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By NATALIE JOHNSON ing the height and location of
the building, Nelson said. If
The air quality in Mason the nephelometer is even too
County has been placed under close to a busy intersection or
a microscope in the last year a home with a woodstove, it
since at least two companies could throw off the air quality
have shown interest in build- reading for the whole county.
ing biomass energy facility's "When we're locating men•-
in the county, toring stations we also look for
The Olympic Region Clean partnership with other public
Air Agency (ORCAA) plans to agencies to save costs," Nelson
install a new air monitoring said.
system in downtown Shelton In Thurston and Clallam
by the end of spring, said OR- counties, monitoring stations
CAA spokeman Dan Nelson. are on schools, he said.
"The city got wind they were While this move would
looking for a new site and they place the monitoring station
offered up the fire station," closer to the Simpson lumber
city planner Jason Dose said. mill, the current Simpson bio-
ORCAA's current Mason mass boiler, and the proposed
County air monitoring system, Solomon cogeneration plant,
a nephelometer, which mea- Nelson said that this was not
sures the amount of particu- a factor in ORCAA's decition
late matter in air using light to move the monitoring sta-
has been atop the Mason Gen- tion.
eral Hospital roof since 2001. "That's something we cer-
"It measures the amount of tainly are always interested
light scatter from particles in in - what's going on with the
the air," Nelson said. "It's ba- sources we regulate - but as I
sically a pipe sticking up (out said the need to move it was
of the roof), the measuring in- preexisting," he said. "It will
struments are in the building be helpful in seeing what that
somewhere." existing source is doing, but it
However, upcoming con- won't have any impact on any
struction on the hospital for other sites."
its two-year upgrade and re- The station should stay
model led ORCAA scientists to downtown for at least two
consider moving the system, years, Nelson said.
ORCAA staff is concerned "We'll have to see how it
that construction in and performs - that it's getting
around the hospital could af- a good clean source," Nelson
fect the air quality around the said.
device, and therefore produce This will be the only moni-
a false reading for the county's toring system in Mason Coun-
overall air quality, Nelson ty.
said. "Typically because of the
When looking for a new lack of funds from state and
location, ORCAA has to con- federal agencies we only have
sider several things, includ- one monitor," Nelson said.
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Above, the Shelton Public Safety
Building is supposed to host ORCAA's
new Mason County air monitoring
device. At left, the existing ORCAA
air monitoring device sits on the roof
of Mason General Hospital. ORCAA
plans to remove the monitoring
device at the hospital during the
hospital's renovation process.
"That is a whole lot of a presentation on the design of the ownedbyGregandLorieWaggett.
project, which came about in re- "If this request goes ahead of
The Belfair Water District corn- f b sponse to the county and state De- Romance Hill, something's wrong,"
missioners approved a slew ofres- room or a use,I/
partment of Ecology urging that Pope said.
olutions on Monday dealing with if the erosion violations were not Pope and Phillips butted heads
public records requests and litiga- fixed, the district could face a fine over the annexation issue (with
tion, in reaction to the number of resolution gave the commissioners "unduly burdensome,~ in whichof up to $10,000 a day. Phillips placing the blame on the
public records lawsuits the district "carte blanche" to do something case they must set forth a formal "Yeah, it happened, it's too bad county), as well as the issue of the
is entangled in. wrong, policy specifying why it is so. it happened, but this is an oppor- Theler Center under billing, which
Resolution ii-01 on insurance Resolution Ii-02 replaces the dis- Tipton called the indexing "la- tunity to fix it," McCullough said. Pope is still negotiating with rep-
indemnification provides protec- trict's public records policy with one bor intensive" and said that if the He estimated the cost of theresentatives from Theler.
tion to water district employees that has more guidelines, said Water new resolution was put in place, it project to be $14,366.20. Pope also took issue with Tipton
and public officials in the event District Manager Dave Tipton.would protect the district from an- The board of commissioners during the manager's report, when
that they get sued and the insur- '°this was recommended by other lawsuit, also set a hearing for i p.m. before Tipton commented that Olympia-
ance does not cover it, passing other groups and our attorney," "Basically these are all reac- next month's regular meeting on based lawyer Greg Overstreet now
along the costs of the lawsuit to Tipton said. "It is much more de- tionary to the lawsuits that have May 10 for the annexation into the represents Mike Pope, along with
the water district, finitive." already been filed," he said.water district of a River Hill Park Pope's wife, the Waggetts and Ken
"What happened was Bonnie The motion passed 3 to 0. The district is also moving for- parcel owned by Jack Johnson and VanBuskirk, all of whom are rate-
Pope sued the customers of the Resolution 11-03 puts a cap on ward with a project to fix soil ere- a parcel owned by Blue Star LLC, payers.
Belfair Water District," said Corn- the maximum amount of time dis- sion on the limited access road which are both undeveloped but "It's a fact ... it's an honest
mission Chair John Phillips, ref- trict employees can spend on corn- leading to 39 acres of water dis- approved for subdivision, statement," Tipton said, after Pope
erencing Bonnie Pope and Greg pleting public records requests to trict property behind Rite Aid. Commissioner Pope argued that called his comment "libelous."
Waggett's ongoing public records no more than two hours per week Water district employees per-the Johnson annexation was valid, Lastly, Pope quarreled with
lawsuit against the district. "We (motion passed 2 to 1), and resolu- formed work on the road without a but that it should not precede the Commissioner Harry Harlem
said, 'No problem, send it to the in- tion 11-04 on public records index- permit in the fall of last year in an annexation of Romance Hill. when going .over a petty cash re-
surance.' The insurance company ing states that the district will not attempt to fix access to the road; The county rejected the water ceipt from Walmart for something
said, 'Surprise, you have no insur- keep an index (motion passed with the county placed a stop-work or- district's proposal last year to an- labeled Verizon, after Hatlem said
ance [for this]." two in favor and one abstention), der on the property in September, nex Romance Hill after the water he did not know how the money
The motion passed 2 to 1, with State law (RCW 42.56.070) re-and winter storms eroded the road district submitted the proposal was spent.
Commissioner Mike Pope, Bonnie quires that public entities keep further, with the caveat that the annexa- "That is a whole lot of room for
Pope's husband, arguing that the a pubic records index unless it is Engineer Pat McCullough gave tion exclude the parcel of property abuse," Pope said.
Mason General Hospital
Bid Package #MGH-3.A: Structural Steel and Misc. Iron
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The City of Shelton Wants You To Make a Difference in Your Community!
The City of Shelton Master Shoreline Update Citizens Advisory Committee
The City would like to establish an 11 member advisory committee to aid in drafting
policies and regulations for its Shoreline regulations update that consists of a broad
range of local stakeholders and interests that are able to meet once, and sometimes
twice, a month and serve until June 30, 2013 (most work will occur between June 2011
and June 2012), To that end, the City will be mailing invitation letters to a number of
community organizations and shoreline property owners within the City to encourage
them to designate a person/member to sit on the committee. The City expects to
reserve two or throe positions on the committee for =at large" citizen members.
hn order to be considered for an "at large" citizen position on the Committee a member is
required to live, own property, or maintain a business within the City of Shelton or its
Urban Growth Area.
Applicant's should send a short letter identifying their interest in the committee as well as
any special qualifying merits (background, experience, technical expertise, etc) they
could contribute to the committee, as well as the location of their home, business, and/or
property (in order to establish eligibility).
Please submit, mail, or e-mail letters of interest to:
City of Shelton
Attention: Jason Dose
525 West Cota Street
Shelton, WA 98584
e-mail: iasond@ci.shelton.wa, us
"Buil4i~ A Stroker Con~unily
All letters of interest must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday Apri| 18, 2011.
Final appointments to the committee will be made by the Shelton City Commission,
Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 14, 2011 - Page A-3