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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 2011
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Saints' Pantry names new director Online foreign-language courses The Saints' Pantry Food Bank Board of Pantry's reach into the community and offered by Ti,,,berla.d Regional Directors, celebrating it's 30th year ofserv- establish communication with "all of our m I'~ ing the Shelton community, has named friends and neighbors that need our help." Harold (S~ve) Russell as it's new Direc- He explains, "We need to let people know I tor. Russell s appointment follows the re- that we are here, willing and able to help, TRL recently added two nese - have three levels of To begin learning a I tirement of former Director Stove Helt in with compassion and without prejudice, language-learuingprograms instruction: basic, for corn- new language, go to 'I~J~, February. All we need to know is that they are hun- called Mango and Rocket to mon situations and polite org on any internet conr "The Saints' Pantry Board of Directors gry and we will feed them." its list of online public re- conversation; intermediate; nected computer. Un~ I is looking forward to working in partner- Looking toward the future, Stove would sources. Lessons are self- and an in-depth course for the drop-down menu titled i ship with Steve Russell and our loyal like to begin developing programs within paced, interactive, visually learningcemprehensivelan- "Research," select ~Refer~ appealing and engaging,guage and grammar skills, ence Databases," then se- group of volunteers to accomplish our mis- the community to solve the long-term hun- Each program will remem- Most other courses, such lect the subject "Language." !siGn of providing food, on an emergency ba- get problem that affects our children and ber where you stopped each as Czech, Korean and Urdu Or try this link: tinyurl. sis, to our neighbors in need", said Board senior citizens. "We hope to develop food I President Barbara Hinck. "As the number programs and food sources that can make time you log off. The courses provide basic and in-depth com/49upxny. i of people we serve increases weekly, so giant strides in eradicating hunger."also offer lessons in the cul- courses. A few, such as Dari, In Mango, register with tures where the languages Pashto and Tagalog, provide an e-mail address, and ~i too do our challenges, and we have chosen The Saint's Pantry began as an emer- I Steve for his o_u.~_~ding leadership and gency food bank sponsored by St. Edward's are spoken, a basic course only. confirm an e-mail sent to you from Mango. [ management skills. " Catholic Church and St. David's Episcopal Mango offers 34 foreignRocket offers courses for Getting started in Rocket ! Following his retirement, Steve, and Church in1981, serving 25 families a week languages at this time, as 11 different languages in. is even easier. For Rock- lhiswife, Patty, moved to Shelton16 yeare out of a closet at St. David's. Since that well as Englishas asecond cludingAmericanSignLan- et's free library sponsored ! ago from no~dmrn California. "We chose time the pantry has grown and is now in language for speakers of 15 guage and English for Span- courses, be sure you regis, i Shelton for its location, beauty and small larger quarters located at 214 South Sec- other languages. Mango al, ish'speakers. A learner can ter your name and email town friendliness", said Steve."ARer many ond Street. Four additional churches, in- lows learners to hear and stream the lessons using a address first. Then, choose years of enjoying the Northwest, we felt eluding Faith Lutheran Church, Calvary see the language and tocomputer or download them your language and begin. the need to give back to the community. Fellowship, Shelton Presbyterian Church, record their own voices for to a mobile device. Students A microphone and speakers Volunteering at the Saints' Pantry fulfilled and Mount Olive Lutheran Church, now comparison. Each screenlearn and speak by taking will enhance the learning ! that desire", support the food bank. In 2010 the pantry has a replay button, so it part in modern, everyday experience, but are not re- ! Commenting on their teamwork at the served 13,471 families, including 55,075 can be repeated as desired, conversations. Games are quired. " Pantry, Stove openly admits that Patty individuals receiving 557,371 pounds ofThe languages in great- included to build vocabulary For more information, has a better mind for detail and paper- food• . est demand -- such as and improve audio recogni- contact your local Tim, work, whereas he is better with the physi- With the continued donations of food Spanish, French, German, tion of common words andberland Regional Library cal challenges ofliRing and moving things and money from local individuals, busi- Italian, Russian and Chi- phrases. ' branch or go to efficiently. "Patty has become the Pantrfs nesses, service organizations and schools, authormed"contact person"in dealing with as well as the ongoing support of North- [all the agencies and organizations with west Harvest, Food Lifeline, and Wal- I whom we work," noted Steve. "By combin- Mart, and fiinding from various state and i ing our strengths, we complement each local programs, the Saints' Pantry will other, creating a successful team effort." continue to address the issue of hunger in I CA L E N D A R Trenckmann advanced line dancing. I As Director, Steve hopes to extend the the Shelton community. - .......... ~ 11 a.m., bridge - signup the c1~..p.m,, lunch: vegetarian • , day before. I Unless otherwise notea, 1 ......... Z . , ........ z p.m., mncn: m~cnen cnmce 1 p.m., game day. - lJ m, u u ' 1 p.m., pinochle. . . 111~ . ~ au events mKe place at me 1-- i_.- _ .., Mason County Semor Ac- 1 -m treats from Lean on tivities Center at 826 W. p.~[~^ ,-_ 2 p.m., treats from Capital Place A w.-l= ,=~ v-~ #=~ The second annual Art Tickets can be purchased Railroad Ave. The Shel- /-ALL d [I u and Wine at the Haven fund- in advance for $15 by call- ton senior center hours are Fridav Tuesday I ....... raiser for the Boys and Girls ing the Haven in Allyn at from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- 8 and 8"30 a m tai chi 8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative~ A 1] @ Club of North Ma,on and 277-0 @, Ti ket at the door daoYm st a°.mUgh. Th3 pUr.mmdaoYnd. 9-II a.m., llbd ce. yoga. ! V V [ |[ ~ C~ L Faith in Action of Mason will be $18. Ticket prices in- . . , ~ • • . , -. ~ , " 9 a.m.,- 1 p.m., sewing circle. 9 - 10:30 a.m., intermediate/ • County m scheduled from 1clude entry into two raffles, aay. rne cen~ers ~eiepnone 12 I~ m, Junch- svonsored advanced line dancing. "~ I'~ f~ to 6 p.m. on June 25 at the one for a night's stay at the desk (426-7374) is closed for by ~ICS~ K~'~o's chicken 9 a.m.- I p.m., sewing circle. iLll Haven in Allyn. The themeAlderbrook Resort and Spa lunch from noon till 12:30 c~y 11 a.m., general meeting i. this year will be "South of in Union and a second for p.m. 1 p.m., movie at the cinema: 12p.m., lunch:baked chicken i~-4~llf~F'~ France• This exciting arta nights stay and dinner , RioorHanna 12:30 p.m., bridge signup day I I ICIV~'I I event will showcase local art- at Selah Inn on the North Thursday 1 - 3 p.m., oil painting with before. i ists and their work. Shore of Hood Canal• 8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative Paul Kucharik. 1:15 - 3:45 p.m., chronic dis- i ~_ yoga. ' ease class ' ................... ............ ~ • • ] 9 - Ii a.m., intermediate/ad- Monday (,ommumty Hymn Sing Jvancedlinedancing. 8and8"30amtaichi Wednesday 9- 11 a.m., EZ CraRers.9 a.m., ~~ line dance. Foot care by appointment I[°° . ~. ~* ] I ~ing ~ome Gospel Songs with our speda[ 9uests [ 10:30 a.m., Tai Chi demon- 9 a.m. -3 p.m., Red Wind8 and 8:30a.m., tai chi. ...... I1 i-.oo Casino shuttle trip 9:.m., begitming..l.m...,.~ music: Evelyn 10 - 11 a.m., intermediate/ The Rhythm Aires 11 a.m.~ 9 a.m., Norman Rockwell ' Friday, April 15 * 5-6pm $~ ~2 $~ $)=$~$~ $~ .$~ vantrip . $, ~~~c~e~ur~o~ w~ ~~~ ingLandscapeclass9a'm'-4p'm"J°Y°fPaint'10 a.m., in~rmediate/ad* | I .... I ...... y p y ..... typ oddce, prel ar "1 vancedlinedancing. ., • ~lSSlonary I " I I food, or crafts and live in or near Mason County? Shelton I lla.m.,music, VernMorgtm | I .lliance Church onI Farmers Market is now accepting new vendors! Please join I and Lucille Lawson I Nobngerab~n I- Mountain View I us at the mberland Library, I 12 p.m., lunch: season baked I I at Washington & I 1p.m.,game day I I ......... April 18 from 5:30-6:30pm to [ fish cast J b reet I ",.y Birthday " / learn more. J 1 p.m., pinochle i ! ]asonAckley!J Mle/tcelfatmersmat et'°mm2 p'm'' treats fix m CapRall. Place " CALENDAR Mt. Olive *Contemporary Se~ce .......... 8:30 a.m Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m Christ Lutheran Church ~T~ DAVID'5 C~JUlZCtJ Pro~r~.~rive E~Scopal Church 324 W Cedar St.. Shelton Lutheran Church 3701 NE No~hshore Road * Belfair, WA 98528-9434 l'rad onal Worship ............... ll:0o, .m.(360) 275-3354 206 East Wyandotte Avenue I~t~TIl~ 111~|g SERVICES Office 420-03$] Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. -- " -- " --- :- ............ • ~ ~$etvke - R'i, 4/22 * 7:00 p.m. 8:30 and 10:30, Childca re: 360-27.5-0499 wtt~v.mok•ct~membertennet~et. ~~~. ...... - sen&y ~4.1o~e~: . websRe: dcbelfiar@rnaccom '~ 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 WWW.SOOw, org ~] web site: www.thenccu.ozg -- , se soS-TSSS . I SHELTON FIRST BAPTISTI • co.o.,: , " .......... " ............ : ..... II 'Fai L mm Grace Baptmt Church l ChJ ...fort~fl~f~d;o tht 1 PO Box I025, Shelton, WA98584 Refreshed ..... Phone: (360) 462-1611 in Rit,ers of GraceII . sheltotllb¢.or g ~1~ 426-846| II A ~'~ ~[~ / ['l [ / "l]lll~ OI ~r~lP,~ll: E-mail: pastor@~bc~lton.o~ . , * ~ Idom~g Wml/RIp 9 + 10:.:$0 lit Sunday School ........................ 10~ ~w.~l~l~lto..or~ S/ct~In~/nfc~~l I --~-,--- ~II, .................. __ ,v ~,~o~,~ • SundayMomingWorship......lla.nL .... ~,lm,,,w.,..,'~ i ~ ~- . ..~ l Al~l~Grml~Bldll, OnAl~ateEoopRd' ~uv~v:au-w:~m 438-8S31 J IYOt~hChuch, AWANAK,IAd~GlUNS "-'ql Jue~ll R pm El gmpo de lee Latinos J6ven~ ....... __~ ........ PralseBand .PTdlseTeam t0|4~ AM - vine ~l,~.~c~;~Tr~M~gel~.lgAM.c~ldcarebo~se~ces Church of Unioit-! ~00 lak Cmkrme ikL ~ 11~ Come as you are! All are wek'~m~l I/'2 Mi. up Rt, 119 out of Hc~blmr~ Smlday Worslnp - ! O:OOam Sl koe Church wv, .~mdm~J~icm ', !i~ • Nttrsery to 2 Years. [ IO~30 AM I Celebration Serqrlce ~ ..... .. II ..... ] 1 Children's ClaSSes ' • Chlldcar~Provlded l role ~om~ ~-~ m e.~ll~ O~ thm~g4~ Wo r~h ~p, ::, : ..... -: _~.. w.~.~, ~., w~ ,. ,!. K..s.on, ~tmml4OSSTthSt.,Shelton 11~o~1~-~8 | )age B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 14, 2011