April 15, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Bhelton PAGE 7
, *
*From Tacoma one way
~OneY3wrelax in air-conditioned comfort and safety. Save
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Two Grapeview ing
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Gan'l Be Beat!
and Harstine Island Granges, met to deserving members on April 22.
at,Agate last Friday evening for• * * L
a Friendship Night. As their THE THEME of the Junior
share of the entertainment, the Prom, which will be held April 2~l
Fair Harbor Grangers presented from S to 11 p.m. will b~ "The
an Easter Hat parade, narrated Twelfth of Never". Sally Wolf has
by our M.C, Grange Master Carl been named as the general cffair'
Izett, while Miss Marcella West- man. The Dave Rowland Combo of
berg contributed by playing see- :Tacoma will be the guest orches-
eral m~mbers on the piano. Of the !tra for the dance.
128 persons attending, 14 wdre • * *
from Grapeview. It was announced April 7 that
The weekend's pleasant weather benches had been built in teacher
lured the Grin Buckinghams out Arne Johnsen's shop classes and
in their boat both Saturday and that they had been placed in the
Sunday to do a little fishing. Ap- court yard of the Angle Building
parently, they were rewarded for for all students to use.
their efforts for they brought . * *
home several nice fish. The SHS baseball team (second
Sunday afternoon they did, how- squad) met North Thurston April
ever, regain their land-legs and 7, losing the game with a score
escorted Mrs. Maude Rowe to nee of 3-2. The team also met Obm~pia
the nmch talked-about movie High School April 13. Members
"MaL'Y Poppins". and returned of the squad are Phil Bloomfield,
home nmch pleased with the yen- Doug Caesar, Bob Cleveland, steve
Lure. ' . .Cottrell, Ben Danford, Mike Fred-
The Ed Okoneks accompame~ son, Ervin Herrell, Wally Hicks,
Ralph and Judy Hatch to a Bay-Bill J'ohnson, Dick Knarl~z, Dick
arian party given by the V.F.W. Look' Ray Lutes, Barry Northness.
in Aberdeen Saturday night. Not Art Pagel, Joe Stm't)son; Steve
only Were the food and refresh-Townsend' B~ady Whitener, and
ments in the I~avarian theme but Dave Willian~. ••
also the costumes. Sounds ve#y '
interesting! THE SItS GERMAN Club in-
Our Grapcview 4-H'ers have
been busy with quite regular pro-Iitiated its new members April 7,
ject meetings, the baking group
meeting with Leader Vi,'ginia Adventisls Atlending
Hicks Monday after school and
the sewing group meeting Tues-
Y oulh
day with Leader Vtvian Query V"lllblles"
Junior Leader Rutb Isaacson. ~ Youth Congress for Seventh
All project groups are concentrat- Day Adventists of the Pacific
ing on perfecting their demonstra- No~.thwest is being held in Port-
. tO
~2~ - 7
Costs can multiply when all the Easter
Lions for Demonstration Day May land, Oregon, today, Saturday,
1. There will be demonstrations according to George Rasmussen,
of meal preparation and care of pastor of the Sheiton Adventist
rabbits ~as well as from the sewing Church. A peak attendance of over
and baking groups. 13,000 from 340 chuf'ches in Ore-
The ladies of the Sarah Eckert gon, Washington, Montana, Idaho,
Orthopedic Guild are happy to re: British Columbia and Alaska is
port that their bake sale was no~ expected to fill the Portland Me-
only a huge success but a complete mortal Coliseum to capacity. The
sellout! Several sweaters were sore program will be under the direr-
and the sale of plants was quite ties of E. H. Webb, youth leader
satisfactory.. The lovely afghan for the North Pacific Union Con-
was given away to Miss Sherry ference of Seventh Day Adven-
Wayman of Hoquiam. All in all, Lists.
President Evelyn Walker's two Among those representing the
years in office have been quite local church will bc Mr. and Mrs.
productive and active. After the George Adams, Mr. and Mrs° Ed
May meeting she will turn her Pearson, Mrs. Orabelle Avery and
gavel over to newly-elected 1965- her daughter Mary Lynn who at-
66 president, Mrs. Virginia Hicks. tends Auburn Academy.
This month's Orthopedic meet- ----------
ing will be held Friday, April 16,
as announced but ~ll be held
at the home of Mrs. Harold Retz-
rather than at Lrhlys and Mrs.
Uhly will serve as co-hostess. ,
TIt3~] GRAPEVIEW Motherg
Club met April 7, at the school.
Main topic under discussion for
the afternoon was the annual EaS-
ter Egg Hunt to be held today,
Thursday, at the school. The fun
is to begin at 1:30 p.m. and tl~e
children will hunt in three groups;
pro-school, primah'~ and element-
ary. Hope we see .you there!
Mrs. Astound Rindal, GrapevieW
chairman .for the Cancer Drive,
will hostess a fund-raising tea Ap-
ril 22 from 1 to 4 p.m. at her
home on Treasure ]sla.nd. EveLW-
one is urged to support this ef-
;.o help sustain a most worth-
while cause.
The Grapeview V.F.D. Ladies
Auxiliary will have dinner and
hold their installation of officers
for ]965-66 at the Shelton Hotel,
April 21. The ladies xwill meet at
the Grapeview Store by 7 p,m.,
dinner being scheduled for 7:30
p.ln. All members who do not plan
to attend are urged to contact
Louise Okonek by April 17, as it
will be asstuned that they are
attending if they fail to do so
and they will be assessed accord-
The Gr~peview Forest Festival
float committee will meet tonight
at 7:'~0 p.m. at the Grapeview
school. Any persons interested in
helping with this con~munity el-
are urged to attend. Both
ideas and/or vohmteer labor will,
no doubt be welcomed.
The latent word on our new fire
ha~l is that, as of Monday, the
foundP.tion is ready for the con-
tractors to begin to lay the ce-
ment blocks Tuesday. That enor-
mous stump pile was succes~ully
burned over the weekend.
essentials come at once. A special talent
of our Blue Star shoes is to protect
your budget as carefully as they protect
young feet! Come see the new
"smart set" styles. Fine quaIity costs
surprisingly little in Blue Stars.
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