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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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At C00DS FRANKLIN IIEUSTON "i ATTORNEy " lgtt Bldgl : Shelton I .]th0ne 166 14, lqlO. I1preeiQ.l:l tnh Way our sin- I .... li-ii-|&apos;--i-l-i'lirii li"--ili'k| 11 ..... Will ]'Aill]it'td('Y. Decpase(l. aud that I estate, and file su!'h ciaim h,4'thcr [ NOTI(?E g'tl e'Rl,]l)l'rols ' '11 `) Js .-',-toy: th. k i<l,,,,..,.s J.P.hAI. IlqiliLIl.g/IUill ,,lJ p.,.<,,,l i.,,m ,.l,,,,,. .,,i,,l th,,!wm I-,,-|: ,,t: ,,,,,., ,,,.l, tl,, <:1,,, k i I,itl,:.l,:N'r ;.Ni' rill,: !',l.AL,m. . Illi iBr{..'?[llutlllll flo,:l piet,e:| .......  ........ s:l ,I h,c,, ;<,'d t" Ill,' :<d(i eslatt, :ire of 1lip ;ll)l,x'' ,qllltJed ,Jul't wllltln ')i IN T[tE Slrl'bAI()l ', ('()lll ()F .]IIE level 'g 0Br bereavom ,hi ,d[  hi, 'd v 'q ,,,d to s,.rx,' lh,' same. i II ,nt s after lh, d:itc of Ih,, fir,q  , S'l'&'rl. ()|P ,WANIIIN(UJ'(AN l,'()t¢ t/ks ,,n ,ltrid brolhpr (! f - " ................. drily ' \\;(,villi, I w Ill ill(, a-,'ossl/ry I ill)} ';lliDll )f llli ,=4 nl)lil:,', lli-wil: I MAS()N £( T Y ' r ' 'q ' r, alld . • ]'O °lI3, \\;otl']lpl' itlla('h ,d u I )n t1., tn fb'r- ] Aliril 7, 1919 m' :ill cl:dnts ll,d :u, i IN' PIII)llATE lll ltao^ltlrs¢. John iIl,,vk NO'I;II'F (IF' IIEAIIINI; ON FIINAL : '-in*'( P:×mqlhW or his Alh)rn*Lv ,1" I sm'\\;p,I ;111,1 filed ,:}l;dl 1,,' I',l,'\\;'pr I,:H'- ill the Mailer (d the l,',,q/ale el lli' I.I..¥1SSOI ', ' i ll,:l'Olur AND I'I':TITIIIN FOIl It;'cold al )hi' law l'fic' (I" Clms. F.. I roll, i (;'(:ink W. (',llyi'F, l)l'clqltlotl. ' "" lnox. IIISTIIIlIITION l.ewis 19 Solllh l,',an'lh Slrq't, I:h,II SI]H.L]] Y ,Sl,i;,f, i.irMSiqi.,N ' [ Nlffl'l('ld IS ItEII{h:I;Y. (lIVEN thai I;uihli'nl:, SIII!IIi,II. ,#iS:ls()n Count v, Adminislrall'ix wi/h the' \\;Viii ] I t ' I I ' I li' ( 1   '  ' :1'  '1 I1 :t)})lSilll 1 { anllPXod, itllll h0,q I lliil'ifi+d :1 A(hniniltratrix I,I l]l' IslHtI' Ill' b r11Bk W. ( LI)'I'I', }h'l':l,g ql ;tl/d 1.11;11 :111 ]ll'l'S(ll hl\\;'" ELIOT R. LEWIS IN TIIE SIII'EI¢IOI{ C'()I+I{T ()F "I, IlI,] qq.' A "1', IIF" WASIIIN(I'I'I)N 1;'1 ) ll MAS( iN C( IUNTY I N PIIO BAT l,'. lit lhp M:llt,'r of Ill,! I']SUI|,' i,r ]'{t)h- r'rl All/ell. Dt,(:pasc.d. NOTICE IS IIIREBY (IIVF, N th:d l).,l'{l|hy AIIoI1 Car(lin:ll. Admi]l;.:lr;I - l'ix Id' th.' 'sl:It,' ld' Rohcrt Alloli, ]ft.,:('ase,|. h:ts fih'd with lh,' ch,rk of lilt' ahov' mHitlml coln't h,'r Fhlal Ielmrt arid Petitim l'l" DistrHulii,n, lskln, thl ('t)lll'| 1.o soffit! and Lt )pro\\;',! 111(! 8llid )'t'Dort, diglrJbutl, I IO I)rop - i!l'iY tO thl' ptq'sonN tiler'Pro" Iqltitlod and to disc a'gp said Adltlilli,trntrix. NOTICE IS IeIIRTHEI. (lIVEN Ih:,l said Final Report ;tnd PI.I il ion for l)istrihntioll will h,, heard ml l,'riday, tlle 6th day of May. ltHg, at tlw hour -f 10 <i'elot'k ill tilt' l'lH',qliHln lit the' Court Roofn in lhp Courl H.Ise ill ghelt, n. WaM/inghm. Daled Ihis 211,1 day of April. 19.19. IIARRY I)I!]YI,ITTF, Clerk ( SI,L 1,) CtIAS. R. I,I',WIS. Attorney fl' said Estate t'hql lhlihlirlg'. 119 So. l,'(,urth St, ho]lOD, N',lfon (?Ol111[y, Washillglon. ,I-7-1,1-2 -2N - ,11. NO. 2076 NOTICI': TO ('REI)ITOR T(I IrlRENI'INT AND F'Ii,I,; ('I,AIM IN TIlE sUPEIltl)II (NIUIIT lib' 'rl-IIg STATF OF WASIIlN(ITON >F'(IR • MASON C()UNTY I N I'IItIIIATE In 1tlo Matter of the Eatat,, ,,f E'(t- win Lankester. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVN that Edward A. MIInsIIII has b0(!ll apl))illl" I'd 1111(I t1[8 (llAalil'il!(l ;Is xpvllllil' of W:tshillgio11. Ihl' illllO b'illK fl,'sil-',ll;ll- i.d Its lh(' plat:p I'ol' lh" Ir:lllSll('lilHl Ill' tho htiSillO-;.: .f lIB' .'41ti(I oslllt', :ill tile ,'4tl('ti I!lllilii tli'ulliul' wilh pl'ol)f iif servic,' with the (:lork (,f lho alr)ovl; i,fliiiled (.ti/lrl wilhin 6 /i](,nlIl itl'h'r II1,' d;H,' ,f lhp I'i/',<d i)tlldiu:llilnl ,,t' this, b-wil : April 7. 19tD. r ;ill ('];J illt.i llll{ 81, si.r\\;'t'(I llld fib,d shall tie rlll,i,vi,r lHll'rofi. EI)WAI.I) A. MUN(JN, J']xi('tltllr or .qlifl Esl:lli. f'IIAS, R. I,EWI,q, Allirlley l'l' said Estale I1}1 :4,tilh Ii'l,lll'th. I'h'll ]hlildill Sh*']lilll, ,:l.;llll ('llll/lty. WltshiulJtllll, <t-7-]'t-21-2S 'It. N o. 2O75 No'rI('E Ttl (Itl,'l)l'l't)ll TO StTELTON-MACIN COUNTV JOURNAL Page 21 I IIII I I I I I I! II!l ......... I ............ I ................ ................................................. I ;.:::'. = ................. ,:2.__ i I I I I ..... i:l::l II ;I i" I Ill CTIAS. it. I,l':g[ fi. liiH'Uoy I'lll' +:ii(l I/;:41:1to Jll;' i'l;lilll :th::thist lh,' qlhl |)i'uiqi.tql lh'l] liilildiilV, lid .*:htith l?otirlh Sl. r I]li' :ti,I (tl:ilt' ;lit, li(q'l!lfy re( tiirl!d ,qhpllon, ilSoll ('ltllillV, V¢ildliiltAllill. Ill ,g',,o llil, ,;iiiii,, duly v,rifil,ti with ,I-'7-1+1 2I-2 If.  ]t, llqu,:¢!4:irv ,ltll'ht,i':: ;ltl:l(d'ioft lilllni ..................................... : l|h' llnih,r;inld Af{liiilliSll'trix (ll' llt.l Nt). 20:l:i i "l ! ll, t) NOTICI, tll," IIEAIIING tiN I'INAL i, , "lli,V(,has. ,riL Ioc.i'dL,wis, i' IhPs, iilthhiW_l?(iurthOl'fico SIr(,<'l, lhql I>.tiildir4, Sh,qton, Mnson ( N,lllll y, Wtl. h i 1114 | llii, ltlo dcsignat o(t i)l:l(,o flit IhP iJt, llN:ll,1.i,ln Of th*! hu,i - ][l('S*q IJI  |h,' said i'ltl|,!, :llill lih! .:ll('h c!:ihli4 ll'llif!i' with t)l'l,ll (,f oi'vicP with ihP eh.rk }l' 1.1u' tlhovi, illiilloll ('lillrl wiltiin 6 iill,Ulll.q lifltq' tho dalp , +,1 Ih(' firsl lil)li(':tli,ll i)1' 1his noliut,, Ill-wit : Allri 1 , ll, lll.I, i;r fill i'lil{ill lt[d SI )4,q'\\;',ll alld l'ih'd slliill 11,' for- u\\;'l'r t}:lrrt'(i, llFl'OIUr AND I'l,/rl'rItIN FOIl lll,'r IIlIII'TIO N IN TttE SIIPERII H, ('(HH:T (H,' TIIF] S'I'ATlq OlV WASI'I I NCT('N 1,'( lit MASON C()ITNTY IN I)IIOllATE ]n iho ]%.,<illpr id' Ihe li]l:llt! +,i" M:ii'y A l'lllSl I'llllff, ]. )l,!ltl.qld, N()TICE IS llh]ftEl,Y (lIVEN that John ]J. Al'lllNt1'olll',', Adlllilii:<li'llllq' lif lhp pstoll' ltf ]'t t i'y fl, rill.ql rllll, I),'- I'RI,;SI,:NT AND FIl,lq ('I,AIM c-a,<od, hm' fih'd with the *'hwk .f IN TIrE SUl']ql'.l()ll C(iUTIT (ili" TItE o ll.w,' enlith'd i:,)lii'l, his 1,'inal STATE ()F' WA;'4f{IN(V£(IN |,'()l ), I', I'I l/Id Petilion flw l')islribtllion M.&S(IN C()(TNTY I ;ll( llg' t il' (,i)lll'l.ll) ,qt,11.1t, liil+l l }]ll'(,vo ;IN I'RtillATE I lip .qailio. Ilitriblih  flu' l)l'(,lll,i'l$ • Io Ill tho Matter ,,f lhl, ],]slato of I{ath- ] t ii . l,st. I ,i t]ll,r. ,to ,lllitl#,. " I ;ill,I ttl 1'5'11 A't)i'l, l)PclaNo(l, i'Jis('hlir'l' lho Slll(l Adlllllll. I ill(it1,. N()T1CE ] III£,RI?]B3P (lIVEN that [ NOTI(?Id IS I,'UI,TIIEI, (ilVlih'q Ih:li 8hirl ,y Abo Lt I .'-If] !11 Ila8 Imon al)- sa ( li'int!J t{t' it]I't 0.lid l:'l,1.ii.i,lll I"t,1' lJ, lilll,ll illld has qualified as Adiniii- I)istrihutiin will ll0 }ll!lii'd ,li Pi'iday islratlix with lh(, Will innexf!d f llil! J3th day Ill Mti)', ]D49. :it ilia' Ihe estatt (if I.(athryn Abel. Deceas(!d; h(llii' of 111 o'elll{!k 411 tho (, Illl'l I.lilllli in tilt, (.onr1. llolise in Sh,qhm, W;iM1- infftoii, Dated this 14th day ,if April, 19.t9. |SEAL) ttARP, Y I)EYETTE. County Ch.rk CI:IAS. R. LEWIS. AtlormLv I'm' said Eslah, tlell Building. 119 Ol.lth Fourth St. Sht!ltl)n, 'lis,ill (Otlnty. tVllshtllgllll, 4-14-21-2t4+ 5-,5- 4t. IiEiA.,EN L, i111YER, Allllihii,lrairiX of s,iid oslalP. ( I!AS. R I.I']VIS AI ) 'IIOV fli' l ' 'Estate 119 Sou'lh F'llurlh $I., i]!ll Pllihliug', hdt,ii, ,lil,ql)ll (!(lullt', WasIliiiKtlii. 4 - 1 ,l- 21-28-+,5 -5-it, NI), 1911' NOTi(!E O1" IIEARIN(; ON FINAL llEl't)ltT AND PI,'TITI(IN i,'( ) il, I)l'r RIlIItTION IN THE S(ll'I,:l)d()l. COURT OF THE STATE OF" WASItlNGTON Ff)t{ MAS(IN (?()lINTY IN l'll()llA'r E Tn lira lilllD3'r of the esttllo of GEORGIA ANNE McDONALD, also known as SISTER MARY CARMEL- ' ]TA, (h,ceast,d, NOTICE IS I-tNREBY C.IVEN that Jl'Ssit' Mt:l-)ollal(t Clinton, Exl!e%ltrix (,f |hi, estate of lDi'gla Anno M(.!l)on- ahl, al,ql, kllowa Its St.tiq' Mary (,ar- illtiliilJ.>" De(:i'ased, hil fted wth the" C'lf'rk (if lhe lll}ovt! eutRh,d ('oul't |1(!I' tPilial Reimrl and Petiihm I;,i' Dis- Iril)ution askhll¢ thP court to ettle and. Ilppr(Vo the yaliil,, rlish'lbu1.e the lli'lq)l'rty tll ltfP pel'nfls therl"hl en- 1.ilh,d Itnd h} di,vluli'ge lhe said Ex¢.cti- I irix. • N(.)TIOF] IS ],'I,RTHER GIVIN that I tho said Final Riqlorl and Potitl.n |Or ] ) 1"i bll| illn will be helll'd lill ],'ri(lay, Ill,, 291h day of April, 19411, Ill tile Iliiur iff 10 o'clock in lho fore- IlOOn :It 1hi' (,Otll't l,oolll tn 111o (',liurt tl(,use+, iP. thtdilln, WaMlington. l)ahql this 25h (lay" of March. 1949. 0" HARRY DEYE'PTE, )IV Cleric (,IIAS. R. LEWTS'. LIIE TO IX) THE ('AI.L FOR 1111),"4 NOTIC.I iS, HEREBY (lIVEN O". s:a]ed tdds. will ill: l'C:(' ved hy the) loard of (l)llnty (€)1111/1174 itllll is ill liiOil" Of fi('o in 1.ho (,( ll.i r 1. Ill ill:ql. :11 Sht,lton, X.Vahingt,n, t)11 'llilldily, Mil,v 2 ill 19, 9, it 2 for tli, fiirniMi- illg' (:)I" tile fli]il)wilig \\;'cdlicie; Oat! I' tt,n l)ick-lIJ Irl.l(!k with ht!at- (,r, d,fl'tistt1! it11(.1 Llll(lt'rt'\\;K, OIl',lit" tm(I 1.O )il Stalu hi.lil'l+lioll, flilii" lily tiret. "rill, [l,1rd r,..prvps thl righl Io il,- j4'cl filly' t)r all bids, D:ltpd ihis llth day of Allril, 1949. MASON COUNTY COMMI'SSIONE/tS By LYt.E t)'DEIA.. Alloraey for said Estate, * Fhql Building. 119 Soulh Fourth SI,, CARl) 4IF 'I'IIANKS Sholton, Maon Ci',1.1nty, Washington[ May we extend ill this way our .In- :1-31--.'t-7-14-2,1-4t ('ere aDpro.datil)n for thp kint, nesses, 8)' I pltl ies tnd lleatl[i 'll f o '1 ]HI'coS oTiDi-&T'N6; 71 1,,ffe,,,d us during our l/t,i',,avtmieut tit' AI ORDINANCE R],3PEAI.INtl ANt) I ,}ill' holoved falhor. K'tirl llom REVOING ORDINANOE NO. 493t Mrs. Kail T. Rose and i y AND DECLARING AN EMEROEN-[ ........................................................ CY. ......... : Section 1. That Ordhlanct, No. '193 whictl alllt, nds St?cti()n  ii{ (-)l,dinanc, BE IT ORDAINED BY TItE MAY- C)R AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY ()P SIIELTON: Nil. 482, })e and thp Silillt, is )ler't'by 'reealed alld ro;'ok(d. e(:tioll 2. This Ordinance Is de- clared to he one n('¢'l"ss,lry for thl" hnllledtate preservatloR of the piihlh; peace, safety nnd wPlfare (-if the pl'o- pie of the City of Shellon, and ttli Ordinance la declared to be in l'tlil f(iree and effect fronl and after the datP lit passage, approval and L)ub - licat Ion. HARRY CARLON, :Mayo. Attest: ALMA K, CA't"L'(), Clerk. Approved as tO forni: GLF, NN E, CORREA, City Attorney. Rettd : April 12. 19.19 Published: Aln'ii 14. 19.19. 4-14---1 t. tllld that all persons hltving clahn against the said Deceased or the aaid estate are hpr,d)y requirod 1o serve lhe same, duly vortfled wiih the llcl%q,'qllry VOtl,JhOl'i4 Ittitiched upon the inldprsigned Adininistrati•ix or hpr At- tln'lll,y of I:e(:ord ill th. law offi(.e of Chas. I4. I,owis 119 South Fourth Slr(,et, BPll 'Buihlirig. Sheltoli, 1Vlason (]tiunty,. WIlshington. tim salne beinK desil4'nated as ihe place for the trans- Fourth St, IBOWL OF CHILI...HM,. 7L lleil Bldg. lllion ' Washington ILET SEE NOW, SALMON, AREN'T THEY ?  --" lPEA SOUP, AKEP gEANS ARi(.ETi N@ ? x" (' }l.  )"x'" f.--(,._ .---I:)ELIclOU6'/) •  ,, ':' ;..: ....:::.., " . 211iliiing gYstema I -LY,3:-Wt;/454044YvF',4",ANISq'¢JIllI,]|II'tIOF e:t I //'/°2,°'_-s ]l. wt;J.r 1 NO. z,., !:,  - -';,'.'"" __ I 1,4NDDAt:i'OC044 { gT.ECOUL. 'lIklt(k|,:oANTtOf-:TWOI I.k /T6rFOV;JIATi40I4Tt#W IT, td.V.IN6AE, O0"I:V-- / OTl('t: Ttl CR};ilrr(iRS TO IN TltE SIIPEIIOR COURT OF TttE In the 1V[nlter of the [is:ate of Wal- RT G. I i IA00=00%-L00ll T=J;/ ..OT1O. ,, ,,,:,<E,,. ,,,at lanllno EinMey. has b0en appointed Last WIll and 'l%stamont .f Walter Arthur Maglmn,' Deceased. and that all persons havhlg claims against the said Deceased ar the said estate are, hei•oby reqtlir0d to serve thP sallle, ('hers attached upon th,, undersigned IEIs ]i]xe,'utri.x hr her Atl(irney of Rot'ord at th law of|'h"o or ChaD, it'{, Lewis, E ing,' Shelton, Mason County, Wush- ingtfln, the designated place for tim I transaction o1' tho })ushless of the said estate, lind rile such clahns tl- gother with proof of service with the first publication of this noLice, to-wit: ....... ; .... ..... 7, .......................................... n .......................................................................... :-_ ...................... i,10 a,te, i,,e date ,,, ,hf, Whethe 3ou want to ell u) I NI  'n l ili'lli,T I' _. -"-"-""lt '' ' ' " "l If VOW.1. haven't got a d w, " BAQ FROH TON .'LL T.YOLI A T'tg Ll.,, )':ll' l'lli! llIN,]t:,+ t ::i':':'d'. l,ll. " " ' 2" 'il'>" . CORREA It renb 'Y.?Ylt' .,,'e ?,' trade, place r ,y a classified ad. Phone 100. LRE.DY. HLINI4. DiD COIN FOR iT: J C ,'/. Exf,mlt,'ix ,,f sa{d l;'state. 'lF011111"'" - |ll'" a ciassi[ie(l ad. t'none LUU, II ............. Attoi•neyCIqAS" R.forLEWIS.said "l '--Y'AT'LllltWell v'i. . I, ............ ', The ,season is. nver closed to Estate 11q s,utll F,,urth I[ Do your bargain hunting at i_ 2" . • .. ". ..... St.. Bell ]lllldlng Shelt.n, Mils(in (?()tint.',,, Wastlin.ton. t , h0. 2-7 • It home with the classifieds. Phone j Dal'gam li1721<el i.:). rne classlileu ..... , 4-7-14-21--.-4t. -- " [ 100. tsecu°n" t none uu. I I , CALl, IVOll, 11111i,4, MA,ION (!I)UNTY .................... ............................. '] ...............  -- NOTICE IS HFJREBY GIVF]N tllat I /I sealed bids will hi, rPcoi\\;'e(l by tht' 00i]TtSrf]I1 Attend the Chureh of your ehoiee on April lth, Easter Sunday. Board Of ClltlntY Ct in i iiii ,<-Isillll r- r s (if Mam)n County at thtqr office in the court hOtlSO Ill Sheltan WashJn!t(in. YLJ TO 1EtU . J<! F I/OLLY, I THINK I'LL HVE . TO 51ET A NEW HtR'EI HAN,.." \\; OON'T LIKE ANYEIPY W(:Klhil %,. FOII I, Sff WHO i/i.lllEtLES! - " '3' " D.00I I WEEKLY CROSSWORD pUZZLE J n A VE TICA ltere's th; Answer 'II[ORIZONT 1 '1 Public walk :,6 Pictured 2 Operatic solo -' founder of amed' British 3 Pulled wax museum 4 Encountered ;2 Arrival , 5 Eradicate (abbr.) 6 Canvas shelter 13 Exbium 7 Indians (i'yi'nbol) ...... " 8 Was sealed !4 Greek letter 9 Mimics 15 President of 10 Russian Royal i mountain Academy range (abbr.) 1 ! Challenge 16 Prevaricate 21 At present 17 Tantalum 23 Frozen water (symbol) 25 Registered 18 Seine nurse (abbr.) lln Monday. May 2, 1949. ut 2:3|) J.ill.. for the furnis}iing of ihe following: One )land operated POLE GRADER, pneulnatie tires eight foot hlade; Also one 600 gallon two wheel (sin- gh" uXiC) trliiler type DISTRIBUTOR with hLqlllated tank: not less lhan ¢'ight h.p. engtne and 100 (Lt:'.M. asphalt pllnip ; two \\;'aporlzing t, iruh liurners: fuoI punlp fo]' |lul•nl, l-S with '•l clutch ; valve arFanl'(qllon| li) he tt i arranged t(i allow ftlling tank lhrll pump fl'om storage tallk ; iql'cldat,r nlateria| in tank wl.ile |lPtlthll', spray frolil spray bar at /'ear oi" lhrli hand sDray attachment; drawaff material by gravity for filling pot. etc dram 1DUUlp and pipe lines wlthmlt drahllng iank; a flushing val\\;'e to l)Prtll[t wash- ing out punlp and pipe llnP,,t, using kerosene frolll fll¢] tank; pump Llnd valvea to be ht encloled ah(et metal house heated hy discharge froni heal flue; hand spray bar with 25 ft. hose oDerator a platfllrm: angle tYl)e therm- onl(,ter installed on distrtl)utor: lllgh speed aingle, axle iraller with dttal plleninath ttre : lowtng hitf.)i : fend- ors ; mlnlllltllii 14 ft, long, full ch'cu- lating, shtftlng type; spray bar at rear. The Bad reserves the right to re- ject any fir all Ilda. Dated this 11th day of April. 1949. I]OARD op CoIINTY coMMIs- SIONERS OF" MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON Rv LYLE O'DELL. Chairman. 4-14-21-28--3t. NO, 23fl NOTICE ()F HERIN(; FINAI, I IIEPORT AND PTITION FOIll I) II,ITRI BUTION I IN THE SUPERIOROOURT OF THE/ STATE OF WA;H!NGTOIN !| MASON COIINTT ] In the Matt'r Or the Eztate of Fred- ] crick L.' Gutt, l:hesed, | NOTIt IS HIRIBT GIVEN: that/ Lanra C. G,Itt, A,dnilnlstratrt× of the [ eatate of rederlck L. loft, deceased. has riled ill the office of thi# Clerk of sald court, he' f|nal reDort alld iPtitton for dtatril)uth)n, llkhig the ;; : 7 ; and ttial s;jd reimi't a.' i,etil>h will be heard ol'l lh 14th dill. of Mtiiy 1949. at thp hottr of I0 lleloek on said day, a.t tho (tll't houae la Sholton, WashAllgttm, ' Datod this 9ih day of Xpril, 1940. (SEAL) RARRY DEyETTE, Clerlk Of said C, itlrt J, W. GRAHAM Att.rney for Adlinistratrlx, Govey Bldg,<. Shelton, Washinmn. 4-14 -J-ll- -3t, J NI)TIC, i ', Pursuanl to a Relolutlan (Irwn And adopled the 21st day of J,ane, 194g. hy the Board of County CQDIUiJSSJ(In- ers,' Maaon Count. Vtas]lingtoll. rt!- gatdlng tke sa|e" ff 'flr Worka tiY Mason County. sale of thP aallle will he prohibitec[ in said county again thl year. However, permits will he, granted by the Sheriff fnr small fire work displays on private t}elt(q,aes, Dated this 11th day of April, 1949, ROY ROESSEL. Sheriff. 4-14--lt. Marriage Licenses Applications for marriag'e li- censes were filed in the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, county auditor, by the following couples: Donald Hunter, 23,' Adak, Alaska, and Shirley J. Collins. 18, Grygla, Minn. Norman T. Albrecht, legal, age, and Mamie S. Berulett, legal age, both of Bremerton, Journal Want Ads Pay I " LORIOUS hymns of Easter... and in- Spiring words of prayer await you and your family at the Church of your choice. The Clear beauty of the song and the reverent words promise a sincere reaffirmetion of all things god. S  • " • linpson Loggl00Lg Co. Shelton and McClea, y • i % 31 Short.napped 43 African ani- fabric .. real . 32 Station • 5 Saturate (abbr.) / 46Line of 36 Finish ' " junction .37 Therefore 48 Package UNITY TRUTII CENTER Mina Hoekett, Leader 408 Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p,m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p,m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation ttealing Work - All Welcome, TO ALL INTERESTED IN It) Auricle 26 Marsh 38 Sheep's bleat 49 Place 20 Grass plot 27 Narrow inlet 40 British royal 50 Dutch cheese 22 Matched 28 Every fam[l_y 52 Cameroonian , groups 30Scottish 41 Afresh j " Negro 23 Island sheepfold 42 Girl's name 54 Antelope 24 Mineral r0ck I I:P i ' I" I"! .Strengt00 r I i' I I + " "'""' r'i I t tl'i I r'!l '111 33LUbricant 134C°nsume35storms '°°dr'l I N' l i"11 '111 300.la00a. Pill" II! N Iil " I_1 3' '"v" " "-'' Plo.l 41 .  .l..< . Ch e'l a I , i.llli, i` i r r"i,J i.. ,.. , ',,H.d I"t I r i" 52 l£xeitement | 53 EgFpt (abbr.} 5S Help / iS?Snake / I ! ! N I F t r'l I IIi1" I "t I i ...,0. I"1 1 ti111" I " j 1 I I I --00am0u,iSw°rld I i I L I I r'l 1 i,,. 'Mt. V.!ew Allianea Chilli ,,1 Rev. Theo.,W. Chapmln Pastor .... 9:45 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Service .... 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Service A tlearty Velcome to All Episcopal Church :/iJ 4th & Cedar St. ''r :;'] Church Schtol 1all grades), 9:45 | a,m. Morninl4 Prayer and Sermon; I lla.!ll, I llev. Friineis II. Ball, RP0tal* ' I ! BAPTIST CHIJRCH00:i Preaching services: " Bible School, 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship, lI A.M. Young People's, 6:<'10 p.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p;m. We preach Christ Crucified, Risen and Coming Again. A cordial in.vitation is extended to all. Foursquare Churcl/ 910 Er Dearborn lit. .............. Sunday School.---9:45 Worship Servicell'l Cmisader Service---,6 ;45 Evangelistic Service--7'45 REV. E. E. FITCH CHURCH 0F CHRN Meetings i: ' +? .... Each Sunday A.M. i l i For Bible Study l 1 and Communion iii,.!l B Call MRS. H. L M LLER ", i , i, Phone 72-R -- Or i.A,,:i I):t W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1  For Information il 1 I First Methodist Church "A Friendly Cllurch ill a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine --- Parsonage 320 N. 4Lh --. Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 ll.r.. WAYNE %VRIGHT, inister ','..,' ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PiNE ST, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m.-.-."The Resurrection" Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m, Young People's ScrviceTuesday, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service, -- Friday, 7:45 p.m. THE CHRIST_FOR THE CRISI? ' First Church of Christ, 00ientist 8H ELTON " Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chrlat, $clentlat Boston, Mass. S.bject' Next Sunday: ,, DOC I RINE OF A rONEMEN'[ SUNDAY SCHOOL .tkT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at ,'.102 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, fro'm 2 to 4 o'elock, and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH HIGHWAY AND CASCADE Maundy Thursday: Communion Secvices at 8 p.m Good Friday: Services at 8 p.m. daster: "Sunrise" Serviees at 7 a,m. Services at 11 a.m. He Is Risen! ...... " GOSPEL BULLETIN WEEKLY by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister APRIL 14, 1949. BUt from the foundation of the world there have been those who would not hesitate to spy out this Divine Itberty, and in thelP spying are "more subtil than any BEAST OF THE FIELD which the Lord God had made." (Genesis 3:1.) These spiel, like all other spies, depend upon decett and lying in order to achieve their objective. Also, early in the effort they dlacredtt the known and accepted word of God, at the s;ime time labor to fo, ist upon their intended victim some alleged Improvement on that w(ird. In these Bulletins you have been authoritatively wariled against ,, modern boastful religious organizlition whlch apenly claims, now that they are exceedingly rich In worldly ttl0Ods, to be "the highest authority which GOd has on earth, and • Itl verdict all INDIVIDUAL" consolence must yield. And they are brazen enough to call this surrender of Conscienoe rellg. 10uS Ilberty! But against all such claims we do have the advice of Jesus Christ, our Divine and God-given Counsellor, saying, Take my yoke upon you and learn of me: and ye shall find teat to your souls." Many years ago I inquired of a gentleman who waa then a member of that alleged infallible hierarchy, The General Con- ference Committee of the Seventh Day Advantiat Corporation, if he believed that the Sacred Scripturea o0ntained in,the Holy Bible, were sufficient foe the salvation of any man. In a few moments, given to reflection, he solemnly replied, Well Charlel, they MIGHT BE, but we believe his ohancea would be battar if he took also the writings of Sister White (Mrs, E. G. Whirl, theft prophet). And it is this woman who haa openly in hap own autographed publication, a¢oused God hlmsolf of lying to them concerning {:he expected second advent of Jesua Chrillt in 1844, A,D. saying, that he purposely concealed from the world the truth of that matter by "placinll his hand over" the 84:Irlp- tures so that they were misled, and for a period of about elevln years (1833-1844 .O,) ie&din!t man of all Chriltlan ,tell, ©on- sctentiouely preach a lie! And what Is yet worse, they erl, to thia very day, preaching to all the world thltt alendllr agllnliit the character of God, with all their rfsouroes of zeal and lab- " ulous rtches, even olatming to be a "non-profit orglnisatlon" in order to gain legal exemption fror taxatten, (Continued from here in the sxt Issue of The Journal)