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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1965
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PAGE See the All New SUPER-2 Starmaster and Curv-Star Retread America's finest tires with a Nation-Wide Guarantee. At Rau cher s NORTH WI $I-I"EL'I 3N--MAfl0N COUNTY 30URNAL--Published in "OhN,gtmastoww, Shelton, Washington New Tennis Courts Completed And Ill Use; Girls' Club Considers Change Of Tolo Date Ry I)EBBIE ROSE The new tennis cotlrLs are now being used by the tennis Lean} for several of their meets: The first t~ellllis elect ()11 the new COuI'Ls was v,'ilh West, whiell NorLh Mason won. Maybe this winning has 2226 Olympic Hwy. No. something to do with tile new courts, but these COllrts are a lot differelll from tim old ones. The ncxL tennis matell was with Va- shon. Challenges are starting for positions 5 - 8. The G.A.A. is considering chang- ing tim Tolo date from May 1 to possibly the n(,:.:t weekend. Also on M:,y I is l.he Choral Festiwd You used to fie like this.., still Imve theMitk P Do you still have the vitalittl The good things in milk give you vitality, That's why you never outgrow your need for milk. Enjoy a glass with every meal. It keeps you going--great. Vitality moral: mills makes a meal WASHINGTON DAIRY PRODUCTS COMMISSION, SEATTLE Representing the Dairy Farmers in Your Area ltemeuaber, you'll need extra tnill~ for the weekendt • Baian©ing Bafleries for the choir to be held at East. This event is going to conflict with Lhe TolD. More inform:trieD will be given ill tim next issue. DII°FERI~INT CLITp~ have been busy making l).sLers and advertis- ing for abe bond issue. Posters have heen displayed at(rand at dif- ferent stores. I'he bond issue is concerned with buihling a new high school which is badly needed. Tim high school studenLs are new in the junior high building, which is quite crowded. A special thanks is extended to all those lmlping in the publicity of tim bond issue. q'hi': Week's Seheduh:,: Monday - Jr. High Baseball --- I :30 Kiwanis Baseball at 6:15. Tuesday - Girls Tennis .... Va- shod here. Special School Election. P.T.A. Rehearsal --- gym at 7:30 p.m. Thursday --- Baseball -- Bain- bridge here. Boys Tennis -- at Bainbridge. Early Dismissal --- 1:30. P.T.A. Rehearsal -- 7:30 in the gym. Friday --- Spring Vacation. The Washington Organization for Reading Development is hav- ing a Word Conference April 24, at the Mercer Island Senior High School. Guest speaker Will be Dr. Leland Jacobs from Columbia Uni- versity. For additional information contact Mr• Hawkins. April 8, Doctor Williams, Direc- tor of Admissions at Olympic Jr. College spoke to the seniors about college and what Olympic has to offer. Dr. WilliamG answered questions that the different seniors had. The field of electronics was also covered and the job possibili- tles for both men and women. Anyone interested in joming the annllal staff for 1966 shotlld con- tact Mr. Merrill as soon as pos- sible. [Yndercla:Z~mcn are needed who are really interested Lo pro- vide some experience for the fu- lur'e years. CALENDAR FOR APRIL 15---Baseball Bainbridge here-- 1:30. Early Dismis,qal - 1:30. Boys tennis 2:00 at Bainbridge. PTA -- Gym 2:30. . . 19-.Baseball South Kitsap nero. 20 Bainbridge exchange assem- bly -- 1. Track at North Kit~ap. 21 ••.Slave Day Assembly . 22 -Baseball -.- Vashon here. Boys Tennis at Vashon. Slave Day. NMEA. PTA Gym. 23-Track at South Kitsap. Jr. HI. Baseball at Mary M• I{night. PTA Gym. 24 -C.A.A. Play Day. Word Conference -- Mercer Island. P'PA Variety Show. 26--Edison Tech. Field Trip. 27----Girls Club Talent Show -- 5th and 6th periods. Field Trip -- Navy Yard l0 a.m. Track at Cen- tral'Kitsap, Girls Tennis -- East here. Senior Parent Meeting. 28--Auerswald's field trip -- 9:30 a.m. 29---Honor Society Induction Banquet -- 7:30. Baseball Jr. Hi. -- Hoodsport there. 30 -- Career Conference U of W --- five gt"ts• Track at North Kit- sap. AT TFI[E LABT Student Council meeting Tim Wing, President, showedthat Season Ticket sales have reached $480. This still isn't enough to buy lights for the foot- ball field, so students are remind- ed to get out and sell their tickets. &leo at the meeting, Girls Club wanted an okay to sell apples at noon five days a week. Thm;e was some discussion about it and a de- cision would be made at the next meeting. A fund is being started to send boys to a training school during the summer mor~ths. The boys will be taught better basket- Box Office Opens 6:45 -- 8h0w Starts at Dusk KIT~AP LAKE NOW SHOWING Atragon co-hit The Lost World of Sinbad | RODEO NOW SHOWING James Stewart & Carroll Baker in Cheyenne Autumn co-hit Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra in Robin a,nd the 7 Hoods P eer yAt LiiJiwaup By Frances (hH|o LILLI'WAIIP May I, has been set as the first of a series of cle,tn-rll) days to save from ex- tinction Lhe iit{le, piol|eer Lilliwaup cemetery. At. 9:30 a.m. that nlorv~- ing a group of w)hmteers fronl the Lilliwaup C(mmmnity Club will start [O clear the small area fronl its ovvrgrowth and e|ltanglenlenl of vines, so tim: the final resting place of early residents may be found and identified. The c•eme- tery is off the Lilliwaup Creek valley road that leads up to Pr'ice% Lake" and needs 'a sig'n and fenc- ing to keep deer from lhe plots. Mrs. J. L. Ca:to and Mrs John Aaro are members (,1• the ch|b project committee and may be called by anyone intereste'd in helping "preserve the historical spot. TEN TABLES were in play at the pinochle party that followed the potluck supper' and meeting of the Lilliwaup Community Club Friday evening. Mrs. Evelyn Nich- olson was hostess. Firs~ prize winners were Miss Louise Kosten and Sven Bragstad; second, Mrs. Lulu Smith and By- ron Miles; pinochle prizes went to Mrs. Oran B, Lee and Ed Scheu- er and the door prize to Matt Kaare. Here is another of the recipes garnered at the monthly Lilli- waup Community Club potluck suppers. The Lilliwaup cook who makes this pie is Mrs I,ulu Smith of Beacon Point Resort. Here is the recipe for her... NUT PrE 4 eggs beaten as for custard 1 cup dark Karo syrup 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla, pinch of salt ~.~ cup melted butter Pecan or other nuts Mix well, pour into unbaked shell. Bake at 350 degrees 45-50 minutes• Test as for custard. Easter weekend will bring visi- tors for Caxml families and some will be taking trips to visit with relatives and friends in other plac- es. Mr. and Mrs Dick Schaufler will be going Lo Bremerton Thursday ball techniques as well as many other skills. Student Council de- cided that this was a worthwhile project. A new organization has been started at the high school. This is the High School Red Cross. The orgauization is going to sub- mit a constitution to the student council before the Red Cross can be okay'd. This organization is go- ing to teach high school students different life-saving techniques. GET READY NOW OOODYEAR NATION-WIpE "NO 'LIMIT- GUARANTEE-NO limit on monthg, lie limit on milks • No ilmlt n= to road~ • No limit as to speed • For tltn entire Iif~ of the tresd. • • -I ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED agalnat defect; in workmanshlp nnd'materlala and.normal road hazard|~l except repe|rah]e p,,ncturo$. • IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAIL~ UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any.or.moretnan ..80,000 Goodyear deal era in til~. United and Canada wlIJ mak~ sllowance on e ~*.w Ure baaed on. orl,g~.nal treao rem$1nlng and • ' " . . i~n/rauu in Ice , eeoc,yes~ e pflnJqd Excnange ~:{i¢,P currgnt at t~e tline'of adlustmnt, not en the bignlr. " rr ? .... FOR SUMMER DRIVING / SHAUB ELLISON CO. Front & Grove 19th & Pacific Ave. 5th & E. M in Shelton Taco Puyallup lignment Recapping Truok Tire Servi©e I II I I III I this week aw,1 plan Lo slay over for the Easter weekend t,) visit with the families of their. ,laugh-. Lers in that area. They will pr¢)b- ably stay with their: son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Berg, in (",hieo. Wednesday of last week the Schauflers lied Its their dinner guests Mrs. Sehaufler's broLher and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Keller ~)i' Union. The Kellers had just returned from a slay of several months in Arizona, the•last Lwo months spent in trips in near- bv :treas and Ca]iforn:a After dirmer they viewed colored slides hrougnt I)~.ek t)y their hosLs from their slay in Arizona. Tuesday eve- ning, after aLten(hmee by' Mrs. Schaufh?r ~t an O.E.S. "district meeting ot" Past Matrons Clubs in Unidn, they were to visiL Lhe Kel- lers and view their trip pictures. Mr. and Mrs Roland Willson will spend their EasLer in Canada. They left Wednesday to spend a week in Duncan, B.C., visiting Ro- land's brother and ,';isLer-in-law, thc Clarence Willsons. Sheryl Stlll(l's Easter Sunday birthday and that of her brother David, whose birthday comes April 20th, will be celebrated when the Harold Sund family gathers for Easter at the Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Barnett, son-in-law and daughter,, with theh' baby, Jenny Sue, will come from Tacoma. Da- vid and his brother, Larry, who are attending Western State Col- 'lege in Bellingham, will come home for the weekend. Lilliwaup friends of Mrs. Chris- tine Ahl will be interested to learn that she suffered a badly wrench- ed knee in a fall at her home in Poulsbo and is hospitalized at the Horton Nursing Items at Bremer- ton. She says that "the worst is over" and she is beginning to get around on crutct~es and hopes to be home again soon. Mrs. Ahl lives adjoining the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Giese, Rt. 1, Box 187, Poulsbo. Her many Lilliwaup friends are wishing NIrs. Ahl a speedy recovery. MR. A_ND MRS. CLAUD Elwood of Kirldand were guests last week of Mrs. Allie Ahl and the L. K. Webbs at Eldon. The Elwoods have recently returned from a tour of the West Indies, Haiti, Barba- dos, Bermuda, St. George Island and others• After their return to the U.S. at Miami, Fla., the travelers join-, ed another tour wt~ich included the l Mardi Gras at New Orleans and! other places of interest in the: "Deep South". They had many pictures to show of the interesting places they had seen. Other recent visitors to the El- 'don home of the Webbs and Mrs. Ahl were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris of Olympia, who m'e plan- ning a tour of the United States, starting this month• They plan to drive east from Olympia by the northern route to the East Co~tst, drive down to Florida and back by the son:hera route. Oran and Emma Lee of Blue Ox Beach and Mrs. Rule Dickinson of Hoodsport called last week for a visit• Mrs. Dickinson, recently returned from a world tour, tohl them of some of her interestin;~. experiences while on her cruise and also of the post-flood devas- tation she saw in Oregon while visiting her brother in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cole, former. ly of Tacoma, are the latest ad- ditions to the Lilliwaup riversid,? Aaro coL:age colony. They moved into the house just west of the John Aaros. Mr. and Mxs Bob Bunnan, son- in-law and daughter of Mrs. Allie W. Robinson, came from Bellevue with their children and friends to spend last weekend at the Robin- son beach home• They are antici- pating meeting the S. S. oriana when it docks in Vancouver B C April 23 and welcome the' Aliie Robinson home from their trip to Australia and the Orient. Others arriving on the same boat.will be Mrs. Florenee Rossl her friend, Mrs. Aimee Fuhrmeis- ter of Tacoma. AAROS spent S THE JOHN , un- day in Seattle as, part of their celebration of John s b!rthday an- niversary They paid vlsits to the • ~' .... Aaro's three dau homes ol mrs. -- gh- ters. O'Neq " nd Tim * ram The Jim a flies went to Shelton Sunday for the motorcycle races. Karen Knutsen of Tacoma Cole. brated her sixth birthday SUnday er grandmother, at the home of h Mrs. J L. Catto, and gr;~g::nd- mother, Mrs. FrapK , --, early at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs Mack Knutsen, Sat. urday celebrated the occasion with six of her kindergarten friends. Joining them for birthday cak~ Sunday evening were members of the 5ohn Robinson family and some friends, who spent the weeg- end at Lilliwaup. Several blackmouth were t)oated over the weekend by fishermen out of Rest While Park boathouse. Mr and Mrs Leon Baker, manag- ers, report "that theY have been busy with trailer-space reserva- tions coming in for the ~.mster weekend. Pranks and vandalism are close- ly associated and perhaps the latter name is best suited for what happened last Saturday night. When Ed Scheuer returned to his trailer home, after attend- ing an auction at the Lilliwaup Bazaar, he had the unpleasant ex- perience of feeling con~ing do~ upon him the egg mixture resuJ~- ing from eggs someone had thrown onto his trailer. This is not exact- ly ~)mething to laugh off, we agree with Ed. • '. ,. "" ' r f22; Mr,. Ha, Y .a,s a, d ' y the Lilliwaup Motel are enjoying a few days' visit from , " d Mrs Harry s parents, Mr. an son purchasei~ the motel property at Lil!iwau]p. PRINCESS TEDDI TELLS Whn Forest Festival Besides tl~e shown during the spring, time of for giving us and giving the Lhe know how ~OUI'CeS. In this sea~0n Lhe people of N able, to expand Forest FesLlval. ests, and Washington GP By TEDDI TRAVIS D! Forest Festival is a time of year when the people in Mason County unite and work together to pre- serve our natural heritage and to Keep Washington Green. What would this county be, or for that matter this state, or na- tion, without our evergreens. Shel- ton is a small town in a small county on a big map. But, how- ever small, our hm~bering industry is one of the largest in the world, and of vital importance to the nation's economy. Mason County's wealth of trees smwe as a recrea- tional playgi~)und, home for wild- life, and provide a variety of pro- ducts ranging from heavy timbers to paper and cellophane. The real- ization that out' natural heritage should be preserved is made ap- parent during our Forest Festival celebration. The people in Shel- ton, Mason County, and the na- tion are made aware of the need for preserving our forests. Different communities in the county are brought closer together as they compete; some at their chureh bazaars, others in their grange kitchens, and still more in their lodge stands, trying to out- sell each other. After the work has been done, the streets are lined with little children and their bal- loons 'as well as interested adults to watch the parade. Later on in the afternoon one will find the grandstands bulging with excited people as they watch in wonder at the logger's pezTormance. FOREST FESTIVAL means so many different things to so many different people. A small child will most likely remember the clowns and watch the parade in fascina- tion. As a liLtle girl I remember how excited I was when a couple of my friends and I built ore" ()w~ float and got to present it during Lhe Children's parade. . . , cuts graS and does Test on H phone EI DS OR, ONE OF $1( )O F RI: '0'*=W~ E'~ Then send it in! Contest is open t o N, dents 18 years of age or olde ". Easy ta e to buy! Mail the coupon below for . rules and entry forms. (Contest cl0 BuiMin#. Dm m Houses...T Let us estmaate the cost of bull on your lot. OR, choose from l available plans (each offering TO : Cascade Homes DivMon Chloe Lumber & Hardware. Inc. 8105 Highway 21 Bremorton, Washington G I II E] Please send DRAW YOUR DREAM II HOME contest rules and entw. 13 I have, or will have, clear deed to e lot, and Would like your 42-page booklet ot aam~ 1 NAME_ I 1. ADDRESS IS ~ S~ ~1 i~ al i~ •a ill usl al ii ~i~ ------..________ • JOURNAL WANT ADS 3 ..%