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Racheal Duggan
Racheal Duggan, who
holds a 3.55 grade point av-
erage as a senior at Shelton
High School, is committed
to the school's chapter of the
Navy Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps (NJROTC).
"Pretty much most of my
activities revolve around
that," she said.
Duggan holds three dif-
ferent positions in the club
- commander of competition
of Color Guards, commander
of Armed Drill Team and ex-
ecutive officer.
With the Armed Drill
Team, Duggan will take part
in a regional competition on
April 16 at Washington High
School in Tacoma.
Duggan's job is to call the
commands from a regulated
list of movements that each
team must perfect. The drill
team consists of 20 Shelton
NJROTC students.
"I call the commands to
what they're supposed to be
doing," she said. "Each per-
son has to look exactly the
same and have the move-
ments timed."
After the first "regulation"
phase of the regional com-
petition, she said the "exhi-
bition phase" allows a little
more freedom.
"It's our signature ~nere's
what we can do,~ Duggan
With all of the responsibil-
ities, Duggan said her every
day schedule is "extremely
"But when I get the
chance, I like reading," she
Duggan also enjoys sew-
ing, which she has done for
her senior project. She con-
struced a formal gown for
herself and wore it to the Na-
val Ball last year in April.
"My morn used to sew all
my clothes," she said. '~en I
wanted to sew and it became
something I liked."
She is currently work-
ing on her senior ball dress,
which has required her to
work on the detail of the fab-
ric and match a dress she
found online.
As for college, Duggan
said she will attend West-
minster College in Salt Lake
City, Utah and study in the
education program.
"I'm going to be a math
~acher," she said. Her big-
gest inspiration was her
eighth grade math teacher.
"She was the first teach-
er that allowed me to work
ahead of my class and got me
to help other students," Dug-
gan said.
As for a dream job, Dug-
gan said she doesn't know
where she wants to work af-
ter she graduates from West-
"I figure when I'm done,
the right job will fall in my
lap," she said.
Duggan said she will prob-
ably miss the scenery of the
Pacific Northwest, most
importantly the trees and
"[Salt Lake City] is all city
and it's all fiat," she said.
Olympic College
!pring classes
~c~ 17: nYneel p i:~ C: llf:g:pSh: lgt~ un :oft~ trini~ cU~lu~ eedU-
iThe Basics of selling on eBay: 9:30 a.m.
3:30 p.m., Saturday April 30, cost is $59.
ke a step-by-step approach to effective
lling while avoiding costly mistakes. Set
eing, use PayPal and write product de-
iBuying and Selling on Craigslist: 9:30
m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 7, $49.
ale learn how to buy and sell effectively
d safely on this easy to use online classi-
d site.
~o Coastal Navigation for Boaters: 8:30 a.m.
2 p.m., Saturdays May 7 and 14, cost is
~ullg. Navigation in the Puget Sound, Sa~
an Islands, Canadian Gulf Island
ashington coastal areas.
i The Art of Wine Tasting: 1 to 4 p.m. Sat-
~'day, May 14, cost is $29. Discussion will
elude classification, evaluation and tips
buying and storing. You will taste six
fferent wines. Must be at least 21 years
I Flagging Certification: 9 a.m. to 3:30
o.m., Saturday May 7 or June 4, cost is
65: Learn what it takes to become a flag-
or. Certification test administered upon
repletion of class. Must be 18 years of age
The Mason-Thurston
Community Land Trust
will host financial literacy
workshops on the follow-
ing topics: how to deal with
credit card debt and other
credit issues, how to man-
age house payments and get
out of debt, and how to start
planning for a house pur-
chase. Workshops will run
monthly as soon as enough
participants sign up -- to
sign up call 801-9998 or e-
mail Hannelore Stuart at
The Mason-Thurston
Community Land Trust is
a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt com-
munity organization that
assists in creating thriving
communities by providing
a land and housing solu-
tion to multi-generational,
low- and moderate-income
populations. For more infor-
mation, visit mtclt.org.
Learn about local spring mushrooms
Roger Ryno, President of the Kitsap Peninsu-
la Mycological Society (KPMS), will give a pre-
sentation about mushrooms that grow in the lo-
cal area during spring. The program will be held
at the Shelton Timberland Library (William G.
Reed Public Library) at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
April 26. The presentation is sponsored by the
Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library.
Ryno will talk about the ecology of the fasci-
nating local fungi and offer tips for successful
foraging and harvesting. People are encour-
aged to bring samples of mushrooms they'd
like identified. While Ryno may not be able to
identify every one, he will do his best.
Ryno is a 10-year resident of Central Kit-
sap. Before coming to the Pacific Northwest, he
spent 20 years in the agricultural industry as
a plant pathologist working to prevent fungal
diseases of fresh fruit. His background in fungi
fed his curiosity over the varied and beautiful
display of mushrooms he saw every year in the
local woods. That curiosity led to involvement
in KPMS, the local mushroom club.
KPMS is a non-profit organization. Its pur-
pose is to study, collect and identify fungi, in-
cluding mushrooms. It strives to educate mem-
bers and the local community in proper fungi
identification, which is key in promoting safe
and healthy gathering and consumption. Me,-
• bers includ~ mushroom hunters, mushroom
growers,: chefp, photographers and amateur
Courtesy photo
Roger Ryno, President of the Kitsap
Peninsula Mycological Society, with
a handful of morel mushrooms.
and professional mycologists. A fascination
with the fungi kingdom is its only requirement.
The KPMS website is kitsapmushrooms.org.
The Shelton Timberland Library is located
at 710 W Alder Street. For more information,
please contact the library 426-1362 or go to
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