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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 14, 2022     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 14, 2022
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 'A-38 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 14, BELFAIR Sewingltheconimmities of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview. Tahuya, Mason Lake, South,;Share (and Victor ’ Belfair sewer out to bid; project draws mixed reviews By Tiflatt Baide matt@masoncountjzcom The Belfair sewer project has gone out to bid for the next phase of the project, and the public hearing April 5 revealed a split on how county resi- dents feel about the project. County Administrator Mark Neary outlined the notable changes made through the state Department of Com- merce and the Legislature to change the scope of the project from being built along the state Route 3 Freight Corridor and changing the bond to general obligation. Since the board approved going out to bid, Neary said the county will try to get the advertisement for bids out by Friday. The county has 60 days to award a contract. Neary said July 1 is when the county hopes to execute the agreement with the successful bidder and receive the bonds needed to con- duct the work. Aug. 1 would be when material submittals would be com- pleted and approved. The project must be complete by April 9, to comly with the public works board loan. ' N eary said he: Public Works Direc- tor Loretta Swanson and county com— missioner Sharon Trask had a meet- ing with property owner David Over- ton and said Overton said he was not willing to pay for part of the project. Trask said she did not feel all com- munication was off with Overton and conversations could continue as the project moves forward. Overton spoke at the public hearing and said they don’t enter conversations about easements until the easements are appraised and none of the appraisal work has been done yet. “Our standard practice is we don’t give away things before we know what their value is and if we’re dealing with a public'entity, that our requirement is everything needs to be appraised rather than just negotiated so there is transparency,” Overton said. “We’re willing to work with the county on those, but until we know what the project is and we’ve had a chance to appraise those easements, we can’t The Belfair sewer line is being constructed behind the Olympic Vi Hera/d photo by Gordon Weeks really answer that question.” Overton said he hopes all connec- tion fees are “treated equally” and they are happy to pay the connection fees the county establishes. Mason County resident Greg Sypnicki asked about possible sewer expansion to thewest side of Route 3, and Swanson said there are quite a few areas within the Belfair Urban Growth Area that will be served by the Belfair sewer. . “What we would do for future phases, Greg, would be to, again, re- group and say, alright, what’s the next area that we need to look forward to serving,” Swanson said. “And go on CELEBRATE’EARTH DAY AT ONETOF WASHINGTONS BEAUTIFUl YWAHOH smut MW. L°“5‘.~‘Jk“‘NC.~.\‘1 f‘ “5;. LS. Cedar Company ‘ Top Quality 1' lt‘l/flfi’ri‘.‘ ‘W/m of All Types We deliver Western Red Cedar Lumber STATE PARKS! the hunt for grants, ARPA (Amtarican, Rescue Plan Act), whatever funding source may be out there and begin that design and construction process.” In the prior loan agreement, which was a revenue band, it stated a po- tential rate increase of $87, if there weren’t enough customers to pay for the bond. That has been removed from the loan agreement. Resident and Re— alator Judy Scott asked about a poten— , tial rate increase and Neary said the cost of utilities continues to increase. He said not bringing forth a' rate in- crease to the commissioners at some point would be “inaccurate.” “I think that we have to, just like we ew housing development on April 5 in Belfair. do in some of our other utilities on an annual basis, we actually have writ— ten into our code that we evaluate the CPI (Consumer Price Index) for the specific area and rates are increased by the CPI on an annual basis,” Neary said. “I do believe that as Belfair con- tinues to develop and we continue to , get more customers, that’s definitely going to help the need to rely on 0.09 (rural sales tax)‘ funds to help cover some of our operations and mainte- nance costs that are. more than What we receive in rate revenues. I think that .it’s also a larger opportunity to _ see SEWER, page A—3’9 EEeFREE DAY NO DAY USE FEES TO ENTER A WASHINGTON STATE PARK. APRIL NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE the night of unity, will f "Please God, ye will regard this blessed night as and resolve to adorn yourselves with the ornament of a goodly and praiseworthy character. ” Wmaawwwww.wmt,tmt.fimWWW“. ., HM” .., M “.awmuwwtu... knit your souls together, *f «am ,» BELFAlR 5m: max JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Sewing the North Mason area since 1968 Specializing in Seawall Repair, Remodeling and Additions 360-275-6684 Steve Merrill Allyn, WA Lic #JESFII‘228DO