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Would you pay
her taxes
Brian D'Millo Delores Brown
"It wouldn't fix the deficit "Yes - I've always felt like
- they should cut spending you're not going to get some-
instead." thing for nothing."
to fix the deficit?
r ....,,. l
Janice Wildman Julie Botting
"My dilemma is that I don',t "No. I already pay enough
think it would fix it - I don t taxes.
think there's any truth in
Not a good The airport
time for our income tax is a private
-is it
Editor, the Journal
paid for by
People living in the Pio-
neer School District should Editor, the Journal
have by now received theVoters of Washington
latest brochure explain-
ing the proposed bond to State - wake up. In Novem- Editor, the Journal
rebuild the elementary ber the voters of this state Residents of the City of
school. This entails leveling voted down for the eighth Shelton and Mason County
time, a state income tax. need jobs. We all agree on
the entire area. New gym, Now, with a great budgetthat. We have very high un-
new water towers, new ev-
erything. The projected cost shortfall, the Governor and employment in our county.
is $27 million. Both meet- the legislators are crying, Given this fact, it is hard
ings I attended were full of cut, cut, cut. Cut programs to understand the position
"we hope, maybe, possibly that will benefit school chil- taken by the Port of Shelton
dren, low-income folks who to deny the community jobs,
and comments that were utilize the grant assistance some high paying skilled
not decisive or absolute, and Medicaid programs jobs, some entry-level jobs
The state assistance they
are "hoping" to get for and penalize our in state and some unskilled labor
only $2 million, more than students who are seeking a jobs. The number of jobs
likely won't happen. The- higher education at a price the Port of Shelton stands
they can afford. Remember, in the way of is staggering.
state can't even fund basic without education person-
education and with all the While the Port is busy
nel available in state, to fill touting their desire to help
cutbacks they're looking the jobs we have in indus-
for, money towards a new Mason County's economic
try, in come the folks from crisis,,they simultaneously, ,
school isn't going to be .... other st~.tes ~d eountries.~ are fighting, with evexy-
there. I'd wager that with
cost 0wr=runs, the' final' bill DO. they,d0, m~rthing ~ ....... thing.they,have, to prevent..
would be closer to $30 mil- ~ about.the extremely gener- these jobs from comin~ to
ous tax breaks they have
lion. our community.
At a time when the given to industries and the
economy is so critical for wealthy? No. If they would
do away with these tax
so many, home foreclosure breaks perhaps there would
and retired people living be enough to make ends
on a fixed income, perhaps meet.
a scaled down plan would
have been more reasonable. Do they do anything
And lest we forget, property about reducing their own
salaries? No. They penal-
re-valuations are due soon, ize those who carry on the
again. Taxes only go up, state's business by requir-
folks, not down. Gas prices ingdays off without pay. I
are projected to be $5 a gal- hear the excuse, they can't
lon by the end of summer, change the way things
How are the buses going to are. That is garbage. They
run with that expense.? We made the law, which set
are in crucial times right their own salaries, they can
now and I believe this is a
poor time to be as extrava- change it.
gant as this plan appears to By docking state employ-
be. I do not doubt the need ees pay and raising taxes
for a new elementary build- of the every day taxpayer,
ing, just the entire plan all they are cutting their nose
of to spite their face. The
at once. less money we have to
I have family and like spend the less tax revenue
family who work there and will come in and the less
attend classes and have put they will have to work with.
five children through there, Could all this haggling and
so I am not anti-school by cutting be a tactic to force
any means. I am merely a positive vote for a State
concerned with the rise
income tax? I think it is.
in taxes and the current Remember, the poor do not
economy and how many
people are going to make pay income tax, the very
rich don't pay their fair
it finincially. This is not a share and how much does
good time. Irene Goldsbyindustry really pay? And-
Shelton they all vote.
Remember this if the
state income tax comes up
for a vote again.
Jacquelyn W. Johnson
,,,~_ ,,
The City of Shelton has
160 acres of land that can
be zoned residential. There
is a development proposed
for those 160 acres that
would provide jobs as out-
lined above.
The Port of Shelton (and
many of it's 107 private
pilots), are resisting the
development of this land.
Why, because Commission-
ers Hupp and Wallitner,
and Executive Director
John Dobson, all fly small
private planes. The airport
is their private playground,
paid for by taxpayers, and
they don't want anything,
certainly not citizens, to
interfere with the operation
of their airport.
If you feel that the coun-
ty needs jobs, come to the
City Commission meeting
at 6 ptm. on Monday April
18, add tell the City Coun-
cil and the Mayor that you
back their plans to develop
! :~i~¸
these 160 acres and bring
those many needed jobs to
Mason County.
If you think a private
airport for the 107 pilots is
more important than work-
ing Mason County, stay
It's that simple.
Katherine A. Price
50 lb. o,,,oo
50 lb. o ,.o
Spreads seed fertilizer 24 spread Dt r; ble
& up
Beautiful blooming Moonlight
dark salmon, brilliant red,
bright lilac, sunrise white,
lavender & others.
First.& Mill
or Monddy-Saturday 8:00-6:00
• 426-2411 • .... Sunday 9-5
) stock on hand
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Aoril 14, 2011 - Page