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DNR plans public
hearing on proposed
boundary expansion
The state Department of Natural Re~
sources is having a public hearing April
20 at Mason County Fire Hall District
No. 4 about a proposed expansion of the
boundary of the Skookum Inlet Natural
Area Preserve.
According to a DNR letter addressed
to county commissioners, the proposed
expansion area is adjacent to the 165
acres Skookum Inlet NAP (Natural
Area Preserve) boundary. The preserve
was appointed to the Natural Heritage
Advisory Council in 1985 to protect
three salt-marsh ecosystems, includ-
ing low intertidal, high salinity, silty
marsh; high intertidal, high salinity;
and high intertidal, low salinity marsh-
es. The marshes are important wetland
ecosystems in the south Salish Sea and
the preserve protects tideflats and sec-
ond-growth forest habitat.
The purpose of the expansion, is to
incorporate an additional 290 acres of
upland, shoreline and tideland protec-
tion. This will help provide long-term
protection for ecological functions im-
portant to the preserve’s primary fea-
tures and populations of chum and coho
salmon and resident cutthroat trout
that spawn in Elson Creek.
Written comments can be submit-
ted until April 29 to ampd@dnr.wa.gov
with the subject line “Proposed NAP
Boundary Expansion —— Skookum In-_
let.” The hearing April 20 will begin
with an information session at 6 pm.
and public comments at 6:30 pm. The
fire hall is at 2970 Arcadia Road
Shelton. For questions or additional in-
formation, email michele.zukerberg@
dnr.wa.gov or call 360-790-9770.
Sheriff’s Office
purchases less
lethal hardware
Mason County commissioners ap-
proved the Mason County Sheriffs Of-
fice purchase or less lethal 40 millime—
ter. hardware and ammunition at the
April 12 meeting.
According to the information pack-
et, the 2021 legislative session had
bills passed that limit the size and
type of hardware and ammunition
that can be used by law enforcement.
In the 2022 legislative session, some of
those bills were modified and passed
to loosen restrictions. House Bills
1735 and 1719 clarify earlier bills and ‘
maintain some restrictions but allow
law enforcement to purchase smaller
gauge and less lethal hardware. ,
House Bill 1719 states “modifying
the restrictions on the use and acqui-
sition of military equipment by law
enforcement agencies as it pertains
to firearms and ammunition but only
with respect to removing the restric-'
tion on ammunition, narrowing the
restriction on firearms to include only
rifles of .50 caliber or greater, and
clarifying that the restrictions do not
apply to shotguns, devices designed or
used to deploy less lethal munitions
and less lethal equipment.” House
Bill 1735 states “modifying the stan-
dard for use of force by peace officers
but only with respect to providing that
physical force may be used to the ex-
tent necessary, clarifying that deadly
force may be used in the face of an im-
mediate threat.”
After consideration of options, the
Sheriff’s Office decided to add 40-mil-
limeter less lethal hardware to its in—
ventory. The budget impact is $57,000
and was not budgeted for in the 2022
Commissioner Randy Neatherlin
thanked the commission for approv—
ing this measure.
“The reason is everybody knows
this state has made it very difficult for
law enforcement to do their jobs and
it is wonderful that .our commission
_always understands that and tries
togive them the tools that we can to
protect them so they can go home and
they can also use it to protect others
and doing it in a less lethal form is al-
ways a good thing,” Neatherlin said
during the meeting.-
County amends
grant contract
for juvenile services
Mason County commissioners ap-
proved an amendment to the juvenile
detention alternatives initiative grant
contract. ‘
According to the information pack—
et, the juvenile detention alternatives
initiative is a nationwide initiative
created by the Annie E. Casey Foun-
dation that reduces detention popula-
tion by only detaining offenders who
need to be detained. The money en-
ables the county to provide staff sup-
port and the creation of alternative
programming in lieu of detention and
there are no matching money require-
ments for the grant.
The initiative offered an additional
$3,500 per yearof the contract for a
total of $7,000 for the state fiscal year
2022. The amendment adds additional
carry kerbse'ne.
located at Sanderson
Industrial Park
mm. El® 427-8084 '-
Thursday, April 14, 2022 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A—11
funding for state fiscal years 2022 and
2023 and will be used to support elec—
tronic home monitoring services and
additional incentives for the incen-
tive-based probation program.
TK Elevator Corp.
sole source to repair
jail elevator-doors
County commissioners approved
TK Elevator as the sole source to re-
place elevator doors at the Mason
County jail.
According to the information pack-
et, the jail doors are the original doors
from 1985.
The jail elevator door going to the
courtroom is worn out and cannot be
fixed due to parts not being available.
The door going to the jail is having
similar problems but still function-
ing, but the recommendation was to
replace both doors.
TK Elevator provided the re-
pair work to replace both doors for
$61,218.30, and it is eligible for REET
1 and American Rescue Plan Act
money to cover the cost.
County issues
for labor services
County commissioners approved
a request for proposals for labor and
employment services.
According to the information pack-
et, the human resources director po-
sition is being vacated and there is a
need for labor and employment servic-
es for negotiating labor contracts. The
county has 14 collective bargaining
agreements, and the county is going
to contract for the services until the .
director position is filled, which could
take several months.
The professional services contract
is not budgeted for. Requests for pro—
posals can be submitted to County Ad-
ministrator Mark Neary at mneary@
Evergreen Estates ,
Water Project public
hearing scheduled
County commissioners approved a
public notice and hearing for 9:15 a.m.
May 10 about the community develop-
ment block grant for the Evergreen
Estates Water Project.
According to the information
packet, Mason County Community
Services along with the City of Shelton
and residents of Evergreen Estates
Mobile Home Park are proposing a
water improvement project. The proj-
ect will connect the mobile home park
to Shelton’s watermain. A webpage is
available to inform the public about
the project at tinyurl.com/4sk9975w
under Evergreen Estates Water Proj-
ect. Comments can be submitted in
writing to Malissa Paulsen at Mason
County Community Services at 615 W
Alder St., Shelton, WA, by May 9. ,
There is $11,500,000 available in
general purpose grants for planning
or construction of public infrastruc-
ture, community facilities, affordable
housing and economic development
Title 16
amendments face
Amendments to administrative re-
quirements within Title 16 plats and
subdivisions has a public hearing set
for 9:15 a.m. on May 10. '\
According to the information pack-
et, the planning department has been
collaborating to update and improve
administrative requirements within
Title 16.
A public hearing is required to
move forward with approval.
Amendments within Title 16 in-
clude amendments to short subdivi-
sions, large lot subdivisions, bound-
ary. line adjustments and lot combi-
nations. A common theme for amend,
ments includes removing the word
contiguous from the four subsections
listed previously.
County road
herbicide program
begins May 2
Mason County Public Works will
begin spring application of herbicides
for vegetation control along county
roads beginning May 2.
According to a news release, a de-
tailed release of roads affected can be
found at co.mason.wa.us or by calling
Public Works at 360-427-9670, ext.
Property owners adjacent to areas
to be sprayed that do not want spray-
ing to take place can enroll in a “Own-
er Will Maintain” program by contact-
ing Public Works.
I Compiled by reporter Matt Baider
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