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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mrs. Ned Jacob- guest at a stork evening in A. E. Lemke. Dougherty The gift table white net urn- rosebuds shelter- and fhmked Marguerite Dolores Jean Velma Jes. Jean June Chap- Unable to gifts were Ru- and Allene of a rose bush Tupper. San- the winner Easter Egg at Day- Community grade. one do- eggs. These or with or Lois Tibbits. Tuesday of A E. Lemke Le. The next on April 20 as hostess. joined grade Saturday to jmml: and picnicked the road on the way back. MR AND MR,'4. L. A. Todd were birtlld']y dinner guests April 11 in the Port Orchard home of the RoberL Todds. Joining them were Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Todd of Shel- ion. Robert "rod Ehton share April Olympia to a contest. The rest 12 as their i)irthdate although (ff the Clyde Scrogham family en- they were born five year.~ and two joyed a trip by ferry for shop- hours apart. ping in Lynnwood. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hul- Mary Lou Rishel was thrilled bert motored to Federal Way when her mare, Candy, foaled a where they picked up daughter, little filly Sunday. Donna, and took her to Sea-Tee Cleverly combining a B-line par- to catch a plane for Chicago. She ty and a birthday party honoring is going for interviews for a teach- Sally Selvidge of Kamilche a ing position. group gathered on last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schuffenhauer in the home of Rea Brown. En- entertained April 3 at a surprise Joying the fashions and refresh- birthday and retirement party ments of birthday cake and coffee honoring ills father A. O. Schuf- were Sally Selvidge, Ruth Creek- fenhauer. Besides the honor guest paum, Rea Roe, Ernestine Berry, Jean Howard, Mary Ellen Herrick, Bonne Collins, Kysa Benner and Nina Challender. Sunday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Jacob- son were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mac- Roe and JeannetLe. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard and children were Sunday visitors in the Bill Brown home. Motoring from Longview Sun- day to visit Mr and Mrs. Fritz Buechel were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buechel and family. Saturday Mrs. Bill Brown and Shelley accompanied by Mrs. Don Herrick and children motored to Tacoma to view the Daffodil par- ade. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Stoner ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl King of Paulsbo attended the wed- ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans Saturday evening in the Kamilche Grange Hall. Sun- day they drove to Grisdale for a Rhodes PTO met to Quinn. The boys and program. The numbers, sixth and Glee Club. provided by or piano as was en- number of par- entitled "Fav- North- q" purchase presi- Hammond, is one of her book. At- the recipe Zld, and would keepsake. Also ~r gifts, it has es, candy are also PTO. Anyone or candy, Studer who is Where and annual school • =s Will be sent to parents' at the attracted 128 roughout there present. by the Har- Club met at last Wed- received the to their decided to have a spring party, with time and place to be an- nounced later. Miss Neva Auseth, daugllter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Auseth, was honored with a bridal shower Sat- urday night at the Grange Hall. Agate Grange hosted the occasion with Lecturer Mrs. Jack Shero and Home Ec ChaizTnan Mrs. John VanderWal in charge. Assisting was Mrs. Clive Troy. Guests num- bered 40 to 45. The Hall was decorated with pink and white streamers and wedding bells. White mums and pink carnations formed the cen- terpiece for the main table. Also gracing the table was a styrofoam bride doll beautifully dressed. The cake, baked by Mrs. Cliff Vander- Wal, was decorated with an ingen- ious bride's bouquet of pink roses with streamers and satin ribbon. Mrs. John alter of Tacoma, aunt of Miss Auseth, cut the cake. Miss Rebecca Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chapman, pre- sided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Carroll Olson, another aunt, pour- ed the. coffee. Many lovely gifts were received by the guest of honor. Out of town guests were Mrs. John alter and Mr. and Mrs. Brownie White, all of Tacoma. Other guests were from Shelton and outlying communities. The future groom is Richard McLemore, of Walla Walla. The young couple are both students at Washington State University. The wedding date has been set for June 12 to be held in Shelton. CONGKATULATION~ are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jacot, of Bayshore Road, Who are the proud parents of a baby boy born April 3. He was named Eric Simeon. He joins a sister Gristle, age 3½, and a brother Nels, age 2. Mrs. Simeon Jacot, of Kathy Pt. Orchard, sister of Mrs. Arnold match Jacot, is assisting "with the care It was of the new baby for a few days. thlpIN~l~t:r~th'by'wire, thore's no fuel, no store e ~ ~Q , ,*o flu g • ¢~1~t2,q ¢.aft C~-- e, no fumes---just the even warmth ,u tt. tL y;:-~rol, room by room, with individual .. /.,31re WIll .UP Walls, your dra erles car ets and • " =cay cle " P ' P an longer. about the home heating system of today---clean, quiet, com~'ortable I TTER ELECTRICALLY and Mrs. SchufI'enhaner there were IV[r. ,rod Mrs. ,:Ian)ea Cornier nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer, Mr and Mrs. Mar* shall McGuire and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Anion Cimrlson. Verne and Lee presented their clad with a large cake inscribed with the words, "Happy Birtllday and Retirement, Dad". Sunday, the following day, Mrs. A. O. Schuffenimuer had a birth- ;day dinner for her husband and guests were the Lee Schuffenhau- ers, Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Dar- rell Foster and family of Centralia and Mr. and Mrs. James Cornier and children dropped in later for cake. Sunday callers in the Allen Tib- bits' home were Mr. and Mrs. WP~ Its Tibbitts and girls of Lost Lake. VCednesday to Saturdp.y guests of Mr. and Mrs LI A. 'Palm wcrc Mr. and Mrs. Wes Todd of llub- hard, Ore. MR. AND MIL~. ALVIN Hulbcrt and Mike visited Sunctay in Tmu,. water with Mr. and Mrs. Shmrt Daveuport and Mr and Mrs. Ted Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bh)mnfield and Siephanie motored to Belling- ham lor th,~ weekend with Dar- lene Bloomfield at college. Grand.. ma and grandpa Bloomfield kept little 10-month-old Sloven for them. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams, who are just back from a month visiting in California, called on Mr. and Mrs L. A. Todd Monday af- t;ernoon. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffenhatler were guests in the home of their son, Verne for a birthd:Lv dinner ill his il()llor. Verne ! . I I was pleasantly surprised later in the evening when a group g'~thcr- ed to wish him happy retum~s of tile day. Satm'day evening callers in the Pete Bloomfield home were Mr. and Mrs l)(,wey Osborne of Kent and M)'. and Mrs. Earl Olson, Shel- l on. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd called on Mr. and M~ s. A1 Fraism'e Wed- nesday. Merlin Riekards and girls and his mnther, Mrs Ruby Hitcifings of S)~ellon att:ended evangelistic meetings Friday being held at Potlatch ill lhe Hood 'Canal Wo- mens' Cinb IIouse. Mr. Rickards and girls visited Saturday evening in the hospital with RBnnie Coleman. PAGE 9 I '[ I NEW CONSTRUCTION --- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan Assoch ion TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING i!ii!iiii:iiii;ii:iiii;iiiii:i~i!iiiiiil;:)il Hygrade's Fiesta, Sw'-., -Fully Cooked o = ._ *re s HOStess, Arm^ _, o [o )0 lb. Aver, t,,~ . "Urs Star • ,vno/e Or Ha BONELEss If Lennon's Shamrock ,,sMOKED" cHoICE U.s.D'~" 7.BON~" and BLADE cUT FULLY COOKED Shank Portion Cut from 14 to 16 lb. Average :i!!71"i:ii! Grade A Small Belbville T r&ey 8 to 12 lb. Average .... lb. shank Half -" lb. 43¢ WhOle or Butt Half -- lb. 53¢ C Ib Standby or Dole Low Calorie 303 Tins Breakfast Treat Center Cut Slices m~l%¢ ! ,or Roasts .................... lb. E~ ....... Lennon's Pure I~g~¢ ] !Sausap ,ork Link ........ lb. a~ i Swift's Premium Canned Hams 5-lb. Size Ea. A_rmour'a Star SkinlesB ~a~¢ Wieners 12 oz. Pkg ......... Ea. Armour'o Star 12 oz. Pkg Smokies ...... ::.....:, ............. 49¢ U.S. Choice Boneless Cross Rib or Chuck Cut ............................ lb. Center Cut Rib .................................... lb. Armour's Star Bologna & Braunschweiger - By Piece Lunchmeat ............................. lb. 39* Kraft's New Yori¢ Sharp Cheese .................... lb. ~¢ d~d~ Kraft's Monterey Jack Cheese ........................ lb. 69¢ Kraft's Mozzarella ii;:: ::' : Cheese .................................... lb. ::> : Loin End Cut !}'::~;:::~ ! Pork Roast ........................ lb. 43¢ i~ :; i:ii!ii: Country Style Spare R,b, .......... lb. 49'¢ ============================= ............. ' ....... '" "' " ~ ..... " * ' ~ ~. ~ ( x"~ ~ .... • ~ " ....... ' ...................... ~"~ ............ : : ::::: *:'::'::::: : !::: .........~ '" - ~ ~ ? :i! !~ ~ g ~: :: ~:i :i ::: :i::i:i~ ?!i!il}ii::::.i : i:i:: ::: :i: ,:: Standby Elberta Freestone - Slices or Halves $ Tins County Fair "AA" U&I DOZs' Ctn. Ibs. for Powdered or Brown All Stores Closed EASTER SUNDAY Tradewell's Qt. Finest .......................................................................................................... Jar Farman,s 22 oz. Sweet ........................................................................................................................... Jar "Look What '69¢' Buys" Dole Sliced ............................................................ Grapefruit Juice Standby 46 oz. q Unsweetened ................ Tins 2 for 4V= oz. Broken Shrimp Sea-Cap ........................ T,n, 2 for 12 oz. Vanilla Wafers Sunshine .................... pkgs. 2 for Marshmallows oumak P,a,. ,b. (Miniature,10V2 OZ.) .... pkgs. 3 for lC Pear Ha!yes standb~ Bartlett .................................. Tins 3 for Galo Treals ,:or Pets oz. Chicke. .................................. Tins 5 for# I Tradewell's Frozen Food Favorites No. 1 Flat Tin YOUR CHOICE SAVE I Standby Select or No. 1 ,ect Pitted Ripe ............................................................................................ Tall Tin Detergent 48 0Z~ Clear ................................................................................................... Size Paoific 11 oz. Mandarin ............................................................................................................ Tins 48 ct. Lipton .................................................................................................................. Pkg. Alcoa 25 ft. 5¢ off ............................................................................................ Roll Minute Maid 12 oz. Tin 45¢ .................................... 6 OZ. Tin SN.OBOY AsparapsSpaars ;ogoz 39¢ SN:0BOY Gul Asparagus 2 loo,. • .... pkg,. 69¢ Bradley: Apple, Peach, Cherry Fruil Pies ......................... %?:; 49¢ SNOBOY (Serve on Arden Ice Cream or Pillsbury Angel Food Cake) Slrawberries 3 IO oz. ........ pk s. 69 Fels Liquid ~" 57¢ OZ. U. S. No. 1 10 lb. Bag BUN Arden - Choice ,of Flavors ~ Gal. (Tradewell =/'2 Gal. 69¢) ............................................................................ Size • . • • . . eao 39'= Pillsbury White 15 oz. Angel Food ........................................................................................................ pkg. Bakers 14 oz. Angel Flake ............................................................................................................ pkg. .Prices effective thru Sat., April 17, 1965. No sale to dealers. Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer ,I