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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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]5, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Oh tmastown, U.S.A.", Shelt0n, Washington •. -PAGE 5t Boys Blazers Again Lose caning All Baseball Playerst'• Motorcycle Scrambles I • : Ighs In One.Run Nod To Jags; Ml:l:!rll R HI:' [T Til I Oraws ill; Snitzer, t[ ATTENTIGN el Action ue Tuesday __..._ ,,. _. .... ,., ....... I H Local Winners 11 ALL FANILY MEN aw from their sea- game Shelto!l and Jefferson junior the Shelton Trailblazers first roD- ii and Hand,set to your wit'e's tches against Elma highs will play it for you. • Revival of town team baseball in, ploratory to a large degree to de- ] torcyclc scrambles competition of li individu,d need Mother's Day '"" eoF.~!ng~n~bdieS;S:e:i~ndO~:e ~egSB~,:: t~me intwo . " '" "" ~ "'" ' "' '' '• ' ':~ " "'"uche" ~ .... ,' ~',: . ', ' .''. ~ " " ~} L bad weather pre- ~. . - ' -- . ' . ._. , .- gree of interest sho~n at a meet- 1 just]i'D proceeding with the neces- [ g " *. I I and Duly $5.00 monthly. ~ 'f the fiftli match TWO TEAM~ OPEN WITH s ~' ' - , • "= - --s s~xxt~uu,cu tot xmxt tuesday s'u'y ~org (n securin s onsorsnip • ' . . '~ u~elves had hosts non the dec sion ol 30 but ers rest VTi0aym Ulymuia 5 4 ~ ..... z.~..,^~ ....... ~ " ~ • ~ " ~ • ~ The Tlailblazels the~ s " ..... • , ...... . , . ~ , g,p , . [ , - . ~i the girls dropped PEI{ICleCT RECORDS were pertectly hospitable m all by scoring the winning marker evenin likel to be the determin- and financin " tWO winners in 12-event ln'orram/[ .tm.p~tlt ~|~ other ways tile returnees report in the sevenm inning, iil faegtol Y ' ' " gl L .... Von H,)gan capri ring tillg 500 !7"' on the Shelton Teams captained by Ray Walk- . , "- • . , g .... ~ ...... /[ ~#~Kr~tB| ~ir | l~l-- er anti Bob Coots open(~ the 19thDoll Pauley had low net with .^E.arl,mr the two team,., battled Anyone interested in playing, ...... waS~ F ...... opt-, CC l•aee and Harold Snitzer timid .m~-- a=~----= Ln--, _ ,., - . "• • • BALL T ,AM NS ¢ . tN ancl~ singlesB°b Bennett,pla~,ers lastH('le weekLeagUebymen'Ssweepingteam allsCheduletheir an 82 among his. Shelton col- xu lnl}mgs to a 7n6e verdict. These managnlg, sponsoring or contrxh- ] .....N~ I)[TIONINt," q['ONIGHT I 90 CC C ,Mmn' . t| ~!'O~[._ .............. MqL~]-~l=~ leagues F'red Stuller both longest are ate om.y ga s .the Blazers utin~r in 'utv way to the revival of ...... [ The winners of the various con,-|[ " ' drive and closes to the pin, and have played.. , ._ ing bee,, the Shelton Loggers lS invited to[ ......... ; : ... ]petlhons ware /J (orarandmo/h r} ~l victors" in "boys matches .o ..... ~ so Iar nav ' "~ ¢ - • • • • furnouts lor ~ne~ton's town .... go ~ three'extra sets .,. " o ": , • rained out ot uleir Diner sched .... • , ' h iastDan team wm oegm uus eve- 50 CC 1st Clif • " ~---~ ........... --'~ Rudy i lakuslugh glossDuuter .... be p~esent in Hie coultloom at t e ...... m, ..... ~..., ~. ,, .. •.,~...~.[ .... , f Schoenmg, l[ ...... • • ule(l star~; .. I ), ' ) nl ll|Ilg (llltll'Stlay] tit, O.UU O ,Z~OC~ Bremorton 2rid D ' '" • ' alsoa ' ' llt)~l%.I D~m o~,.*..*,, ninth next Tuesda~.~, r i at ~ut~p r,c,u acct.~u.t~ ~u ,,,~*- / Shelton.~ il Y~. -%~/L6A~k;Ill41 ~F'~',w~ Ntxt mtel-club ~s load rade ri hthander, p~tehed excel ' " ag',er Chink Hawley • . . /[ D~ZL ~UIILI • . . ~, land, walk.ed f°ur, _ [entering it in the Timber League.]~]' .... e this "'Yatp y " "]ning', Bremerton, lst; Tom Tay-|l r~~~] Tne wlnmng run seote(:l with us, ~Hu y After nex~ ~r^~-~sda'"s men'sIbase put Steve W ..g on sec-lma, Montesa~o and Aberdeen. ~to anchor the slab staff aga~,| 250CC-4Consolation) RonTue-]i I~,% ~::.~ .~ ~a,J-~ "' " " "' ou l' " tne s~ . " ~eo , eral way, ,~ra. . • . .... . rio•Irun-seoringhitlnstead Uurdl| ....... ||Dale Pace Pe Ell ~2nd• Ken Sim'-ll . ..... . , , , I 2;he BlazerS got away a=-runll _ _ I/ 6:)0 cc--(]~ Ma;n) Neff Schoen-/I child.e. N T~¢ ' " '" .... I lead with two runs in the second--I • 7:l~-I~\~L-~'/ IN MA$O COUN |/ing, Aberdeen lst" Joe Cotnett /I ........................ " ' rnis rogram fx)r ~mcauon anct .................. " a e~......., all WflO wren ~O coopetate ~ a~ FINALE GETS / / II open season L~E~U O UU~ICi~ ........ ~ " ~ • " , ~ s , ~, Sbelton 426 6644 High games--Shirley Pogreba UI~ ~ @~|~@ [ MountDtn log dnmp on Hood Can-] a oetter nomv zo!, the .birDs• , [ ry Coles 515); Engineers 2 (Bill ]J in Olympia -- 357-7300 i MEN S INDUSTRIAL Althou h th { Vsh h "" t~L e""Flave "Leagues._.___..._. MiXedYoungMen' Open 0Lfwa lkei& FoursomeLadiesMenEVerYBowling- _os TrioteamTypeTribsW°n five en-/]/ st' Martins 7 tesano224. / Olympic Plywood ][ An ow Inltlal[I cost and minimum r • v-. r ay Barring- . ,' r r• was enjoyed at the Elks Club . ......... • .... r ~ ...... countb courthouse at 7:30 l:.. [ ....... :.,^,~ ....... , .... . ...... [ - ; , ean Stager, l] ~ . ' t~le- " counte~ s and Coots ~ on four ~ Kh- ill~,,~, andthe Joe out losing The 19th Hole Lea ue 'r -",' No. 2 doubles ~ " '" g ,' -, • ' rcha" g g . - .-I Considerable interest has been , ." 90 CC--(C Maul) Harold Snlt- . ede, ........ opened w!th ]0 teams and 51 play- Ifl11 ~Luu. Mark ers ill action in ttle weekly Wed- t,l~p: to th(. ll, ew..Po[t2,~:, Iol~d go!f lent ball in his fn'st start for the[ expressed by numerous individuals]. All p!ayt:rs ]nt({zer' Shelton; (B Main) !~en John-]] ~~ ~l'e in^~,neelaud, No. 1 nesday afternoon-evening compe- ~'"ff--"-'-'~-'~-~-":~-~;*'~-~ "~:~lBlazet's but was victimized by in getting "{ town team organized[!ng are )nvlteo to oe o!~ nab,t1_. "rne[son Milton, lst; Doug Fox, Au- na?Li:¢~L mental errors. He struck out five ]here again with the possibility of| tean:i(~"iolfel)ln:?~Dtle nn ?:%i~'a;Ss~, burn, 2nd, (A Main, Cliff Sehoe-i| ~ . ~ .~ h. ~me to completetition~ ............... I ,' • ' • ] which last year had teams from I ' " "' [ lor, Bremerton, 2nd; Steve Holton, ]i ~t'r'-..-~.. tog. j._~/ ~.~.~,.~,~,.~,~...~ ' [ two out after a walk and stolen ] Tumwater, Bueoda McCleary El- ] Ace pitcher Bill Nutt is expected [ Sumner 3rd. [I ~--~.."~#~"~ .,, =~.~ vv=u,~ =ot~. ' ' estber ' "' " ' il ' 1 ......].. ~,~'=~'~. ~.~.1,~ o!,,~.lond, from where ne nt out for[ Tuesday's meeting will be ex- Hawley indicated. |ker, Seattle; (C-Main) Roger Jar-]| ~'~fl~x..0...~x~"~'~J'tL~-~'~ :7.~'~,~.: ~'=~,,,'~,~' ~,~"~,"~,~ [ third on the pitcll B!I1 Karpuleon [ ~" " ----- --~ [ vela, Aberdeen; (B Main) Robert[[ ~~'~J.'*~'~..~.#~.~r,~'Ae" ~,,_, •;,u,~ ,~ ~ ............. s ...... [hit directly to shortstop, only the l. :_,.._ ,mm~[ L. Smith, Chehalis, lst; Don Hart,[| f~,t~ ,~-£~ " ~-- ~I~I'~ ~aysnote cmDnouse. . . - [Blazer shortpateher was also[l|[Auburn, 2nd; (A Main) John Man [| ~ W~ " .hDi~ler will b'.e served agr%~ab~Y [ heading for third to back up what | ~ ~r ,., i |]dy, Tacoma, lst; Joe Dahners,[[ A • ' ..--.-- t,e Js~A sorority gnus p, .Y[he thought was going to be a play[]~ J " • ...... A~.~ |[l~dmonds, 2nd; John Statke Fed-[] $-k rlfl~ witri ~;rl~ aoout 7:15 or 7"30 T°urnamentlthereon "" Teal The ball lol' "~m _I~..#~E ~- aBaTr~nnar B/ . ...* . . ' /I ehanman Don Pauley v, ill t me ~. ro er birthstone • . : .. linto the outfield for a scratch II 1JH/UUUK3 i/ ,00CO VonHo-an lma lst'/I P P plans mr the season's fit'at ur- •• of the '' ' -" ' = ' ney as one oI tne uusmess topics I out I| ~ll~,,'~i~_ |t ons Potlatch 3rd' ' " |[ JUt- ~.u[i ul ],.I1~ to be discussed, to , r. • , CIJMB]EI{H LINKS TEAM ' " e a field ' ~ " ' " " ..................,. Ion Tom Malloys tripl ,, ~!I Aberdeen, 2nd; (A Main) Dlckll (or grandchildren) x~.:.~,,,~ ,~,~,,~.,~ ~,.~ -¢mrs. ] choice on Mary Wilson s gr er, 1 ' , [ Miller, Tacoma, 1st; Terry Mau-II . --Ts-.~"."" •~.":'~-'-~, ...... ;~ ~=la steal and an erroz~--ana a solo l ....... ,~ ....• ~'~E~ ~UT I ~e Northwest Sclmol of DivingI nln ~berdeen 2nd Bob "~cCal II a ........ ~ ~.o-.e-*~ ¢~- irusu'ated rtignelimoer oilers ~ . ' " U i V i i~ ~ "~ 'V' ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ' ' ' " L * " " V .......................... .........F . _I run m the fourth on ~v£alloys sm-1 NEWS FROM DOWN UNDER will have a new set of classeslhsier IIoquiam, 3rd [| mothers and grand=others of last week and ~nelLon sutiereu a _] .... s and an e ' o .... ' ~ ' " ~a ~ ~.~n-~in~ ~n ~.~. nlvm- I ~ e, ~wo stolen base., r- / Shelton's competitive d i v i n ~' I starting April 19 at the Pool Nu -| The next Trailblazer event will|| their moat boloved possession... • L" ...... ... . y" .,__ I'or. /~o~m ~,~,noe,,l~ Bill Jotmson and~ tare at 8:00 p.m. ' . [ be a field meet April 2o at tlle|l the chxldren Ahfet~mebrflhant plc League linKs match on Ln~ " with ........ v ..... , . ,, , ,~ " ' " - . ." ..... ." _ • I JEFFERSON TIED ]t a 3- i ~ ..... ~r-~on were ' aced out" tt 1 . ' ..... / fairgtx)unds and the next opel, |i syntheuc bwthstone for each of ts,anu "me scoring: mm " rth in whi ..... z ........ - " " • -. - " ............. ~.. ~1 blast in the fou ch/ ~h. ~t.~,..nmi,~Hnn meet Sun /CHINK EGGS AVAILABLE |scrambles (AMA sanctioned) will|[ the yoUngsters ~s matched to the YaSllon OUJ*X~l~nett°n ~:~ "" • , with ..................... - - ' • " - " " " r ~.,~.~. caca ~'~.......~ ~]a mental el ror figured the] ,~av Whtl- they are still hble to[ The Washington State Depart-[ be May 22 at the same site. /3 r~onths of their births, Addxo .... 1.1. ~a 9~lm~ o~ ~[ bases loaded and a sun,fly which] comneto in the remainin~ meets[ment of Game is again this yea~ [ Note: All motolw,~cles stay /| t,o .al. stones may be ordered s,,.. - ='~!~. .... ^^ ~ [ fell for a single• Another run in ] ,~_ ~...~n~ ..... ~u t,: ,~.,.i¢['c [ offering pheasant eggs to any pe~., / off tlm airstrip Any mot:oreye- /I each time the stork arrives. Tho ........... .... ]the fifth gave the Jags a short[ ........ _ .. /son who agrees to rear and re-/ II~t .~ee~t on the 8helton airstrip || twin gold band, permanently' t~auca ~ zalr~Ice vo ~L i le-.~ L....,._ ~,2.._L_ tied it ---t Jonn Marun nRS 3Dined use I ....... i . . ' . . " --.. II ~oined, signifies the hob- bond 8 17 ~u uuL um z~x~zux~ v up ,, . ,, lease tne DIrQS, lt~ in serious 1;rouble). ~ = ;, Booth 88 1 [McC0mb 89 / o.o ,. ,.o o,.,. bn - o/ranks of beach w,ves , a group [ ........ / /I of =etrimonv Osbum 91 151Heuston 92 13 ~.~.,,,..,...~ ...n ,.,.~.. --t on m~. [ heretofore composed exclusively of I P . . [ ~.., .... ~. ...... . ~.....,.~ |I ' " ho --'~"~" ~ ~"'~'~ ~""~ ~'~L~ .... " " ' ' i conservation ]s available to any or~u,~-e,~ ~VL,~m ~ ~,~,~,~t~,,~ .... Tho Climbers st Port Town-] rv ~,,~u,~ ..... .a~. ~artwell's[ mothers. But with hm imtmt on [ ...... . ] .... |l In I OK while or yellow w!th send today at Bayshore. [ steal-~d ~Malloy's third hit of the ] Sunday John started a new trend, I ' .-. • " - ." -- [ Engineers 33 19 || authentic birthstone for the __ /a reversal perhaps of the wonlen/ ~:ggs may De secures ~y youm/ ~, ...................... ~- - ITnnn,o v g m ;.y Sparks two hits for/parents sitting on the be aeh[groups,leons v nelub tt oni olL° d2rs ........... : ................ 31½ birth-monlh of each child /UUU 4 I / 6UU [ th,~ vu~.,~,= ~s -~hel~con outhit the/watchihg theh• husbands display [ dividua s by g PP ' [ ..... ::="74===;" .............. .~ ,~. |1 stone rin- ¢14 88 ........... "~ ~ ~ ' t 6 N £nsulacmg ~oartz ............ z~ ~ - ~ .................... ,v • I host Mar their prowess in the manly sport the Game Departmen, 00 , , , Jags, 8-7. The Blazers , - • • ..... 1 1 before Ma Railroad ................... : ........ 27 25 2-stone ring .................... $19.88 644 ous Whitman of Port Orchard oh/of dwmg. This hme, while Noreen/Capitol Way, O ymp a, Y ] ..... 22i/, 29" II ........ MR. & ll~. LEA~E L ]L:op sFal~? ~xt::r~sdaYr~n their/~Polr~Sh~dty?~Y a~und ~he We~h] 1 Persons raisi;ge:haenbi,~sa prO-/~I~rs ......................... "7..20.'. f II =::: .................... a= Stock's Grapeview .73~ 38~ " R H E~trying,t° figure out why he had[vide their own e. , Y " -/ . .., ........... :: ............... . " a 5 stone rin ..... , " ........ . been so anxious for mamma to lease the birds ill all area where[ ~lgn game -val SienKo 235, I| " g .................... $34.~8 Gt iffey Construction ...... 70 42 / Shelton 020 101 0---4 8 2 [ ..... [ ,.,_ ~ .............. :. ........ / High semes---Val Sienko 572• II Sharer's Diggers .......... 55~ 56~ [ Jefferson 000 310 1---5 7 3/marn tne sport. [ ~.ey can u~ mx.~u uuLm~; u~] * * * ]| |~OA,.~ ~,~|~ Eactett LumbeI 54 58 Batteries Smith and Malloy; Sunday while the competitors~ ~ ' [ T.~a~.~ ~ v w n n~ ][ ][ J&5 Service ....... :..51 61 [Heckman and Brunson /were shooting fish, the Dick Ful-[ The Department of Game will[Lo~gers'~04((NRoay %hi~lP: 5~0),; | 125"Railroad Ave Donn Marsh Realty 50½ 61½ _._L____~___.-------- [ let's and the Ed Ltzakowskts were I provide written information on [ Rathoa'd 3 'At b Blockber'~er 540' [i Allyn Shell Service ........ 48~ 83~ [ |~TV B|~-UTV [ shooting pictures and collectino/how to hatch and rinse the pheas- ]IBP 1 (Les Spilseth 492)- Mill 2 [I .... -- " - Thurs'Lon Co. S&L .......... 45 67 i II• R// / marine specimens at the ~uck] an3s, and now to n)aKe your farm ] 3 iV31 Sien'ko 572), Mill 3 '1 (Har- // ~ Pifth Ave. ,-ast 192 Eldon Todd 266. n|| ~U ~t~rm~|~O ] at While the "old folks" were pol-[ ~ ~ * /Fredson 554)Shops 2 (Fred Rtine 11 High series--Shirley Pogrebal , ing around the rocks, Bill Fuller [LITTLE ANGLING ACTION |518~ ! ' 481, Eldon Todd 644 ~ . [ and Steve Compeau were search- [ g e Skol on ~ as [ .... --.----__:, ................................. • * * / ..... "f., .~ /ing for an old sunken barge I shown a good run of snmll steel-[| ..... Morgan Transter .. ~o~~o ~., * " head a d s mo • " " Eldon Todd fired up one of the[ Pal,totium Cleaners ........ 32 0 " ~-'-- n 'al n arc showing in to ames of the 1904 65 bowlin .........., 2, 'lower .cod Conal waters ther," s~Psga when he hit ei;ht st#.k~egs!20th.Centut:y .................... 29~ _H~|T~ [have been few reports of '~'ishingt[ MAW ADD~~ in a row left the five pin in the ~ul~eo~ens .................... ;~ 25 [Uv~LHgI~0v ~t~|~ [success this past week. . ~[ , |~, ~ ,~-r~E~~] ninth an~t s.-ared it and "~":-~--.:- ............................... ..- .'~/ ~1~_~~M naA~ P~a~ 1 ~est roCK apparently was at-~l v ~ BoP s Tavern za ~ r U~ ~ i ~U tain(d b Ha vcy and Ellen Gleen the 10th for a 266 count in the~-. ~ ~" :" " ................... "" 34 [0~ U [ : Y .... [| TMiT~)eLre~got~vel Sunday night ~oar~Yc'~i~cKl~egnter . ....... ~; 38 i MERCHANTS LEAGUE [w2~dsi~h°s t°°kd;~'g~rbl[atCknp°elat~h]i A~' BIT~8* .~--~.~ ~I~ ~ • . High games--Jack Mays 268, W L ] wobble • r nn' ~ ' J } ~" ' Cnmin~ after 173 and 205 prede- Jack Stewart 233 and 229,Cur,]Olympic Plywood 33'- Is u ,~, to.71 ~t ~H~t=~ ~ U~~E~i " ~ " ! • " ............. ' ' IDS in mlo-weeK ano l~llen repeat- II cesso, s it ioduced a 644 series 226 Walt Barn 221 Pit s R S ' , " P" Wolfe ' • | ";pp'. exall Store ........ 30 18 t ed with ~ 4~/ lh bl~ .... n*h'~l~,~ ]i for Todd and led his Eacrett Lure- High series--Jack Stewart 645,/Fulle)' Construction ...... 28 20 i da- ~is~in'2"'o'!t o'~'"'i~""\ ~--7 II • over .... ....... Y, " g l "100osporL • • - Y Mark Fret [ Ralph's Serve-U 25 23 [ -. ]| ~ .... bei team to a 3 1 victor ]son 615 , ' , .............. ' Nl'Lrln?t Dick Sharer's Diggers (Fie Rob- * "" • [Kimbel & Whiteys 22 2(;I , .. II i~ m~ • s .• ............ From the same source Ralph inson457). Twr) Industrial league bowler.. ] Stewart's Foodliner . ....... 21 H,11i-oss a,; A,kin on ,,~,, I ~~lM~ In other competition, leadingbroke the 600 barrier last week,[Miller's .................................. 19 29 [ ed t'x~) fiv-- b-~kmouth o}" 2,z' and II i 1 imllJ l Stock's (Joe Engen 555) blanked one in a losing cause, one for alState Farm hlsurance .... 14 34 ~ .~-'- .Y, i~Y,' ..... V _ II ' -- 0 " " / I o IDs•, wn:n ooQger anu pearl WOD- II Griffey Construction (Del storm winner. . , .,/ High games---Don J°sephsonlblers, on Sunday ]| ~f fha nlona +¢~h|a ', S 484) J&J Service (John Hulet Lefthanded Jack Stewart naa / 238 ~lnd 225 Jim simmons 224 ~ ..... r,,.~¢~." "¢,~ ,, ~ a ~,,~.~a I ........ l"*'~ .... '~''"" botm (Fleu ttupe 519), - ~ p " " ~ .~ ' : Ummer Leagues Now F0rmin lyn488) Shelltied" Service'T~hurst°n--Savaindgs'(Mary t'eters- ..... Al&-h~sd183 s~'htSin his °ne?'sxinale 7~t0ttoa~at~Irdh~f/2°9 twins up at// Higii series--Don,. • .J0sephs°n 639 'l{~tdaY] Bay"worthl, bsg~tting, tl~'etwoeffot;t-laStkings, of T~u~'s~'8 andll ]j, with your favorite. 4~3) drew withMarsh Realty (Bill 645, bdt his Lumbermen's team~. Don Josephson wa~:nled up ast ~-~-~- ...... ......... II song styhngs I ' roused BoWs ~ne night wore on an(l came to a,,.a.,, ~'," v,~,~ ~ v~,,. u, ~- ~taudt 512). fell 3-1 before an a , • • lb ,, f h, :", " S~GH UP NOW TaV~' which finished stron~ be-[bofl ut the last two games as he [ ._st(clhead out o tc Skok Sat-1] .... FR~;GUE tlind'Jack Mays' 268 finale for a{P.oSted a 639 series in tlte Mer-|ur ay; ...... II _ ._ . , .............. "" "~ * ]nl° *--m count /chants bowling league ThursDay[ /~na tnere you nave tne report-[| tnrl! -- ~'K ,, ~ .,,&o. ~? _ _ "= '- ....... /night His succession was i76, 225 / ea catches from Verle's Wingard's][ .............. m== Fuller Construction .......... 32 24 t~igntnanaeo Mark ~'reason tou,~/ ~ ' • ' and Hoods ort Maltn' ' =" .... Make Up Your Own Teams Lions C1 32 24 the steady, climbin'g route to a |and 238, but astonishingly h,s |W " P " a for the I .... Jil~t .. , _ub.. ......................... ...~° "~ 615 ~o.~ries on his 196 208 and/rta~ph's Serve-U team sufferea a| eeK. II " magles Aerie ........................ ~.t ' ", ' of Ful- ~ .... - , [ -- [ r ign Up and We Will Do the Rest. ....................................... ~.o~ A,.tlor~ ,3026 211gamesand led second place l.wh,tewash,ng.. at the ],ands elneu" "" 1 • ...................................... I Shelt0n Hardware ....... 30 26 PantoriumCleaners to a 3-1 vlc-|[~_ Construction (L. L. M Y| ~ ~...... ~ ..,..~ ..-.--.--=~-..-. ~'~,,;=-is nl,,~ "" .. 25 31 tory over leading Morgan Trans-love). / • • "L' T TBII II-?L T.. , Rotary Clul~" ................. - ...... 19 37 The other two matches produced |counts: Miller's (John Hulet 567) _m~ .~.~=~ ~ ~ JL ~,.Jk~ UJL~RI~I~ JL @ Bull I~00~6 ,'. ...... 24 32 fer (Leo Nault 545). | Other decisionswere all 3- • ~'~"~ B • n r~_ r~=~ .,q~ • ' : for Your Pleasure. ............................... x ~ c~.r~l:~'"L"McInelly whitewash victories for Canteen | over (Jim Sire- High- s~e~4"'e~--L" ..... L' Mclnelly 597" (Norm Schmischat 547) over [moss 519), Prepp's. (Morley prep- ~ -'~ ~ ~ w4~l Unday / , , , Clary Trucking (Wayne Clary[pernau571) over State Farm ( Don ] • ~A 1~' k~ w,,n= ~ rx,~n Long 521), Ant- 540) and 20th Century (Rawlin]Brown 549), and Kimbel & Whit- | ~ ~.aa san ~-~ • a-I rrpp maa~ MOnday '^'~"7~'~^~"7"Hart 546); Eagles; McIn]elly b~0) over Corrections/ey's (Bill Staudt 540) over Stew- [ ~~ Uli~ LU U II L,,~., llllK~.,k~ ~rTT." o"~.'~an 523), Kiwanis 1 Center (Curt Wolfe 533). /art's Foodliner (Bud Risth~e 533). ~r ....... ."'-'"--~_ "~ T esday _. Mixed Foursome -,-- ....... ns2"- - ~------- [ ;~41 ..... "" ----- ~" ~ • .ed esday ] 567), Hardware 2 ( belein M|= UE; ; IH . Lll I OLUI U III I &JL& V y JkVV ¥¥ ILL,L& JL W&&I :" °'"~ st, '~ st ] ]no-d s Ursday__ Adult-Jr. League / """'°'" "~ ale 0rsemen s a azlne or Bremelton 49 "Hday_ Doubles & Jaek & ill ! ,2 ." . . ' : g Y St Mat.ns 79,'~u~water ,8A story of the life Of Dr. Hat- by Presiaent Wilson. Another Wa~] ~ j M. .,%,IJJt& 21U.y, • ' .... 69 Fos• .... ry Deegan, retired Sheldon dentii~t the second oldest military awar I ' ~,~ 4 • aturday North Tht[rston ..... o~,and M~son County historian, oc- in the world, the Knight of Ira-[ DuPont35 ~nrk Mon-~. ~a cupies a feature spot in the April perial Cross of St. Nicholas from ] 12t,.. )~ ~'..1~...~ st)l~h a i~|erecz~r ~$t~/ 17f~.PII |n ~|v ~A t~r,,;~^ Hoquiam oo, %*7-,..,,~ g~ "° editionof "ThUd WaShington the Russian ~overnment w~ieh[ ~t.I/ CO r~lt~Uil'=WR'' ca w=~. ,..,,, ..v,,,~,, .,, ~j~^ ~lliU ~/UI~G" ' I lHBER* BOW '°°°" .... °° " ° ° .... " " " "'" 44' pages of thii~ publication dedicated of the Compassionate Heart, . ! Aberdeen 9 ..... r Horse , coverin a total of 2~ also bestowed upon lnm the order • .. ¢)~ Elma 60 Tumwate 55, Roches g 0 Mat,c transm|ssion dehvers u to 15 more m | ter 61/3, Mon tO the horse raclhg and horse Dr Deegan was born In Shift- • • ....... ' • 43 1/3, Eat onville 39 1/3. br~)edi~)~einterewSat~s Corn thotfS tStat;oun ~fnedOl~;October 24,1i1:9el and hf lS,] d w,th |ts I . , outme maintenance, n 83~, uxympia 43~ • s~ s o e ' t e - " re all his xcep . F ' .... " " R. A. Lo g .... utarn ':" din~ fathers of the thoroughbred that part durin~ his education and[ alcon s a m|ghty smart |nvestment. The ride. Piushest m - 426-8452 Shelton 70, r~on o. o ~, ~ " . • ..... ~orth Thurst.... horse racing and breeding tndust- his military seiwice. He practiced] ~h~ ...... # ~ I ~ ~ O T~ ~ ¢ ; • "~'') ]" ~IV ~ ~ % I O t uux~xs or, ..... , o~, z in Washin o avih started dentist h f r eat retirI ~,,~ t.UIII ~Ut t, taOO. tGOt IL IIUW--,J,^ U! V O: "~ ~ ~_ pP.--=- ...... hi,ceding thoroughbreds on a mod- ing in 1957 when Parkinson's Dis-] hihsul£ 45 ,y , . gt n h g ry ere o 30 y .s, " [J "~t0p I) ~ ..... ' _ esl scale in the early 1920s when ease struck him, ~-~m]l~ ..A==~l~| he phbchase(l Tithony and Fleet The al~icle also covers his en- m today!...Make this "ZEBRA y--'°"-" ., ,, llzhom he raced for a while try into politics in 1931, when he --~ w .... n at county fairs at Elma, Port was ihStt~amental among the me ONE COAT WALL PAINT COVERS B|TT Gallon ~,~lle ond ready-mlx)d . ~ Ma,sero@ c • Drles in 30 minute=. • Wafts are easily washed, • Clean up brush or roller with warm water. On Hillerest Phone 426-4522 0mha.rd and PtiyaUhp. FI~OM THEN until he retired from this activity in 1956 he bred number of horses, most of them having the word "Deeg" as part of their name.~, Best known and most successful of them was Sweeper Deeg, who won a number of races at Longacre~ until he had to be dest~)ye'd after suffering severe injuries i'rom stumbling ov- er a horse which had fallen ahead Of him in a race on July 15, 1956. Dr. Deegan never raced another horse after that. The article, Written by Russell L. Brown, covers Dr. Deegan's outstanding athletic career at Sta- dium high school in Tacoma and Washington State College and the University of Pennsylvania, where lie obtained his dental degree in 1917. He was one of the stars of his d,-y in bott~ football and track. Try II yourself right in our showroom. See how one coat covers. who secured legalization of paH- mutels in 1933 by the state legis- lature. Later he was an unsuc- cessful cahdidate for U.S. senator, AFTER THE founding of the Washingtou Horse Breeders *s- sociaL,on in 1940 he became an active member and was elected tO the board of trustees, on which he served 12 years and was pres- ident for the year of 1948. The article also mentions his history of Mason County, publish- ed first in 1943 and revised and published in the Journal in 1959 and i960, some 50,000 words• It is a story Dr. Deegan can rightfully enjoy and be proud of. • EAC.ERS LE~OE i~ Redin .............................. 65 'Rithmetic ...................... 63 , 49 ~,; 'Ritin' .............. 50 % THE ARTICLE also covers his Tardies ............................ ,18 52 Wm'ld War I hlstory, in which he Recess .............................. 42 58 ~olunteer~d at the outbreak, en- Skippers .......................... 32h'... 67'/~ listed in the Army, was sent to High games -- Jean Templc France, distinguished himself in 192, Bill Cox 196 battle, was wounded and received High series --- Jean Temple 441, numerous citations, including one Bill Cox 513. FALCON FUTURA 2.DOOfl HARDTOP Test...and the best! See your JIH PAULEY 501 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Wash.