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April is sexual assault awareness month
Sexual violence takes form in commu- the state, Mason County included, have
nication (verbal, body language), physical, available information and resources about
or emotional abuse and involves a wide a wide range of behaviors that contribute
range of behaviors: cat calls, stares, often- to sexual violence, offering everyone the
sivejokes, degrading language, unwanted opportunity to address behaviors before
touch. On the one end, each of these situ- sexual violence occurs.
ations is an opportunity to intervene by The Center of Advocacy and Personal
reinf0rcin___g positive behaviors before a Development is home to Mason County's
behavior moves further towards the oth- state accredited sexual assault program.
er end of the range, which includes rape, It is located at 221 W. Railroad, Suite E.
kidnapping, beatings, torture or possible Vicki Anderson and Margaret Spikes are
murder. ~It's time ... to get involved" offer the Sexual Assault Advocates and they
individuals' workable responsible ways to can be reached at 426-6925 or on the 24-
intervene, hour crisis line, 490-5228. We invite you to
Sexual Assault Programs throughout get help or get involved.
Victim prevention seminar to be held
The award-winning crime prevention
and personal safety seminar, Refuse To Be
A Victim@, will be conducted at I to 5 p.m.
on Sunday, May 22 in Shelton. The semi-
nar is open to the public. Pre-registration
is required. To register contact certified Re-
fuse To Be A Victim@ instructor Ron Watt-
nero at 898-9051 or ranger88@hcc.net.
Refuse To Be A Victim@ Seminars teach
methods to avoid dangerous situations and
prevent criminal confrontations. Experts
agree the most important factor in surviv-
ing a criminal attack is to have an overall
safety strategy before you need it. Semi-
nar topics address personal safety issues
as well as home, automobile, telephone,
technological, and travel security. Seminar
participants are presented with a variety
of common-sense crime prevention and
personal safety strategies and de ices they
may integrate into their daily lives.
Refuse To Be A Victim@ was developed
by the National Rifle Association in 1993 in
response to nationwide requests for crime
prevention seminars. Members of the law
enforcement community across the country
have endorsed the program. The program
is appropriate for teenagers and up.
For more informtion please visit the
website at nrahq.org/rtbav.
Dennis Dean and family reunions.
A reunion will be given
Dem mon by her family andfriends to
celebrate her life in July. Re-
Dennis Dean Demmon, membrances can be made to
66, died Friday, April 8, your favorite charity.
2011at Fir Lane Health and Flintoi s Issaquah Fu-
Rehabilitation in Shelton. neral Home is handling the
He was a resident of Shelton arrangements.
for66 years.
He was born August 23,
1944 in Shelton to Oladys Louise J Geist
(Steines) and Don Demmon.
He served in the National Louise J. Geist, 74, died
Guard as a cook from 1963 Monday, March 28, 2011 at
to 1969. her home in Shelton.
He worked for Simpson. She was born March 27,
Eastern Europe, Mexico and
Belize and developed an am-
bition to work internation-
ly. She could sing, whistle,
dance and
learned to
play the
piano well
enough to
rary music
as well as
the first
Brielle prelude in
Brush Love C Major
of Bach's
He belonged to Spring 1937 in Edmonton, Alberta, Well-Tem-
Road Chapel Christian Canada to John and Elsie pered Clavier. She enjoyed
Church. He enjoyed base-
ball, football, woodworking
and spending time with his
He is survived by his
daughter Sandy Christian of
Olympia; sons Jason Dem-
mon of Bremerton and Dan-
D mm0n of ygllW;
brother Harold Demmon
of Shelton; sisters Donna
Coleman of Shelton and
Bonnie Fahrnkopf of Olym-
pia; grandchildren Saman-
tha McCollough of Olym-
pia, Thomas McCollough
of Cameron, N.C., Taylor
Demmon of Longview, Adi-
son Dommon of Shelton,
Brandon Demmon of Olym-
pia and Ethan Demmon of
precex d in d ea.th
4 ' ents, and sls r
Joyce Wagner.
A service is planed at
2 p.m. on April 30 at the
Spring Road Chapel Chris-
tian Church, 1113 East
Shelton Springs Road, Shel-
ton, WA 98584.
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Dolly May
Westwood Baptist Church
and enjoyed sewing and
She is survived by her
husband James L. Geist of
son Kev-
(White) Whetham. the theater, which propelled
She graduated from her into a lead role (with Lisa
Irene S. Reed High School Newby) in "G~light Mother"
in 1955. She attended Dietz at North Mason High School
Business College. as well as a featured perfor-
She married James Geistmance in the award winning
in Shelton on January 11, video production Artificial
1957. Flowers" which aired on Se-
8he worked as a Para- attle public t laviai0n.
professional with the Shel- Her family shared that
ton School District for 22 she was a charismatic sto-
years, ryteller in social situations
She was a member of and also had a spiritual and
mystical side that delighted
in the wonders of nature.
Wildflowers, four-leafed clo-
vers, strange plants, deep
forests, crystals, rocks,
creeks, ponds, ocean shores
and constellations en-
in Geist thralled her equally.
of China;
She couldn't be kept out
of the water whether it.was
dren Jerry Anderson, Garry
Anderson, Barry Ander-
son, Cheryl Salvo, Wondy
Armstrong,, Debby War-
den and their families; 11
great,grandchildren and 15
and nephews Caption Jer-
ry Conover, Frank Conover
and niece Sally Schiller and
their families,
She was proceeded in
death by husbands Charlie
Chamnees, Carl Svaren and
Rusty Firestone; her daugh-
ter Sylvia Anderson Knight,
grandson Keith Warden and
sister Nellie Wolff.
• She enjoyed family and
friends, Hawaiian dancing,
music, gardening, sewing
Louise J.
He was born July 27,
1944 to Charles and Helen
(Walker) Radar in Shelten.
He married Marion Kru-
ger on December 31, 1978 in
He worked as a logger.
He enjoyed woodcutting,
hunting, fishing, clam dig-
ging and his family.
He is survived by his
wife Marion Radar of Shel-
ton; sisters Judy Dalsgaard
of Alberton, Mont., Linda
Westover of Tenino, Veta
Holtorf, Adeta Edwards and
Shirley Coleman all of Shel-
ton and numerous nieces
and nephews.
The date and time of the
service will be announced.
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Karla L. Smith
Karla L. Smith, 52, died
April 11, 2011 in Tacoma.
She was a resident of Shel-
ten for two years.
was born
His wife ran a beauty salon.
In 1964 when the big earth-
quake hit they relocated to
Whidbey Island where he
went to work for Pioneer
Alaska, a shipping company
out of Seattle on pier 66. In
1972, he and a co-worker
(who also played with the
Cincinnati Reds baseball
team) started the Alaska
a shipping
When the
to include
more ships
it became
the Alaska
Angus M. Marine
Whyte Shipping
Whyte's hobbies includ-
ed golf and woodworking.
Ms wife also trav-
eled in their moterhome to
Yuma, Ariz. for the winters.
Whyte enjoyed horse racing
also. He owned and raised
thoroughbred racehorses
under his own Thistle Glen
December Thoroughbred silks. His
i0, 1958 prize was "Ginny's Prom-
to Beverly ise" a horse that took the
M a r k u m Betsy Ross Stakes at Lon-
and Her- gacres racetrack. He retired
man C. in 1986. His family shared
Smith in that his latest passion was
Olympia. books on tapes: and writing~
She en- a collection of.short stories.
joyed the He also enjoyed a good party
ocean, her especially the one's his wife
wedding anniversary, June
ii, 2011. All friends are in-
vited to beth events.
McComb Funeral Home
is handling the arrange
ments. Online condolences
may be sent to the family at
Albert Wynne
Charles Albert Chuck
Wynne, 72 died April 4,
2011 of amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis. He was a resident
of Edmonds for 35 years.
He was bern June 17,
1938 to Albert and Thelma
Wynne in Seattle.
He graduated from Roos-
evelt High School and com-
pleted his education at Ed-
monds Community College
graduatingwith a Manage-
ment Associates Degree.
He was a meml)er the
Coast Guard reserves for
nine years.
He mar-
fled Addie
Manz on
2, 1966 in
He re-
tired aRer
the Olympic Hot Springs Karla L. -west Bell
as a toddler, or swimming Telephone
(Bill) of in the Hood Canal, the Co- Smith Co.
Union; sis- lumbia River or the Atlan- family andplanned and put together.He enjoyed traveling,
ter Lucilletic or Pacific Oceans. She friends said. Her family He is survived by his wife boating and fishing.
Mercer often enshrined her respect states that she was a caring Virginia Whyte of Hood- He is sur 'vddi y his wife
of Olym- for these things using her person who will be missed, sport; daughters BonnieAddie; sister Mimi Rice;
pia; five innate skills at arts, crafts She is survived by her Whyte of Renton and Kristi sons Tom Wynne of Lyn-
sister Linda Standish of Ta-
45 years
of service
f~m Pa- ~;
f North. '
(Bud) Undi of Sammamish; nwood and Steven Wynne
coma; brothers Ron Smith of four grandchildren and nu- (Teresa) of Tacoma and four
Olympia and John Smith of merous great grandchildren, grandchildren Josh, Kayla,
Tacoma; daughter Tamera His brothers John, Bob Crystal and Amber.
Sitler of Shelton and son and Ronald and sisters Ceci- A service was held on
Joey Smith of Rochester. lia and Annie preceded him April 11 in Edmonds.
in death. Memorial donations can
A celebration of life will sent to ALS association,
Angus M, held near his birthday Evergreen chapter, 19115
Whyt on May 28, 2011 in Sam-68th Avenue S, #H105, Kent
e mamish. WA 98032. Becks Funeral
His remains will be for-Home in Edmonds is han-
ever interred in a gather- dlingthe arrangements.
ing near Hilo, Hawaii on his
Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
grandchil- and writing. Her friends and
family will always remem-
ber her lust for life, bound-
less generosity and irre-
pressible sense of humor.
She is survived by her
mother Andrea L. Love of
Union; father Michael
Brush of Seattle; grand-
mother Georgiana O. Brush
of Lexington, Va.; uncles
and aunts Mary Anton
(Rob) of Brewster, Wash.,
Jon Brush (Debbie), Didi
Brush and Don Marsh all of
Vermont, Tony Brush (Su)
of S. C. and Cyrus Brush of
Titusville, Fla. and many
cousins. Scott King and her
beloved dog, Milly, also sur-
vive her.
A Celebration of her life
Will take place at 2:30 to 6
p.m. on Sunday, April 16 at
Harmony Hill in Union.
Donations in her memory
can be made to an account
in her name at Our Commu-
nity Credit Union of Shel-
ton or Union, or to Turning
Pointe Shelter, PO Box 2014
in Shelton or to any charity
or non-profit organization
you like.
Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
before publication.
Affordable Funeral Services
$2,995 Simple Graveside Service
inc Jdes an attractive casket ,~nd professional selvic~,s
of tl~e funeral director and staff
dren, three great-grandchil-
dren and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
A memorial service will
be held at noon on Friday,
April 22 at Westwood Bap-
tist Church in Olympia.
McComb Funeral Home is
handling the arrangements.
IVII~I.U.~I=~'~*"4"~F~: For your convenience on-
line condolences may'be sent
8v'a mn):D°lly May (Chamuess, to the family at mccombfh.
Fireutone, 99, died com.
5, 2011 at Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation
Center in Shelton. She was .Brielle Brush
- _ _.
a long time resident of Bel-
levue and Issaquah. Love.
She was born October 2, Brielle "Rielle" Brush
1912. Love, 34, died unexpectedly
She is survived by her March 20, 2011 in Tucson,
daughter LaNell Warden • Ariz.
(Herman); six grandehil- She was a lifelong resi-
dent of western Washington,
including the North River
Valley, Hood Canal, Port-
lend/Vancouver and Seattle.
She was born March 3,
1977 in Seattle to Andrea L.
Love and Michel G. Brush.
She graduated from
North Mason High School,
attended Western Washing-
ton University and graduat-
ed from South Puget Sound
Community College with an
Associates degree.
She moved to Tucson a
year ago to escape what were,
to her, the endless gray,
wet winters of the Pacific
Northwest. In high school,
she had the opportunity to
travel extensively in Spain,
Paul William
Paul William Radar, 66,
died on Sunday, April 3,
2011 at his home in Shelton
of natural causes. He was a
resident of Shelton all his
Worthy of
Your Trust
Shelton - [360} 427-8044
Funeral Alternatives proudly serves
all faiths, venues, and cemeteries
Angus M, Whyte, 64, died
Sunday, April 3, 2011 at
the Health and Rehabilita-
tion Center in Shelton.
He was a resident of
Hoodsport for 19 years.
He was born May 27,
1926 to Robert and Marga-
ret (Downey) Whyte in Hilo,
He graduated from Hilo
High School in 1945. He at-
tended Armstrong Business
College, Berkeley, Calif. and
graduated with a Bachelor's
in Accounting in 1949.
He married Virginia Dee
Burch on June 11, 1949 in
Pahala, Hawaii.
He was born and raised
in Hilo, Hawaii. He met his
bride while they were both in
college and she was attend-
ing the California College
of Arts and Crafts in Oak-
land, Calif. ARer they mar-
ried, Virginia was homesick
for her hometown in Alaska
and together they moved to
Valdez. They settled there,
where they owned and oper-
ated small businesses while
he worked on the dock and
at the highway department.
L0 iiY- ,Aifordable,
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, April 14, 2011 - Page B-7