25. Reader notices 15c per line. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1.00; original poetry 50c per inch; classified dis- p;ay. rates on request. Advertisements accepted over the telephone from phone sub- scribers. Ch should accompany all other oraers or payment made within five (5) days of the first Insertion to save expense of bill- ing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when bllfing is neces- sary. PHONE 100 Classified Service FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS' and supports, phone 799-J for appoint- ntent or call at 1416 Summit Drive, i ' 9-26-46tfn. tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 40 A radla Avenue. (Corner Arcadia ane Boundary Streets.) --tt tlons. Expert work. Machine made button holes. 10 a,nt. to 5 p.m.. 40S. Cots Street. 82-24tfn Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. I III II I I I Title Insurance - Abstract s--Escrows SHELTON-BELL Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 S, 4th (Bell Bldg,) Shelton, Wn. PIIONE 65 Mason Cmnty agent fo Puget Sound Title Insurance Com- pany of Seattle Member Washington Land Tills Ass'n. American Title Ass'n. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: building lot In fine resi- dential area on soutl side. Priced reasonably, Phone 993-W. B4-14-26 FOR SALE: 4 bedroom house, partly furniMted, electric hot, watcr tank, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, un- excelled view. Cheap for cash or will trade .for 2.bedroom house. Also small new hmme for sale at 420t/a Fairmont or phone 329-M or 476-M. B4-7-21 FOR SALE: 5 acres in Skokontish Valh'y, 5 roem house. Interior un- finlshe£1. WIr$'d for range. Has well anti creek rtfnning across baek end of property. Mr, Einalr Kjesbu, Box 262 or tnquh'e at third house on left past Five Corners on Lost Lake Road K 8-17--4-28 FOR SALE: throe Arcala Beach tracts, 24, 25 and 26, 320 feet froage. I acres, $4000. Write Bo R. Journal, $4-7-14 [ FOR SALE Three bedroom home, only 4 miles out on Oakland Bay, Dining room and living room have large plate glass win- dows. All hardwood floors. Also two other house on prop- erty bringing 66.00 per month income. Will sell one separ- ately. Approximately seven acres, triangle shape, one side waterfront, one side gel f course, one side highway. Seen by appointment. Phone 878-R-1 C. M. Mercer 4-7-21-3t I ONE BLOCK OF CITY PROPERTY FO'R SALE Four bedroom home on Southside hill. Large living and dining room w i t h fireplace, automatic dish- washer and built-in electric range in kitchen with pleasant dinette. Full basement with double garage. Automatic oil furnace with air- conditioner. Beautiful surrounding I grounds--90x20.0 ft l Four room house, electric range 4 and automatic water heater, eled-I trlc heat. Lot 60x100 ft. Four room house on lot 90x100 ft. Also 3 unimproved 50x100 ft. lots. Will sell separately or as a unit. Will make good rental propely. Mrs. Claude Danielson Rt, 3, Box 209-C Phone 348-W, 3-17-tn ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY WIRING CRAIG P. ELIOT REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDED Engineer - Electrical - ContractOr P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K St. - Mountain View P. O. Box 158 Shelton Phone 788 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coveraoc On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applioants Rates, Service for Policy Holders • Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS 133 6outh First Street Phone 573 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL v  v v qu  v ,q q q ,qv v .qw v..rp-q v.w v v v p, iqw,qv,q qw qwq qw i, v v v v v v tv v-v'q 'q 'q  5 REAL ESTATE " REAL ESTATE HAVE $12,000.00 equity in $19,500,00 REAL BUY for imntediate sale, two Seattle North end Lake Washlgt4n bedroom, modern, downtown Iota - tlen, wired for electric range, in- i waterfront property (5 room house 150 ft. frontage) to trade for Hood eludes Bendix, ,.Icctrlc hot water Canal house. Mlgi*t consider water- beater and Co,emsn (:ircuhtting front or view propcrty near Shelton. heater and 2-car garage, Only $3800. Call Union 25L  Fl-13tfn Phone 601. K-i-7tfn SMAEL ii]i); -dr( -s.L: fi<,,:i ;;i(i; i(;L: $7,,6 ,'r gas, no reasonable offer rejec'ted, will sell separately, $175 fro' corn('F Inquire at Rayonier Credit Union lots, $150 for inside lots. Call 823-JI or A, L. Ournsey, 115 Roosevelt or 605, P4-7-21 i Stt'e, et, Shc, lton. 3-31--4-14 owner, three-year-old modern |lOnl, Olympic View Addition, Sea Mrs, two bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood Martla Aleckson, McKinley and floors, automatic oil furnace, full Pioneer Streets• A3-2t-31 '-(SR-XEE-i"'f)ia':i--p':iVp'efty'--:5-- basement, bedroom finished in bas,'- sent, Phone 314-W or inquire 1019 ntately 180 feet front on Bayshore. Olympia Ave. W3-24tfn ,$500, terms. Phone 455-J or write ;-0-R--S-.AL-E--'('l-y-0-wh-ct")'-{a-'nx--u-iles Route 1, Box 252, Shelton. $3 31--4 14 from Bremerton on highway 21-B. " " Five room modern home with fire-  I place furnace, deep freeze, berries ...... I and orchard. Write Box L, c-o Jour- nal, Shelton. L3-24-31 SMAI. FARM FOR SALE, about I -- ' WHY PAY REI-T'---- 22 acres good bottom land, Skoko- Three small houses each on 60x100 m ish Valley, 5 room home, modern pot Iogo.U2c%o%om  *l%ott? plumbing, oil range, some f.urni- corner Laurel and K St. (Mt. Lure, garaen toms, brooaer, mcu-, View). 12-30--4-14 bator, concrete block machine, "O-S-A-ff'E-i--To'f;iC'5:a(iff-'-dKt good barn, wo()dshcd, chicken first and second (!lass tidelands, % house, tool shed, some lumber. Lots I acre cleared, Good view of Mr. Rail*- of fruit and berries. [ ler and marine trafffc into Shelion. Leslie Younglove, Rt. 2, Box 269, $75y0,terms Shelton. 3-31--4-14 • VGfCXL,i2:i:6,iW ia i;iK -ii;//7 -i(:: BEAUTIFUL HOMESITEI weep-{ ed. Inquire Russell F.ckloff. Star Rte. 1, Box 3B. Washington between ing view of water and mountain. D and E streets (Mt. View). 4-%21 Excellent water system. Large W,pp--,i(y--rRXDE--gyr6/-us [arm house and outbuildings. Mea- dow and orchard. WATERFRONT H O M E -- Good beach, choice district on Bayshore Road. House in excellent condition. Good heating system and water supply, nice view, spacious grounds $6950 POTLATCH HOME--nicely situ- ated. Spacious and modern. Best of constrnction. Fine heating sys- tem. This home could not be dup- licated for twice the price asked and is in spotless condition. $80O@ 116 N. 2rid -- Plmne 30 H. L. Olstead Agency FOR SALE 5-room modern lmme with three bedromns including automatic gas range, hot water heater and oil heater. Good yard, flower and veg- etable garden. Good garage and shop with concrete floor. Also small new building suitable for store or shop 20 x 20, Well located on Matlock road just outside city limits. Will consider trade for smaller 3-room house close in. (New roof and concrete founda- tions). $7350.00. • • 3-4 acres in Skokomish Valley with 4,room modern home, elec- tric pump, fruit trees, strawber- ries and raspberries. Excellent garden ground with about two acres under cultivation. $5,300.00. 7,5 acres with gooo -room log house, wired for electric range and in good condition. Located on Harstine Island. Priced at $2,450. An excellent value. 5-room modern home with fire- place, hardwood floors, excellent oil furnace, unfinished upstairs and excellent lawn. Includes Ben- dix washer. Home is well located. Priced at $7,850. $ * $ Large building in good condition with business space and good liv- ing quarters, well located on main highway. Has two el! circulators and electric hotwater heater and fireplace, • • • $9450.00. 4-room modern home practically new, with utility room, elec. h.w. Iheater, wired for elec. range, oil I circulator, washing machine, liv- ing room rug, 275-gal. oil tank. Home double constructed, Insd- Sated and weather proofed. Corner lot 100x100 with lawn. Garage attached. G.I. loan balance at 4% interest, monthly payments $43.00 per month including insurance, interest and taxes. Priced to sell for $7350 with $2700 equity down payment. u $ * FOR SALE 5-room modern plastered home wlth large upstairs room sealed with veneer, Fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors qnd full basement. Nice yard with concrete walks and driveway. $5.000 G.I, loan balance with monthly pay- ments of $54.00 including interest, taxes and insurance. $4950 down and assume G.I. loan. Herbert G. Angle II t with breakfast nook. five nliles from Shetton for borne in Shelton within walking distance of business district, Ell Wilh, y. Route 2. Box 91. (Bayshore Road). 4-7-t4 FOR SALE: 2% acres witla-t'w't-saafi houses on Olympic highway three ntlles from courthouse, $1700, Inquire at Moultrop's Serlvce, 765-J-1. B4-7-21 WILL TRADE: good business location including small three-room cabin, large shed with equipment for mak- Ing your own cement blocks, 130 ft. frontage on highway and located between Union and Alderbrook Inn, room for ten or more cabins or large motel. Has city water, utility pole set ann wire run for stove, etc,, for camp, ground on level with highway, Will trade for large furn- ished house in Shelton. Must be close in. For further information shone Union 844. W9-10-81 FOR SALE: six-room house with bath and full basement. 7 acres of good soil with year around creek running through yard. Can be made into a beautiful home, on Deer Creek. L. C. McCowan, ate, 2, Box lI3A. 3-24-31 ZINTHEO'S VALUES MODERN HOME on corner high way lot; 5 rooms and large attic; fireplace, hardwood floors; base- ment, oil furnace, laundry trays. Space for 2 cars. Terms. THREE - BEDROOM MODERN home on corner lot, oak floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, base- ment, furnace. Improved street, cement walk; on bus line, $6800. $ * $ $800 WILL HANDLE this new four room bungalow, with bath and utility room: balance at $60 a month. Price $5975,00, • S * ONLY $3,250,00 for this 4-room modern furnished housh in Olym- pic View Addition. $ * $ WATERFRONT and CiTY £)TS in various locations. • $ $ For Realty Buys Consmt a Realtor M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157  Title Ins. Building heltn |1 II 2 - BEDROOM Wallander Designed MASONRY HOME • Automatic Oil Heat • Automatic Washer • Automatic Dryer • Pella Venetian Blinds • Fireplace • Attached Garage ONLY $1175 DOWN $55.00 PER MONTH Located at 1216 Turner Street ANGLESIDE DICK KI00TZ CO00TRUCrlON CO. Phone 899 4-14-tfn vvvvvvvvvvvvvv REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • FOR SALE: gas range and eight res- taurant stools. Inquire First St. Grocery. .t-7-21 FOR SALE: used floor furnace, regu- hu'ly $179.00, special 1)rice $159,00. Di Loretc) Furnac and Sheet Me- tal. 415 S. First St. Phone 208. r 4-7-21 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv LARGEST SUPPLY of fishing tackle I WANTED in Mason County at tIillcrest Hard- ware. 4-14 ,,,,.,vvvvvv .... vvvv,,,,.v,,.vvvv T)RL-E -i/i wetT[r n saddie/-prai tieally._ new: . Pimne 769:J-4• - . T4-7 WANTED: repair work or remodehng of all kinds. Any odd i(,b. large or FOR SALE: golfers attention. Will { mall. Also rototiller plowing. Call selL three nearly new matched o9-W. C3-31---4-14 woods, new bag, 2 dozen balls. Val- ....................... ue $80 for $50. Phone 198-J. N4-7-14 vador refrigerator. Killmer Electric, .207._fi!! TM ..St- ............................. :!:7:21 SEE OUR NEW HOMES ON ANGLESIDE - 12TH AND TURNER DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 899 Builders of Shelton's Finest Homes 4-14-tfn , ,j ,. . , , , ., NEW, 2 BEDROOM HOME FOR SALE Best materials and con- struction, insulated, t t 1 e floors, knotty pine living room aud dinette. Service room and laundry trays, electric hot water, pressure w a t e r system. Over 2 acres, located mile from Hlllcrest on Ar- cadia Road. $8500 - Reasonable Terms E-4-14-tfn Wild, TRADE: 530 ft. waterfront property, approx, 10 acr,'s ground. ft)r town I, ropty, inquire I-Iarvey Robertson. Phone 672-J. ,1-14-28 ,w .qw v v,v.v v ,w, ,e v v.v. v ,w..w .v ,. w. v ,v v v v ,w LOST AND FOUND LOST: white wire haired terrier, fe- tnal, st Sheltou Gun Club last Sun- day . If found notify John Mc- Caughan, M, D. Pharmacy, Olympia: Phone Olympia 7373. 4,1;-, "i-i:ii fN i)--i ;d i s-s/ii] i-bdi.,;oii-Miioi str,ot Oll Sattlrday. ()wrier lllay have by identifying and paying for Ibis ac, Phone 766-J-1. H4-14 Kt )-ST --f)ii t;i;Y. -1-" ihiJ-;;fdi-ii ÷ 5ii- w i i white front paws, psrt C.liie and', Sheperd. Gene Bergeson. 227 So. i 6th St., Sbelton. 4-14 LOST or STOLEN: round bottom out- board })oat, gray outside, varnished inside, strip seats, e,,t'k lnooring buoy and tackle. Reward. NStify WLllam McLaughlin, Rt. 2, Box 224, Shelton. 4-14-28 Miscellaneous ' • WANTED-TO BUY: about 300 feet frontage on main highway, any- where between [1,mdsp(,rt, Poth*tch and Junction• Stato pri('c ill fir.t • ],ltor. l'lor,'nce Bell, P. O. Box 152, Yelm, Wash. 4-14--5-5 FOR SALE .vv., vv v v v v.v v v,v.,v v v v'v v'v v v,v w , F()R SALE: two pair of Imrgundy damask drapes. Phone 672-J. R4-14-28 ''U iCs X L-i - da¥ -w o-o-fl- -til) i: f dfi t"ff. Ti[ 2 ball piano. Excellent condition. $20¢). Phone 869-R-2. L4-14 manure, Skokomish top soil. tractor .... p(ow!g:. Ph?_4.83 .- w. ____9'_z_L  FOR SALE: one h.p. Myers pump, also 80 gallon pressure tank. 800 feet outs{de wiring. Tom Sergeant, Capitol Hill. 1-6tfn i, qLO-O-R O--ggKiFt'-t- ffe-7'x- - installed or lay it yourself. Easy ternts, 3 years to 1laY. I.awton Lum- bcr, 420 S. First St,, phone 56. WE ARE BUYING sc-ap Iron,' Junk, 3-3tfn. batteries, used cars and wrecks. ]¢Cii--'SE'i--2iZ-],,Wad'-Sia Rodger Bros. Garage, 1 mile south King outboard, old but good. 1939 on Olympia Hiway. R3-4-tfn Dodge 4-door deluxe sedan, '41 mo- ALCOHOLiCS AoNYMOUS-nmets" tot', perfect condition. Will lake Thursday evenings at 8 p,m. at We- older car. J. B. Schott. cornet' Laurel man's Club Bldg., 10th & Wmshing- and K Streets (Mt, View). ton, Olympia, Wash. 3-17tfn, 3-31--4-14 YF--Y615--L-OVE--L'-i'E--R-EAD--Ii-'E PUPPIES FOR SALE: rat terriers. Charles McGlothlin. First house on magazine April 11 edition. If, this ad in Life appeals to you in any left on Stretch Island or inquire at Grapeview storq. Mc4-7-14 -W ()UIS--'£¢tJR-- g:Lg '.--'a b-b--, "ag. planer ends, $11 load delivered (about two cords). Coselman Mill. .... Ph09' 8_7"R:! even!ngs: ....... 4_-_7tfn_:. FOR SALE: two riding horses, $75 each. One big pinto and one small easy gaited horse. Phone 878-R-1. C. M. Merce,'. 4-7-21 USED FURNITURE 1--Rock Maple Davenport and Chair (like new)....$199.50 1 Maple Swing Rocker .... 29.50 1 Velour Swing Rocker .... 49.50 6--Chintz covered chairs .... 19.50 1--full size DeLuxe Simmons Spring .............................. 19.50 1--Spark oil heater ............ 69.50 l---Estate 10" oil heater .... 79.50 1---8" oil heater ................ 29.50 1---Montag Range ................ 39.50 1--Daveno & Chair (like new) .................................. 179.50 1--A,B. Electric Range (Apt, size) ........................ 69.50 O1sen Furniture Co. Phone 102 4th and Cota way drop a card to mc today. No obligation there will be. This equip- sent I'd like for you to see. Life time triplex double bottom stainless waterless st,eking ulensils. Martin Otto, distributor. Rt. 1, Box 64-A or phone 100, 4-7-1't tOTOTIiJL'IN powe T .p|.aying-iil, d" garden service. Phone 941-W ¢)r Box H, Journal. H3-31t fn. }L(5-W-iif-'-A-lq b-- DYSffiF(GTH-eF" Boysen. Phone "922. 3-17tfn. son county for specialty salesnmn. either man or woman experience desirable but not ne(;eseary. Must have car. Reply stating qualifications c-o Box A Journal, A4-7-2I AVAILABLE• The best one-man busi- ness in Shelton. Car required. Write J. R. Watklns Co., 137 Dexter Ave.. Seattle, Wash. W4-7--a-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Small house with elee- tr|e hot water healer and wired for electric range. , Newly decorated. S'e Earl Dickinson 1% mi, south on main highway. Box 127. 4--14 OR-- RENT: -'three-Yrooln'--fu-nishcd house with electricity aud water. Three Inllc8 from Dayton. Gertrude Scott. Star Route 2, Box 66. In- q !a).r e _._D.ayt9 .n. _ Store-- ............ 477.7_'21: ROOM AND BOARD: 129 E, Railroad Avenue Shclton, Wash. O4-7-21 6R-iEN¢ "-=ff&;iq-nk - i'oLtii/'-:fi'fKi i, locatcd. Phone 643 or inquire 311 North Fourth Street. C3-31tfn, OR-RITi partly furnished cotta' .......... per month. Inquire Dusty Rhodes SO P.esort. Phone Hoodsport 15-W-II. 3-10tfn. neither good nor fine, I)-8 CATERPILLAR FOR HIRE. With • blade, clearing teeth and logging winclL Carder aud DeRosier. Phone 810. C3-10--.4-28 COLD STORAGE BOXES for rent: Phone 992. Mt. View Lockers. Star Route 1, Box 32-B. 3-24tfn -i'OR RENT: 3-room apar(nt(lit-,--HH and cold water in kitchen. Access to 1)athroont. Unfurnished. Write Mrs. Wltiltle, Rl. 1 Box 4-A. W4-14-28 Fi5 ]'}.'-I. EN T--0R- ,q )Ii]E ]'-f'i\\;q f i:(''-H chain saw. Iiiquirv Miitt,n Ross. Rt. 2 Bt,x 287. 4-14-28 $4-14 But ah writes poetry that's noble, every line. To tell 'em of lumber, well graded, surfaced and cheap To tell 'em to build and buy lumber; not a jeep. Many discriminating people are 2ND--The Grade: it's better. ( 3RDThe Selection; its larger with more off, grade, off size and short length sorts obtain- able at bargain prices, 4TH--The 2x4's, $4S; good ones can still be had at $49.50 M. de- livered. 5TH---The rush; nonc unless price talks for already the usual spring price rise for lumber has started elsewhere but not here yet. 6THFIR LOGS custom sawed. WOOD ..... Some available again. Slabs, planer ends, edgings. $11,00 load, about two cords delivered, RFD 3, Shelton, 2 Miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 Evenings "0i-"iENT:---:':':':':':':{tl.--rn{s)7(]'- -:oo] 1ST---The Price; it's lower. and bath in duplex Utility and garage. Phone 1021-W or inquire 433 Dearborn. Me4-14 FOR RENT: three roon| apa|'tment, artly furnished. $35 per month. outh Cookson Street. Iuqll|re phone __3,!. ................................ P_-l!tf FOR RENT: throe rooms and show- er, wH'ed for (d(,et|'ie ralxge• Un- furnishcd, No el|ihh'eu. Pbone 763- J-5. W,t-14 APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Floor Sandcrs Johnson Electric Floor Polish- crs Sterling Elec:.rlc portable hand Sanders i-Ieavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer, LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone 56 2-10-tfn WANTED RELIABLE SENIOR girl will care for children aay or night Jn yoLhr hom or mine, Phone 885-R. K6-10tfn feed.' Myer and Hansen. Mln -arn Olympia. Phone 4676 om(, ,-, .... 6 R---R O---6Ti-L-fii't--WS h-R-cffi f'-3 i  Dennls. phone 590-W Available a,- rex.noons. D4-7 courteous service. Phone us_octej. Elma 121-J. Grays Harbor Ken(l .r- rag. Tnc. .lfftn, "q.i i'iiY--'qkili pay-Csfi- b -hr0-b-d  stumpage, Write Daniel and Flet- cher Logging Co. P.O, Box 35, Olaf la. Wash ' 11-atfn. V ILb 'I'AK (JAktP o( t I(ll(ll'Cl* Ill my hOIlle t,y day or night, also your home evenings, Mrs. Ed,Bcr- geson. 1411 Railroad, Phone 27t. 12-gtfn LOGS W AIN'I'ID ; paying n|g;lest prices for logs d,,llvered to our Ill il, iD 8, Shelton two lnl]es east of Hlllcrest on .'t.cadla Road te sign, Coselman Mill, 4-7tfn. WANTE):-voman flr general house- work. Three adulls and small baby lu family. Go home nights. Pbone 541-R. J3-10tfn. WA'I-TED TO RENT: 2 bedroom hOtlSC in Shelton. Phone 5-W, Rt-14 GENERAL- I IORSESItOEIIG---Sat u r: days and Sundays. See Gerald Lang, at. 1, Box 238, fSIn.ltou. B3-17--4-21 -CATTLEi wtnt-icJ buy  "};if-)'{:'-'- ehauge cattle of any i¢'ind. J. Clark, Box 232, Elma, Wash.  2-17tfn. FOR SALE: three, new pair unlined draw drapes, gold coh)r. One pair 75 inches per panel. Two pair 50 inches. Call 320-R after 4:00 p,m. W4-14 {EAVY-IIARBI,:D- WIRE:-' ri;gularlY 11.25, spoclal while it lasts for $9 95 at Hillcrest Hardware. 4-14 ONE-GALLON gas pump, 300 gaLlon heavy tank, $35, . ton electric hoist cost $195 priced $100 (prac- tically new). 8 gauge 48" inserted tooth mill saw, $50. 5 h,l). outboard motor, Sears Roebuck, $40. Glen Clifford, Star Route 2, Box 51 (Day- ton), 3-17--4-21 FOR SALE: one crib and spring fill- ed mattress, also youth's bed and mattress. Phone 110-M. O3-3!--__ -14 ff6.- -SXL --/3--ft." -b-riKff %'ei!iq gb rdtor--7 Montgomery Ward washing machine, I-Iipple Wh{tc dintng set, box WAN Middlc age, local nmn who or mine operations, State interview. TED is familiar with mining slmrcs qualifications and address for Box S, Journal ' 4-14-21-2t Thursday, FOR FISHING RODS, spinners, tackle at Hillcrest "FOR--SXLE--?Jiir ntilking short sbort horn c( calf. Shannon 68 (Second I ............... ONE CASE condition, $75. inquire H. M. 224 (Isabella FOR SALE: Jcep FOR SALE: 2 30 ft. hmg, son nmlor. running bin (to seh6ols. Also ing may be ters. One wlth trailer quire 518 LARGEST in Mason County • ware. FOR SALE : ready to  rCSSOr. oute 2, $11.55, special crest Hardware, "F'-Cil SAI.: see for auto ___,d_  t: .......... FOR SALE: cedar round bottom fastened. small boats built Laughlin. Route ton. Follow the springs, inner spring mattress, va- cuum leane|-. In good condition, store. 1603 Union Street. 3-31---4-14 FOR SALE: -i-IlffAVr--BXikBEIS-wIri__{[: tor, 1940 5 $11.25, special while it lasts for Carlson, $9.95 at Hillcrest Hardware, 4-14 t '. iISHING RODSfreeis, lines,- flies," spinners, tackle boxes, creels, etc., at Hillcrest Hardware. 4-14 ItI[LT-ST--SEiL-'-XT -" ONCE: one Jersey COW. two heifers by same and one- ear-old bull. Inquire Rt. 1. Box . Hoodsport: Call Hoodspert 34-J-2. C4-7-21 F0R SALg-Jbfinson sea H;rse out= boards, 5'* h.p. $60, 1 7-8 h.p. f700: Underwood standard typewriter Underwood Sundstrum adding ma- chine and stand $100. Voss washing n|achine $10. Tropic-Aire cat" heater $25. Stewart-Warner car radio $25. Zenith cabinet radio $50. Cireuflating wood heater, $10. Phone 615-J-3 4-7 FOR SALE: aged t||anure fertilizer, 1.00 hone sack delivered it* Shelton. orders to 322-R. Mrs. A. J. Butler, Rt. 1. Box 168, Elms. 4-14-28 FOR SALE: Arabian stallion service, reasonable fees. First place north of Shelton "dley Grange Hall, Don Nearhood. 4-7--5-5 CHICKS - CHICKS ANY BREED - ANY QUANTITY U.S/ Certified, U.S. Approved PuUorum free ! Also ducklings, goslings, tur- key poults, guinea chicks. FARMERS' SUPPLY Hi]Icrest - Phone 812 2-24-tfn PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton 1 12-9tfn, II MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered In Shelton Our Wood Is Always a Cord or Better to the Load. Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park , Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 3-24-tfn ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES I Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelt,on 650 125 Cota .... Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tfn I New Home Sewing Machines Trade in your old machine on a "NEW HOME." May be had in Wah.ut or Mahogany cabinets. 01sen Furniture Co. FLU% Laurels 20¢ or Azalia-Indicia Heather 40¢ Camelia 2Vz BEFAIR 1000 feet canal USED FOR SALE : deluxe sedan. Phone 759-J. FOR-SXIE : die and heater, FOR SALE : Dav{dson Gene Bergeson, Shclton, FOR SALE: beam lights, dillon. 1946 FORD end, 21,000 A-1 condition, logging Clifford, ton). FOR SALE: '49 license, FOR SALE: '46"- h)w out. port. FOR SALE: tires and condition mout or FOR SALE : phone FOR SALE : ton truck als |'olet sedan. trade for Lost Lake Rou FOR SALE : Inquire Killmer Ka AUTO New Trucks Complete R. F. FOR - = i.l ........ lgllCE-FA--'P WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere in U, S, 3-10-tfn MISK'ELLA 'SUPPLY Olympia Highway Your "BEST BET" for REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-tfn || II It SErViCE , See Frank Packard 222 No. Quality 1 GOOD USED 1947 FORD LOGGING TRUCK, Complete with bunks and cab guard, road. 5-speed main transmission, transmission, heavy duty Clark rear-end, 1947 Hudson Com. 6 Club Coupe ..'" Radio and Heater. 1941 Ford 2-Door ............................ liew palnL,, exccllent conaitlon, 1941 Chevrolet Coupe Radio and Heater. 1941 Ford aA-Ton Truck ............. 1942 Intcrnational KR-10 5-Ton 1942 International.l-ton pan. 1938 Dodge Sedan ............. New Paint, Heater. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New International , 3 and 1-Ton Pan €1| KIMBEL MOT ist & MLI1 0 plo¢ %: