April 15, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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15, 1965
i:, i
! f0t Your choice at
PAULEy, |no,
:Volkswagen Bus
Chevl Wagon
01ds Sedan 8
Ford Sedan 8
Ford Sedan 6
l lere. Hardtop
0rd Wagon
ge 4 x 4
1 and Railroad
tb BIjs ~ DICK
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5--Published in "Chris#mastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
i From The
' ounty
t m
13sliding permits approved by
the Mason County Commission
Monday were to J. H. Hill, garage,
$550; Minorv Okano, wood cabin,
$2,500; Joe Haggstrom, wood resi-
dence, $3,000; Adolpb Soderstrom,
wood residence, $5,000; Duanc
Swearingen, wood residence, $8,-
000; J. B. Miklethun, concrete and
wood trailer court, $5,000; Grape-
view Fire District, fire station,
$17,759.17; Ernest Humphrey,
wood residence, $13,900; Calvin
Gravatt, wood residence, $5,000
and Raymond Walker, wood cabin,
Receipts from the Harstine
Island Ferry for the week ending
April 10 were $246, the Mason
County Engineer's office reported.
Building permits approved by
the City of Shelton the past week
we,'e to Leslie L. Miller, ramp with
rail, $100; Ron Strickland, enclose
car port, $100.
Appearing on the docket in Ma-
son County Justice Court before
Judge Glenn Correa during the
past week were Naomi Johns,
speeding, $12 forfeit; Gilbert
Stork, speeding $12 forfeit; Ray-
mond Sudkamp, faiure to stop at
stop sign, $12 forfeit; Raymond
Johns, speeding, $12 fine; Esther
Valley, speeding, $22 forfeit; Har-
land Lay, violation of special per-
mit, $31 fine; Bobby J. Hepburn,
over legal weight, $125 fine, $96
suspended; Alfred Julse, over dou-
ble center line, $12 forfeit; James
Van Orsdal, no brakes on tri,
$22 forfeit; Thelma Bartlett, fail-
ure to stop art StOp sign, $12 for-
feit; Danny Pierce, driving while
license suspended, $56 fine; Ned
N. Jacobsen, over center line, neg-
ligent driving, $42 fine, $20 sus-
pended; Doyle Hoffman, fishing
{n closed sea~on, $15 forfeit; Frank
B. Sanders, fishing in closed sea-i
son, exceeding bag limit of steel-J
head, $40 forfeit; Charles W. Sand-
ers, fishing in closed season, $15
forfeit; John Rebman Jr. speeding,
$22 forfeit; Merlin Richards, pass-
inK over yellow line, $12 forfeit;
Michael Johnson, speeding, $22 for-
felt; Robert J. Barnes, improper
lane of travel, speeding, $34 for-
felt; Nels Anderson, illegal con-
sumpLion of beer, speeding, $72
fine, driver's license suspended 30
days; Leslie Younglove, illegal pos-
session of beer, $50 fine, driver's
license suspended 30 days; Francis
A. Cooper, driving while intoxi-
cated, $110 fine, 10 days in jail,
licenses suspended 30 days; Rus-
SaVings Employs the largest Staff
Pital Savings Built the Finest Office
Savings Offers More Home Loans than Any-
Savings Is Open Each Monday 'Til 6 P.M.
al Savings Provides So Much Free Parking
al Savings Installed the Only Escalator in Olympia
Savings Increased it's Dividends to 4.35%
Savings Offers the Only School Savings
Savings Provides a Drive-In Window
You better, of course. SLop in soon and
~ding services. They're free. Available to
sell Baskin, speeding, $12 forfeit;
Douglas J. LaClatr, no operator's
license, $12 forfeit; Kenneth Toz-
ier, drunk in public, $15 fine.
Appearing in Shelton Police
C(mrt before Judge Rolla Halbert
Monday night were Doris Derrick,
drunkenness, disturbing the peace,
$50 forfeit; Gary E. Dillon, speed-
ing, $17 forfeit; Daniel J. Thomp-
son, vagrancy, 20 days in jail, de-
ferred, $2.50 costs.
Joan Quhnby rcparted a sweater
Floyd Jones reported a license
plate lost from his car.
Mrs. Cliff Howard reported a
rose trellis missing.
Bill Johnson reported someone
threw a rock and broke the win-
dow of the car his daughter was
A car driven by Jewell Bell and
a County Sheriff's car driven by
Resem, e Deputy Ray Hash collid-
ed at H Street and Highway 101.
and rocks thrown at the radiator.
Booked at the Mason County
Sheriff's office during the past
week were James McAllister, rob-
bery and assault; Marie Kubik,
sell'ing intoxicating liquor illegally;
Kenneth Tozier, driving while in-
toxicated; Doris Derrick, drunk
and disorderly.
Mrs. Scott at Dayton reported
Franklin Olympia
Kurt Mann, Loan Counselor
road Ave. Phone 426-6592
shrubbery taken.
Fred Stevenson, Mason Lake,
reported a cabin belonging to]
James VanMeter was broken into'
and a .22 rifle and ammunition
Ed Scheur reported eggs thrown
at his trailer house.
Mrs. Lloyd Ellis reported a win-
dow broken in a cabin.
John StraWs home was broken
John Dinning reported a battery
Hank Brummcr reported a horse
C. W. Pratt reported about 30
spikes were laid on the Simpson
Railroad tracks.
A chinmey fire was extinguish-
ed at the Darrell Brown residence,
2104 Laurel St. at 9:25 p.m. April
An electric motor on an exl~aust
fan at Mac's Corner Tavern be-
came overheated, 9:10 a.m. April
New Cases
ELECTED --- New officers of Olympic Optometric Society, left to
right are Dr. Churn Wong, vice president, Winlook; Or. George
Radich, secretary-treasurer, Shelton; Dr. Larry E. Hedgren, Che-
halts, president-elect and Dr. Harry Tokos, Shelton, president. Dr.
Tokos has practiced in'" Shelton for 14 years, after practicing in
Bremerton, Seattle and Aberdeen. He is the father of three chil-
dren, Laura 13, Diana 12, and Mike 10, has served in all the ,offices
of group.
Former Residenl
Kilied In California
Tom Eatwell, Cre, cent Cit.y,
Calif., a former Sheltcn resident,
(lied Tuesday evening of injuries
suffered in a traffic ~/ccident April
The accident also took the life
of his brother, Clyde, Shelton, at
the time.
The two men were the sons of
the late Dave Eatwell, Shelton,
and :Mrs. Bill Strutz, now of Cres-
cent City, Calif.
Tom Eatwell lived in Shelton
until moving to California two~
years ago.
i Former Resident
Vera Moore Dies
Former Mason county resident
Vera Anker Moore, Mechanics-
burg, Pa., died there Menday. She
was born July 2, 1920 in Norway
and moved to the Pacific North-
west as a young girl where she
made her home in Allyn for many
years, She was a graduate of
Shelton High school.
There will bc a graveside serv-
ice in Shelton Memorial Park at 3
p.m. this Saturday with Rev. Carl
Carlsen officiating.
Frank Harrier
Former Hospital
Employe Succumbs
Frank C. Harrier, former Shel-
ton resident of many years, died
in his home at Star Route One,
Port Ludlow Tuesday. He lived in
3helton from 1916 until moving
to Port Ludlow in 1954. He was
employed here as an x-ray tech-
nician and ambulance driver by
the Shelton General hospital. Mr.
Harrier was born Jan. 12, 1887 in
St. Peter, Minn.
He was a member of the Mr.
Moriah Lodge, F & AM and' was
a veteran of the Spanish Amer-
icaJ1 war.
The funeral service will be held
at 11 a.m. Friday in the Batstone
Funeral Home with Mr. Moriatl~
LodEe talcing" eha.r~z~. B,,~ial will
be in Shelton Memorial Park.
He is survived by his wife, Clara
V. Harrier, Port Ludlow; one son
Navy Commander John Harrier
Port Hueneme, Calif.; two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Catherine Carlson,
Shelton, and Mrs. Cecelia Bare,
Antioch, Calif.; six grandchildren
and seven great-grandchildren.
Clara B. Heinold
Surviving are her Imsband Taken By Death
Capt. George E. Moore, USN,
Meehanicsburg; two sons, George Clara B. Heinold, Route 1 Box
and John, both of the family 20, died Sunday in the Shelton
home; two daughters, Mrs. Janet General hospital. A resident of
McManun, Australia, and Miss Mason County the past 40 years,
Mary Moore, of the family home; Mrs. Heinold was born March 5,
one granddaughter; one sister, 1904 m Taylor County, Wisconsin.
Mrs. Evelyn Carlson, Shelton; two She was a member of the Degree
brothers, Major Harold Anker, of Honor.
LrSMC, Yakima, and Harry An- Rev. Eugene Knautz conducted
ker, Lake Bay. the funeral r~ervice which was held
t es-Tues-da-y--Fo
Ri at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Bat-
r s'tone Funeral Home. Burial was
in Shelton Memorial Park.
Stella M. Booth Sbe is muwived by her husband
Highland Mortgage Co. against A 52-year resident of Mason Herman H. Heinold, Shelton; one
William Swisher and the Coin- County, Stella M. Booth, died Sat..' son, ,lack N. Griggs, Shelton; two
m.ercial Credit Corp. urday in the Shelton General hos- [daughters, Mrs. Emily Kidd',.. Se-
Nina Harris against Public Util- pital. She made her home at 1613 attic, and Mrs. Lorell Seljestad,
ity District 3, damages for a tree Summit Drive. Mrs. Booth was Shclton; seven grandchildren and
falling on her parked cat'. born Feb. 25, 1899 in South Da-
kota. one great-grandson; two brothers,
....................... Albert Bueher, Portlmld, Ore,, and
She was a men, her of Ro~yal
Neighbors of America, the VFW Jobn Bucher, %Vestboro Wis. two
Auxiliary and Faith Lutheran sisters, Mrs. Margare't l%eynolds,
church. Shelton, and Mrs. Edna B. Griggs,
A Civil Defense Exercise, Step The funeral sezwice was held inShclton.
Four, was held Monday at 7:30 the Batstone Funeral Home at 11
p.m., in the Commissioners Rooma.m. Tuesday and was conducted
in the Mason County Courthouse. by key. Carl Carlsen. Burial was
The seminar-type exercise was in Shelton Memorial Park. 9undture Walk
held for the purpose of determin- Surviving are two daughters,
ing how well prepared this coun- Mrs. Bud Donaldson, Shelton, and
ty would be in the event of a na- Mrs. Hubert Bezley, Los Angeles,
tional emergency. Calif.; two sons, Richard and Ro- By Rod Olsen
Harry Ehnhmd, chairman of the bert, both of Shelton; 12 grand-
County Commissioners, acted as children and 2 great grandchildren, THE FIRST
chairman of the meeting. Timse PURPOSE Of
all interior
attending included Elroy 0lson, Don K. Burkhart decoration is
Shelton City Commissioner; Irvin to create a
McArthur, Department of Public Dies In Bremerton setting in
&ssistance; H, J, Van DeRiet, Ma-
which people
son County Extension Agent; 3. C. Don K. Burkhart, 39, Bremerton, can live hap-
of Mason Coun
Bridger, Engineer . - died there last Saturday. Mr. pily and in
ty; Joe McAlfrey, Cllawman, US- Burkhart was married Jan. 8, their own in-
DA County Defense B°anrdI ,}o.hn 1944-in Shelton to the former Mar- dk,idual WayS,
Cole, Treasurer of MaS ot~.ty;garet Plemons. They have made Beauty is es-
on Sm~pson Tim
Lawrence Muns , ' ~ .. - their home in Bre'merton since sentia'l . • .
ber Co.; Bob Ristine,ssmtant 1945. ' but it is possi-
Mason County Engineer; Bob Keir, The funeral service was held ble to create
Superintendent, ~ason . Countyat 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Lewisbeauty which is not livable for
Central Shop; JaCkcount..unrmtenson,En_. Funeral Home in Bremerton. you.
Accountant, Mason y gz- The Burkhart's have one dangh-That's why chairs should be
neer's Del)mtment;' Georgecoo Doak, ter, Donnalee, at the family home. comfortable to sit in--for read-
City of Shelton; Bill per, Ra----" ~-" --'-'-O"---'--'~"~N
..... airy C Cole, Civil ~ ing, watching television, relay
did uHicer; r~ " "- lug, entertaining. Furniture
"or, and Mrs Merle
Defense Direct vil D" placement should not be dic-
.... retary, Ci efense
Mermen ~ec - • tated solely by visual effect, but
The 'second Pw~ltb°f htlh~ ~treiPll (cont.hm,~d from page 1)
Four Exercise p • strengthened by the acquisition of you should tl~inlc at)out conver-
five wholesale warehouse bust- sation groupings that bring
22. nesses in the midwest and people together naturally, and
.,~ ".% ,~
',k. / :."?, t'.'.':
'7"-'.. ,!../~:,:e,,:~ ,. ,.
" .. /. ' ;
lt~llVlN~. FUture Home of Your Credit Union at Fourth l ceda
See Your Credit Union for Low Cost Loans for
All Purposes.
giving" the Company a total of consider the activities of your
eight warehouses.
Plywood and insulating board
production reached new levels
while door and lumber production
declined slightly from 1963.
its 18th year, was formed under
the p~)visions of Public Law 273,
the Sustained Yield Act of 1944.
I A 100-year contract between Simp-
son and the Forest Service to sup-
ply a contimtous source of raw
That's why the color scheme
should be one that you enjoy.
Never choose
a color
scheme be-
cause it is
currently in
That's why
you can use
MATtOCK---The Matloek Com-
munity Church wishes to extend
an invitation to all to attend Sun-
day School at 10, and 10:30 a.m.
they will present their Easter Pro-
gram and services after the pro-
grain this Sunday, April 18.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
called at the E~win Sleeveland
home at Gates Sunday afternoon.
lerr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Sunday evening with the
Kennetl~ Widner family of Brady.
Mr. and Mrs. William Duckwitz
of Rochester and Mr. and Mrs.
Nell McLeod and sons, Peter and
Paul of Seattle were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing. Sunday evening Mr. and
]Ytrs. Harold Clift were drop-in
M R. AN D M RS. R. E. Bradber-
ry attended the funeral of Mrs.
Elfreda Scott of Tacoma Monday.
Fifteen members of Matlock
Grange attended Friendship Night
at Agate Grange Friday. There
were 128 Grangers attending. An
interesting' program was enjoy-
ed by all.
Ws want to congratulate MY.
and Mrs. Richard Boothe of Se-
attle. Twin girls were born to
them last ~eek Wednesday. They
have a five year old brother to
greet them. Dick is a Mary M.
Knight graduate and a grandson
of Mrs. Clifford Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Gwinnett.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
were Sunday afternoon dinner
guests of the James Rossmaier
family of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift called
on Mrs. Leo Bishop of Shelton
WE ARE SORRY to report that
Penney Lee Moore has been con-
fined to the Shelton General Hos-
pital the past week. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Jenkins and
two sons of Tacoma were weekend
guests at the Ron Moore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scalf and Mrs.
Mary Harvey were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moore.
Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs. R. E.
Bradberry attended the craning
a.nd freezing demonstration in
Shelton last Tuesday.
Mrs. Beulah Gowan and Mrs.
Hannah Biaekwood of Shelton and
Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. were
Friday luncheon guests of Mrs.
Paul Johnston of Elms and Mike
and Brian Brehmeyer spent the
weekend with their sister and
brother-in-law, the Paul Johnstons
of Ehna. Then they all took in
the motorcycle races in Shelton.
Brehmeyer Jr. and children were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs, I. C. Ford.
Mr.u. Rebman spent the past
week with her son and family, the
Morris Rebmans of Elma.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Densley of
Shelton visited M'rs. Rebman and
Mr. axed Mrs, William AVery Fri-
day evening. They all took in the
play at :Mary M. Knight l?riday
evening and later had lunch at the
Avery home.
MR. AND MRS. Guy Taylor
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Avery and
children of Shelton enjoyed Sun-
day dinner with the William &very
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson were
honored with the first visit of
their new grandson Greg. The
month old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred LeMarsh of Seattle and also
their other two children Terry and
Brad spe~t Sunday. Terry re-
mained to spend this week with
her granparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dawson
and children Jerry and Scott spent
Sunday with their tolks the Bob
tou spent last week with her
daughter Mrs. Bob Dawson.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman accompanied by lV~r. and
Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton
attended the bridal shower in hon-
or of Mrs. Neva Auseth at the
Agate Grange Hall Saturday
to iour /loor~
Carpet Pile made with Acrilan
acrylic fiber
• Nine Beautiful Color Tones
• Resilient. Easier Cleanability.
• N,on-Allergenic.
• Moth and Mildew Proof
Journal Wanl Ads
Gel Resulls
AVeil of
Evergreen Square
Downs Quality "Added Touch" Acrilan Carpet Installed in
Your Home, Wall-To-Wall, Extra Heavy Padding.
$25,00 Down
Per Month
Enough for
materials for the loeal economy pieces of ThreeRooms
was put into effect Jan. 1, 1947. , furniture,
SimpsOnfromInlernational sales LheyeVen contribute°f differentto periods,the overallif vsl~ ¢~=
Ill J-
jumped $7,500,000 in 1963 to 1~q" |all,
$10,500,000 in 1964 as trade was comfort, livability and personal
expanded to 44 Free World coun- appeal of the room"
tries, SI also eiflarged its tech- We are specialists in l~ome Installation & Materials Guaranteed
nical assistance, purchasing and furnishings, and we will glad-
engineering services to foreignly work with you in creating 30-60-or-90 day i ,
manufactnrers. Notable projects t~ seLLing which will express
inv°lving Simps°n men at Sh~lt°n y°ur °wn ideas and way °f life' No-Irlterest Accounts , , ) ~:' /
were the purchase and rehabilita- Beallty will be all essential
lien of a powe.r plant m~d ~twmill ingredient ill thaL pattern . . . " ..............
fro" shipment to thc Philippines. but it .'ill be beauty nleant for Samples Shown I I
"In summation, we feel that the living with. Come "in and talk
Shelton Unii; in 1964 again den- over your decorating prob- in Your Home I 1
onstrated that it is fulfilling the lens . . . soon. You're always
ed," said Schmidt. "Sustained yield Convenient
vearsand community stability are no r~ r/.~]"''~.~ A
longer theories; thev ~[re living f Monthly Terms
facts. Simpson in ti:m past two
has invested several million iD il
clollars in new facilities that have ~ ~ t " Free Estimates /f¢ b
g'reP&]y sLrengthened the entire ~ ~ ~ ...... ,~ "
Shelton Unit."
Open Weekdays ~ ~.,~ 328 Cola St
Interested persons may obtain
a copy of the free report by writ- ]t~'~ 4th and Gota 8:30 - 5:30 ~,,o. =F ~ ~
ing the Simpson Public Affalr~ of,
rice in Shelton,IN~ ~ ~ H ~